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Who Or What Is Israel?


Well-Known Member
The name "Israel" was given to Jacob, son of Isaac. Jacob then passed the name to Joseph, who passed it to Ephraim, and the generic name is passed to the lost 10 northern tribes, who have been "scattered among the nations" (Ez 36). Israel is often referred to as the house of Israel, such as the 10 northern tribes, whereas, Judah, the Jews, includes Benjamin and Levi, are referred to as the house of Judah (Jer 31:31-33). At the "end of the age", both Judah, the house of Judah, and Ephraim, the house of Israel, the lost 10 norther tribes, will be combined on the land given to Jacob, with David as their king (Ez 36 & 37). As for the "land of Israel", that would be the land given to Jacob, and is in the area of present day Israel. The "land" and the "people" are real. The "great tribulation" of Mt 24, will center on "Jerusalem" (Zech 14). The "Great tribulation" will "first" start with the "tares" (Mt 13), "those who commit lawlessness" whereas they will be gathered and tossed into the "furnace of fire" (Har-Magedon)(Great Tribulation), and the "wheat" (good fruit), will be put into the barn/land of Jacob/Israel (Mt 13;30).
Malachi 1

1 The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi.

2 I have loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob,

3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.

What is the Difference between the Two Twin Brothers Jacob and Esau? Elohim/God Loves Jacob and Hates Esau.


Well-Known Member
Story in bible.............. (he) a man gave him the name.

That land during the period of exodus was Egypts New Kingdom. The only god giving that land during that time period was a man (pharaoh) but if you like prophecy:

5 And I will disperse thee in the nations, and will scatter thee among the countries, and I will put an end to thy uncleanness in thee.

16 And I will possess thee in the sight of the Gentiles, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord.

17 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

18 Son of man, the house of Israel is become dross to me: all these are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace: they are become the dross of silver.

19 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Because you are all turned into dross, therefore behold I will gather you together in the midst of Jerusalem.

20 As they gather silver, and brass, and tin, and iron, and lead in the midst of the furnace: that I may kindle a fire in it to melt it: so will I gather you together in my fury and in my wrath, and will take my rest, and I will melt you down.

The question is how to stop it? How to keep that from happening?
Genesis 1:27

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Elohim/God Created Man in His Own Image. Therefore, Man is Elohim/God in the Flesh. Do you believe that Elohim/God Created Man in His Own Image?


Well-Known Member
Genesis 1:27

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Elohim/God Created Man in His Own Image. Therefore, Man is Elohim/God in the Flesh. Do you believe that Elohim/God Created Man in His Own Image?
Gen 2:22 And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us,

Apparently capable to create even posts on a forum............................... hallelujah

Mankind is capable

Then jesus comes along to set the record straight:

`Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18 And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19 the commands thou hast known:

IN english: Rabbi, how can I earn life ever-lasting?

Answer: Follow the fricken rules!
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Well-Known Member
Malachi 1

1 The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi.

2 I have loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob,

3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.

What is the Difference between the Two Twin Brothers Jacob and Esau? Elohim/God Loves Jacob and Hates Esau.
The difference is that the LORD knew Esau/Edom from the foundations of the earth, and knew his and his seed's end, and apparently things didn't and won't end as well for that family line as they might have hoped. Keep in mind that the Arabs claim to be of Ishmael, but their native homeland was Edom, which would include Petra, which is the real home center of the Sabbatian Kaaba and the black stone, which morphed into a Muslim religion after centuries of manipulation, which is doomed for slaughter (Zechariah 14).
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Well-Known Member
The difference is that the LORD knew Esau/Edom from the foundations of the earth, and knew his and his seed's end, and apparently things didn't and won't end as well for that family line as they might have hoped. Keep in mind that the Arabs claim to be of Ishmael, but their native homeland was Edom, which would include Petra, which is the real home center of the Sabbatian Kaaba and the black stone, which morphed into a Muslim religion after centuries of manipulation, which is doomed for slaughter (Zechariah 14).
1 Timothy 1:4

4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so d

Are you saying that Arabs are really Esau/Edom and Not Ishmael? If yes, what proof do you have that the Esau/Edom Genealogy is only Arabs? To Christian Gnostics Earthly Genealogy doesn't matter, although in Elohim's/God's Temporal Religions it's important given the Hierarchical Nature.


