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Why Are So Many Cops Dumb?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Eh I think most cops hired today are intelligent enough. What you lookin for? A whole patrol of Einsteins?
As I've said repeatedly, I say it's wrong to exclude intelligent ones.
It's also wrong to hire dumb ones, especially so many.
It's also about more than IQ. As we observe in the news, many
cops simply don't bother to learn the laws they're supposed to
enforce, or constitutional civil rights, or how to interact with
people in distress, neuro-divergent, or handicapped.


Well-Known Member
I recall the IQ issue from a while ago, but recently ran across this article....

Jordan sued for discrimination but to no avail. Here's what a federal court ruled:

Too smart for police work, "Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test."

@Wu Wei might find it fascinating that even a lowly engineer
would be rejected as too smart to be a cop. An interesting
aspect of the average 104 IQ claim is that this means that
nearly half of cops are below average (100 IQ).
So we're giving a couple hundred thousand below average
intelligence people a gun & a license to kill to civilians.
And this after training that's less than what's required
to be a mechanic, real estate agent, or cosmetologist.
Why is the title "why are cops so dumb" but the first paragraph states the average IQ of a cop being a little above average?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Why is the title "why are cops so dumb" but the first paragraph states the average IQ of a cop being a little above average?
I covered this already, but here we go again....

The "little above average" is only 104.
This is insignificantly different from the average of 100.
So almost half of cops are below average IQ.
This is to some extent by design, because a federal circuit
court ruled that high intelligence is not a protected
group, & is arguably a handicap to policing. This
allows discrimination against intelligent applicants.

Moreover, "dumb" is broader than just low IQ.
It also covers people who simply don't learn.
Current events make it clear that civilians often
know more about the law & constitutional rights
than cops, eg, the right to record interactions,
4th Amendment rights, 5th Amendment rights.

Youtube videos are more comprehensive than
police academies. This is confirmed by ex-cop
Abiyah Isarael on his channel.

Does it make sense to have tens of thousands of
below average intelligence people to be given
minimal training, a gun, & a license to kill civilians?

Here's an example of ignorance of applicable law,
carelessness, & stupidity that almost cost a woman
her life. Legal analysis of their failure is thorough.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
In this video, we see the common problem
of cops not even being aware of their own
department's policies regarding de-escalation
& use of force.
Are they too dumb to understand?
Too lazy to learn?
Or just thugs treating civilians as prey?


Outstanding Member
I recall the IQ issue from a while ago, but recently ran across this article....

Jordan sued for discrimination but to no avail. Here's what a federal court ruled:

Too smart for police work, "Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test."

@Wu Wei might find it fascinating that even a lowly engineer
would be rejected as too smart to be a cop. An interesting
aspect of the average 104 IQ claim is that this means that
nearly half of cops are below average (100 IQ).
So we're giving a couple hundred thousand below average
intelligence people a gun & a license to kill to civilians.
And this after training that's less than what's required
to be a mechanic, real estate agent, or cosmetologist.

Regarding this theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training... Do you know if any evidence has been presented?

Plus, let's assume that it is true that smart people tend to move on to some other job much more frequently compared to not so smart people. This would mean that the State would be spending more money overall to get better cops, which is... completely fine when that would mean less stupid decisions being made by people in a position of power. That's, of course, assuming absolutely nothing impactful could be done to reduce the turnover or to mitigate the additional cost, which is not a given either, because if we do take those into consideration there might not even be much of an additional cost, if any at all.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Regarding this theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training... Do you know if any evidence has been presented?
I've never seen any such evidence presented.
Excerpted from the linked article...
But the U.S. District Court found that New London had “shown a rational basis for the policy.” In a ruling dated Aug. 23, the 2nd Circuit agreed. The court said the policy might be unwise but was a rational way to reduce job turnover.

That sounds like an argument, but not actual evidence.

Plus, let's assume that it is true that smart people tend to move on to some other job much more frequently compared to not so smart people. This would mean that the State would be spending more money overall to get better cops, which is... completely fine when that would mean less stupid decisions being made by people in a position of power. That's, of course, assuming absolutely nothing impactful could be done to reduce the turnover or to mitigate the additional cost, which is not a given either, because if we do take those into consideration there might not even be much of an additional cost, if any at all.
There's also a cost of hiring only dumb cops, eg,
requiring more remedial training, paying victims


Based on my experience...
Cops are dumb on purpose. They are trained on day one that critical thinking can get them killed and to impulsively react to situations with overwhelming force. They are trained be mindless order followers (even more than soldiers) and to leave the thinking to judges. They know that if they are right with their reactions, they reap all the rewards, but if they are wrong, it's someone else's mess to clean up.

This one example (of MANY) shows cops react to a situation with overwhelming force FIRST, then stood around scratching their heads trying to figure out which State they were currently standing in as well as the difference between a van and a motorcycle.

I've seen many recruitment videos, and they are all pretty much the same. They show all the "cool" stuff; like SWAT teams, shooting drills, standing over someone who is handcuffed sitting on a curb. And these videos target C and D students and people who crave authority. So they end up with sociopaths, bullies, and people who were bullied. And the ones who went in with the best of intentions either give in to the culture or have really short careers.

