Magic Man
Reaper of Conversation
About this "being born an atheist" stuff: We are not born knowing any language, we are not born how to eat solid foods, we are not born knowing how to walk or even crawl, we are born as self-centered and selfish. Do you think it is brainwashing to teach your child common courtesy and how to share? Do you think learning the language we speak is brainwashing? (they only learn the one spoken to them, you know) Do you think it is even possible for our children NOT to learn what we believe. Are they supposed to plug their ears whenever we talk about our faith?
It is getting pretty scary out there when we are told we are brainwashing our children just by them learning our faith.
Respectfully, I think you misunderstand, Christine. First of all, no one in here said you were brainwashing your children by having them hear you talk about your religion. It is indoctrination to teach your children that your religion is true and right to the exclusion of others. It is entirely possible to be a theist parents and not indoctrinate your children, even though they'll hear you talk about your religion at times. But the fact is most theist parents don't just stop at that. Generally they take their kids to worship with them, and they teach them all the truths of their religion.
Teaching kids common courtesy and manners is quite different from teaching them your religion. Common courtesy and manners are a way of respecting others, so all you're doing is teaching them to respect others with their behavior. Teaching them your religion is telling them "This belief is the truth".