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What would an Islamic Germany look like?


Transitioning from male to female
I'm sorry, but is this a joke?
Is this because of 3rd worlder codes or is it because of religion? This question will eat my brain for ever.Tutsi v.s Hutti,shia v.s. sunni like conflicts makes me consider whether this is something complicated and confusing.


Well-Known Member
Why are the German people allowing this?

Oh its just beginning now. All these hilarious news will become more regular as winter draws closer.

The cities have to house refugees, so why not throw the tenants out and give the apartments to refugees. There you go the refugees are housed.
Cities, the States or Government can effectively throw you out of your apartment or confiscate your house(s). But only in severe times of duress. Like war, Nuclear fallouts or whatever extreme you might imagine.
So now they are saying that the refugees are such an duress.

It's far easier to throw out some German low income tenants than to build accommodations for refugees. After all the former tenants can just search themselves a new apartment. Which they can't because Germany has a severe housing problem.

Cool isn't it? :)
And its only going to get worse. :D

Princeps Eugenius

Active Member
Cmon Franky, insults are the most graceless form of conceding defeat..

I don't think you are an idiot at all, but if you look into the history of Germany's national socialist party, aka Nazis, you'll find they didn't just call themselves socialists for fun, honestly! I'm always open to alternate theories though if you have anything substantive, that's what we're here for
I believe the whole national socialist agenda was to promote public welfare among ethnic(national) german citizen by building roads, developing reliable cars which your average joe could afford(something very extraordinary back then since cars were more for higher classes) and overall creating jobs. this was the socialist part of national socialism.


The problem is you won't find anything about it in Germany as the entire Journalism circles are left wing. The few non-left wing ones are already crackpot right wing.

Wait, can you not find the data, because it does not exist, or you can't find the data because no media outlet will publish data because it's leftist?

Again there are no sources. During the Census people could leave out their religious affiliation and pretty much everything else that they wanted to. And the cities and states have their own goals.

This is true for any census... I guess the American census is completely useless too I guess.

You are of course free to take an evening stroll through Frankfurt, Duisburg or Offenbach. Enjoy and keep your mobile close.
Bonus points for wearing a Kippah.

Why, I don't carry around a mobile worth stealing? Although, if all I have to do with wear a Kippah and maybe a "**** you, immigrants." t-shirt around a few towns to get a free ride to Germany, I'd take it.

The refugees which the city has to care for need a place to live in of course. :)

So the reasoning the Germany office of statistics if politically motivated to misrepresent how many Muslims exist in Germany some 9 years ago when the data is from, was because Syrian refugees need a place to live now?

You are free to assume whatever you want. Meanwhile I live here and you don't. Whatever is actually true has no relevance to you as you simply don't live here.
You also don't know the political or media climate in Germany. Again you are free to assume whatever you want.

So uhm yeah, enjoy.

I'm free to assume that the office of statistics in currently engaged in a conspiracy in Germany to misrepresent the numbers of immigrants? Well obviously. Nothing seems to be stopping anyone from making that assumption.


Transitioning from male to female
It cannot be this much bad in Germany where I have been for many times. I went out in Berlin,been in the nastiest places at early hours of the day.The non white people were almost extinct creatures even on the night clubs scene. The only non whites I saw were the ones working like drivers,waiters,etc. I went out in Germany almost every night when I was there. It was only ethnic German guys who harassed me because of my phosphorous DKNY sneakers., this brand was unknown to them :)

Probably you are exaggerating sonething....

By the way can they really harm you ,is your police silent against your complaints?

Do you really believe that they will kick out people from their home and replace them with refugees? Pls tell us when you joke ,because we are in trouble to understand you are serious or not.


Socialist, Nationalist, Religious Muslim
I think that German banks should try to adopt Islamic finance. It would be beneficial for germans out there.

Western discussions of sharia law often focus on extremist groups imposing brutal interpretations of these legal codes on unwilling populations. But sharia law, which derives from the Qur'an and the religious teaching of Islam, can also be applied to the finance sector. Importantly,Islamic finance can be seen as part of a wider movement towards the promotion of sustainability as a key element of economic life.

