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Who Or What Is Israel?


Well-Known Member
Yeshua's message was that to enter into life, one must keep the Commandments, and he went on to name them (Mt 19:17). As for calling Jew's white, that is again a misuse of the color white, or to say they are a "white race". Except for the U.S., which has about 66% Ashkenazi Jews (light skin), that is not true. That is like comparing the color of sun poor Sweden and its light skinned residents to the color of the swarthy complexion of people from the sun rich southern Italy because they are in Europe. Jew's would be of the lineage of Shem, which because of their origins, and location, as well as being sheep herders (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), they would have had a swarthy complexion because of their environment. Their genes (Judah, Bejamin & Levi) would be different from those of Japheth, who settled in mostly sun poor northern areas. You can't just call people white Jews because you don't have any other type of argument. As for calling me a Jew, of Judah, well, as Isaiah, of Judah, went to Scotland with the daughters of David, and as I am Irish/Scottish, as the Scottish were shipped to Ireland, and also part native American, in which they came from either along the coast from the area of France (Japheth), or across the area of the Bearing Sea, depending on the time era, They were probably partly of the Mongoloid race, which scientifically are classed as of color, or according to some theories, came from Southeast Asia by boat, or lead by beings (heavenly watchers) who came from the sky, as indicated by their advance architecture of earlier periods in Peru, and the characteristics of bones found in the area. You are just throwing mud against the wall and hoping it would stick. As for trying to judge me, you are judging yourself. I am either walking among the living, the children of God, or I am among the walking dead. Now as for who will be redeemed at the end of the age, despite their rebellion, that would be the 12 tribes of Israel, "Israel" (Ezekiel 36:18-25), and far as the "nations"/Gentiles, "where I have scattered you", "I will destroy completely (Jeremiah 30:11).
You are Breaking All of Elohim's/God's Commandments. For example, you are having Recreational Sex, Eating Meat, Taking Drugs and Drinking Alcohol. You Reject Eternal Life by doing those things. Elohim/God has made me Morally Superior to you Being Celibate, Vegan, Free From Drugs and Free from Alcohol.

I Am Christian Gnostic and Christian Monk practising Asceticism. Can you learn from your Moral Superior?

Jews in the United States Identify as White because White Identity is where the Power Is. This Earthly White Power is Ordained by Elohim/God.
Elohim/God has given White Yeshua/Jesus Dominion over the Earth.


US Census poses a dilemma for Jews — are you white and what are your ‘origins’?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
You are Breaking All of Elohim's/God's Commandments. For example, you are having Recreational Sex, Eating Meat,
Whoa, hang on there just a moment. Since when has there been any commandment against eating meat? In fact, for Jews, the Torah specifies that certain kinds of meats can be eaten for Jews, and that for non-Jews, everything that creeps on the earth is good for food.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You are Breaking All of Elohim's/God's Commandments. For example, you are having Recreational Sex, Eating Meat, Taking Drugs and Drinking Alcohol. You Reject Eternal Life by doing those things. Elohim/God has made me Morally Superior to you Being Celibate, Vegan, Free From Drugs and Free from Alcohol.

I Am Christian Gnostic and Christian Monk practising Asceticism. Can you learn from your Moral Superior?

Jews in the United States Identify as White because White Identity is where the Power Is. This Earthly White Power is Ordained by Elohim/God.
Elohim/God has given White Yeshua/Jesus Dominion over the Earth.


US Census poses a dilemma for Jews — are you white and what are your ‘origins’?
Boy, you must be superior to Jesus Himself as He didn't have a problem with alcohol. Or so you believe He turned the water into grape juice at the wedding? And where are you getting that God is opposed to eating meat? Certainly not the Bible.

Also, Jesus is depicted differently all over the world. In Latin America, He looks Latin. In Africa, He looks African. In Asia, He looks Asian. Etc.

The Bible never describes Jesus' skin, hair and eyes. This is a strength in my book, to avoid vain racial arrogance as you are displaying. The concept of "white people" didn't exist until the 19th century so it's irrelevant to Christianity. It's a made up racial caste category that doesn't really exist outside of that.