Well-Known Member
1 Timothy 1:4

4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so d

Are you saying that Arabs are really Esau/Edom and Not Ishmael? If yes, what proof do you have that the Esau/Edom Genealogy is only Arabs? To Christian Gnostics Earthly Genealogy doesn't matter, although in Elohim's/God's Temporal Religions it's important given the Hierarchical Nature.
The "topic" is who or what is Israel. Israel in today's news construct is a place which denotes the "land of Israel", in which Israel is a person. "Israel" in the concept of genealogical personage, is a person in the form of Jacob, and his sons, in the form of Joseph and Ephraim, and in the sense of the genealogical offspring of Ephraim, and in the biblical history, applies to the 10 northern tribes, which are "scattered among the nations" (Ez 36), and would include multiple nations. As for the term "house of Israel" (Jer 31:31), in the biblical sense, that would include all 10 northern tribes which split off from the "house of Judah", which includes Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. As per Esau/Edom, he sold off his soul for a bowl of red bean soup, and per the biblical narrative is hated by the LORD, and whose genealogical offspring, will be destroyed, barring all the women and children. As for Esau, who was named "Edom" per the biblical narrative, because he ate the red bean soup at a price, his land would be "Edom" which is the home of Petra, the home of the Arab tribe from which some supposed character called Mohammad rose. Petra was the home of the Arab worldwide traders known as the Nabatean, and the home of the Arab Kabba and black stone until the Muslim year 70. While Abraham threw out Ishmael and Hagar, for Ishmael taunting Isaac, Abraham simply gave Haggar food and water near Jerusalem and told her to leave, and did not take her to some unknown barren wilderness, now known as Mecca, where supposedly Abraham built a altar to the LORD. Abraham built an altar in the area of Jerusalem. Many people, including non-Arabs, Persians, have become Muslims, which would include some genealogical offspring of Ishmael, but Ishmael wasn't hated by the LORD. As for how Mecca came into the picture, the story is best laid out by the archeologist, Dan Gibson, on his pod cast "Absolute History". The term "Islam" was not in the Muslim narrative until after the 2nd Arab war and the building of the dome of the rock by Abd al. The term Mecca was not in the Muslim literature until much later. The term in the "Koran", a book sourced from "Christian", Jewish, and Persian material, was Makkah, a term close to Bakkah/Becca/Bacca, which is the "forbidden area", and area noted in the Koran as the place of no killing, which is marked out in Petra, to this day, by large cubic stones. The script for denoting Makkah is indistinguishable from that of Bakka, from the viewpoint of a novice. Bacca could be easily changed to Makka to erase the Abbasids (Arabs of Petra) from the Islamic history, by the Umayyads (Arabs of Kufa (Persia)) after the 2nd Arab civil war. A bubbling Islamic civil war is now going on between the Sunnis and the Shia. As for the Islamic narrative, there is one true Koran kept in heaven. According to reality, there are around 100 different Korans, with multiple discrepancies. According to the Islamic narrative, everything was burned shortly after the death of some fictious "Mohammad", murder by a disgruntled woman, where upon there was a production of around 7 to 9 copies, made from memory, which were sent to all the Arab provinces, which have all disappeared, apparently because of the miraculous appearance of a genealogical offspring of Genghis Khan. The story of the Ishmaelites being born out of the mythical Mecca is pure myth. As for the writings of the false prophet Paul, they hold the same degree of awe as the writings of the illusional Mohammad.
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Active Member
“Israel means Abdullah (the servant of Allah). And some Jews present in the Holy Land are from the descendants of Prophet Jacob pbuh, and he is Abdullah, and according to the Jews he is Israel. And according to the Jews, the six-pointed star is the Star of David, and it means the Victorious . And to them it is a sign of the awaited reformer, who is the Prophet Elijah pbuh, who ascended long before the dispatch of Jesus pbuh. And they are awaiting his return, and he is currently one of the ministers of Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh. As previously mentioned, Israel means Jacob, but the truth is that Israel means Abdullah, and it means Muhammad pbuhap. And the children of Israel are the progeny of Muhammad pbuhap, and their followers are as well; rather, all Muslims are in general as it is mentioned in the Quran.”
In the interpretation of Al-Ayashi and others, Haron bin Muhammad said: “I asked Abu Abdullah pbuh about the Almighty’s saying, {O children of Israel}. He pbuh said, ‘We, in particular, are them.’” Muhammad bin Ali said: “I asked Al-Sadiq pbuh about the saying of Allah, {O children of Israel}. He said, ‘It is particular to the progeny of Muhammad pbuhap.’”

