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Veteran Member
I need to say that it is no one's business why you want to communicate with your late husband through a psychic medium, unless you wish to discuss it with another person. In my opinion, no one has the right to try to dissuade or shame you into changing your mind. It is your decision and no one else's. I don't care what their religious beliefs are. As far as I'm concerned, they should mind their own business. And I agree with you about trying to talk to God.
Nobody is going to talk me out of what I have been planning to do for almost a year now. A couple of months ago, my counselor came up with the idea before I even brought it up, so I have a lot of support from her. I also have support from you, @JustGeorge and @Truthseeker and I have support from Ken, a man I met on a dating site who is a widower and communicated with his late wife several times.

It is not just Christians, but some Baha'is disapprove of trying to communicate with those who have crossed over to the next world, but that is because they rigidly interpret what some of the Baha'i Writings say, but there is no prohibition, just cautionary advice about what can happen if a medium is a fake, but I already know that.


Veteran Member
My God does not speak English in verbal outloud communication. He answers me though. I am very happy I no longer consort or converse with spirits. I am thankful for that because the God I worship taught me not to do that. He taught me because of what he told me in the Bible. So may you have a good day. I am very happy He taught me.
I am glad you believe you are getting answers from God, but there is no more reason to think God answers you than that my late husband will answer me, since these things cannot be proven.

As far as I am concerned the Bible is a outdated Book, especially the Old Testament, so anything the Bible says was written for another age and another people.

Moreover, nothing in any of the Bible is what God taught anyone. It is what men who 'you believe' were inspired by God wrote about God.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Nobody is going to talk me out of what I have been planning to do for almost a year now. A couple of months ago, my counselor came up with the idea before I even brought it up, so I have a lot of support from her. I also have support from you, @JustGeorge and @Truthseeker and I have support from Ken, a man I met on a dating site who is a widower and communicated with his late wife several times.

It is not just Christians, but some Baha'is disapprove of trying to communicate with those who have crossed over to the next world, but that is because they rigidly interpret what some of the Baha'i Writings say, but there is no prohibition, just cautionary advice about what can happen if a medium is a fake, but I already know that.

I'm glad to hear that your desire to contact your late husband is strong and that you won't let anyone talk you out of it.

As far as I am concerned the Bible is a outdated Book, especially the Old Testament, so anything the Bible says was written for another age and another people.

Moreover, nothing in any of the Bible is what God taught anyone. It is what men who 'you believe' were inspired by God wrote about God.

I definitely agree with you about the Bible.

No, I don't feel pressured, but I have been dragging my feet long enough now, almost a year, so I plan to do it as soon as I can get an appointment.

My advice to you in the days leading up to your appointment is to speak aloud to your late husband (especially in the rooms he frequented in your home) and let him know that you've asked a medium to come and speak to him, and then tell him when your appointment will be. I also suggest telling him that you'd like to ask him specific questions that only he will know the answers to. It would help you if you had these questions written down when the medium comes, but don't tell him about them. Remember not to tell the medium anything specific about your late husband, either. He needs to have a clear mind.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
But ... you believe the parable is a real story, and in that story "Lazarus" has a body. If he is in Abraham's bosom literally, Abraham has a body too. But the body of Abraham, where is it?

Luke 12:23 And in the [Hades] he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and he saw Abraham from afar and Lazʹa·rus by his side. 24 So he called and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazʹa·rus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this blazing fire.’

So, is it a real story or just a parable as many believe?
Obviously you and I can believe two different things. I'm not here to convince you to believe as I do. I'm offering my perspective. I believe that Hell is real as per scripture. Logically, I don't believe that righteous people go the Hell. The history that Jesus is given states that there is a place for righteous people. Jewish understanding is that there is a place for righteous people, (Ecc.) It has more logic to it.

In my view, there is no support that it is just a parable and certainly there is no statement or indication that it was.

So I believe it is real.