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Well-Known Member
I would think that his many quotes of the New Testament would clue you in that he is a Christian, not someone following Judaism.

Skin tone is irrelevant to being a Jew.

Race doesn't actually exist.
That's incorrect. The Jews are Fully Aware about Race. Jews Identify as White because White Identity is where the Earthly Power Is. If you can get Earthly Benefits/Privileges from Identifying as White why wouldn't you do so, especially when you look White?

I post this article again:

US Census poses a dilemma for Jews — are you white and what are your ‘origins’?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
That's incorrect. The Jews are Fully Aware about Race. Jews Identify as White because White Identity is where the Earthly Power Is. If you can get Earthly Benefits/Privileges from Identifying as White why wouldn't you do so, especially when you look White?

I post this article again:

US Census poses a dilemma for Jews — are you white and what are your ‘origins’?
Most Jews that I know are well aware that race doesn't actually exist. Science has disproven the concept. Thus, we use the word ethnicity, since ethnicity acknowledges that these groups are merely societal constructs, not biological realities.


Well-Known Member
You would only be a follower of Jesus Christ if you walked as He walked.

Did Jesus walk in the flesh?
John 1:14

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Romans 8:1

8 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Good question. It is written the Word Was Made Flesh and Dwelt Among Us and it is written to Walk After the Spirit and Not After the Flesh.


Well-Known Member
Whoa, hang on there just a moment. Since when has there been any commandment against eating meat? In fact, for Jews, the Torah specifies that certain kinds of meats can be eaten for Jews, and that for non-Jews, everything that creeps on the earth is good for food.
Genesis 1:29

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

I speak from a Spiritual perspective. From an Earthly perspective you can eat meat. Also remember that originally the first diet that Elohim/God gave Man/Woman was Vegan. Remember Daniel's Diet. I'm going back to the Origins.

Vegans of the Bible


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Genesis 1:29

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

I speak from a Spiritual perspective. From an Earthly perspective you can eat meat. Also remember that originally the first diet that Elohim/God gave Man/Woman was Vegan. Remember Daniel's Diet. I'm going back to the Origins.

Vegans of the Bible
Yeah, that[s before Noah. God later changes this to:

"Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything." Genesis 9:3


Well-Known Member
Boy, you must be superior to Jesus Himself as He didn't have a problem with alcohol. Or so you believe He turned the water into grape juice at the wedding? And where are you getting that God is opposed to eating meat? Certainly not the Bible.

Also, Jesus is depicted differently all over the world. In Latin America, He looks Latin. In Africa, He looks African. In Asia, He looks Asian. Etc.

The Bible never describes Jesus' skin, hair and eyes. This is a strength in my book, to avoid vain racial arrogance as you are displaying. The concept of "white people" didn't exist until the 19th century so it's irrelevant to Christianity. It's a made up racial caste category that doesn't really exist outside of that.
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Numbers 6:1-3

6 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When either man or woman shall separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite, to separate themselves unto the Lord:

3 He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried.

1) In the Vow to Elohim/God a Nazarite does Not Drink Alcohol.

2) I speak from a Spiritual perspective about not eating meat. The Original Diet that Elohim/God gave man is Vegan as instructed in Genesis 1:29.

3) The Races of the Earth should Depict a Yeshua/Jesus that looks like them, although this is not the case in large parts of Africa, for example. In Ethiopia they depict a Black Yeshua/Jesus. The White Yeshua/Jesus is where the Power Is.

Beyond White Jesus


David Tonghou Ngong

While many African Christians can only imagine a white Jesus, others have actively promoted a vision of a brown or black Jesus, both in art and in ideology.



Well-Known Member
Most Jews that I know are well aware that race doesn't actually exist. Science has disproven the concept. Thus, we use the word ethnicity, since ethnicity acknowledges that these groups are merely societal constructs, not biological realities.
When people look different from you that is Biological Reality. Some Races are prone to certain types of diseases, such as Black People with Sickle Cell. White People are prone to Skin Cancer from lying in the Sun too much. These are Racial Biological Realities.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
When people look different from you that is Biological Reality. Some Races are prone to certain types of diseases, such as Black People with Sickle Cell. White People are prone to Skin Cancer from lying in the Sun too much. These are Racial Biological Realities.
My sister has straight hair and I have curly hair. It doesn't prove that distinct biological categories called races exist.



