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Who here is enlightened?


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Hehe. I could tell something was going on here with the warning on top of the page.

I was hoping someone could tell me here why the fat Buddha can be considered en-lightened? Shouldn't it be en-heavied? Hmm...
Ahh, that would be Budai, not Buddha. Interestingly, Budai would say that all beings are already enlightened, they just haven't realized it yet. (And Budai just hasn't managed to lose the weight.) :p


Well-Known Member
From the thread "Ask a Prophet" -

Originally Posted by Prophet
Both of my "disciples" in real life with whom I've shared my understanding unfiltered developed serious sanity issues because I didn't know I was playing with fire.
This is what can happen when people decide they are enlightened.

Take heed folks.
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breaking the statutes of my local municipality
From the thread "Ask a Prophet" -

This is what can happen when people decide they are enlightened.

Take heed folks.

He has resorted to taking me out of context.

Lol. Take heed of my response to him there as well. :)


Daughter of Chaos
From the thread "Ask a Prophet" -

This is what can happen when people decide they are enlightened.

Take heed folks.

I think it's a much better example of what can happen to you *when you decide you are a disciple.
(*when you 'Prophecy' yourself 'Disciple')

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
And NOW is the part where you should present a clear example of my claiming enlightenment when I was challenged for my reasoning to actually complete your point, because as it stands right now, it's nothing more than slander.
The use of "Pot calling the kettle black" was in the context of two self claimed enlightened beings accusing each other of being wrong.

Case in point, you said..."Do you see how he just calls me wrong, clearly citing his enlightenment as the reason? Is this not egregious circular reasoning?"

So Ambigious Guy, a self claimed enlightened being says you're wrong, and you, also a self claimed enlightened being, by way of accusing him of egregious circular reasoning is saying he is wrong.


breaking the statutes of my local municipality
The use of "Pot calling the kettle black" was in the context of two self claimed enlightened beings accusing each other of being wrong.

Case in point, you said..."Do you see how he just calls me wrong, clearly citing his enlightenment as the reason? Is this not egregious circular reasoning?"

So Ambigious Guy, a self claimed enlightened being says you're wrong, and you, also a self claimed enlightened being, by way of accusing him of egregious circular reasoning is saying he is wrong.

If you just want to forcibly misunderstand everything, you win this game.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
dear ymir ,

in two years of posting here you are only the second person to be intollerent enough to point out that I cant spell and that I have no idea of grammar ,

most people appear to be a little more interested in what a person has to say than the way they say it .

I beg your pardon I am dyslexic , but that dosent mean that I have no inteligence .
however I very much doubt that you would take me seriosly unless of course I agreed with you then I bet it would be a different story .:)
*sigh* Gads, how am I to know you are dyslexic. Please, accept my apologies. I made the assumption that you were like so many others on RF and simply linguistically challenged. Now that I know that let me thank you for having the courage to struggle with your ailment. I am more than impressed. Aside: If you agreed with me I doubt we would be arguing over these points, LOL.

no I doubt that I was kidding , if I said the antithesis , I meant in 'contrast' not complement !

I am also not the least bit neurotypical , so I tend to take things very seriously and I beg your pardon but I dont realy get your warped sence of humor , yet I have tried to navigate around it , I just accept that all beings are different .
Admittedly, my humor is an acquired taste. Given that you are very serious that does clarify things considerably. Have you thought of trying to be less serious?

so far you yourself have pointed out that you have a problem with certain words and concepts the notion of completeness , perfection ,absoluteness , purity ......yet your title reads bodhisattva , which in the buddhist sence translates as wisdom being , enlightened being , but from the sanskrit root bodhi implies 'enlightened inteligence' and sattva translates as 'pureity' , 'the realisation or state of reality ' it is the ultimate reality that I have spoken of but that you earlier rejected .
So, in short, you don't really understand my reservations about those words. How to put this simply? Frankly, I think such terms denigrate material existence. In marketing terms, a cardinal rule is to never slam the competition to sell your product. It's considered very "bush league" or "juvenile" to do so. By saying this "ultimate reality" is "uncorrupted" directly implies that everything else IS corrupted. (I could explain the inherent negativity I am talking about in much greater detail and perhaps that might make for an interesting thread.)

