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Who Or What Is Israel?


Well-Known Member
Two things.
1. Remember that the levites and judges are granted the authority by God to interpret the law. The penalties listed in the Torah are maximum sentences. Judges could, and did, often meet out lesser sentences. The death penalty was almost never given. A court that had even one execution in 70 years was called a bloody court.
2. Jews do not live in a theocracy today. We are citizens of various countries around the world, or of the secular democratic state of Israel. Thus, when it comes to criminal law, we follow the law of the land. We do not at this time in history have any Jewish courts that prosecute criminal activity. It has nothing to do with "not following Torah." It has to do with not living in a theocracy.

Just a quick question, as I'm curious. Do you believe that Jews should be executing idolaters? Why or why not.
Israel lives in a Theocracy Governed by Religious Law. Taking away Religious Law from the People Destroys the Identity of Israel. *Staff Edit* All the Law of Moses. The Penalty for Idolaters is Death in the Law of Moses. I support the more Orthodox Branch of Judaism, as this is Closer to the Law of Moses. I Am Ultra Extremist Non-Violent Christian Gnostic.
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Well-Known Member
This will be my last post to you concerning Karaism, as I feel I'm talking to a brick wall. You are making no attempt to understand my position. Again, I'm fine if you disagree, no problem. But your continued questions indicate that you are not listening to me, which is insulting.

Karaism is not Judaism, since it does not respect the Oral Torah, and that is a necessary element of all forms of Judaism.

Yes, I think that Karaites are mistaken about this. However, that doesn't mean I think they are going to hell or anything. Like I said, they worship God and seek to live ethically. That's what is important.

There are currently four movements in Judaism: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstruction. I have opinions about each one of them, but accept them all as legitimate forms of Judaism.
I reject your position on the Karaites because I'm Sola Scriptura remember. The Karaites Sole Authority is the Hebrew Bible. Teachings that are in the Oral Torah can be Identified whether Biblical or Not. For example, I can Identify whether teachings in the Gnostic Gospels or the Ancient Book of Jasher is Biblical or not. The teachings does Not have to be literally in the physical Bible Book to be Biblical.


Well-Known Member
But the morally bound person is the superior mind. Race and tribal identifier is not what makes a person good or superior.
1 John 2:16

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Racism is an Integral part of the World. In the World its all about Evil Power. This is Ordained by Elohim/God.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Karaites Sole Authority is the Hebrew Bible.
Well, that's what they claimed, but it is a lie. They rejected the Rabbinical Oral Torah, but only to replace it with an Oral Torah of their own. For example, if you were Karaite, you could not light a fire before the Shabbat and keep it going throughout the Shabbat. Meaning you had no light in your home, that you simply sat in the dark. No where in the written Torah does it say to do this -- it is sheer tradition developed by the Karaites. So what do you call it when someone preaches one thing, but practices another?

The truth is that there is no possible way to go only by the written Torah. It NECESSITATES interpretation.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I can Identify whether teachings in the Gnostic Gospels or the Ancient Book of Jasher is Biblical or not.
No you lack the authority to do that, unless you concede that you have started your own unique special religion that you are the head of. You are not an authority in either Judaism or Christianity.


Active Member
Genesis 32:28

28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

Does Genetics Only Determine Who Israel Is?

Do you Beleive that there is a Spiritual Israel?

Do you agree that Elohim/God has Ordained Spiritual Israel and Fleshly Israel?

What does it mean to have the Israeli Trait of Power With Elohim/God and With Men?
Words of the formation of humanity , that is what Israel is . Israel is abstract as is all countries names .


Well-Known Member
Christian Gnosticism and the Talmud are on Absolute Opposites of the Religious Spectrum. Elohim/God wrote the Talmud for Elohim's/God's Earthly Kingdom. I study the Torah.

Let's also see what the practitioners of Judaism has to say about Infallibility.
Did you not read my post?


Well-Known Member
We do not need any kind of God, higher or lower. Millions of people do very well without it.
It is a product of human fear, hope and ignorance. Is there any evidence of existence of such a God?
Higher and Lower is a Fact and is Elohim's/Gods Worldly Kingdom. The World is Hierarchical With some people being above Others Wielding Authority.

You cannot prove Elohim/God with External Evidence to Others. Knowing Elohim/God is Attained through Personal Religious Experience.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am an orthodox Hindu atheist following 'Advaita' philosophy (non-duality). Therefore, no God or Goddess for me.
Nor soul, rebirth, heaven, hell too.
What is the purpose of the Advaita Philosophy? What are you striving to attain in your Philosophy?


Well-Known Member
Why are you even bringing this up, since NO ONE is saying Aaronic priests are infallible?
Jeremiah 17:9

9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Therefore, given that you admit that Aaronic Priests are Not Infallible, can you Identify when Aaronic Priests are making False Proclamations from their Evil Heart? There are False Aaronic Priest like you have False Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests.


Well-Known Member
Well, that's what they claimed, but it is a lie. They rejected the Rabbinical Oral Torah, but only to replace it with an Oral Torah of their own. For example, if you were Karaite, you could not light a fire before the Shabbat and keep it going throughout the Shabbat. Meaning you had no light in your home, that you simply sat in the dark. No where in the written Torah does it say to do this -- it is sheer tradition developed by the Karaites. So what do you call it when someone preaches one thing, but practices another?

The truth is that there is no possible way to go only by the written Torah. It NECESSITATES interpretation.
The Honesty is much appreciated. Now we are at the Root of the Matter. It's Impossible to keep the Torah from the Literal Interpretation. For example, none of the groups practising Judaism are actually Observing the Passover as exactly detailed in Exodus 12.

The Samaritans Observance of the Passover is closest I have found to that Commanded in Exodus 12:

Video for mature adults and parents guidance.

Samaritan Passover Samaria 2010


Well-Known Member
No you lack the authority to do that, unless you concede that you have started your own unique special religion that you are the head of. You are not an authority in either Judaism or Christianity.
Revelation 21:5

5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

That is correct. I don't have any Authority in Traditional Christendom or Judaism because I'm not under the Authority of the Christian Priests/Pastors or Aaronic Priests. The Christian Gnosticism Elohim/God has shown me is Non-Traditional Christian Gnosticism. As I told you before, Elohim/God has given to me a New Thing.


Well-Known Member
Words of the formation of humanity , that is what Israel is . Israel is abstract as is all countries names .
John 1:14

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

Words become Imbodied through Total Religious Devotion. There is Night and Day Difference between Heart Knowledge and Head Knowledge. Those with Head Knowledge don't Imbody/Incarnate the Words. Those with Heart Knowledge are Word Incarnate/Imbodied.