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Who Or What Is Israel?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I am referring to the history of Buddhism as compared to other religions. The military nationalist dictatorship of Myanmar could be hardly called Buddhist.
You need to read up on what has actually been going on. The genocide of the Muslims began BEFORE the military coup. It was called for by the Buddhist religious leaders, who claimed that Islam should not exist in the country because it is not a native religion, and so harassment, rape, torture, and genocide of the Rohingya was said to be an appropriate response.


Well-Known Member
I sort of agree, but incomplete. Eastern religions are indeed far more empathetic to the diversity of belief even beyond their own beliefs and culture, but their identity remains limited to their cultural and religious paradigm, and in a universal context beyond their belief system.
Nicely put, some expect a last buddha, a kalki,... a sort of bringer of knowledge to finish the job.

I already know that
This remains a subjective claim based on mythology.
Not really, as holding knowledge was in boxes back in the egyptian realms and even in the middle east the nomadic tribes used old boxes to carry the tablets and business materials. I figured long ago, that is what the ark was built for, to carry the tablets and literature. The mythology part is, that it was a magic box, that was used to take down walls (jericho) and in 'raiders of the lost ark'.

Look at the items taken out of king tuts tomb, there was a few arks in there with scolls.


Premium Member
Nicely put, some expect a last buddha, a kalki,... a sort of bringer of knowledge to finish the job.

I already know that

Not really, as holding knowledge was in boxes back in the egyptian realms and even in the middle east the nomadic tribes used old boxes to carry the tablets and business materials. I figured long ago, that is what the ark was built for, to carry the tablets and literature. The mythology part is, that it was a magic box, that was used to take down walls (jericho) and in 'raiders of the lost ark'.

Look at the items taken out of king tuts tomb, there was a few arks in there with scolls.

OK, but again on the edge of mythology. The belief in the ultimate Ark of knowledge of Egyptian and Biblical lore is still most likely a product of mythology and Harrison Ford movies.


Premium Member
You need to read up on what has actually been going on. The genocide of the Muslims began BEFORE the military coup. It was called for by the Buddhist religious leaders, who claimed that Islam should not exist in the country because it is not a native religion, and so harassment, rape, torture, and genocide of the Rohingya was said to be an appropriate response.
Nothing justifies the violence of any nation or religion against another. Regardless. I am referring to the history of the Buddhist and relative violence of the religion in history. Buddhism has been a relatively nonviolent history.


Well-Known Member
OK, but again on the edge of mythology. The belief in the ultimate Ark of knowledge of Egyptian and Biblical lore is still most likely a product of mythology and Harrison Ford movies.
Great thought and good to recognize an ultimate objective even if a movie group opened up the thought process.

Yes, mankind is seeking to understand, that is the premise of religions in the first place.

Science does it naturally; the quest to understand.


Premium Member
You need to read up on what has actually been going on. The genocide of the Muslims began BEFORE the military coup. It was called for by the Buddhist religious leaders, who claimed that Islam should not exist in the country because it is not a native religion, and so harassment, rape, torture, and genocide of the Rohingya was said to be an appropriate response.
After further thought I believe you need go deeper into the ethnic and religious rebellion, and military persecution and suppression of minorities. I question your accusation of the involvement of Buddhism as a religious motive in this case. Buddhism does not have the religious motive as in the millennia of conflicts between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The history is more complex and yes the military was in control most of the time.

The Myanmar civil war,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myanmar_civil_war_(2021–present)#cite_note-24 also called the Myanmar Spring Revolution and the People's Defensive War, is an ongoing civil war following Myanmar's long-running insurgencies, which escalated significantly in response to the 2021 military coup d'état and the subsequent violent crackdown on anti-coup protests.[23][24]

In the months following the coup, the opposition began to coalesce around the National Unity Government, which launched an offensive against the State Administration Council (SAC), the military junta. By 2022, the opposition controlled substantial, though sparsely populated, territory.[25][26][27] In many villages and towns, the junta's attacks drove out tens of thousands of people. On the second anniversary of the coup, in February 2023, the chairman of the SAC, Min Aung Hlaing, admitted to losing stable control over "more than a third" of townships. Independent observers note the real number is likely far higher, with as few as 72 out of 330 townships remaining under the control of the Tatmadaw, the military forces aligned with the junta. However, the townships under the control of the junta include all major population centres.[9][10]