NOTE: I'm not accusing You of doing this, but rather, the teachings you have chosen to believe. You are simply reflecting the information as you have come to understand it.

do you also reject the nececity to practice the paramitas?
If you believe you must practice paramitas in order to alter your karma to enter enlightenment, then so you must. In my view, it doesn't hurt, but in all fairness, it's not like it comes with a guarantee.

if it is through the practice of such perfections that one atains bodhichita how can you reject absolute purity ?

for somone to choose the title bodhisattva but to reject ultimate reality seemes some what strange to me ?
No doubt. I hadn't realized that I had to automatically support every concept in Buddhism to use the title on a mere internet forum. That said, I do reject the concept of purity. It's just not my thing, thanks. I'm a personality energy essence currently ensconced in the physical body of a human animal. I quite like it and prefer to get my hands dirty. I'll leave purity for others.

and to reject absoluteness or purity seems contrary to bodhichitta , but again that is simply dependant upon my realisation .
I know. It must be frustrating trying to be perfect.

you point out only the weakness perceived from your side , I see no weakness .
I understand you do not see the weakness. I'm OK with that.

furthermore you are the one who appologised for your lack of tolerance blaming it upon your age .

I try not to assume , but it is somewhat hard to read your posts without sencing some thing which might appear to be some one having a bit if a laugh , in other words it is hard to tell if you are being serious , or enjoying your self having a jolly good " LOL"
My thinking is serious, but my sense of humor is generally intertwined. If there is any doubt, the best way to find out is to simply ask. :) For the record, I don't normally just pull people's legs for the fun of it.

with all due respects there is a little more to the ideas I am talking about than a model of the universe ,
I can see how you might take that as somewhat glib, but the reality is that these ideas are simply yet another model of the universe. My guess is that you're just not used to thinking of ideas this way. In contrast, Muslims probably wouldn't like being told that Islamic theology is a model of the universe either due to their emotional investment in that theology, but sadly, it is still just another model of reality.

you keep making reference to your age and duration of practice as if that counts for everything , there is also the concideration of quality over quantity , and the simple fact that some people will take to practice as a duck to water , it is simply their gift where as another struggles .
This duck got tired of the limitations of the pond.

your humility is impressive ,
and your prastice of the paramitas is complete ?
Humility if over-rated. Again, if you believe you must practice paramitas, then so you must. It's that simple.


breaking the statutes of my local municipality
Putting aside the other implication for now, what game are you referring to?

I concede your supremacy in all things and all ideas. I no longer wish to discuss anything with you.


Well-Known Member
*wipes away a tear*
*pass box of tissues down the line*

Thank you.

*big bubbly snotty snort*

For a while there I was worried that our little community had become an egregious struggle for dominance and self-aggrandisement.

Now I am no longer worried.

I mean, it is an egregious struggle for dominance and self-aggrandisement, but it was just my foolish attachments and naive idealism that made me see that as a negative thing. Somehow, the very people whose flagrant distaste for their fellows left me feeling cynical and jaded, have opened the door to a good-humored and compassionate appreciation that, as Firesign Theatre expressed so clearly, "We're All Bozos On This Bus".

That is something to be grateful for.

So thank you ( you know who I mean ... don't you ? :) )

Group hug !

The lion is lying down with the lamb ! Little lights are turning on all over the world !

I am overcome by the sweet perfume of unanimity, and visions of Jesus, Nietzsche, Anton La Vey , Gautama, Ramananda, Mohammed and Eckhart Tolle blending and flowing together in divine embrace ! I can hardly tell one from another !

In the end it is all so obvious ... :yes:


Premium Member
The lion is lying down with the lamb ! Little lights are turning on all over the world !

OK. Who is Sunstone lying down with?

I am overcome by the sweet perfume of unanimity, and visions of Jesus, Nietzsche, Anton La Vey , Gautama, Ramananda, Mohammed and Eckhart Tolle blending and flowing together in divine embrace ! I can hardly tell one from another !

In the end it is all so obvious ... :yes:



Coincidentia oppositorum
From the thread "Ask a Prophet" -
This is what can happen when people decide they are enlightened.
Take heed folks.

Yup. It's a warning that if you get too en-lightened, you can catch fire. I think it has something to do with the kindle of consciousness in there.
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