Active Member
@Yokefellow Your info shows - Candlestick Mitochondrion

What is the meaning of candlestick mitochondrion?

The Candlestick represents the DNA that is in the Mitochondrion. DNA is the Word of God. When we put them together, we get this...

Psalms 119:105 נ (NUN).
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

Note that 'feet' is often a euphemism for private parts or where Seed is mingled.

BTW, Mitochondrial DNA is circular...

Crown Thorns.png

The Mitochondria is the 'Powerhouse' of the Cell. It is the Power of the Holy Ghost and Seven Spirits (Lamps).

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala Did people in Indus Valley ever use candlestick mitochondrion with a similar meaning, or did this come about after leaving Indus Valley?

Just as an FYI, there is a similar symbol to the Candlestick found in ancient Assyrian myths...


I may make a new thread on this, as the implications are important...

Forbidden Fruit.png

How did past people understand Tabernacle was a picture of the zygote we all were conceived into? @Yokefellow who showed these past people the zygote to design this tabernacle?

Look at the Pyramids. I believe they represent something similar to a Zygote. They represent the 'union' between the Sons of God and Daughters of Man to conceive Giants...


The birth of the New World Order as in the days of Noe.

That is my website. :)

So how come today the Jews have their candlesticks?

They understand that there is something of profound importance in that symbol.


Well-Known Member
You are Breaking All of Elohim's/God's Commandments. For example, you are having Recreational Sex, Eating Meat, Taking Drugs and Drinking Alcohol. You Reject Eternal Life by doing those things. Elohim/God has made me Morally Superior to you Being Celibate, Vegan, Free From Drugs and Free from Alcohol.

I Am Christian Gnostic and Christian Monk practising Asceticism. Can you learn from your Moral Superior?

Jews in the United States Identify as White because White Identity is where the Power Is. This Earthly White Power is Ordained by Elohim/God.
Elohim/God has given White Yeshua/Jesus Dominion over the Earth.


US Census poses a dilemma for Jews — are you white and what are your ‘origins’?
The Commandments that need to be kept to "enter into life" are listed by Yeshua in Mt 19:18-19. To enter into the kiingdom, you have to be more righteous than the Pharisees, such as you can't even look at a woman with lust (Mt 5). You are simply keeping the commandments of the "woke" Progressive Marxist movement, such as being a good Pharisee, and preening among the people. Your claim of being a "moral superior" kind of falls on its face and lacks a little modesty. As for "power", the largest empire was that of the Mongols, via the Khan, who was not white. Right now, the Chinese are trying to regain that status, but will fail due to the fact that they can't keep the Commandments, whereas the Khan just considered himself as a judgment of God.


Well-Known Member
What does this mean?
That means in the World the White Yeshua/Jesus has Dominion Ordained by Elohim/God. With All This Power Over the People of the World the White Yeshua/Jesus does Not Really Save. The Black Yeshua/Jesus does Not Really Save. By Following the White Yeshua/Jesus or the Black Yeshua/Jesus you Forfeit Salvation Perishing getting your Just Deserts Punishment from Elohim/God.

The White and Black Yeshua/Jesus is the Devil/Satan. The Devil/Satan is the Evil Side of Elohim/God. The Satan/Devil Deceives its Followers.

White Anglo-Saxon Protestants

In the United States, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants or WASP is a sociological term which is often used to describe white Protestant Americans who are generally part of the white dominant culture or upper-class and historically often the Mainline Protestant elite.

1953. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II: 'The Crowning Ceremony'




Well-Known Member
My sister has straight hair and I have curly hair. It doesn't prove that distinct biological categories called races exist.