As of September 2022, 1.3 million people had been internally displaced, and over 13,000 children have been killed. By March 2023, the UN estimated that since the coup, 17.6 million people in Myanmar required humanitarian assistance, while 1.6 million were internally displaced, and 55,000 civilian buildings had been destroyed. UNOCHA said that over 40,000 people had fled into neighbouring countries.[28]

In 2023, the Tatmadaw's control reportedly dropped under 40% of the country.[29][30] In October 2023, the Tatmadaw began facing manpower issues, with desertions and low morale being extremely common.[31] October also saw the PDF and Three Brotherhood Alliance's major rebel offensive, Operation 1027, which was successful in taking 80 bases, 220 junta positions and several towns by 28 November. November saw a series of counteroffensives ranging from Operation 1111 besieging the state capital of Loikaw to renewed conflict by the resistance in northern Rakhine and Chin states.[32][33][34]

In summary the Myanmar war is war among ethnic minorities and not a religious motivated war by Buddhists.

Actually the Buddhist government was kicked out in 1962 by the military.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
After further thought I believe you need go deeper into the ethnic and religious rebellion, and military persecution and suppression of minorities. I question your accusation of the involvement of Buddhism as a religious motive in this case. Buddhism does not have the religious motive as in the millennia of conflicts between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The history is more complex and yes the military was in control most of the time.

The Rohingya genocide began years earlier, back in 2017.


Premium Member
The Rohingya genocide began years earlier, back in 2017.
True, but your being selective about the history of Burma. The only truly Buddhist government was kicked out in 1962 by the military. Regardless of the different governments and coups since the military has been the dominant force in Myanmar.

Read more carefully the whole history and the role of the military without selective bias.

This was never a war based on Buddhism beliefs or motives.


1948 - Burma becomes independent with U Nu as prime minister.

Mid-1950s - U Nu, together with Indian Prime Minister Nehru, Indonesian President Sukarno, Yugoslav President Tito and Egyptian President Nasser co-found the Movement of Non-Aligned States.
1958-60 - Caretaker government, led by army Chief of Staff General Ne Win, formed following a split in the ruling AFPFL party.
1960 - U Nu's party faction wins decisive victory in elections, but his promotion of Buddhism as the state religion and his tolerance of separatism angers the military.

One-party, military-led state​

1962 - U Nu's faction ousted in military coup led by Gen Ne Win, who abolishes the federal system and inaugurates "the Burmese Way to Socialism" - nationalising the economy, forming a single-party state with the Socialist Programme Party as the sole political party, and banning independent newspapers.

Buddhists have never been in control since.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
True, but your being selective about the history of Burma.
Oh puhleeze. Buddhism is dominant. I clearly remember the religious leaders supporting the genocide.

Look if you guys want to continue to delude yourselves, that is your right. Believe in pink lunar elephants if you want. But reality will stay the same, that reality being that Buddhists are no different than any other group of human beings. They have all the same possibility to reach out in love and compassion, and all the same inclination to demonize those who are different and desire to exterminate them. People are the same wherever you go. At any rate, I'm done with this conversation. Feel free to have the last word.


Premium Member
Oh puhleeze. Buddhism is dominant. I clearly remember the religious leaders supporting the genocide.
Clearly remember?!?!?! Your selective intentional ignorance is appalling. Read the whole reference I provided and it is clear that popular elections all were overthrown by the military or controlled by the military.
Look if you guys want to continue to delude yourselves, that is your right. Believe in pink lunar elephants if you want. But reality will stay the same, that reality being that Buddhists are no different than any other group of human beings. They have all the same possibility to reach out in love and compassion, and all the same inclination to demonize those who are different and desire to exterminate them. People are the same wherever you go. At any rate, I'm done with this conversation. Feel free to have the last word.
Your hostile agenda is glaringly apparent, and failed to respond to my reference, nor provide your own. The pink elephants are on your shoulders.

