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Who Or What Is Israel?


Well-Known Member
We basicaly believe that the true Kaaba was in fact in Petra and that the whole islamic calendar thing is corrupted, because caliphs after Prophet died changed it. We believe that the month of Ramadan for example is in december.
Supposedly the memorized Koran had changed shortly after the murder of the "supposed" Mohammad, by a disgruntled woman, and all writings were supposed to have been burned except the Koran put together by the Persian secretary (man Friday) to this supposed Mohammad. In the early 20th century, around 1924, one version was chosen, and all others were supposed to have been thrown into the nile. As for the Islamic narratives, they were put together around 100 to 400 years after the death of this supposed Mohammad. They had to do a redo of the canon of the Koran in 1985, and in the present day, there are about 100 versions used around the world. I imagine from your writing, that you belong to a Muslim sect which was considered a blasphemy to the "true" faith, and your leader was hunted down and thrown into prison.
Genesis 25:25

25 And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.

All Religions are Created and Ordained by Elohim/God. Elohim/God Created the Religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism for Elohim's/God's Earthly Kingdom. The Religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism are really Left-Hand Path Religions.

On your Racist perspective about Arabs, you haven't provided any proof that Arabs are Esau/Edom and it appears the claim is Idle Fantasy. First of all the Identify of Edom/Esau is Red. Apparently the people that are viewed as having Red skin tone are Hispanics, Native Americans and Irish. Also White People have Blood Red Cheeks. Therefore, from your Racist perspective those that are Red or Nearest to Red matches the Identify of Edom/Esau. Arabs are not known for being Red People. Arabs are White, Brown and Black.
Like many "woke" persons, you try and change the narrative. Per Genesis 25:30, Essau was called "Edom", which means red, because he sold his "birthright" to Jacob for a bowl of "red stew/stuff". I have never heard of your weird narrative of Essau being called Edom because he was red when he came out of the womb, at which time they called him Essau, and not Edom. Hispanics are brown and not red. They call American Indians red skins, but I have never seen an American Indian with naturally red skin. They tend to paint their faces during battle, but that is another thing. As for the Irish, some have red hair, and light skin, but I, who has Irish ancestors, have no red skin, nor do I have red hair. Irish as well as any pale skinned person turns red with a flush of blood, or a good sun burn. The racist persons would be those so-called Muslims, and "woke" persons, who call for the eradication (from river to the sea) of a whole race of people, who happen to be Jewish.

Genesis 25: 30and Esau said to Jacob, “Please let me have a swallow of that red stuff there, for I am famished.” Therefore his name was called Edom. 31But Jacob said, “First sell me your birthright.” 32Esau said, “Behold, I am about to die; so of what use then is the birthright to me?” 33And Jacob said, “First swear to me”; so he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. 34Then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew; and he ate and drank, and rose and went on his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.


Well-Known Member
Supposedly the memorized Koran had changed shortly after the murder of the "supposed" Mohammad, by a disgruntled woman, and all writings were supposed to have been burned except the Koran put together by the Persian secretary (man Friday) to this supposed Mohammad. In the early 20th century, around 1924, one version was chosen, and all others were supposed to have been thrown into the nile. As for the Islamic narratives, they were put together around 100 to 400 years after the death of this supposed Mohammad. They had to do a redo of the canon of the Koran in 1985, and in the present day, there are about 100 versions used around the world. I imagine from your writing, that you belong to a Muslim sect which was considered a blasphemy to the "true" faith, and your leader was hunted down and thrown into prison.

Like many "woke" persons, you try and change the narrative. Per Genesis 25:30, Essau was called "Edom", which means red, because he sold his "birthright" to Jacob for a bowl of "red stew/stuff". I have never heard of your weird narrative of Essau being called Edom because he was red when he came out of the womb, at which time they called him Essau, and not Edom. Hispanics are brown and not red. They call American Indians red skins, but I have never seen an American Indian with naturally red skin. They tend to paint their faces during battle, but that is another thing. As for the Irish, some have red hair, and light skin, but I, who has Irish ancestors, have no red skin, nor do I have red hair. Irish as well as any pale skinned person turns red with a flush of blood, or a good sun burn. The racist persons would be those so-called Muslims, and "woke" persons, who call for the eradication (from river to the sea) of a whole race of people, who happen to be Jewish.