1 Samuel 16:7

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

Yes, the idea of Race is a Social Construct and I don't need to be convinced by Scientific data. Race is the Most Powerful Social Construct in the World Created by Elohim/God. The reason the Idea of Race is so Powerful is because its Natural to man/woman. In the World it's all about Appearances.


Well-Known Member
The Commandments that need to be kept to "enter into life" are listed by Yeshua in Mt 19:18-19. To enter into the kiingdom, you have to be more righteous than the Pharisees, such as you can't even look at a woman with lust (Mt 5). You are simply keeping the commandments of the "woke" Progressive Marxist movement, such as being a good Pharisee, and preening among the people. Your claim of being a "moral superior" kind of falls on its face and lacks a little modesty. As for "power", the largest empire was that of the Mongols, via the Khan, who was not white. Right now, the Chinese are trying to regain that status, but will fail due to the fact that they can't keep the Commandments, whereas the Khan just considered himself as a judgment of God.
Romans 8:7

7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

Are you claiming that you don't Lust after Women? You are Carnal, therefore, it is Impossible for you to stop Lusting after other Women that is not your Wife. Your Powerful Carnal Nature is evidenced by the things that you do. You are always shouting about others being Lawless when you are Lawless yourself.
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Well-Known Member
Romans 8:7

7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

Are you claiming that you don't Lust after Women? You are Carnal, therefore, it is Impossible for you to stop Lusting after other Women that is not your Wife. Your Powerful Carnal Nature is evidenced by the things that you do. You are always shouting about others being Lawless when you are Lawless yourself.
You are basing your premise on the writings of the false prophet Paul, who also wrote in Romans 7:18, "I know that nothing good dwells within me". Whereas one born of God does not sin (1 John 3:9). Whereas those born of the devil practice sin (1 John 3:8).
As for looking at women to lust, that is not a good idea. In today's world of porn, that apparently causes a degeneration into having to look and have sex with the same "gender" and confusing what a "woman" actually is.


Well-Known Member
You are basing your premise on the writings of the false prophet Paul, who also wrote in Romans 7:18, "I know that nothing good dwells within me". Whereas one born of God does not sin (1 John 3:9). Whereas those born of the devil practice sin (1 John 3:8).
As for looking at women to lust, that is not a good idea. In today's world of porn, that apparently causes a degeneration into having to look and have sex with the same "gender" and confusing what a "woman" actually is.
Romans 10:3

3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Neither man or woman will believe you that you don't Lust after other women that is not your Wife. It's not about ideas, it's about your Nature. The Carnal Man cannot Really be Faithful to his Wife because he will get Lustful thoughts about other women. The Carnal Man may or may not act on those Lustful thoughts.

Yet, you are Ignorant of your Sins. Having Recreational Sex, Eating Meat, Taking Drugs and Drinking Alcohol are Great Carnal Man Sins in Elohim's/God's Eyes. Being Ignorant of Elohim's/God's Righteousness you are going about Establishing your own Righteousness.

Christian Porn Addiction is Great Sin problem in Christendom. I think Sexual Infidelity and Pornography Use/Addiction are actually higher than shown in the statistics because some men keep it secret and don't reveal to others that they are having these Great Sin problems.

This is further evidence that the Earthly Yeshua/Jesus does Not Really Save.

Is Porn Addiction a Problem in Your Church?

Could half of Christian men have a problem with porn? A new national survey of Christian men reveals shocking statistics pertaining to high rates of pornography use and addiction, plus rampant sexual infidelity among married Christian men.

You have answered the question that you cannot learn from a Morally Superior Christian Gnostic and Christian Monk.


Well-Known Member
I would think that his many quotes of the New Testament would clue you in that he is a Christian, not someone following Judaism.

Skin tone is irrelevant to being a Jew.

Race doesn't actually exist.
About the suggestion that @2ndpillar is a Christian. Can you be a Christian and Reject the writings of Paul the Apostle? This is an open question to other members also.

@2ndpillar asserts over and over again that Paul the Apostle is a False Prophet. It appears to be a new branch of Messianic Judaism that Rejects the teachings of Paul the Apostle.