In the book of Sunan Abi Dawood, from the Prophet pbuhap, that he said: “I am Abdullah, my name is Ahmad. And I am Abdullah, my name is Israel. So whatever He has commanded him [meaning Israel], then I am commanded by it. And whatever concerns him, concerns me.”


Active Member
The "topic" is who or what is Israel. Israel in today's news construct is a place which denotes the "land of Israel", in which Israel is a person. "Israel" in the concept of genealogical personage, is a person in the form of Jacob, and his sons, in the form of Joseph and Ephraim, and in the sense of the genealogical offspring of Ephraim, and in the biblical history, applies to the 10 northern tribes, which are "scattered among the nations" (Ez 36), and would include multiple nations. As for the term "house of Israel" (Jer 31:31), in the biblical sense, that would include all 10 northern tribes which split off from the "house of Judah", which includes Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. As per Esau/Edom, he sold off his soul for a bowl of red bean soup, and per the biblical narrative is hated by the LORD, and whose genealogical offspring, will be destroyed, barring all the women and children. As for Esau, who was named "Edom" per the biblical narrative, because he ate the red bean soup at a price, his land would be "Edom" which is the home of Petra, the home of the Arab tribe from which some supposed character called Mohammad rose. Petra was the home of the Arab worldwide traders known as the Nabatean, and the home of the Arab Kabba and black stone until the Muslim year 70. While Abraham threw out Ishmael and Hagar, for Ishmael taunting Isaac, Abraham simply gave Haggar food and water near Jerusalem and told her to leave, and did not take her to some unknown barren wilderness, now known as Mecca, where supposedly Abraham built a altar to the LORD. Abraham built an altar in the area of Jerusalem. Many people, including non-Arabs, Persians, have become Muslims, which would include some genealogical offspring of Ishmael, but Ishmael wasn't hated by the LORD. As for how Mecca came into the picture, the story is best laid out by the archeologist, Dan Gibson, on his pod cast "Absolute History". The term "Islam" was not in the Muslim narrative until after the 2nd Arab war and the building of the dome of the rock by Abd al. The term Mecca was not in the Muslim literature until much later. The term in the "Koran", a book sourced from "Christian", Jewish, and Persian material, was Makkah, a term close to Bakkah/Becca/Bacca, which is the "forbidden area", and area noted in the Koran as the place of no killing, which is marked out in Petra, to this day, by large cubic stones. The script for denoting Makkah is indistinguishable from that of Bakka, from the viewpoint of a novice. Bacca could be easily changed to Makka to erase the Abbasids (Arabs of Petra) from the Islamic history, by the Umayyads (Arabs of Kufa (Persia)) after the 2nd Arab civil war. A bubbling Islamic civil war is now going on between the Sunnis and the Shia. As for the Islamic narrative, there is one true Koran kept in heaven. According to reality, there are around 100 different Korans, with multiple discrepancies. According to the Islamic narrative, everything was burned shortly after the death of some fictious "Mohammad", murder by a disgruntled woman, where upon there was a production of around 7 to 9 copies, made from memory, which were sent to all the Arab provinces, which have all disappeared, apparently because of the miraculous appearance of a genealogical offspring of Genghis Khan. The story of the Ishmaelites being born out of the mythical Mecca is pure myth. As for the writings of the false prophet Paul, they hold the same degree of awe as the writings of the illusional Mohammad.