The sharia establishes distinctly Islamic concepts of money and capital, focusing on the relationship between risk and profit, and the social responsibilities of financial institutions and individuals. As is widely known, the payment or receipt of all forms of interest (or riba) is strictly forbidden by the Qur'an. This prohibition is intended to prevent exploitation from the use of money and to share profit and loss. Money is a means of exchange – not an asset that grows over time. Islam also forbids followers from dealing in prohibited goods – alcohol, pork products, tobacco, pornography, and weapons.

The basic premise under sharia law that no one should profit purely from money leads to a shift in both parties' perspective away from the short-term transaction and towards the longer-term relationship and its consequences.

In short, the structures that have evolved do away with classic debt – and the banks that provide such financing – in exchange for direct participations in risk and reward. For example, an ijara can be used to purchase real estate for the purpose of leasing it out to tenants and the rental income is distributed pro rata to subscribers. A sukuk is a fully negotiable certificate that can be bought and sold on the secondary market, and allows the new owner to "step into the shoes" of the original holder, taking all the rights, obligations and liabilities relating to the underlying assets that accompany the certificate.

Importantly, participants in an ijara and holders of a sukuk have no guaranteed return and are all economically aligned in the long-term success of the project. If the project fails, they cannot simply take their profits to date and sell of the loan collateral to make themselves whole. As a result, Islamic finance encourages the creation of social value alongside economic value.

Because it has at its core the concept of both parties to a transaction explicitly sharing the risk, the argument has been made that Islamic finance is, in fact, more sustainable than its western counterpart. And as questions still remain over whether the banks that were pushed to the brink during the recent financial crisis, have actually changed their ways and become more responsible in their investment activities, the continued growth of Islamic finance demonstrates the growing acceptance in the market of radically different approaches.

Islamic finance is becoming an important part of important emerging economies in the Middle East and Asia.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
I believe the whole national socialist agenda was to promote public welfare among ethnic(national) german citizen by building roads, developing reliable cars which your average joe could afford(something very extraordinary back then since cars were more for higher classes) and overall creating jobs. this was the socialist part of the national socialist agenda.

yes all very benign!

you left out, among many things, the murder of millions who were wealthy/ business owners to 'redistribute' their wealth for these and other fun little projects

Again the parallel with socialist sentiment in the ME is stark, what was the target of 9/11? a symbol of Christianity? or a global symbol of capitalism?


Well-Known Member
Wait, can you not find the data, because it does not exist, or you can't find the data because no media outlet will publish data because it's leftist?

Both actually.

This is true for any census... I guess the American census is completely useless too I guess.

No its not true for any census. But hey good for you.

Why, I don't carry around a mobile worth stealing? Although, if all I have to do with wear a Kippah and maybe a "**** you, immigrants." t-shirt around a few towns to get a free ride to Germany, I'd take it.

The mobile is for you to be able to call the police. Be careful there are areas in the cities I mentioned where the police simply won't show up.

And quite honestly stop being a smartass. It's not my fault that you will be harassed or beaten if you wear a Kippah. Which is also why we(aka the Jews living in Germany) are generally reminded that we probably shouldn't show that we are Jewish when we go out). But this is probably also not happening.
Perhaps my entire life is a lie.

So the reasoning the Germany office of statistics if politically motivated to misrepresent how many Muslims exist in Germany some 9 years ago when the data is from, was because Syrian refugees need a place to live now?

Really? That's your answer when you actually get a source? Oh my.

I'm free to assume that the office of statistics in currently engaged in a conspiracy in Germany to misrepresent the numbers of immigrants? Well obviously. Nothing seems to be stopping anyone from making that assumption.

I quite honestly couldn't care less what you believe as I live here and you don't.
It's also not you who is beaten up for being Jewish by "youths"(which is PC for Muslims) in Frankfurt or Berlin. Good for you.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Cmon Franky, insults are the most graceless form of conceding defeat..

I don't think you are an idiot at all, but if you look into the history of Germany's national socialist party, aka Nazis, you'll find they didn't just call themselves socialists for fun, honestly! I'm always open to alternate theories though if you have anything substantive, that's what we're here for
I was busy at the moment.