In a nutshell, that's why they are dumb.


Well-Known Member
I covered this already, but here we go again....

The "little above average" is only 104.
This is insignificantly different from the average of 100.
So almost half of cops are below average IQ.
It still means that most cops are above average IQ. Why does the title focus on the minority that are below average instead of the majority that are above, then suggest the minority represents the majority of them?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It still means that most cops are above average IQ.
But with an upper limit in many jurisdictions.
Why does the title focus on the minority that are below average instead of the majority that are above, then suggest the minority represents the majority of them?
Because being dumb is a problem...
...along with being bullies, thieves, predators, laggards, & ignormaouses.

It's wrong that less intelligence & education are
required to shoot a person than to bleach their hair.


Well-Known Member
But with an upper limit in many jurisdictions.
Lots of jobs refuse to hire someone who is overqualified; such people usually quit after finding something more suited for their qualifications after the initial investment cost of training them
.Because being dumb is a problem...
When has being dumb ever been such a problem?
It's wrong that less intelligence & education are
required to shoot a person than to bleach their hair.
Why is this wrong?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Lots of jobs refuse to hire someone who is overqualified; such people usually quit after finding something more suited for their qualifications after the initial investment cost of training them
Policing should require people above average intelligence,
maturity, & integrity. Consider that they're given great power
over civilians, & can kill us if they feel the least bit fearful.
This is not a power that should be granted only to average
& below average people.
When has being dumb ever been such a problem?
When dumb cops are unaware of the laws they're supposed
to enforce, & the rights that civilians possess, they commit
crimes against us. This results in loss of liberty, financial
loss, injury, death, & extreme distrust of cops.
These costs are climbing, now that cops are being
seen less & less as heroes, but more & more as
vicious & stupid tyrannical thugs.
Yet cops rarely have to pay for their crimes. That's
left to the taxpayers. When cops & their unions are
held financially accountable, then there'll be change.
Why is this wrong?
Because the risks to life, limb, & liberty posed by a
cosmetologist are far far less than risks posed by cops.
Yet cops receive less training, & have less supervision,
ie, cosmetologists are subject to sanction by a licensing
board, while cops police themselves, which is an inexorably
corrupt process.
"We've investigated ourselves, & found no wrongdoing."
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Well-Known Member
Policing should require people above average intelligence,
According to the link YOU provided, they are above average intelligence.
When dumb cops are unaware of the laws they're supposed
to enforce, & the rights that civilians possess, they commit
crimes against us.
But cops are aware of the laws they're supposed to enforce. Are they aware of ALL the laws? Nobody knows all of the laws; you can have the most brilliant person in the world and they may not know 100% of all laws. To not know all of the laws is not dumb, it's ignorant. All of us are ignorant to one thing or another.
This results in loss of liberty, financial
loss, injury, death, & extreme distrust of cops.
Don't assume settlements are the result of misconduct. In my city a woman called the cops about a burglary. When the cops showed up, she lunged at them with a knife, and the cop shot her. The city paid her family millions due to her death. What did you expect the cop to do? Get stabbed?
Because the risks to life, limb, & liberty posed by a
cosmetologist are far far less than risks posed by cops.
The training for cops and cosmetologists will vary from state to state, so you can't paint them all with the same broad brush. And maybe the training for cosmetologists is overkill; more required than what is necessary. How much do you really know about the amount of training the police get from state to state?
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
According to the link YOU provided, they are above average intelligence.
By this claim, are you arguing that they are all above average?
It's a major problem that they can exclude anyone slightly above
average, eg, the 125 IQ case ruled upon.
But cops are aware of the laws they're supposed to enforce. Are they aware of ALL the laws?
They aren't aware of enuf.
Many are unaware of (or flout with impunity) even the basic ones...
- We have the right to record in public, including them.
- We have the right to insult them.
- We have the right to speak in their presence, even if they order otherwise.
- They must not search a home or vehicle without a warrant or exigent circumstances.
- They must not use excessive force.
- They must be honest on their reports.
- They've no authority to demand ID unless reasonable suspicion of a crime, or driving a vehicle.
- They've no authority to demand ID from passengers in a vehicle.
- Traffic stops can legally last no longer than required for the citation/warning.

It's simply inexcusable that so many cops are too dumb to do their job properly.
Nobody knows all of the laws; you can have the most brilliant person in the world and they may not know 100% of all laws. To not know all of the laws is not dumb, it's ignorant. All of us are ignorant to one thing or another.
This is a red herring. Of course they won't know all laws.
But the problem is their widespread ignorance (&/or flouting)
of basic laws & departmental policies.
The training for cops and cosmetologists will vary from state to state, so you can't paint them all with the same broad brush. And maybe the training for cosmetologists is overkill; more required than what is necessary. How much do you really know about the amount of training the police get from state to state?
I've looked into it in various states.
Nothing more to add.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Here's an example of the "above average" cops you're defending.
These dumb lying cops acting incompetently, illegally
(breaking multiple laws) & excessive violence.
And now their department is investigating itself.