You are absolutely right about original Kaaba being in Petra. That's exactly what our religion teaches us.



Well-Known Member
“Israel means Abdullah (the servant of Allah). And some Jews present in the Holy Land are from the descendants of Prophet Jacob pbuh, and he is Abdullah, and according to the Jews he is Israel. And according to the Jews, the six-pointed star is the Star of David, and it means the Victorious . And to them it is a sign of the awaited reformer, who is the Prophet Elijah pbuh, who ascended long before the dispatch of Jesus pbuh. And they are awaiting his return, and he is currently one of the ministers of Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh. As previously mentioned, Israel means Jacob, but the truth is that Israel means Abdullah, and it means Muhammad pbuhap. And the children of Israel are the progeny of Muhammad pbuhap, and their followers are as well; rather, all Muslims are in general as it is mentioned in the Quran.”
In the interpretation of Al-Ayashi and others, Haron bin Muhammad said: “I asked Abu Abdullah pbuh about the Almighty’s saying, {O children of Israel}. He pbuh said, ‘We, in particular, are them.’” Muhammad bin Ali said: “I asked Al-Sadiq pbuh about the saying of Allah, {O children of Israel}. He said, ‘It is particular to the progeny of Muhammad pbuhap.’”

In the book of Sunan Abi Dawood, from the Prophet pbuhap, that he said: “I am Abdullah, my name is Ahmad. And I am Abdullah, my name is Israel. So whatever He has commanded him [meaning Israel], then I am commanded by it. And whatever concerns him, concerns me.”
You have to ask when your "book of Sunan" was written, and by whom, in the form of their genealogy, such are they Arabs, or are they Persian. You also have to ask if the "house of Judah", the Jews, are also "children of Israel", such as sons of Jacob. As for the meaning of "Israel", according to the "book of the people" inspired by Allah, according to the "Koran", it means "One who struggles with G‑d." If according to the narrative of Islam, how was the supposed Mohammad's father called "Abdullah", if the term Islam wasn't created before he was condemned to hell by this supposed Mohammad, for not believing in Allah and his prophet. As for "Elijah", according to "Isa son of Mariam"/Yeshua, who the Koran declares a "messenger of Allah", Elijah returned as John the Baptist.


Well-Known Member
You are absolutely right about original Kaaba being in Petra. That's exactly what our religion teaches us.

The "original Kaaba" is a replication of the holy of holies from Jerusalem and was moved from Petra because the supposed Caliph of Damascus declared war on Petra, and the citizens of Petra packed when the Damacus army returned to Damascus to bury their leader. The only history in the book the History of Islam, for the year 70 of the Muslim calendar, is that Petra hired a large number of pack animals, which is assumedly what they used to move to the barren area of Mecca, to escape the Damascus armies when they would return. Abraham did not build the Kaaba in Mecca as is indicated in the Islamic narrative. It was a site for idol worship, for the Arab Nabataean traders liven in and honored the gods of every place they traded.


Active Member
The "original Kaaba" is a replication of the holy of holies from Jerusalem and was moved from Petra because the supposed Caliph of Damascus declared war on Petra, and the citizens of Petra packed when the Damacus army returned to Damascus to bury their leader. The only history in the book the History of Islam, for the year 70 of the Muslim calendar, is that Petra hired a large number of pack animals, which is assumedly what they used to move to the barren area of Mecca, to escape the Damascus armies when they would return. Abraham did not build the Kaaba in Mecca as is indicated in the Islamic narrative. It was a site for idol worship, for the Arab Nabataean traders liven in and honored the gods of every place they traded.

