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Which text from the Christian Bible uniquely proves that Jesus is Almighty God?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Uh, yes there is.

As a Catholic priest, he believed that Jesus was God.

But he knew that John 1:1 wasn’t saying that!

That’s honest and unbiased.
No, that is dishonest and biased.

John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was fully God".

From the NET Bible (an excellent, modern fully-annotated translation).


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes, because I accept facts.
Ty for your answer. Just to confirm, as an example, a person might pray to the Virgin Mary. I doubt you do, do you? But let's say a person does pray to the Virgin Mary, I imagine they imagine they're praying to the , right,? Envisioning in their mind a woman they're praying to, maybe looking like some image they see in pictures of her.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Ty for your answer. Just to confirm, as an example, a person might pray to the Virgin Mary. I doubt you do, do you? But let's say a person does pray to the Virgin Mary, I imagine they imagine they're praying to the , right,? Envisioning in their mind a woman they're praying to, maybe looking like some image they see in pictures of her.

What is your point???

BTW, I do not pray to anyone but God. (And I know who God is!)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
What is your point???

BTW, I do not pray to anyone but God. (And I know who God is!)
I am simply asking for confirmation and I believe you did say yes, that when you pray to God you envision three persons. Are they perhaps standing next to each other as you offer prayer to these three persons? Just as someone might pray to Mary (I guess you probably do not even though many do and are called Christian) and may see in their mind as they pray a woman. Just as you see 3 persons, male, of course. If I'm wrong, please let me know and why. It helps to understand


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I am simply asking for confirmation and I believe you did say yes, that when you pray to God you envision three persons. Are they perhaps standing next to each other as you offer prayer to these three persons? Just as someone might pray to Mary (I guess you probably do not even though many do and are called Christian) and may see in their mind as they pray a woman. Just as you see 3 persons, male, of course. If I'm wrong, please let me know and why. It helps to understand
You believe incorrectly. I did not say that when I pray to God, I envision three persons. That is a fruit of your imagination. Here are my exact words: I do not pray to anyone but God. (And I know who God is!)

Clearly you don't understand the Trinity, since you make such bizarre statements and clearly misinterpret what I write.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
You believe incorrectly. I did not say that when I pray to God, I envision three persons. That is a fruit of your imagination. Here are my exact words: I do not pray to anyone but God. (And I know who God is!)

Clearly you don't understand the Trinity, since you make such bizarre statements and clearly misinterpret what I write.
Who did Jesus worship? Who was his God?


Well-Known Member
So when you think of 'God, do you think of three persons?
The main problem stem from trying reduce God to a single thing or name. That is not a god. God is more like a 3-D or 4-D phenomena and not 1-D thing. If God is larger than large and smaller than small, and as large as the universe, how much of God is needed to deal with those pesky humans? Its it 1% or 0.000001%?

The idea of the trinity, is the one Mega God can multitask and give many manifestations that are all of the one substance of God, while still only needing a fraction of his bering, for all those tasks at hand.

I use the analogy of the trinity, as a man named Joe who is a son to his parents, a husband to his wife and a father to his children. The trinity is connected to the classic three generation family. Joe is not so linear, that he can only do one at a time and has to disown the other two. He can multitask and tailored his behavior to the best interests and unique needs of each of his main three audiences. The one God was a Father to the Jews, and the Son to the Christians. He is also the Holy Spirit to some; intimate living spirit or inner voice of truth. That is about 1% of God. There are also other tasks to do.

If Joe's last name was Smith, any member of any generational family can say they are Smith; one substance with God. The problem is that some work overtime to discredit Christianity, so they do not wish to know the truth, but rather perpetuate division.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The main problem stem from trying reduce God to a single thing or name. That is not a god. God is more like a 3-D or 4-D phenomena and not 1-D thing. If God is larger than large and smaller than small, and as large as the universe, how much of God is needed to deal with those pesky humans? Its it 1% or 0.000001%?

The idea of the trinity, is the one Mega God can multitask and give many manifestations that are all of the one substance of God, while still only needing a fraction of his bering, for all those tasks at hand.

I use the analogy of the trinity, as a man named Joe who is a son to his parents, a husband to his wife and a father to his children. The trinity is connected to the classic three generation family. Joe is not so linear, that he can only do one at a time and has to disown the other two. He can multitask and tailored his behavior to the best interests and unique needs of each of his main three audiences. The one God was a Father to the Jews, and the Son to the Christians. He is also the Holy Spirit to some; intimate living spirit or inner voice of truth. That is about 1% of God. There are also other tasks to do.

If Joe's last name was Smith, any member of any generational family can say they are Smith; one substance with God. The problem is that some work overtime to discredit Christianity, so they do not wish to know the truth, but rather perpetuate division.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Jesus, when He was in human form(!), prayed to God. And I also pray to God.

Your lack of understanding is appalling!
I know he prayed to the Father. He said also that he and the father were one, and he did pray to the Father. Not himself. If he were God, even "God in the flesh," he could pray to himself.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
I believe there is no such thing as a Christian Bible. There is the Torah and there is the Bible.

I prefer the Torah since there are those who do not like to accept later texts.
Isa. 9:6 For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
“Mighty” is not anything close to “Almighty”!

(I’m mighty.)

And since everlasting life comes through exercising faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, and He said He will resurrect (restore life) in the Last Day (John 6:40), He is a father… for those gaining everlasting life. He is a father in that sense: the Everlasting Father.

But that doesn’t make Him, God. God gave Him the authority for these things (Matthew 28:18)

Also, look at that last description: “Prince of Peace”. If Jesus was God, wouldn’t he be King of Peace?

God isn’t called a mere prince.


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
"Which rendering of John 1:1 Agrees with the CONTEXT in John 17:3?"...............................Please, does anyone have anything to add?

This is my reasoning:
1. Jesus has these words in his prayer with his Father at John 17:3
2. Jesus starts with these words at John 17:3: And this is life eternal:
3. Jesus words here do not vary in meaning, when anyone looks at 100 different Bible Translations.

4. This one scripture has endured for almost 2000 years, its meaning has not changed in all this time. Since Jesus words here have not been altered over all this time, I feel Jesus is talking directly to you and me.

I believe this one scripture can help us determine the earliest original understanding of John 1:1

Just look at the different renderings of John 1:1 and pick the one that agrees with the context of John 17:3 that has remained the same for almost 2000 years.

Which John 1:1 Agrees with the context of John 17:3?

KJV(i) 1611
In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

NSB(i) Bible 2003-2006
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was like God (God-like).

Moffatt(i) 1922-1934
THE Logos existed in the very beginning, the Logos was with God, the Logos was divine.

Diaglott(i) The Emphatic Diaglott 1864
In a beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God, and a god was the Word.

2001translation An American English Bible
In the beginning there was the Word. The Word was with The God (gr. Ton Theon) and the Word was a powerful one (gr. theos or god-like).

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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I know he prayed to the Father. He said also that he and the father were one, and he did pray to the Father. Not himself. If he were God, even "God in the flesh," he could pray to himself.
I don't understand what you're trying to say. Jesus became a human being for a time, and prayed to God, as should all humans should. No human would pray to himself (or herself) unless they were crazy.