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Who here is enlightened?


Well-Known Member
So Ambigious Guy, a self claimed enlightened being says you're wrong, and you, also a self claimed enlightened being, by way of accusing him of egregious circular reasoning is saying he is wrong.

Yep. That's about all there can be to a Prophet Contest, I thnk.

Oh, I could make the usual arguments about my rejectors hardening their hearts against God and such as that, but it's all just so tiring.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Why do cows say Mu?
If you look at the word Moo, cows are simply showing that they are already on the "other side". From their standpoint, they are chanting "om".

Come to think of it, sitting in the dark, chanting "Moo" might actually get you enlightened as fast as any other method.


Istha gosthi
dear ymir ,

apologies accepted :namaste , ....on one condition :)

please try not to make inadvertant assumptions of any kind , you know there are so many different types of people particularly out here on the internet on places like forums , none of us realy know who we are talking to or how damaging assumptions can be ,
*sigh* Gads, how am I to know you are dyslexic. Please, accept my apologies. I made the assumption that you were like so many others on RF and simply linguistically challenged.

what you thought that I was normal , ....but stupid or lazy ! :(

Huhh , ....what is normal , no such thing , unless you mean the common denominator !
Now that I know that let me thank you for having the courage to struggle with your ailment. I am more than impressed. Aside: If you agreed with me I doubt we would be arguing over these points, LOL.
now please understand I am not in the least angry , but please please this could be taken as very patronising ...." let me thank you for having the courage to struggle with your ailment." , ..... please please it is not an ailment , there is nothing wrong with me , I am just not like you !

Admittedly, my humor is an acquired taste. Given that you are very serious that does clarify things considerably. Have you thought of trying to be less serious?
I like being serious , I do have a sence of humor but apparently it is not exactly common either !

So, in short, you don't really understand my reservations about those words. How to put this simply? Frankly, I think such terms denigrate material existence. In marketing terms, a cardinal rule is to never slam the competition to sell your product. It's considered very "bush league" or "juvenile" to do so. By saying this "ultimate reality" is "uncorrupted" directly implies that everything else IS corrupted. (I could explain the inherent negativity I am talking about in much greater detail and perhaps that might make for an interesting thread.)
ha ha , what I am bound to say is that this is not marketing , I am simply using very direct terminology and I am not selling anything !it is probably a rather eastern no noncence approach , the west tends to construct all sorts of etiquets around how one may or may not present the truth .
there is 'this' and there is 'that' and they are opposed . black and white may appear to be colours but they are infact the total opposits of pure briliance and total lack of light , as also with the principle of yin there is the counterballance of yang , so also there are opposing qualities of corrupt and incorupt , but these opposites are the two extremes of a vast spectrum , prehaps I find it comforting to look at it this way and I can quite understand that another does not I would quite happily follow your idea of a thread on inherant negativity , just to try to understand how another is choosing to see things .

NOTE: I'm not accusing You of doing this, but rather, the teachings you have chosen to believe. You are simply reflecting the information as you have come to understand it.

If you believe you must practice paramitas in order to alter your karma to enter enlightenment, then so you must. In my view, it doesn't hurt, but in all fairness, it's not like it comes with a guarantee.

I havent chosen to 'belive' , I have looked carefully at the teachings , I have put them to the test and found them to be true , therefore I have addopted them .

I do not 'beleive' that one should practice the paramitas I have examined the concequences of pracricing and compaired this with the concequences of not practicing , and find practicing to be most benificial , you see here I go again everything sounds black and white , of course you can paddle about in the middle and practice a little bit if you want , the choice is anyones to choose .

"In my view, it doesn't hurt, but in all fairness, it's not like it comes with a guarantee." I would differ here , in that if one studies the paramitas and understands their true nature one would see their efficacy , but again I am seeing in black and white buddhas quest was to overcome suffering . in my veiw you either set out to overcome it or you dont , but once you start so much truth reveals itself that it is utterly facinating one has to go on , one is compelled !

No doubt. I hadn't realized that I had to automatically support every concept in Buddhism to use the title on a mere internet forum. That said, I do reject the concept of purity. It's just not my thing, thanks. I'm a personality energy essence currently ensconced in the physical body of a human animal. I quite like it and prefer to get my hands dirty. I'll leave purity for others.

Ah ha, .... here goes my seriousness again ," a mere internet forum " ....? but you are posting so what are you doing ? killing time ? well it is your time you are killing !

the use of the title bodhisattva would tend to imply (to me) that you identify with the principle , so if purity is not your thing then bodhichitta is hardly your thing either , now I am begining to understand where you are comming from .

I know. It must be frustrating trying to be perfect.

not in the least , , it is like growing up and realising ones duty . it is also a pleasure (in the rewarding sence) .

My thinking is serious, but my sense of humor is generally intertwined. If there is any doubt, the best way to find out is to simply ask. :) For the record, I don't normally just pull people's legs for the fun of it.
I did ask and now we are having a conversation , I think ?
I can see how you might take that as somewhat glib, but the reality is that these ideas are simply yet another model of the universe. My guess is that you're just not used to thinking of ideas this way. In contrast, Muslims probably wouldn't like being told that Islamic theology is a model of the universe either due to their emotional investment in that theology, but sadly, it is still just another model of reality.
you missed my point , buddhism realises or accepts something far greater than the universe thus the term cosmology , which is a model of reality , ...and its eternal nature , .... well forget the model bit , ....it is reality , the ultimate reality :D
This duck got tired of the limitations of the pond.

isnt that a part of the suffering that the buddha identified ?
so how does this duck propose to exit this planet at the end of his life time ?
what does he see as the requirements ?