If you follow the Myanmar timeline. The military overthrew the elected Buddhist elected government of U Nu in 1962 and was in direct control until 1974. After the 1974 elections The supposed elected government was headed by General Ne Win (the General who over threw the U Nu government in 1962), and other former military officers.
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Well-Known Member
So, apparently you are claiming to be a new "prophet", speaking "things new", who relies on the writings of the old false prophet Paul, of the New Testament. Being of American Indian, Scottish, and Irish ancestry, I would assume that I am probably mostly of Japheth and Shem ancestry, which would make Canaan a servant to my ancestors. Working in the sun, I have mostly a tan complexion, and at times of too much sun, a skin the the color red. During the winter my skin can turn a lighter vanilla color. As for Shem, that would include the Arabs, who have a large proportion of darker skin claimants. People of a darker pigment may be so because of the environment and not ancestry. I am sure the "spirits" are telling many things, but whether any of it is true, is questionable. As for the devil being Jesus Christ, I was thinking that was the view of one of the gnostic sects, which was tied to Cain thru his son. Cain being the son of the devil as he did the acts of his father, the devil. It appears that you might be somewhat confused because of legend of spirits which you follow, or at least 7.
Matthew 28:18

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

I rely on the Writings of the Holy Scriptures/Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Therefore, you are of White Jewish Ancestry. Do you Believe and Practice the Doctrine of the Curse Ham? In other words, do you Believe that Black People/Ham are Cursed and Must be Slave to White People/Japheth and Jews/Shem?

Curse of Ham

In the Book of Genesis, the curse of Ham is described as a curse which was imposed upon Ham's son Canaan by the patriarch Noah. It occurs in the context of Noah's drunkenness and it is provoked by a shameful act that was perpetrated by Noah's son Ham, who "saw the nakedness of his father".[1][2] The exact nature of Ham's transgression and the reason Noah cursed Canaan when Ham had sinned have been debated for over 2,000 years.[3]

The story's original purpose may have been to justify the biblical subjection of the Canaanites to the Israelites,[4] but in later centuries, the narrative was interpreted by some Christians, Muslims, and Jews as an explanation for black skin, as well as a justification for slavery of black people.[5] Similarly, some in the Latter Day Saint movement used the curse of Ham to prevent the ordination of black men to its priesthood.

In Christian Gnosticism every person that Sins is Cursed. We are All Sinners because of Adam's Inheritance, therefore, every person on the Planet is Cursed from Birth.

Both the Left-Wing and Right-Wing are the Same Sinners and have not found the Power to Overcome Sin. Both the Left and the Right practice Natural Religion for the Natural Man. The Left-Wing and Right-Wing are Racist by Nature.

There is a Spiritual Yeshua/Jesus and an Earthly Yeshua/Jesus. The Earthly Yeshua/Jesus is the Devil/Satan that Elohim/God has given Dominion over the Whole World.
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Well-Known Member
I rely on the Writings of the Holy Scriptures/Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Therefore, you are of White Jewish Ancestry. Do you Believe and Practice the Doctrine of the Curse Ham? In other words, do you Believe that Black People/Ham are Cursed and Most be Slave to White People/Japheth and Jews/Shem?

Curse of Ham

In the Book of Genesis, the curse of Ham is described as a curse which was imposed upon Ham's son Canaan by the patriarch Noah. It occurs in the context of Noah's drunkenness and it is provoked by a shameful act that was perpetrated by Noah's son Ham, who "saw the nakedness of his father".[1][2] The exact nature of Ham's transgression and the reason Noah cursed Canaan when Ham had sinned have been debated for over 2,000 years.[3]

The story's original purpose may have been to justify the biblical subjection of the Canaanites to the Israelites,[4] but in later centuries, the narrative was interpreted by some Christians, Muslims, and Jews as an explanation for black skin, as well as a justification for slavery of black people.[5] Similarly, some in the Latter Day Saint movement used the curse of Ham to prevent the ordination of black men to its priesthood.