We basicaly believe that the true Kaaba was in fact in Petra and that the whole islamic calendar thing is corrupted, because caliphs after Prophet died changed it. We believe that the month of Ramadan for example is in december.


Active Member
You have to ask when your "book of Sunan" was written, and by whom, in the form of their genealogy, such are they Arabs, or are they Persian. You also have to ask if the "house of Judah", the Jews, are also "children of Israel", such as sons of Jacob. As for the meaning of "Israel", according to the "book of the people" inspired by Allah, according to the "Koran", it means "One who struggles with G‑d." If according to the narrative of Islam, how was the supposed Mohammad's father called "Abdullah", if the term Islam wasn't created before he was condemned to hell by this supposed Mohammad, for not believing in Allah and his prophet. As for "Elijah", according to "Isa son of Mariam"/Yeshua, who the Koran declares a "messenger of Allah", Elijah returned as John the Baptist.

House of Judah is not the same as the tribes of Israel. Ten tribes of Israel were basicaly scattered all over the Earth by Asyyrians in 722 b.c. and only the kingdom of Judah in the south remained. So, the state of Israel today is compiled of descendants of Judah and gentiles. It has nothing to do with the 12 tribes from Torah. Father of the Prophet Muhammad pbuhahf wasn't condemned to hell, that's basicaly a salafi fallacy.

As for Jacob wrestling with God allow me to quote from the Book Goal of the wise by my master Aba Sadiq from him is peace, so you can contemplate about it:

Why would Adam (PBUH) disobey God when Iblis inspired him? Was it because Adam (PBUH)
doubted God? Was it because he couldn’t differentiate between what was an inspiration from God
and what was from the devil? Or was it that Iblis succeeded in deceiving the Prophets by presenting
himself as an angel of the light or as God Himself? Did Iblis play an active role in sending forth the
Prophets and Messengers? In the book of Genesis, we find a very odd encounter between Jacob
(PBUH) and a stranger whom he mistakes for God:
That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his eleven
sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. After he had sent them across the stream, he
sent over all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till
daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket
of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man
said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you
bless me.” The man asked him, “What is your name?” “Jacob,” he answered. Then the
man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled
with God and with humans and have overcome.” Jacob said, “Please tell me your
name.” But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there. So
Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my
life was spared.” The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, and he was limping
because of his hip. Therefore to this day the Israelites do not eat the tendon attached to

the socket of the hip, because the socket of Jacob’s hip was touched near the tendon.
Was this wrestler indeed God? Why would Jacob (PBUH) be wrestling with him if he was God?
Why was Jacob (PBUH) asking for the man’s name and asking for a blessing? One of the meanings
of the name Israel in Hebrew is “He who wrestled with God.” In Arabic, it means “Slave of
God.” The individual who wrestled with Jacob (PBUH) was clearly not God but the fallen angel,
Iblis. It seems Jacob (PBUH) struggled to differentiate between the two, between God and Iblis.
The name given to Jacob (PBUH), Israel, was one with a double meaning. For Jacob (PBUH)
indeed wrestled with Iblis and was a servant of God. As we can see, the Prophets and Messengers
were incomplete and unable to perfectly distinguish between God and Iblis at times. Therefore,
they were inspired and sent forth by both. Once God would send forth a Prophet, Iblis would
always try to deceive the Prophet by posing as God and inspiring him to do things that would bring
him trouble later on or divert him from God’s path and original message.

-Goal of the wise, door 27

As for Elijah, yes we believe that he returned as reincarnation of John the Baptist. We believe in reincarnation.


