As a human who can own self thinking concepts, yet to detail and own supportive reasoning in a new life spiritual message or life notification of changes, then we own that circumstance.
Did Moses own a pre told story that Jesus would occur in a future as an attack on life?
So Jesus the theme is a living history, the same irradiation radio wave radiation changes to the Holy water body in which we live. Which exists above our head.
We quote a science teaching that says the spirit out of the God stone planet released and became Immaculate in the spatial womb. A science theme...not a human ownership. The Immaculate spirit sacrificed to own 12 gas burning day light holy sacrifice. Was our life support.
The spirits in the heavens from out of stone sat in the deep spatial body, upon the face of water and formed the circulating movement described as sound transmitting radio wave/radiations. Owned in the whole heavenly mass as circulating O G the spiralling back to O, to O being affected by heat to change to a form D/D for D/D to cool and become O O again.
An actual spiritual mind psyche conscious human awareness that detailed why the heavenly mass of spirit above our head was holy in that statement.
Therefore only that description was HOLY.
Males in science owned thesis by O pi and also PHI. Detailed angular changes and reactive calculations and angles....gave O the review names. And burnt the heavenly body mass above us and below unsealing the ground fusion into a fission reaction.
Which is a proven male science machine thesis radiation/radio wave transformation of Earth mass....seeing they did it as a scientist with machines.
Did it in the past are doing it again in modern life.
Did pyramid science after the ICE Age from hearing the male encoded speaking information as science from a long time an Atlantis theme sAtan lit story.
Science of the converting/radiation nuclear fission burning reactions.
The radiation got released out of the Earth seal, gets sucked up into the atmosphere, leaves, yet gets held in space. Then comes back in. Attacked by God the caused.
If God as the spirit of the heavens moved upon the face of the water and then water split again in new pyramid use science...and we lost our life water support, got irradiated out of the ground release, got irradiated also above our heads....and Jesus walked on the water. When G O D previously moved on the face of the deep and water.
Then were you not explaining the conditions of why our ground water mass had to form new cloud amassing after animal life radiation attacked, just like it has in modern times....blood and cells and organs removed or changed....and then you see images of humans and animals in the cloud mass again. Earth begins to own flooding as the saving of life is by the flooding cooling of atmospheric gases.....and also the ground fusion. To try to keep burning ground mass sealed so that it won't collapse into sink holes?
And then try to preach today that the known activated cause did not return again, when probability MATHS quotes of man human self science said, yes it would.
And then new Messengers, human realisation quotes, yes it happened again, and the quote also taught the spatial vacuum would stop it year 2012. But it never did for nuclear science was re practiced. So we continued to die from human sacrifice.
Sounds like the history of all story telling and thesis is real.
Why humans knew, owned new messages of self human realisation. Quotes the same quotes quoted before, as the ground mass radiation has not stopped being released.
Dinosaur life and images seen in cloud images also...and they all died.
If an image can appear in a cloud...and we own bones that are a direct formed image of our bio life and the planet first is stone, and our bones get left with God the first/one when we die....then how is that history not relevant in the sciences, that our Planet is God? Yet our spirit came from the eternal?
We would not own observation or conscious aware abilities of everything we do unless the place/spirit from which our parents were released still existed. As the ability to know, question and ask and answer and thesis about our self removal.