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Who's more racist... the religious or the non-religious?


and why are you so concerned about gods judgement...?

john 3:16 comes to mind
Well even if my destination is secure what I get or don't get when I get there is another matter. There is also the issue of temporal judgements good and bad. There are two judgements after death for a believer. Even though according to the bible I am secure I still think about that moment with a little trepedation. Catholics believe in pergatory as well, I don't share that view but do keep it in mind. Regardless chooseing between worrying about what God thinks compared to what men think isn't even a choice.
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Now if we could only get a consensus on what God's will actually is...
I guess the strategy is if you can find some kind of minor ambiguity somewhere then you can assert your version of morality which is completely ambiguous. God's will is an absolute standard even if no one agreed what it was. However god's will in many cases is stated point blank in the bible. Any aareas that aren't stated directly can easily be inferred from the narrative. For example murdr is wrong. Theft is wrong. However this a discussion betwee two competeing systems role in morality. A Godless system is completely insuffecient for the moral framework needed for society. A religous (God) system even if it had grey areas would still be vastly superior to a human institution based on opinion.


Veteran Member
Well even if my destination is secure what I get or don't get when I get there is another matter.
There is also the issue of temporal judgements good and bad. There are two judgements after death for a believer. Even though according to the bible I am secure I still think about that moment with a little trepedation. Catholics believe in pergatory as well, I don't share that view but do keep it in mind.

what gives you this sense of security?
remember proverbs 16:18...

what men think isn't even a choice.

hence my signature.


what gives you this sense of security?
remember proverbs 16:18...
So now it's my security, I thought it was fear.
New International Version (©1984)
For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."New Living Translation (©2007)
And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but that I should raise them up at the last day
There are about 100 more where these came from.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Proverbs:pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall
What does this have to do with anything? This is speaking about a temporal causal relationship. My position is rooted in someone elses qualifications and so pride doesn't apply.

hence my signature.
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ha ha
you don't fear judgment because you feel secure that you will be favored...
how convenient for you...
here, have a :cigar:
I swear you guys crack me up sometimes. Just so we can get your delusions straight. Is it fear, faith, security, or God you have an issue with, probably all four? Please consolidate a consistent claim out of all this delusional rhetoric and state it clearly.


Veteran Member
I swear you guys crack me up sometimes. Just so we can get your delusions straight. Is it fear, faith, security, or God you have an issue with, probably all four? Please consolidate a consistent claim out of all this delusional rhetoric and state it clearly.

i don't have a problem understanding that one feels secure with their relationship with fear...as it embraces the one who buys into a lie that says, you're safe now.


i don't have a problem understanding that one feels secure with their relationship with fear...as it embraces the one who buys into a lie that says, you're safe now.
That isn't even a coherent statement, I am loosing interest in your points or attempts at them.


Admiral Obvious
God's will is an absolute standard even if no one agreed what it was.
Says who?

However god's will in many cases is stated point blank in the bible.
Now all you have to do is show that the Bible correctly and accurately presents gods will...
Yeah, good luck with that.

Any aareas that aren't stated directly can easily be inferred from the narrative. For example murdr is wrong.
Unless god commands you to murder...

However this a discussion betwee two competeing systems role in morality.
Your false dichotomy does not help your position.

A Godless system is completely insuffecient for the moral framework needed for society.
Says who?

A religous (God) system even if it had grey areas would still be vastly superior to a human institution based on opinion.
says who?

Seems to me you are doing nothing more than attempting to support your unsubstantiated claims with even more unsubstantiated claims.


Says who?
I get so tired explaining the obvious. It's like I said if it was made of diamond then it was hard. Then you say "says who" The very nature of God revealed in the bible makes this a fore gone conclusion. His standards are comensurate with his sovereignty, absolute and subject to no ones opinion.

Now all you have to do is show that the Bible correctly and accurately presents gods will...
Yeah, good luck with that.
Others far more competent than me have done so thousands of times and billions of people have agreed.

Unless god commands you to murder...
That would be inconsistent with his covenant that was established at Christs death and would therefore be impossible.

Your false dichotomy does not help your position.
As I am the one who made the claim it is i that determine what it entails.

Says who?

says who?
Nice parrot imitation.

Seems to me you are doing nothing more than attempting to support your unsubstantiated claims with even more unsubstantiated claims.
As well as all the scholars at this site, any many more just like them. I sure wish you would go there and do a little research so you can quit asking answers to obvious questions. Without God, What Grounds Right and Wrong?

Jesus Pipes

Religious people seem to be more racist. Doubt it could be proven. Religious dogma sets principles for its followers and tends to make that organization have exclusive beliefs. People who do not follow the doctrine are not accepted. People that are different than you are thought less of.


Religious people seem to be more racist. Doubt it could be proven. Religious dogma sets principles for its followers and tends to make that organization have exclusive beliefs. People who do not follow the doctrine are not accepted. People that are different than you are thought less of.
Well lets see Christianity says all men are created equal, and they have objective worth and value, and they fought against US slavery and others.

Evolution which is what you get without religion says:
"On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life."*

Favored Races

And evolution contains nothing in it to justify equality of any kind and has no way to establish the sanctity of life. But I am sure you are probably right. Ha Ha


Veteran Member
And any sunday school child can see they are not relevant to this discussion. This is getting boring. Either make a thoughtful point or punt.

you said this

My position is rooted in someone elses qualifications and so pride doesn't apply.
while ignoring that it is YOU who believes.
any child can see that you are playing a vital role in your own salvation, in fact without your role you wouldn't be saved...


Veteran Member
That isn't even a coherent statement

sure it is... think.

i don't have a problem understanding that one feels secure with their relationship with fear...as it embraces the one who buys into a lie that says, you're safe now.

if you're afraid to fly, you choose not to fly to stay "safe"

if you're afraid to own the culpability and responsibility for your actions, you let someone else who more qualified to take the fall...

how's that :cigar: ?
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Jesus Pipes

Haha, ok that article just tells you why some races are more prevalent in certain areas. Because of their racial traits they were able to survive and populate. The black people you see today came from Africa. Overtime their pigment became darker because this area got so much direct sunlight.

This has nothing to do with racism, it's just how different colored people came to be in different regions of the world. No different than why some birds exist in some parts of the world than others. Not racism.

Jesus preached that people were equal. Christianity puts laws of man on top of what Jesus said was the word of God. Christians are less tolerant.