Well-Known Member
The "topic" is who or what is Israel. Israel in today's news construct is a place which denotes the "land of Israel", in which Israel is a person. "Israel" in the concept of genealogical personage, is a person in the form of Jacob, and his sons, in the form of Joseph and Ephraim, and in the sense of the genealogical offspring of Ephraim, and in the biblical history, applies to the 10 northern tribes, which are "scattered among the nations" (Ez 36), and would include multiple nations. As for the term "house of Israel" (Jer 31:31), in the biblical sense, that would include all 10 northern tribes which split off from the "house of Judah", which includes Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. As per Esau/Edom, he sold off his soul for a bowl of red bean soup, and per the biblical narrative is hated by the LORD, and whose genealogical offspring, will be destroyed, barring all the women and children. As for Esau, who was named "Edom" per the biblical narrative, because he ate the red bean soup at a price, his land would be "Edom" which is the home of Petra, the home of the Arab tribe from which some supposed character called Mohammad rose. Petra was the home of the Arab worldwide traders known as the Nabatean, and the home of the Arab Kabba and black stone until the Muslim year 70. While Abraham threw out Ishmael and Hagar, for Ishmael taunting Isaac, Abraham simply gave Haggar food and water near Jerusalem and told her to leave, and did not take her to some unknown barren wilderness, now known as Mecca, where supposedly Abraham built a altar to the LORD. Abraham built an altar in the area of Jerusalem. Many people, including non-Arabs, Persians, have become Muslims, which would include some genealogical offspring of Ishmael, but Ishmael wasn't hated by the LORD. As for how Mecca came into the picture, the story is best laid out by the archeologist, Dan Gibson, on his pod cast "Absolute History". The term "Islam" was not in the Muslim narrative until after the 2nd Arab war and the building of the dome of the rock by Abd al. The term Mecca was not in the Muslim literature until much later. The term in the "Koran", a book sourced from "Christian", Jewish, and Persian material, was Makkah, a term close to Bakkah/Becca/Bacca, which is the "forbidden area", and area noted in the Koran as the place of no killing, which is marked out in Petra, to this day, by large cubic stones. The script for denoting Makkah is indistinguishable from that of Bakka, from the viewpoint of a novice. Bacca could be easily changed to Makka to erase the Abbasids (Arabs of Petra) from the Islamic history, by the Umayyads (Arabs of Kufa (Persia)) after the 2nd Arab civil war. A bubbling Islamic civil war is now going on between the Sunnis and the Shia. As for the Islamic narrative, there is one true Koran kept in heaven. According to reality, there are around 100 different Korans, with multiple discrepancies. According to the Islamic narrative, everything was burned shortly after the death of some fictious "Mohammad", murder by a disgruntled woman, where upon there was a production of around 7 to 9 copies, made from memory, which were sent to all the Arab provinces, which have all disappeared, apparently because of the miraculous appearance of a genealogical offspring of Genghis Khan. The story of the Ishmaelites being born out of the mythical Mecca is pure myth. As for the writings of the false prophet Paul, they hold the same degree of awe as the writings of the illusional Mohammad.
Are you saying that All Arabs will be destroyed because of their Genes? If yes, this is Racist Worldview. Racism is an Integral Part of Elohim's/God's Earthly Kingdom. There are some Arabs that are Less Wicked than some Christians and Jews. Are you saying that because of the Arab Gene All Arabs are More Wicked than All Christians and Jews?

I haven't watched the video yet and after doing so will comment on the content.
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Well-Known Member
Are you saying that All Arabs will be destroyed because of their Genes? If yes, this is Racist Worldview. Racism is an Integral Part of Elohim's/God's Earthly Kingdom. There are some Arabs that are Less Wicked than some Christians and Jews. Are you saying that because of the Arab Gene All Arabs are More Wicked than All Christians and Jews?