The Nazis only called themselves that because they were trying to trick followers of the leftist German political parties of the '20s into joining them. The Nazis did have a more socialist wing but that was destroyed during the Night of the Long Knives, when they purged the NSDAP of various elements. NS really doesn't have an economic theory. It was more or less pragmatic. They had ties to big business (Krupp, IG Farben, IBM, etc.) and looted and plundered the lands under their occupation as well as enslaved millions of Eastern Europeans and worked many of them to death. That's not socialism. They did expand the government and have massive public works projects, but that's not socialism, either.

Socialism is public ownership of the means of production (major industries and such). It's a form of direct democracy where the workers are also owners of the business and co-operatively manage it together. The USSR stopped being anything approaching socialist after Stalin gained control and started his reign of tyranny and then it became progressively capitalist afterward. China isn't socialist, for sure, if it ever was. China is capitalist. North Korea is a corrupted sort of totalitarian absolute monarchy that actually has more in common with Fascism than it does socialism.

There have been socialist states and such, but they usually end up crushed by reactionary forces and/or their leaders are overthrown and usually assassinated. Gaddafi was a socialist but NATO destroyed his country and murdered him using Jihadist proxies. Thomas Sankara was leading a successful socialist revolution in Burkina Faso, but he was murdered in a Western-backed coup and his changes were rolled back. Salvador Allende of Chile was a democratically elected socialist but he was murdered in a Western-backed coup that installed the brutal Western-backed dictator, Pinochet. Huge Chavez was a democratically elected socialist leader, but he ends up dying suddenly (I think his death is very suspicious, because Western-backed interests had been trying to get rid of him for years). Evo Morales of Bolivia is a democratically elected socialist leader and so far he's still alive, and we'll see how long that lasts.

As for Africa, the ANC started off as Marxist revolutionaries but they've degenerated into corrupt terrorists who have turned South Africa into a hellhole. Robert Mugabe is another psychopathic dictator who started off as a Marxist revolutionary but completely turned his back on it.

Anyway, that's your little history lesson of the day.
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Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Haha :D

Too bad that I don't have forgotten how Muslims tried to storm the Synagogue of Rue de la Roquette in Paris a year ago.
That train has long left.

Or how almost every single Muslim-majority country treats religious minorities (other than Christians, maybe, and even Christians are denied freedom of worship in a lot of Islamic countries).

The only social cancer worse than bigotry is indiscriminate political correctness afforded to bigotry and tribalism.


Transitioning from male to female
Let me enrich what Frank says about socialism in Africa. I worked in a communist state of nigeria. There,communism means bribe the leading ones and do what ever you want with your workers,only killing was prohibited. A corrupted socialism is nothing but another hell.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
yes all very benign!

you left out, among many things, the murder of millions who were wealthy/ business owners to 'redistribute' their wealth for these and other fun little projects

Again the parallel with socialist sentiment in the ME is stark, what was the target of 9/11? a symbol of Christianity? or a global symbol of capitalism?
Meh, the capitalists destroyed the WTC because they wanted to rake in the billions from insurance fraud. It also gave the Neocons a convenient excuse to continue their imperialism in the Middle East (as well as gain control of the Afghan poppy fields).

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Let me enrich what Frank says about socialism in Africa. I worked in a communist state of nigeria. There,communism means bribe the leading ones and do what ever you want with your workers,only killing was prohibited. A corrupted socialism is nothing but another hell.
Yup. True socialist and communist movements of the people are destroyed but the fake socialists and communists who rape their lands and enslave their people get to stay.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Cmon Franky, insults are the most graceless form of conceding defeat..

I don't think you are an idiot at all, but if you look into the history of Germany's national socialist party, aka Nazis, you'll find they didn't just call themselves socialists for fun, honestly! I'm always open to alternate theories though if you have anything substantive, that's what we're here for
The "No True Socialist" doctrine prevents any nominally socilaist/communist regimes from being examples of evil.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Meh, the capitalists destroyed the WTC because they wanted to rake in the billions from insurance fraud. It also gave the Neocons a convenient excuse to continue their imperialism in the Middle East (as well as gain control of the Afghan poppy fields).
I hope you're just joking about the Jewish conspiracy to knock down the towers in order to collect on the insurance.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Every conspiracy is anti-someone, & whether it's this or that flavor of bigotry supported by poor reasoning isn't the issue.
I just wondered if your earlier post was mirthful or serious.
Yes, I was serious but no one said anything about Jews. You're the one who assumed.