You have already stated that you believe it isn't but you haven't given any support that it isn't. So we respectfully accept that we believe differently
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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I'm not going to be living as a king in the heavenly kingdom... but yes, the anointed cannot be ignorant of the Truth, or God's purpose.
What are you trying to get at though?
What I understand from scripture is that what we believe affects our relationship with God, and can hinder our getting to know God; drawing close to him; hating what God hates, and separating ourselves from such things... or otherwise.
My point is that whether I am right or you are right won't change the end result. No one knows all truth except God.

My relationship with God is a relationship of love, grace and faith. My relationship with God is not based on works or whether or not my understanding of the account of Lazarus is right. I am so close to Him that His Spirit actually lives in me, talks to me and uses me. It's a wonderful relationship.

What kind of relationship do you have with God?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Not that this is directly pertinent to the subject, but I would like to mention that Jesus is no longer human. He was killed. Gave up his human life. His spirit came from heaven. He went back to heaven after he was resurrected. This in relation to those who would be kings. Although they were not born perfect and did not live in heaven as Jesus did before he came to the earth. Thank you for your post though because it helped me reflect on this.
Thank you for your loving position.

This is actually another subject that can really be explored more deeply and certainly there are areas that still need to explore.

But, yes, Jesus died, rose from the dead... I believe he is fully human and fully God and thus can reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Thank you for your loving position.

This is actually another subject that can really be explored more deeply and certainly there are areas that still need to explore.

But, yes, Jesus died, rose from the dead... I believe he is fully human and fully God and thus can reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.
Ok I'm not going into this now but (as usual) will say that he obviously has permission to appear as he did back then until he arose to heaven. Best to you...it is a very interesting subject.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I am glad you believe you are getting answers from God, but there is no more reason to think God answers you than that my late husband will answer me, since these things cannot be proven.

As far as I am concerned the Bible is a outdated Book, especially the Old Testament, so anything the Bible says was written for another age and another people.

Moreover, nothing in any of the Bible is what God taught anyone. It is what men who 'you believe' were inspired by God wrote about God.
I'm sorry but I do believe there is reason for me to believe that. Since you consider the Bible to be outdated, and Bahaullah I guess you believe in sync, I wish you well. As my brother in law would say, "have a good one."


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
@Trailblazer one more thing to clarify. My God does not answer every request or prayer I make. Just to set matters straight. He lets me ponder over things, learn about life. And eventually set things straight. Enough said, so again...have a good day.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
As far as I am concerned the Bible is a outdated Book, especially the Old Testament, so anything the Bible says was written for another age and another people.

Moreover, nothing in any of the Bible is what God taught anyone. It is what men who 'you believe' were inspired by God wrote about God.

I think that the Bible is so messed up in its message that it's no wonder that Christians seem to be so confused about it. In my opinion, the Bible is rife with contradictions (not to mention the plagiarized pagan myths about Jesus), so it's not surprising that Christians continuously bicker and debate over what it says and are vastly divided over it. It stands to reason that they would separate themselves into different churches since they can't agree on the Bible.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Thank you for your loving position.

This is actually another subject that can really be explored more deeply and certainly there are areas that still need to explore.

But, yes, Jesus died, rose from the dead... I believe he is fully human and fully God and thus can reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.
Oh boy oh boy. You raise another question about your beliefs now. Do you believe Jesus, the Son, was always fully human, fully God? Again, you raise some interesting questions.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I need to communicate with my late husband, not God.
What good would it do me to talk to God? I already talked to God, over and over and over again, but God does not talk back, in case you never noticed.
Although this may seem like a side question, could it be possible your husband (1) cannot or (2) does not want to communicate with you? I'm not telling you here what I believe, but rather what appears to you.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I believe he is fully human and fully God and thus can reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.

Ah yes, the Hypostatic union.

That's what I was taught and believed when I was an evangelical Christian. It was a prevalent belief in the churches I used to attend, one of which taught unconditional salvation (Baptist Church), and the other taught conditional salvation (Nazarene Church). Out of curiosity, do you believe that the Rich Man and Lazarus parable was a story that Jesus made up to teach a lesson, or do you think it was based on an actual event that he either witnessed or knew of?


