I know you've been led to believe by your Imams all you have to do is put a label on, and that makes you equal to Abraham, Moses, David, Yeshua, etc, yet honestly you're no where like them...
So I'm not going to call you a Muslim, as you do not appear as a Servant of God as they were; you seem like a follow of Muhammad, if you think that is an insult, then maybe raise your value, not put other prophets down by bringing them to your level.
19:33 And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive.
Most Muhammadans I've ever spoken to believe that Yeshua didn't die, and was raised up... Some even believe he is physical in Heaven, and will return the same way.
As saying it isn't a pantomime, you shouting out, "oh no it isn't!" doesn't change the evidence provided.
I do not agree with everything in these Islamic sites, and am merely posting them to show this is the common belief:
Jesus Will Return - IslamiCity
Second Coming - this shows that Yeshua returns at the resurrection, which I'm sent just before as all religious texts globally state.
The Source of our reality told me as a child the Great Tribulation is coming, and whilst we debate on things nothing to do with what is important, the time draws closer; I was here at the Midnight Hour, that was 15 years ago...
The knowledge of ending the Dajjal you're not interested in, and you're meant to be on our side - God help us.
In my opinion.