Humility if over-rated. Again, if you believe you must practice paramitas, then so you must. It's that simple.
from my veiw ahamkara is over-rated ! it is painfull . but try as one might to tell some one something that they are not yet ready to hear , one is bound to fail . they will come to it in their own time .

to me the paramitas are beautifull, ... there may be less people who are interested in studying something a little chalenging , and more people interested in going down the pub , but that dosent make it any the less worthwhile or invalid , just underrated !


Bodhisattva in Recovery
from my veiw ahamkara is over-rated ! it is painfull . but try as one might to tell some one something that they are not yet ready to hear , one is bound to fail . they will come to it in their own time .
I know, it's one of my bugaboo's too. What I try to get folks used to is that there is a lot more to personality than the ego. It is much maligned by the various philosophies and religions, but remains an essential part of being a physical being. Becoming fixated on "self" as being solely the ego is problematic and over-identification (egotism) can possibly be as harmful as that denigration. I prefer a much more balanced approach.

Another thing you may find distasteful is that I have also removed all thoughts of "divinity" or "god" from my thinking. I'd much rather that people keep their feet planted firmly on the ground when making explorations into inner reality. If they have concrete ideas about god and divinity, those ideas and beliefs will most certainly colour their experience. Before long they might actually "meet" their vision of god and conclude that they are a modern prophet of some kind. Sadly, for them, expanding awareness vaporizes the subject/object divide and effectively melts images of god in the afterglow.

to me the paramitas are beautifull, ... there may be less people who are interested in studying something a little chalenging , and more people interested in going down the pub , but that dosent make it any the less worthwhile or invalid , just underrated !
Well the idea is simply behavioral modification. If human animals feel a need to modify their behavior, then so they should.


Left Hand Path
(Serious question.)

Use whatever word is applicable in your worldview, be it enlightenment, moksha, nibbana, one with the universe, etc. I'll use 'enlightenment' for the rest of this post but mentally substitute in your own word as you read it.

Does anyone on this forum claim to be enlightened? If so, please post here so we can talk. I'd like to see who here claims to have reached enlightenment.

The reason I ask is, many people talk about what enlightenment is, how to get there, what it's like, that it is a true concept, etc.

So if you consider yourself enlightened, I invite you to post here. Perhaps you could start by explaining what enlightenment is to you, how you achieved it, how you know you achieved it, and what it is like.

I don't consider myself to be "enlightened". Others have claimed, and told me that I may be. But all that in consideration, "being" and "enlightened" is not just about knowing or simply being. Its about striving, or desiring to attain a status that so many people appear to be fake or insincere about. In many ways, about searching until you find it.

But maybe thats what enlightenment is, the ultimate mask of fraudulence. If a person is supposed to be enlightened, to have the knowledge of "God" should they not also have the body and the mind behind it? Not just the spirit?

If one is enlightened do they rule or do they suggest?

No one will know, because this thread the OP is a bear trap in the first place. Not to mention the number of sayings that go around, whether or not one is actually enlightened is not for the outside world to assert, unless one is choosing to enlighten the outside world. But usually most who seek the light, do so purely for the sake of their own soul.
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Left Hand Path
If you look at the word Moo, cows are simply showing that they are already on the "other side". From their standpoint, they are chanting "om".

Come to think of it, sitting in the dark, chanting "Moo" might actually get you enlightened as fast as any other method.

If cows are already on the other side (lets say dairy cows for example), then why do they need us to exist?

Are they our harbingers? Something that resembles the resilience in the self of man? Do you understand? Man created cow for the use of man. If they are on the other side then where are we, if we did indeed create them.

Because what the cow truly symbolizes is care, and the desire to support the self and those around the self. The cow symbolizes the utmost sympathy and compassion, because the cow is helpless, it is stupid, and it needs us to survive. The cow...is simply not on the other side, because its a part of us that came from that side in which most of us are seeking to return to. The cow symbolizes a part of us and its origin, not necessarily the "other side" or reaching the other side.

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Left Hand Path

Why would any one claim to be enlightened knowing that the rest of the world would challenge and dispute, even ignore them in any effort this "enlightened" being may try and express.

Such a being would surely not exist, unless they knew for certain that they possessed the wit and mental endurance of a thousand men. Even then, "what if" always finds its way to the marker. We mind as well just keep moving goal posts right? Surely the kicker desires more practice?


I will accept anyone who claims to be enlightened if they respond to any of my posts, without challenge or aggression, because I will actually emphasize why you may be enlightened yourself (its called balls son). Regardless of whether or not someone actually responds (I'll give it a few minutes), it will help me exemplify my point.
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LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member

I will accept anyone who claims to be enlightened if they respond to any of my posts, without challenge or aggression, because I will actually emphasize why you may be enlightened yourself (its called balls son). Regardless of whether or not someone actually responds (I'll give it a few minutes), it will help me exemplify my point.
I'm sorry, I don't have those "balls" thingies...


breaking the statutes of my local municipality
Hello Orias,

Honestly.. it doesn't take a lot of balls to come out as enlightened on an anonymous internet forum. I claim to be be enlightened. I do not claim massive balls. BTW, I live in Wisconsin too.

Was there something you wanted to ask?


Daughter of Chaos
Imagines enlightened balls!..... in a dark room.

Envisions a deliciously disturbing ... version... of glow poi.


Premium Member
Orias is mistaken. Females have much bigger balls on their chest. Only that they are not perfect spheres. They are more like cones and thus more directed towards light.


Daughter of Chaos
Orias is mistaken. Females have much bigger balls on their chest. Only that they are not perfect spheres. They are more like cones and thus more directed towards light.

The Great Pyramids of Glory and Enlightenment!