Genesis 25: 30and Esau said to Jacob, “Please let me have a swallow of that red stuff there, for I am famished.” Therefore his name was called Edom. 31But Jacob said, “First sell me your birthright.” 32Esau said, “Behold, I am about to die; so of what use then is the birthright to me?” 33And Jacob said, “First swear to me”; so he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. 34Then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew; and he ate and drank, and rose and went on his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.
Are you saying that All Muslims call for the eradication of All Jews? You said before that all Arabs are Edom/Esau Hated by Elohim/God and their Seed will be Destroyed. You haven't provided any proof of your Racist Assertion that All Arabs are Esau/Edom. If you had facts about this it wouldn't be Racism. Racism is an Integral part of the World.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that All Muslims call for the eradication of All Jews? You said before that all Arabs are Edom/Esau Hated by Elohim/God and their Seed will be Destroyed. You haven't provided any proof of your Racist Assertion that All Arabs are Esau/Edom. If you had facts about this it wouldn't be Racism. Racism is an Integral part of the World.
The "woke" apparently support the sentiment of "from the river to the sea" (eradication of the Jews), and most of them are just uninformed Progressives, brought up under a socialist education system, and say whatever is put into their ears. On the other hand, your so-called Islamist, whether they are non-Arabs from Africa, Asia, or even India, seem to support the eradication of the Jews. The actual Arabs, seem to a decree support it as well. Those Arab countries who are in the Abraham accords, seem to be holding their judgment, due to economic reasons, even though the Koran eventually lowered the hammer on the Jews. The bible and archeology seem to support the Arab-Islamist as being from Essau/Edom, whereas the false Islamist traditions seem to support Ishmael and Abraham as being the bedrock of Islam, located in Mecca, even though the word "Islam" didn't come into the Islamic literature until around the year 90 of the Islamic calendar. The "woke", generally being Marxist/Communist and fascist in nature, with their belief being there is no God, well, apparently, they simply follow whatever they have been told, and support their position by simply calling everyone else "racist", "homophobic", etc. Racism seems to be an integral part of your world, but for the average working person, it is not.


Well-Known Member
The "woke" apparently support the sentiment of "from the river to the sea" (eradication of the Jews), and most of them are just uninformed Progressives, brought up under a socialist education system, and say whatever is put into their ears. On the other hand, your so-called Islamist, whether they are non-Arabs from Africa, Asia, or even India, seem to support the eradication of the Jews. The actual Arabs, seem to a decree support it as well. Those Arab countries who are in the Abraham accords, seem to be holding their judgment, due to economic reasons, even though the Koran eventually lowered the hammer on the Jews. The bible and archeology seem to support the Arab-Islamist as being from Essau/Edom, whereas the false Islamist traditions seem to support Ishmael and Abraham as being the bedrock of Islam, located in Mecca, even though the word "Islam" didn't come into the Islamic literature until around the year 90 of the Islamic calendar. The "woke", generally being Marxist/Communist and fascist in nature, with their belief being there is no God, well, apparently, they simply follow whatever they have been told, and support their position by simply calling everyone else "racist", "homophobic", etc. Racism seems to be an integral part of your world, but for the average working person, it is not.
1 Samuel 16:7

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

I have Nothing to do with all this Worldly Stuff. I don't even know what Woke is. These are Worldly Concerns. The World Is Racist by Nature and the People of the World are Under a Racist System dominated by White People. There is Never going to be Equality in the World because the Nature of the World is Hierarchical. Can a Leopard change its spots? The World is Full of Evil Sellers of False Hope.

I Am Christian Gnostic and Christian Monk Being Delivered from the Evil World. The World is Evil because of Adam's Rebellious Inheritance Against Elohim/God.

The Reason for posing the question about the Identity of Esau/Edom is because of the Difference Elohim/God put between the Twins Jacob and Esau. When you have learnt of this Difference you can discern between the Real Israel and those making False Claims about being Israel. You can see when Esau/Edom is Falsely Claiming to be Israel. Also the Claimant can be ignorant of their Own Real Identity.
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Well-Known Member
1 Samuel 16:7

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

I have Nothing to do with all this Worldly Stuff. I don't even know what Woke is. These are Worldly Concerns. The World Is Racist by Nature and the People of the World are Under a Racist System dominated by White People. There is Never going to be Equality in the World because the Nature of the World is Hierarchical. Can a Leopard change its spots? The World is Full of Evil Sellers of False Hope.