I haven't watched the video yet and after doing so will comment on the content.
All the video is going to do is help verify that Islam is a made-up religion, with background taken from "Christian", Jewish, and Persian religions. It will show that according to the archaeological record, Abraham didn't take Ishmael to a nonexistent Mecca 3 millennium ago and start the basis for an Islamic religion. According to Ezekiel 36 & 37 & Zech 14, "Israel" will be "gathered" from the nations, and given rulership over the world, while their neighbors (Arabs), will be burnt as kindling, and the nations/Gentiles will be "destroyed" (Jeremiah 30:11). Now if you have been raised woke, and do not believe what the prophets of the LORD have written, well I suggest that you drive your electric vehicle to Starbucks, and get another Latte, with soy milk, for the price it takes to feed a 3rd world family. The actual prophets of the LORD indicate that things will not go well for Edom/Essau, for whom it is stated that the LORD hates Essau.


Well-Known Member
House of Judah is not the same as the tribes of Israel. Ten tribes of Israel were basicaly scattered all over the Earth by Asyyrians in 722 b.c. and only the kingdom of Judah in the south remained. So, the state of Israel today is compiled of descendants of Judah and gentiles. It has nothing to do with the 12 tribes from Torah. Father of the Prophet Muhammad pbuhahf wasn't condemned to hell, that's basicaly a salafi fallacy.

As for Jacob wrestling with God allow me to quote from the Book Goal of the wise by my master Aba Sadiq from him is peace, so you can contemplate about it:

Why would Adam (PBUH) disobey God when Iblis inspired him? Was it because Adam (PBUH)
doubted God? Was it because he couldn’t differentiate between what was an inspiration from God
and what was from the devil? Or was it that Iblis succeeded in deceiving the Prophets by presenting
himself as an angel of the light or as God Himself? Did Iblis play an active role in sending forth the
Prophets and Messengers? In the book of Genesis, we find a very odd encounter between Jacob
(PBUH) and a stranger whom he mistakes for God:
That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his eleven
sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. After he had sent them across the stream, he
sent over all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till
daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket
of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man
said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you
bless me.” The man asked him, “What is your name?” “Jacob,” he answered. Then the
man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled
with God and with humans and have overcome.” Jacob said, “Please tell me your
name.” But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there. So
Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my
life was spared.” The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, and he was limping
because of his hip. Therefore to this day the Israelites do not eat the tendon attached to

the socket of the hip, because the socket of Jacob’s hip was touched near the tendon.
Was this wrestler indeed God? Why would Jacob (PBUH) be wrestling with him if he was God?
Why was Jacob (PBUH) asking for the man’s name and asking for a blessing? One of the meanings
of the name Israel in Hebrew is “He who wrestled with God.” In Arabic, it means “Slave of
God.” The individual who wrestled with Jacob (PBUH) was clearly not God but the fallen angel,
Iblis. It seems Jacob (PBUH) struggled to differentiate between the two, between God and Iblis.
The name given to Jacob (PBUH), Israel, was one with a double meaning. For Jacob (PBUH)
indeed wrestled with Iblis and was a servant of God. As we can see, the Prophets and Messengers
were incomplete and unable to perfectly distinguish between God and Iblis at times. Therefore,
they were inspired and sent forth by both. Once God would send forth a Prophet, Iblis would
always try to deceive the Prophet by posing as God and inspiring him to do things that would bring
him trouble later on or divert him from God’s path and original message.

-Goal of the wise, door 27

As for Elijah, yes we believe that he returned as reincarnation of John the Baptist. We believe in reincarnation.
Jacob, who was called "Israel", wrestled the angel of the LORD (Hosea 12:4), just as Abraham sat down with the LORD and 3 angels for dinner (Genesis 18). The "House of Judah"/Jews are now Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. The "House of Israel" as named in Jeremiah 31:31-34 refers to the 10 northern tribes which are named according to Ephraim, who inherited the name of Israel. Per Ezekiel 37, Eprhaim (son of Joseph) and Judah (house of Judah) will be reunited and live on the land given to Jacob (Israel), upon which the modern state of Israel is located in. The "Goal of the wise' published in 2022 has no more credibility than any other Islamic book. Elijah never died, to be "reincarnated", as he was taken directly to heaven. (2 Kings 2:11). As for the Gentiles/nations, that is where Israel is presently scattered (Ez 36). David will be made king over a combined Judah and Ephraim (Israel), on the land of Jacob (Israel) (Ez 37), and the "king" will rule over all the "nations"/Gentiles (Zechariah 14) from Jerusalem. As for the Islam tradition regarding "Mohammads" father:
‘My father and your father are in Hell.’” (Sahih Muslim 203, Book 1, #408)
Not to say that Mohammad's father didn't believe in the Sabbatian word "Allah", for that was the generalized name for the cumulative Nabatean gods. The Nabateans were worldwide traders who took on the gods of whatever country they lived in. The Kaaba in Petra was supposedly the warehouse for these gods.