In Christian Gnosticism every person that Sins is Cursed. We are All Sinners because of Adam's Inheritance, therefore, every person on the Planet is Cursed by Birth.

Both the Left-Wing and Right-Wing are the Same Sinners and have not found the Power to Overcome Sin. Both the Left and the Right practice Natural Religion for the Natural Man. The Left-Wing and Right-Wing are Racist by Nature.

There is a Spiritual Yeshua/Jesus and an Earthly Yeshua/Jesus. The Earthly Yeshua/Jesus is the Devil/Satan.
Yeah, the "Christian" Gnostics of Seth, the son of Cain, the son of the serpent/devil have your same beliefs. As for your "belief" in your "Holy Scriptures", which contain the canon of the Roman Catholic Church (daughter of Babylon), per the Easter festal letter, of the bishop of Alexandria, in 367 AD, that is composed of the writings of the false prophet Paul and his compatriots, which would be the "message" of the "enemy"/"devil" (Matthew 13:24-30). One is not a "sinner" because of Adam. Sin is transgression of the Law and is described as committing lawlessness (Mt 7:23 & 13:41), whereas the lawless, such as followers of the false gospel of grace, are counterbalanced by the righteous, those who keep the law. As pointed out in Mt 7 & 13, the lawless are to be gathered into bundles and thrown into the "furnace of fire" at the "end of the age", and the "righteous" will be gathered into the barn (Mt 13:30), or looking at another parable, they will shine as the sun. (Mt 13:42-43).
The decedents of Japheth were located around Europe, whereas the decedents of Shem were located mostly in the Middle East, whereas the decedents of Ham were located mostly in Africa, except for the decedents of Canaan, who were located in the area of Canaan. Canaan was cursed, not Ham, and of course, the Canaanites were not black, whereas apparently, many of the uncursed sons of Ham where black.
As for the "kingdom" (kingdom of God) preached by Yeshua in parables, understood only by those with ears to hear, such as in Matthew 13:13, it comes about at the "end of the age" (Mt 13:30), and is a physical kingdom as shown in Ezekiel 36 & 37, whereas Judah, the Jews (house of Judah), and Ephraim and Joseph (house of Israel)(lost 10 northern tribes), will be reunited on the land given to Jacob/Israel, in the form of Israel. As for the kingdom of heaven, which is with respect to Spirit and Power, that is with respect to healing and the power of God, which is not present in any "Christian" (daughters of Babylon) church, and as such, they "receive of her plagues" (Rev 18:4). You either believe the "message" of the "son of man", or you believe the "message" of the "enemy"/"devil", which is lawlessness, such as the gospel of grace, whereas the "Law" is nailed to a pagan cross.
Race by color is outdated with respect to the present scientific perspective, as is the term Caucasian, as used in the U.S. Race is more closely linked to where one lives or norms in common. The Jews would be considered a "race" by today's standards, and in that race, you will find the blackest of blacks who claim to be decedents of Solomon and Sheba, who come from Ethiopia. Your view of racism is simply Marxist/Socialist/Progressive in its effort to separate, so they can conquer/overcome/replace. According to Mt 13:30, the "wicked"/sinners ("those who commit lawlessness), will be separated from the "good"/righteous and the "wicked" will be thrown into the "furnace" (Har-Magedon). I suggest that you find out what is "scripture" and what is the "message" of the "evil one", and become familiar with both.
Wikiwand - Caucasian race