I Am Christian Gnostic and Christian Monk Being Delivered from the Evil World. The World is Evil because of Adam's Rebellious Inheritance Against Elohim/God.

The Reason for posing the question about the Identity of Esau/Edom is because of the Difference Elohim/God put between the Twins Jacob and Esau. When you have learnt of this Difference you can discern between the Real Israel and those making False Claims about being Israel. You can see when Esau/Edom is Falsely Claiming to be Israel. Also the Claimant can be ignorant of their Own Real Identity.
I saw a blog the other day whereas a Muslim used the Islamic narrative to claim that the Muslims were Israel. On the other hand, the "Christians" claim to be a "spiritual" Israel, whereas by their actions, their "Lord" appears to be the "dragon" of Revelation 13, or the "devil" by way of Yeshua's description by way of Matthew 13. As for being "woke", that would refer to people who call everyone racist, etc., and everyone existing under a white male hierarchical system. I suggest that you listen to a "white privilege" lectures by a psychologist by the name of Dr. Peterson.
He has other lectures on the left's hierarchical narrative. https://www.youtube.com/user/JordanPetersonVideos It might open your eyes to where you are and how you got there. As for "Adam's" disobedience, which was the following his Eve's actions, as an excuse for your perception of "evil", well, tell that to Elijah, or even Noah. As for your term "white" well that is a little skewed. It was Ham's son, Canaan who was marked and cursed to be a slave/servant to his brothers Shem and Japheth. Now if you are calling God racist, then that would be consistent with calling his people racist. Some "Gnostic" ideas seem to stem from Shem, and some seem to flow from Seth, the son of Cain. I think the idea of like father like son, in the case of Cain and his son. Either that or a Mandaeism Gnostic, which apparently believes Yeshua is a false prophet. I am not sure what Gnostic sect you belong too, but apparently not oe founded on knowledge or truth, as far as I can discern.


Premium Member
I saw a blog the other day whereas a Muslim used the Islamic narrative to claim that the Muslims were Israel. On the other hand, the "Christians" claim to be a "spiritual" Israel, whereas by their actions, their "Lord" appears to be the "dragon" of Revelation 13, or the "devil" by way of Yeshua's description by way of Matthew 13. As for being "woke", that would refer to people who call everyone racist, etc., and everyone existing under a white male hierarchical system. I suggest that you listen to a "white privilege" lectures by a psychologist by the name of Dr. Peterson.
He has other lectures on the left's hierarchical narrative. https://www.youtube.com/user/JordanPetersonVideos It might open your eyes to where you are and how you got there. As for "Adam's" disobedience, which was the following his Eve's actions, as an excuse for your perception of "evil", well, tell that to Elijah, or even Noah. As for your term "white" well that is a little skewed. It was Ham's son, Canaan who was marked and cursed to be a slave/servant to his brothers Shem and Japheth. Now if you are calling God racist, then that would be consistent with calling his people racist. Some "Gnostic" ideas seem to stem from Shem, and some seem to flow from Seth, the son of Cain. I think the idea of like father like son, in the case of Cain and his son. Either that or a Mandaeism Gnostic, which apparently believes Yeshua is a false prophet. I am not sure what Gnostic sect you belong too, but apparently not oe founded on knowledge or truth, as far as I can discern.
First it is an extreme Islamic rant, and accusing it as extreme "left" reveals your extreme right agenda,t in the USA dis not support Islamic extremism.

I do not consider this a worthwhile post with an objective perspective.

What is true is the ancient tribal religions of Judaism, Christianity in its many divisions, and Islam divided on tribal boundaries have made contradictory claims of being the true "Israel?" and fought wars over it for millennia.

The lef


Well-Known Member
I saw a blog the other day whereas a Muslim used the Islamic narrative to claim that the Muslims were Israel. On the other hand, the "Christians" claim to be a "spiritual" Israel, whereas by their actions, their "Lord" appears to be the "dragon" of Revelation 13, or the "devil" by way of Yeshua's description by way of Matthew 13. As for being "woke", that would refer to people who call everyone racist, etc., and everyone existing under a white male hierarchical system. I suggest that you listen to a "white privilege" lectures by a psychologist by the name of Dr. Peterson.
He has other lectures on the left's hierarchical narrative. https://www.youtube.com/user/JordanPetersonVideos It might open your eyes to where you are and how you got there. As for "Adam's" disobedience, which was the following his Eve's actions, as an excuse for your perception of "evil", well, tell that to Elijah, or even Noah. As for your term "white" well that is a little skewed. It was Ham's son, Canaan who was marked and cursed to be a slave/servant to his brothers Shem and Japheth. Now if you are calling God racist, then that would be consistent with calling his people racist. Some "Gnostic" ideas seem to stem from Shem, and some seem to flow from Seth, the son of Cain. I think the idea of like father like son, in the case of Cain and his son. Either that or a Mandaeism Gnostic, which apparently believes Yeshua is a false prophet. I am not sure what Gnostic sect you belong too, but apparently not oe founded on knowledge or truth, as far as I can discern.
Revelation 21:5