Well-Known Member
No its not. Arabic culture developed independently from Israelite religion.
The "Koran" and Islamic narrative were taken from Jewish, Persian and "Christian" writings. The "Arabic culture" developed prior to Islam, and now that they have mostly taken on Islam, they represent the poorest nations on the earth (accursed of God), excepting the nations having been developed by the nations/Gentiles for their mineral and oil wealth. Their early science was taken from conquered nations under liberal Islamic leadership. Being associated with Islam, the Arabs are now in eternal civil wars between different Muslim sects, such as struggles/war between the Shi and Sunni, and between liberal and conservative Muslims of the same sect. The "Christians"/Gentiles used the internal Muslim problems against each to initially help conquer Jerusalem. The internal Muslim problems exist to this day and will continue through the coming war against Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:13).


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The "Koran" and Islamic narrative were taken from Jewish, Persian and "Christian" writings. The "Arabic culture" developed prior to Islam, and now that they have mostly taken on Islam, they represent the poorest nations on the earth (accursed of God), excepting the nations having been developed by the nations/Gentiles for their mineral and oil wealth. Their early science was taken from conquered nations under liberal Islamic leadership. Being associated with Islam, the Arabs are now in eternal civil wars between different Muslim sects, such as struggles/war between the Shi and Sunni, and between liberal and conservative Muslims of the same sect. The "Christians"/Gentiles used the internal Muslim problems against each to initially help conquer Jerusalem. The internal Muslim problems exist to this day and will continue through the coming war against Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:13).
Muhammad was influence by the Christians and Jews he encountered. But the Kaaba is much, much older. It was originally pagan. It has nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity.


Well-Known Member
All the video is going to do is help verify that Islam is a made-up religion, with background taken from "Christian", Jewish, and Persian religions. It will show that according to the archaeological record, Abraham didn't take Ishmael to a nonexistent Mecca 3 millennium ago and start the basis for an Islamic religion. According to Ezekiel 36 & 37 & Zech 14, "Israel" will be "gathered" from the nations, and given rulership over the world, while their neighbors (Arabs), will be burnt as kindling, and the nations/Gentiles will be "destroyed" (Jeremiah 30:11). Now if you have been raised woke, and do not believe what the prophets of the LORD have written, well I suggest that you drive your electric vehicle to Starbucks, and get another Latte, with soy milk, for the price it takes to feed a 3rd world family. The actual prophets of the LORD indicate that things will not go well for Edom/Essau, for whom it is stated that the LORD hates Essau.
Genesis 25:25

25 And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.

All Religions are Created and Ordained by Elohim/God. Elohim/God Created the Religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism for Elohim's/God's Earthly Kingdom. The Religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism are really Left-Hand Path Religions.

On your Racist perspective about Arabs, you haven't provided any proof that Arabs are Esau/Edom and it appears the claim is Idle Fantasy. First of all the Identify of Edom/Esau is Red. Apparently the people that are viewed as having Red skin tone are Hispanics, Native Americans and Irish. Also White People have Blood Red Cheeks. Therefore, from your Racist perspective those that are Red or Nearest to Red matches the Identify of Edom/Esau. Arabs are not known for being Red People. Arabs are White, Brown and Black.