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Who here is enlightened?


breaking the statutes of my local municipality
Just remember that even balls attached to an enlightened being can still be infected with herpasyphyllaids.
(Serious question.)

Use whatever word is applicable in your worldview, be it enlightenment, moksha, nibbana, one with the universe, etc. I'll use 'enlightenment' for the rest of this post but mentally substitute in your own word as you read it.

Does anyone on this forum claim to be enlightened? If so, please post here so we can talk. I'd like to see who here claims to have reached enlightenment.

The reason I ask is, many people talk about what enlightenment is, how to get there, what it's like, that it is a true concept, etc.

So if you consider yourself enlightened, I invite you to post here. Perhaps you could start by explaining what enlightenment is to you, how you achieved it, how you know you achieved it, and what it is like.
En-light, he or she who had a light bulb poping up in their head, seeing concepts for what they really are, possibley.
However, as concepts are to do mainly with our imagination, we have different pictures of the scenario in our minds. Big problem here because the seeing of the concept depends on our background and what we are told to accept as real.
Although concepts can be applied into reality, religious concepts can be confusing and acting upon counfused concepts requires belief which is not always correct.
The way out of confusion and being confounded is by seeing (don't like the word understanding, part of the confounding of the language) and learning the real meanings of words.
How do we do that? It's a bit of a journey.
When it comes to re-ligion (Order) one has to learn the proper meanings of the words used within the order and their application, action in real time.
We are not taught real meanings of concepts and words in religion and in everyday language we use, hence the confusion in our minds, stories don't make sense most of the time, there is chaos in our minds and those who benefit from our confusion easily direct us into their 'order' whether 'State' order or 'spiritual' order.
Order out of chaos-Ordo ab Chaos, that's the PTB motto.


breaking the statutes of my local municipality
They shall enlighten you as their capstones rise and point you ever to the heavens!

*Thus sayeth the Prophetess*

Don't you all know that that human body is something to be hidden and ashamed of?!


Left Hand Path
Hello Orias,

Honestly.. it doesn't take a lot of balls to come out as enlightened on an anonymous internet forum. I claim to be be enlightened. I do not claim massive balls. BTW, I live in Wisconsin too.

Was there something you wanted to ask?

Indeed, it doesn't take a lot of balls to come out as enlightened on an anonymous internet forum. But I also consider my own experience here, the type of people I've met and the manner in which most people here go about there business, I'd say most people who speak of enlightenment often hold the idea that apart of them is being watched. If you know where I'm going with this, I would generally tend to think that those that actually feel as if they are enlightened are more honest than others or at least more straightforward in their expression or perception of "enlightenment". Its like this, there are people who know of enlightenment and people who study it, the difference is all in their "balls", per se, and just how they exactly go about explaining such a thing.

And I thought I remember you saying you lived in Wisconsin, its a fine pot for brewin the crazies if you ask me. For all I know I could be one of them :eek:

And no I do not believe I have any questions for the asking, though its conversations like these that should often lead to question asking.
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breaking the statutes of my local municipality
And I thought I remember you saying you lived in Wisconsin, its a fine pot for brewin the crazies if you ask me.

So far, a self-proclaimed prophet and a satanist. 2 for 2 if you ask most people. :p


Istha gosthi

Why would any one claim to be enlightened knowing that the rest of the world would challenge and dispute, even ignore them in any effort this "enlightened" being may try and express.

Ive allways held that enlighenment speaks for it self , but only to those who are genuinly looking .

but I have a sneeky feeling that the envious also see them just a little , thus they fear them and throw stones ,

but understanding their nature the wise are not purturbed in the least .

Such a being would surely not exist, unless they knew for certain that they possessed the wit and mental endurance of a thousand men.

and the patience of a saint ;)

I will accept anyone who claims to be enlightened if they respond to any of my posts, without challenge or aggression,

without chalenge or agression , I'll happily second that .