5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Spiritual Israel is taught in the New Testament. Christians are only Spiritual Israel if they practice the requirements to become Spiritual Israel. There is Spiritual Israel and Fleshly Israel. The Devil/Satan is Claiming to be Yeshua Messiah/Jesus Christ.

@2ndpillar What is your Religion? Are you a White Person? Are you saying that White People are Elohim's/God's People? Are you saying that Black People/Ham are Marked and Cursed to be a Slave to Jews/Shem and White People/Japheth?

Yes, most certainly Elohim/God is Non-Racist and Racist. Elohim/God is All Things. Elohim/God is Omni.

The Christian Gnosticism that Elohim/God has shown me has Differences from Traditional Christian Gnosticism. You would not have heard of it before because it's a New Thing that Elohim/God shown me.


Well-Known Member
First it is an extreme Islamic rant, and accusing it as extreme "left" reveals your extreme right agenda,t in the USA dis not support Islamic extremism.

I do not consider this a worthwhile post with an objective perspective.

What is true is the ancient tribal religions of Judaism, Christianity in its many divisions, and Islam divided on tribal boundaries have made contradictory claims of being the true "Israel?" and fought wars over it for millennia.

The lef
The other day was the first time I had read of Muslim's claiming to be "Israel". Being as the "book of the People/Jews", per the Koran, is from God, and the "book of the people" states that Jacob was named "Israel", and that that name was passed to Isaac, as Essau/Edom had sold his birthright for a bowl of red porridge. I know they claim to be a people of peace, with respect to where the Koran was speaking about the Law being given to the children of Israel, that that law should be their judge, and that they could only kill people who were disruptive, but that is with respect to the Jews, and not the Arabs, especially when the Arabs claim Ishmael as their father. As for the left's support Islamic extremism, the presidents of Penn, MIT, and Harvard could not castigate their students for chanting from the river to the sea, a call for the extermination of the Jewish state. I think you are either spending too much time with your chickens, who lack the ability to show you your wrong footing, because they don't speak your language, or you are watching too much CNN.


Well-Known Member
Revelation 21:5

5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Spiritual Israel is taught in the New Testament. Christians are only Spiritual Israel if they practice the requirements to become Spiritual Israel. There is Spiritual Israel and Fleshly Israel. The Devil/Satan is Claiming to be Yeshua Messiah/Jesus Christ.

@2ndpillar What is your Religion? Are you a White Person? Are you saying that White People are Elohim's/God's People? Are you saying that Black People/Ham are Marked and Cursed to be a Slave to Jews/Shem and White People/Japheth?

Yes, most certainly Elohim/God is Non-Racist and Racist. Elohim/God is All Things. Elohim/God is Omni.

The Christian Gnosticism that Elohim/God has shown me has Differences from Traditional Christian Gnosticism. You would not have heard of it before because it's a New Thing that Elohim/God shown me.
So, apparently you are claiming to be a new "prophet", speaking "things new", who relies on the writings of the old false prophet Paul, of the New Testament. Being of American Indian, Scottish, and Irish ancestry, I would assume that I am probably mostly of Japheth and Shem ancestry, which would make Canaan a servant to my ancestors. Working in the sun, I have mostly a tan complexion, and at times of too much sun, a skin the the color red. During the winter my skin can turn a lighter vanilla color. As for Shem, that would include the Arabs, who have a large proportion of darker skin claimants. People of a darker pigment may be so because of the environment and not ancestry. I am sure the "spirits" are telling many things, but whether any of it is true, is questionable. As for the devil being Jesus Christ, I was thinking that was the view of one of the gnostic sects, which was tied to Cain thru his son. Cain being the son of the devil as he did the acts of his father, the devil. It appears that you might be somewhat confused because of legend of spirits which you follow, or at least 7.

