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Which Choice Best Describes Your Faith (or lack thereof)?

What is your faith (or lack thereof)?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 183 20.2%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 28 3.1%
  • Islam

    Votes: 66 7.3%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 47 5.2%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 51 5.6%
  • Baha'i

    Votes: 23 2.5%
  • Spiritism

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Jainism

    Votes: 4 0.4%
  • Unitarian Universalism

    Votes: 33 3.6%
  • Wiccan/Pagan/Druid

    Votes: 65 7.2%
  • Taoism

    Votes: 10 1.1%
  • Native American

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Satanism/Luciferianism

    Votes: 33 3.6%
  • Atheism/Agnosticism/Secular/Humanism

    Votes: 184 20.3%
  • Non-Denominational Theism

    Votes: 25 2.8%
  • Nihilism

    Votes: 10 1.1%
  • Other - Please Explain

    Votes: 139 15.4%

  • Total voters


i'm muslim. *dun dun dunnnnnn*

however, i would -->never<-- claim my religion or ideas to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. in my opinion, there can't - emphasis on the can't - be one and only one way to understand the world. there are many ways of life, neither are right nor wrong. we have our own truths, but not THE truth, and we probably never will.

thats just moi's opinion. i appreciate and cherish all beliefs, no matter what they are.

so... group hug! :group:


Isn't every religion other than Islam paganism because they all beleive in more than one God by giving Gods dominion and attributes to other than God (even athiest, because you attribute the power of God (his attribute of being everlasting to matter) please don't be offended I just wanted to clarify that point


Admiral Obvious
Isn't every religion other than Islam paganism because they all beleive in more than one God by giving Gods dominion and attributes to other than God (even athiest, because you attribute the power of God (his attribute of being everlasting to matter) please don't be offended I just wanted to clarify that point
Nope, every religion other than Wicca is paganism.


Active Member
Of course, I believe I'm right! You wouldn't expect me to live a lie, would you? Dealing with other people, now there's the rub.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Adam9 wrote:- Isn't every religion other than Islam paganism because they all beleive in more than one God..........

Nope. Unitarian Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses and a whole bunch of others believe in 'One God'. Now me, I'm a bloomin' pagan 'cos I believe in 2 Gods. all the best, oldbadger


I'm a Buddhist. Currently a Zen Buddhist to be specific. I feel like Buddhism is less judgmental and condemning than many of the other faiths I've come across and overall just makes more sense. It doesn't try to force a path upon you. It simply presents that it is there and let's you make the decision. It doesn't scare you with threats of Hellfire and Eternal Damnation. It gives you a road to walk that, when followed, will lead you to a life free from suffering. It doesn't make you spend your whole life waiting for the afterlife. It shows you the beauty of this life and how to make the most of your time here.

Yep. It's a faith that's right up my alley :namaste


Well-Known Member
What the **** is this ******** about "stanism", and what does it have to do with Luciferianism (in the OP and poll)? If you are saying that Satanism and Luciferianism are the same thing, WE NEED TO FIX THIS! THEY ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT!!!

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Don't get your knickers in a twist... "Native American" is listed as a single religion. :rolleyes:

Not to mention Atheism, Agnosticism and Secular Humanism.


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Then we must destroy the poll least the misconceptions spread further?
Or you can just come to terms with the fact that a poll only has so many open slots for answers and the less common ones will get bundled. Besides, it's just a silly poll... not exactly something to get hot and bothered about. :cool:
