dear ymir ,
I'm game. Best of luck, in advance. :yes:
I assume from your reply this is some what of am amusement to you , so in that case I can expect little seriousness ?
One might conjecture that that was perhaps my reason for clarifying the matter. Given my replacement for one word, it should be assumed that I was not meaning the same thing. But, yes, I did understand what you were saying. I just disagree.
Obviously, LOL. I understand precisely what you are talking about, I simply disagree. Completeness is a finite concept generated for finite minds to cozy up to. It doesn't take much imagination to comprehend it.
you disagree , :yes: got that !
It's not everyday that one is asked to describe nothing, LOL. I think I understand. English is not your first language, correct? If not, you may miss some of the nuances in what I am saying.
I didnt ask for an expalnation of nothing , I asked in which context you were using it?
prehaps prabhu you spend too much time looking for something to laugh at and missing the question ! or is it mere facetiousness ?
you think wrongly , I am english so as far as I am aware that is my first language ?
Nothing, including "nothing", is complete; just as "nothing" is perfect, beyond change.
(I'm not sure I can put it any more simply than that.)
Bingo! Now you're getting it. The larger point, if you are interested, is that ALL THAT IS is in a perpetual state of becoming - more.
you simply miss my point , or more do not wish to get it
concidering you have rejected ultimate reality , you may have it your way , ....
on a conventional level
"ALL THAT IS is in a perpetual state of becoming - more."
Forgive me, I am old and admit I grow impatient with other human animals at times.
I hold nothing against you
, but it must be very tiresome , but you are not so old as to hide behind that one !
you know there are some very simple meditations to transmute the aflictive emotions .
but dont tell me youv'e been there , done it , and got the T shirt , .... but what about the practice ? you have to keep doing that .:yes:
I think human animals are being generous with such notions. Sounds great from a marketing standpoint but is a tad difficult to prove.
Beats me. I would speculate that there could be a gulf between what the Buddha actually did and what is widely reported.
now you are sounding old and jaded , ....
That is amusing. Very amusing... and most instructive. So, in effect, you want me to take your word for it? That's so delightful on so many levels...
why not , what do you have to loose
Thanks, now tell me something I don't know. I still bridle at the description of "incorruptibly pure", "without trace of contamination" and specifically "unchanging".
Oh dear , definately are sounding jaded , I doubt you like the word perfect either ? ... well if there wasnt the complete anthisis of this imperfect and human mind set , what point would there be in living ?
ans please please dont give me the sceptics answer , your title says bodhisattva
Thanks again, but I know what it means and have for nearly 4 decades. Again, I am somewhat revolted by the allusions to the rest of reality as being impure and adulterated. From my standpoint, there is only consciousness and these artificial value judgements are unhelpful. It really does detract from what is being alleged.
and this intollerance is it pure ? no it is your true nature adulterated .
Yeah, tell me about it, LOL.
I am trying to , but you find reasons to dig your heals in ,
Binder, dundat - burned the T-shirt. Thanks for the thought though. :drool: I understand you perfectly. I rather doubt you have the faintest idea of what I am talking about though.
I have every idea what you are talking about , but get the feeling that you dont want to look beyond your currently held conception .
As a personality energy essence, I am first and foremost - energy! Energy is action. I will never tire, due to the inherent bliss, I will never become bored and the thrill is in knowing I will never know everything.
then tell your personal energy essence to stop feeling old and cantankerous , it is only a body , dont worry you will get another one , but next time forget collecting T shirts , just do the practice
I know what you are talking about. I disagree. I see an open-ended reality with no upwards/inward limits. You a proposing a "closed system", as it were, and it's not a vision of reality that I care to entertain.
by now I get it that you dissagree , ....yes there is an open ended reality but it can be understood on two levels conventional and ultimate ,but no you have assumed the idea of a closed sysem , it was not my sugestion ! so dont worry about it , it is a noncence !