River Sea

Well-Known Member
@Yokefellow @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

The Tabernacles and Temples in the Bible are scale models of Eukaryotic Cells. They switch roles on Yom Kippur to be a model of a Zygote at the moment of conception...


Google search:
What is a eukaryotic cell simple definition?
Eukaryote | Definition, Structure, & Facts | Britannica
eukaryote, any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus. The eukaryotic cell has a nuclear membrane that surrounds the nucleus, in which the well-defined chromosomes (bodies containing the hereditary material) are located.

Looking up words Yom Kippur
Google search:
What is the meaning of the Yom Kippur?
the Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is known as the holiest day of the Jewish year. Leading up to and on that day, Jews traditionally ask for forgiveness for our wrongdoings from God and from our fellow human beings.

Pillar of Fire = Baptism with Fire (Thrown into the Lake of Fire to be reincarnated)
Pillar of Cloud = Baptism with Water (Conceived and birthed from the Amniotic Fluid of the Womb)

The Tabernacle was a picture of the Zygote we all were conceived into...


@Yokefellow Your info shows - Candlestick Mitochondrion

What is the meaning of candlestick mitochondrion? @Bharat Jhunjhunwala Did people in Indus Valley ever use candlestick mitochondrion with a similar meaning, or did this come about after leaving Indus Valley? How did past people understand Tabernacle was a picture of the zygote we all were conceived into? @Yokefellow who showed these past people the zygote to design this tabernacle?

Looking up Candlestick Mitochondrion

google search about Mitochondrion

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner layer being folded inward to form layers (cristae).


http://www.mostholyplace.com › book-02_chapter-i08

The Candlestick, sometimes referred to as the Menorah, is representative of Mitochondria... or more specifically... Mitochondrial DNA... This will be yet ...

Look what I found same that you shared @Yokefellow

Candlesticks and.JPG

So how come today the Jews have their candlesticks?

Do other religions use candlesticks? Are they for similar reasons?

Google search: how come Jews have candles

Shabbat candles are kind of a classic when it comes to traditions that go way way back. Originally, they served a practical purpose — the Torah forbids Jews from kindling fire on Shabbat, so lighting candles on Friday night just before Shabbat begins allows us to see through the darkness while we eat Shabbat dinner

@River Sea responds
Who Or What Is Israel?

Israel means to wrestle with an angel.

Jacob wrestles with Angel; Jacob is the name Israel. So what is Israel? Wrestle with Angel; who is Israel to wrestle with Angel? Anyone who's wrestled with an angle is an Israel, because Israel is an action word, not a place.

@Bthoth I learn from you about KMT increase land
Israel (place) is on KMT-increased land. So no Exodus from KMT black soil., because increased land created a new kingdom that includes Israel place. No exodus from KMT because the land is still of KMT that has increase., that then connected the memory of Jacob, changing the name Jacob to Israel. A action word not place? How did Israel became a place I ask? Because all this land is still of KMT that increased land

Maybe many who traveled to Israel that's new Kingdom relate to Jacob wrestling with Angel? Jacob’s name changed to Israel; how come they don’t call this place "Jacob"? To refer to Jacob, researched by @Bharat Jhunjhunwala Jacob was shown living in Indus Valley, and later I learned that Set also wrestles with Angel at KMT. How come the memory of Jacob names Israel and not the memory of Set from KMT? Both wrestle with angels. Exodus happened from the Indus Valley, and the memory of wrestling from an angel through Jacob's name yet not Set's name, how come? Both Jacob and Set are Israel due to the action word Israel, which means wrestle with an angel.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
@Yokefellow @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Google search:
What is a eukaryotic cell simple definition?
Eukaryote | Definition, Structure, & Facts | Britannica
eukaryote, any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus. The eukaryotic cell has a nuclear membrane that surrounds the nucleus, in which the well-defined chromosomes (bodies containing the hereditary material) are located.

Looking up words Yom Kippur
Google search:
What is the meaning of the Yom Kippur?
the Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is known as the holiest day of the Jewish year. Leading up to and on that day, Jews traditionally ask for forgiveness for our wrongdoings from God and from our fellow human beings.

@Yokefellow Your info shows - Candlestick Mitochondrion

What is the meaning of candlestick mitochondrion? @Bharat Jhunjhunwala Did people in Indus Valley ever use candlestick mitochondrion with a similar meaning, or did this come about after leaving Indus Valley? How did past people understand Tabernacle was a picture of the zygote we all were conceived into? @Yokefellow who showed these past people the zygote to design this tabernacle?