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the "Christian" Gnostics of Seth, the son of Cain, the son of the serpent/devil have your same beliefs. As for your "belief" in your "Holy Scriptures", which contain the canon of the Roman Catholic Church (daughter of Babylon), per the Easter festal letter, of the bishop of Alexandria, in 367 AD, that is composed of the writings of the false prophet Paul and his compatriots, which would be the "message" of the "enemy"/"devil" (Matthew 13:24-30). One is not a "sinner" because of Adam. Sin is transgression of the Law and is described as committing lawlessness (Mt 7:23 & 13:41), whereas the lawless, such as followers of the false gospel of grace, are counterbalanced by the righteous, those who keep the law. As pointed out in Mt 7 & 13, the lawless are to be gathered into bundles and thrown into the "furnace of fire" at the "end of the age", and the "righteous" will be gathered into the barn (Mt 13:30), or looking at another parable, they will shine as the sun. (Mt 13:42-43).
The decedents of Japheth were located around Europe, whereas the decedents of Shem were located mostly in the Middle East, whereas the decedents of Ham were located mostly in Africa, except for the decedents of Canaan, who were located in the area of Canaan. Canaan was cursed, not Ham, and of course, the Canaanites were not black, whereas apparently, many of the uncursed sons of Ham where black.
As for the "kingdom" (kingdom of God) preached by Yeshua in parables, understood only by those with ears to hear, such as in Matthew 13:13, it comes about at the "end of the age" (Mt 13:30), and is a physical kingdom as shown in Ezekiel 36 & 37, whereas Judah, the Jews (house of Judah), and Ephraim and Joseph (house of Israel)(lost 10 northern tribes), will be reunited on the land given to Jacob/Israel, in the form of Israel. As for the kingdom of heaven, which is with respect to Spirit and Power, that is with respect to healing and the power of God, which is not present in any "Christian" (daughters of Babylon) church, and as such, they "receive of her plagues" (Rev 18:4). You either believe the "message" of the "son of man", or you believe the "message" of the "enemy"/"devil", which is lawlessness, such as the gospel of grace, whereas the "Law" is nailed to a pagan cross.
Race by color is outdated with respect to the present scientific perspective, as is the term Caucasian, as used in the U.S. Race is more closely linked to where one lives or norms in common. The Jews would be considered a "race" by today's standards, and in that race, you will find the blackest of blacks who claim to be decedents of Solomon and Sheba, who come from Ethiopia. Your view of racism is simply Marxist/Socialist/Progressive in its effort to separate, so they can conquer/overcome/replace. According to Mt 13:30, the "wicked"/sinners ("those who commit lawlessness), will be separated from the "good"/righteous and the "wicked" will be thrown into the "furnace" (Har-Magedon). I suggest that you find out what is "scripture" and what is the "message" of the "evil one", and become familiar with both.
Wikiwand - Caucasian race
It appears that you are a White Jew practising Judaism.

Jews of color

Jews of color (or Jews of colour) is a neologism, primarily used in North America, that describes Jews from non-white racial and ethnic backgrounds, whether mixed-race, adopted, Jews by conversion, or part of national or geographic populations (or a combination of these) that are non-white.[1] It is often used to identify Jews who are racially non-white, whose family origins are originally in African, Asian or Latin American countries,[2] and to acknowledge a common experience for Jews who belong to racial, national, or geographic groups beyond white and Ashkenazi.[1]

The term has been used in discourse about Ashkenormativity, white Jews, and by extension white privilege, as well as racism in Jewish communities, Jewish visibility, Judaism as an ethnicity, and the question of who is a Jew. While there is consensus that this demographic group
exists, there is debate over the exact definition or the use of this specific term.

You are numbered among the Lawless Wicked since you are Not Keeping the Law of Moses. There isn't any person existing on the Planet that Observes All the Laws of Moses. For example, you don't keep the Passover as exactly detailed in Exodus 12 or stone transgressors to death for breaking particular Laws as Elohim/God Commanded.


Well-Known Member
It appears that you are a White Jew practising Judaism.

Jews of color

Jews of color (or Jews of colour) is a neologism, primarily used in North America, that describes Jews from non-white racial and ethnic backgrounds, whether mixed-race, adopted, Jews by conversion, or part of national or geographic populations (or a combination of these) that are non-white.[1] It is often used to identify Jews who are racially non-white, whose family origins are originally in African, Asian or Latin American countries,[2] and to acknowledge a common experience for Jews who belong to racial, national, or geographic groups beyond white and Ashkenazi.[1]

The term has been used in discourse about Ashkenormativity, white Jews, and by extension white privilege, as well as racism in Jewish communities, Jewish visibility, Judaism as an ethnicity, and the question of who is a Jew. While there is consensus that this demographic group
exists, there is debate over the exact definition or the use of this specific term.