Veteran Member
My relationship with God is a relationship of love, grace and faith. My relationship with God is not based on works or whether or not my understanding of the account of Lazarus is right. I am so close to Him that His Spirit actually lives in me, talks to me and uses me. It's a wonderful relationship.
I sure wish I had that kind of relationship with God. ;)
At the end of this life, that is all that is going to matter, not what you 'believed' about Lazarus.


Veteran Member
Although this may seem like a side question, could it be possible your husband (1) cannot or (2) does not want to communicate with you? I'm not telling you here what I believe, but rather what appears to you.
Apparently my late husband wants me to communicate with him since he has been turning the TV on in my house every couple of months.
Even if those paranormal things had not happened, I would know he wants me to communicate with him since we discussed it long before his demise.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
At the end of this life, that is all that is going to matter, not what you 'believed' about Lazarus.

In my opinion, at the end of this life, what really matters is what a person believes about the afterlife; otherwise, they may become an earthbound spirit, wandering around aimlessly or remaining in one place because they don't know what is happening to them or what to do about it. They might ask the same questions that other earthbound spirits have asked me, such as, "Where is God?" "Where is Jesus?" or "Why am I not in heaven yet?" As far as I'm concerned, meeting the lost and confused spirits of Christians who believed that they would either be in heaven with Jesus immediately after death or asleep in their graves waiting to be awakened in a future rapture is a very sad reality. I think that it's heartbreaking because they have no idea what has happened to them or what they should do next. In my opinion, the Bible's teachings about the afterlife are clearly inaccurate and extremely misleading.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Apparently my late husband wants me to communicate with him since he has been turning the TV on in my house every couple of months.

Manipulating electronics is one way for the dead to communicate with the living. It gives them energy to communicate with and interact with the living.

Even if those paranormal things had not happened, I would know he wants me to communicate with him since we discussed it long before his demise.

My husband and I have a similar agreement. I know I'll be able to communicate with and interact with my daughter, who is a psychic medium as well.


Veteran Member
In my opinion, at the end of this life, what really matters is what a person believes about the afterlife; otherwise, they may become an earthbound spirit, wandering around aimlessly or remaining in one place because they don't know what is happening to them or what to do about it. They might ask the same questions that other earthbound spirits have asked me, such as, "Where is God?" "Where is Jesus?" or "Why am I not in heaven yet?" As far as I'm concerned, meeting the lost and confused spirits of Christians who believed that they would either be in heaven with Jesus immediately after death or asleep in their graves waiting to be awakened in a future rapture is a very sad reality. I think that it's heartbreaking because they have no idea what has happened to them or what they should do next. In my opinion, the Bible's teachings about the afterlife are clearly inaccurate and extremely misleading.
I do not really think it is the Bible's teachings about the afterlife that are inaccurate and misleading, I think it is the Christian beliefs about the afterlife that are inaccurate and misleading. What Christians believe is from what they have been taught by the church leaders and/or how they interpret Bible verses. Bible verses interpreted correctly would give them the truth about the afterlife.

What is perplexing to me is why some spirits are earthbound and others aren't. If these spirits never even crossed over to the spiritual world, why would they even be asking "Where is God?" "Where is Jesus?" or "Why am I not in heaven yet?" It seems to me that these spirits are stuck on the material plane of existence for some reason, so of course they are asking "Where is God?" "Where is Jesus?" or "Why am I not in heaven yet?" It seems to me that what they are confused about is where they are and what happened to them, because they must know they don't have a physical body anymore, since they don't need to eat or drink or sleep.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Apparently my late husband wants me to communicate with him since he has been turning the TV on in my house every couple of months.
Even if those paranormal things had not happened, I would know he wants me to communicate with him since we discussed it long before his demise.
My tv doesn't work right every so often, then it works ok. I don't attribute it to anything other than the internet service. Meanwhile if he told you before he died that he would communicate with you, is it possible in your mind that he can't?