Looking up Candlestick Mitochondrion

google search about Mitochondrion

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner layer being folded inward to form layers (cristae).


View attachment 86178
http://www.mostholyplace.com › book-02_chapter-i08

The Candlestick, sometimes referred to as the Menorah, is representative of Mitochondria... or more specifically... Mitochondrial DNA... This will be yet ...

Look what I found same that you shared @Yokefellow

View attachment 86182

So how come today the Jews have their candlesticks?

Do other religions use candlesticks? Are they for similar reasons?

Google search: how come Jews have candles

Shabbat candles are kind of a classic when it comes to traditions that go way way back. Originally, they served a practical purpose — the Torah forbids Jews from kindling fire on Shabbat, so lighting candles on Friday night just before Shabbat begins allows us to see through the darkness while we eat Shabbat dinner

@River Sea responds
Who Or What Is Israel?

Israel means to wrestle with an angel.

Jacob wrestles with Angel; Jacob is the name Israel. So what is Israel? Wrestle with Angel; who is Israel to wrestle with Angel? Anyone who's wrestled with an angle is an Israel, because Israel is an action word, not a place.

Israel (place) is on KMT-increased land. So no Exodus from KMT black soil., because increased land created a new kingdom that then connected the memory of Jacob, changing the name Jacob to Israel. Maybe many who traveled relate to Jacob wrestling with Angel and later are not sure why to change the name Jacob to Israel? Jacob’s name changed to Israel; how come they don’t call this country "Jacob"? To refer to Jacob, researched by @Bharat Jhunjhunwala Jacob was shown living in Indus Valley, and later I learned that Set also wrestles with Angel at KMT. How come the memory of Jacob names Israel and not the memory of Set from KMT? Both wrestle with angels. Exodus happened from the Indus Valley, and the memory of wrestling from an angel through Jacob's name yet not Set's name, how come? Both Jacob and Set are Israel due to the action word Israel, which means wrestle with an angel.
You keep bringing up items that i have not observed.

But yet, the people that left egypt did have a confusion with which god. As it was during a period in egypt where the schism from thebes to monotheism was recorded.


Premium Member
The other day was the first time I had read of Muslim's claiming to be "Israel". Being as the "book of the People/Jews", per the Koran, is from God, and the "book of the people" states that Jacob was named "Israel", and that that name was passed to Isaac, as Essau/Edom had sold his birthright for a bowl of red porridge. I know they claim to be a people of peace, with respect to where the Koran was speaking about the Law being given to the children of Israel, that that law should be their judge, and that they could only kill people who were disruptive, but that is with respect to the Jews, and not the Arabs, especially when the Arabs claim Ishmael as their father. As for the left's support Islamic extremism, the presidents of Penn, MIT, and Harvard could not castigate their students for chanting from the river to the sea, a call for the extermination of the Jewish state. I think you are either spending too much time with your chickens, who lack the ability to show you your wrong footing, because they don't speak your language, or you are watching too much CNN.
Grose misrepresentation of facts to justify your extreme right agenda.


Premium Member
So, apparently you are claiming to be a new "prophet", speaking "things new", who relies on the writings of the old false prophet Paul, of the New Testament. Being of American Indian, Scottish, and Irish ancestry, I would assume that I am probably mostly of Japheth and Shem ancestry, which would make Canaan a servant to my ancestors. Working in the sun, I have mostly a tan complexion, and at times of too much sun, a skin the the color red. During the winter my skin can turn a lighter vanilla color. As for Shem, that would include the Arabs, who have a large proportion of darker skin claimants. People of a darker pigment may be so because of the environment and not ancestry. I am sure the "spirits" are telling many things, but whether any of it is true, is questionable. As for the devil being Jesus Christ, I was thinking that was the view of one of the gnostic sects, which was tied to Cain thru his son. Cain being the son of the devil as he did the acts of his father, the devil. It appears that you might be somewhat confused because of legend of spirits which you follow, or at least 7.
Nice tall tale based on ancient myths.


Premium Member
You keep bringing up items that i have not observed.