Left Hand Path
Ive allways held that enlighenment speaks for it self , but only to those who are genuinly looking .

but I have a sneeky feeling that the envious also see them just a little , thus they fear them and throw stones

Indeed, though I must also conjure that envy is the source of such creations in the first place. Fear is simply a posture taken on by those who cannot comprehend faith (in themselves). In my experience at least, people who are envious tend to be fairly resilient as well as persistent.

but understanding their nature the wise are not purturbed in the least .

Maybe not perturbed but I'd say at least a little vexed. Especially if its more direct.

and the patience of a saint ;)

without chalenge or agression , I'll happily second that .

Frubes :D


Istha gosthi
Indeed, though I must also conjure that envy is the source of such creations in the first place. Fear is simply a posture taken on by those who cannot comprehend faith (in themselves). In my experience at least, people who are envious tend to be fairly resilient as well as persistent.

interesting , envy the source of ,...? creations, .... just make sure I am following you here ,

"those who cannot comprehend faith" , .....those who canot ,or will not surrender them selves ! faith is actualy a very coragious thing , allthough the envious call it weak .

Maybe not perturbed but I'd say at least a little vexed. Especially if its more direct.
but when you know it is coming somehow one is hardly surprised , therefore one is humorously vexed !
frubes to you too prabhu ji :namaste


Left Hand Path
interesting , envy the source of ,...? creations, .... just make sure I am following you here ,

Much is the world was built with envious plight. In a way, envy is what makes one move. And in most situations, moving is almost an upgrade or a turning of pages in one's life.

"those who cannot comprehend faith" , .....those who canot ,or will not surrender them selves ! faith is actualy a very coragious thing , allthough the envious call it weak .

Well the feeling of fear is almost inevitable. The adrenaline makes people do strange things. And again, much of the world was built with fearful insight.

but when you know it is coming somehow one is hardly surprised , therefore one is humorously vexed !

Is the worlds reactions easy to see coming?


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Much is the world was built with envious plight. In a way, envy is what makes one move. And in most situations, moving is almost an upgrade or a turning of pages in one's life.

Well the feeling of fear is almost inevitable. The adrenaline makes people do strange things. And again, much of the world was built with fearful insight.

Is the worlds reactions easy to see coming?
Amoghasiddhi Buddha - Amoghasiddhi is the Buddha of fearlessness.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
ok , .....

I am an enlightened being , I have seen the true nature of phenomena ,

what question would you like to ask ?
What is the true nature of phenomena?

What method was used to determine that what you saw, was indeed the true nature?

What benefits do you have as a person due to having seen the true nature of phenomena?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Can you help me out here?

If someone has experienced and abides in the firm knowledge that beneath the sensual surface, the existence is indivisible, then what kind of proof he can offer to your so-called rational mind? What will be acceptable to you?
That depends on you. If existence is indivisible, then what methods exist to cross the illusion of division?

If you and I are indivisible, do you have any information about me that is not present on the forum, or are we divided?

Suppose, if I take an example of Guru Ramana. He spent a large chunk of time in caves. Then suddenly people in hordes sought Him out to obtain peace. Why? What we get? Is it really Opium? Or Buddha or Shankara; their teachings survive all onslaughts. That is proof for me. That may not be any proof for you however.

In India, it is said that a person who can calm the turbulent minds of thousands of people together, without even talking, is a satguru.

And this peace is the knowledge substratum that is our very nature. But, I know that science cannot measure that; just as Libet measures brain activity after the event. Best that science can do is to invent a pill to stupefy an area of the brain. That is not liberation, however.
There's a hypnotist named Darren Brown that, through words and body gestures, can make people feel the Holy Spirit descend on them, can make them faint and fall over (much like what happens in some churches), and then when he's done he explains that he just basically used charisma and suggestion.

If someone has the powers to seemingly magically alter my emotions then that would be pretty neat. I would certainly like to experience that.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
How do I know I achieved enlightenment? Many reasons I could talk at length about, but here's one good reason you may care about. I have no questions for God because His Mind works in unison with my own. If you have any questions for God, I will do my best to give a worthy answer.
Thanks for the invitation.

Does God know things about me that members such as yourself on this forum would not know?
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