You said there is a logical contradiction in God purifying someone who doesn't want guidance. What do you mean by this 'purification'?
OK .. this is in the context that God could have put us all in heaven to start with, and not put us through all these worldly trials .. yes?
So what's the point of this reality? Is it
just that a righteous person should be made to suffer by an evil person?
We can only understand concepts that have some sort of 'reflection' in this world .. some souls are righteous and some aren't .. by definition .. God created us with the choice to be "good or bad"..
Yes .. He could have made us all so that we were unable to do bad .. but He didn't .. He's given us that responsibility.
So the responsibility of purification is not just on Almighty God, it's dependant on our souls co-operation .. unless of course, He changes the nature of our souls .. makes us into 'zombies'
Enough .. you probably don't agree..