You are numbered among the Lawless Wicked since you are Not Keeping the Law of Moses. There isn't any person existing on the Planet that Observes All the Laws of Moses. For example, you don't keep the Passover as exactly detailed in Exodus 12 or stone transgressors to death for breaking particular Laws as Elohim/God Commanded.
Yeshua's message was that to enter into life, one must keep the Commandments, and he went on to name them (Mt 19:17). As for calling Jew's white, that is again a misuse of the color white, or to say they are a "white race". Except for the U.S., which has about 66% Ashkenazi Jews (light skin), that is not true. That is like comparing the color of sun poor Sweden and its light skinned residents to the color of the swarthy complexion of people from the sun rich southern Italy because they are in Europe. Jew's would be of the lineage of Shem, which because of their origins, and location, as well as being sheep herders (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), they would have had a swarthy complexion because of their environment. Their genes (Judah, Bejamin & Levi) would be different from those of Japheth, who settled in mostly sun poor northern areas. You can't just call people white Jews because you don't have any other type of argument. As for calling me a Jew, of Judah, well, as Isaiah, of Judah, went to Scotland with the daughters of David, and as I am Irish/Scottish, as the Scottish were shipped to Ireland, and also part native American, in which they came from either along the coast from the area of France (Japheth), or across the area of the Bearing Sea, depending on the time era, They were probably partly of the Mongoloid race, which scientifically are classed as of color, or according to some theories, came from Southeast Asia by boat, or lead by beings (heavenly watchers) who came from the sky, as indicated by their advance architecture of earlier periods in Peru, and the characteristics of bones found in the area. You are just throwing mud against the wall and hoping it would stick. As for trying to judge me, you are judging yourself. I am either walking among the living, the children of God, or I am among the walking dead. Now as for who will be redeemed at the end of the age, despite their rebellion, that would be the 12 tribes of Israel, "Israel" (Ezekiel 36:18-25), and far as the "nations"/Gentiles, "where I have scattered you", "I will destroy completely (Jeremiah 30:11).


Well-Known Member
I would think that his many quotes of the New Testament would clue you in that he is a Christian, not someone following Judaism.

Skin tone is irrelevant to being a Jew.

Race doesn't actually exist.
Having read the Old Testament doesn't make me a Jew, nor does reading the New Testament make me a "Christian". While I was born into a Catholic family, I quickly saw the double mindedness and quit going to the Catholic church at the age of consent, but went to a Catholic school, so I am well instructed on their doctrines and traditions. As for "race" it exists in the minds of many under many different forms, and is not a static subject. It is definitely not based solely on skin color, which is mostly a pigment based on location and intensity of the sun. The Marxist strategy was to split people with respect to wealth status but has recently reverted to separating people by their supposed race. It is a based on the principal of divide and conquer and is an integral part of Progressive/Marxist movement.


Premium Member
You need to read up on what has actually been going on. The genocide of the Muslims began BEFORE the military coup. It was called for by the Buddhist religious leaders, who claimed that Islam should not exist in the country because it is not a native religion, and so harassment, rape, torture, and genocide of the Rohingya was said to be an appropriate response.
I want to emphasize that Buddhist rule ended in 1962 with the military invoking a socialist communist rule. The same General and military was in control until 1974. It was the socialist communist policy for ethnical cleansing of the rebel minority populations not only Muslims.. The Buddhist government before 1962 advocated National reconciliation and had wide support. Even beyond 1974 the military was either under direct control or indirect control and repeatedly over through elected governments.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
There is only one physical location of Israel and you're absolutely right.

They have nothing to do with Christians or Christianity or Jesus Christ - by their own admissions and laws.
My post didn't discuss Eretz Yisrael (land of Israel). It discussed the B'nei Yisrael (People of Israel). It is very important when you read to notice the context so that you don't accidently switch topics like this.