But yet, the people that left egypt did have a confusion with which god. As it was during a period in egypt where the schism from thebes to monotheism was recorded.
The Pentateuch had many conflicting and confusion of views of Gods, Council of Gods and God, and fought tribal wars to determine which Gods were the true God. Christianity has divided and divided again and again in confusion over which version of God is the true God. Simply the nature of being human. The Hindus had the answer in having many one God Brahman, and many Gods so you can pick and chose, and not make tribal war over which God is the true God.


Well-Known Member
The Pentateuch had many conflicting and confusion of views of Gods, Council of Gods and God, and fought tribal wars to determine which Gods were the true God. Christianity has divided and divided again and again in confusion over which version of God is the true God. Simply the nature of being human. The Hindus had the answer in having many one God Brahman, and many Gods so you can pick and chose, and not make tribal war over which God is the true God.
I have always enjoyed the peaceful nature of the eastern populations.


Premium Member
I have always enjoyed the peaceful nature of the eastern populations.
Buddhism also is at peace with the diversity among Buddhists. Though all ancient religions reflect and believe only in their own cultural paradigm and not a universal perspective.

I am personally close to Buddhism since my teen years, but not Buddhist. because of the contradiction of one ancient cultural belief over another.
The Buddha did or point to himself or me. Buddha only pointed.


Well-Known Member
Buddhism also is at peace with the diversity among Buddhists. Though all ancient religions reflect and believe only in their own cultural paradigm and not a universal perspective.

I am personally close to Buddhism since my teen years, but not Buddhist. because of the contradiction of one ancient cultural belief over another.
The Buddha did or point to himself or me. Buddha only pointed.
Still the empathy for life and identifying the suffering of people not having a single truth is quite eastern. Where as in the west control of knowledge was practically the rule.

Even the scope of an ark holding the knowledge was wide spread (an egyptian culture)
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Premium Member
Still the empathy for life and identifying the suffering of people not having a single truth is quote eastern. Where as in the west control of knowledge was practically the rule.
I sort of agree, but incomplete. Eastern religions are indeed far more empathetic to the diversity of belief even beyond their own beliefs and culture, but their identity remains limited to their cultural and religious paradigm, and in a universal context beyond their belief system.
Even the scope of an ark holding the knowledge was wide spread (an egyptian culture).

This remains a subjective claim based on mythology.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I sort of agree, but incomplete. Eastern religions are indeed far more empathetic to the diversity of belief even beyond their own beliefs and culture, but their identity remains limited to their cultural and religious paradigm, and in a universal context beyond their belief system.

This remains a subjective claim based on mythology.
If Eastern relgiion were more tolerant, why do you have the Buddhists in Myanmar genociding the Muslims?


Premium Member
If Eastern relgiion were more tolerant, why do you have the Buddhists in Myanmar genociding the Muslims?
I am referring to the history of Buddhism as compared to other religions. The military nationalist dictatorship of Myanmar could be hardly called Buddhist.

Another common example people cite is Japan, because Japan is predominantly Buddhist but the government of Japan was Nationalist .Milteristic Shinto. Buddhists did protest and were either put in prison or forced into the military.

Unfortunately Buddhist governments are passive and not militarily powerful, and like in Myanmar they were easy pickins for military takeovers and throughout history as in the following example"

History is a witness who is the ethnic cleansing aggressor in the India region and who was the victims.

In 1193, Qutb-ud-din Aybak, the founder of the Delhi Sultanate and first Muslim ruler in India, left defenseless the northeastern territories that were the heart of Buddhist India. The Mahabodhi Temple was almost completely destroyed by the invading Muslim forces.[42]

One of Qutb-ud-Din's generals, Ikhtiar Uddin Muhammad Bin Bakhtiyar Khilji, who later becomes the first Muslim ruler of Bengal and Bihar, invaded Magadha and destroyed the Buddhist shrines and institutions at Nalanda, Vikramasila and Odantapuri, which declined the practice of Buddhism in East India.[39][46][42] Many monuments of ancient Indian civilization were destroyed by the invading armies, including Buddhist sanctuaries[47] near Benares. Buddhist monks who escaped the massacre fled to Nepal, Tibet and South India.[48]

Tamerlane destroyed Buddhist establishments and raided areas in which Buddhism had flourished.[49][50]

Mughal rule also contributed to the decline of Buddhism. They are reported to have destroyed many Hindu temples and Buddhist shrines alike or converted many sacred Hindu places into Muslim shrines and mosques.[51] Mughal rulers like Aurangzeb destroyed Buddhist temples and monasteries and replaced them with mosques.[52]
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