Not your average Mormon
At the age of 15, my son started saying this pretty much every Sunday, but when given the choice to stay home or go, he'd stay home. My husband and I got tired of the weekly arguments so we finally asked our bishop, "Do we force the issue or just let it go?" A lot of people would probably guess that the bishop said, "As long as he is living under your roof, he should have to attend church with your family." Instead, his answer was, "Let it go. Let it be his choice." We did and he stopped going for good. Today, he is totally non-religious, but we have an absolutely fantastic relationship with him. I guess we did pretty well at indoctrinating him to believe in God. We just fell short when it came to indoctrinating him to be a practicing Latter-day Saint.I remember as a kid one day I didn't want to go to church. I told my mom this and she just said, "Ok. We'll see you when we get back."
I was so surprised at the unexpected response the choice suddenly fell to my own conscience rather than being told what to do, and suddenly I had a choice to make. I got my stuff together and joined the family for church. My parents never really forced me to do things. My dad was famous for saying, "If you feel that's the right thing to do, then go ahead."
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