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Why Are So Many Cops Dumb?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Another problem with dumb cops is arresting
the wrong person because they fail to verify
who the person is. The guy arrested should
never have provided ID.
Notice how the cop mutes his bodycam so
as to avoid being monitored.
Such ignorant careless mouth breathers
shouldn't have power over anyone.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I've never had an issue with any cop.
Become a landlord, & you'll get to know
many judges, lawyers, & cops.
Cops require delicate handling when they
misbehave, eg, getting them to stop blocking
the driveway to an office building, dealing
with crimes that tenants commit.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Dumb cops even pose a risk to taxpayers when
moonlighting as security for people & businesses.
The cops get paid while providing no service to
their department, but when they act improperly,
the government gets sued. And they can legally
skip wearing a bodycam while working privately.

This video channel is run by a former cop. He's
explained that he received insufficient training
in the law & civil liberties. He learned only after
being hired, doing so on his own.

We Never Know

No Slack
I recall the IQ issue from a while ago, but recently ran across this article....

Jordan sued for discrimination but to no avail. Here's what a federal court ruled:

Too smart for police work, "Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test."

@Wu Wei might find it fascinating that even a lowly engineer
would be rejected as too smart to be a cop. An interesting
aspect of the average 104 IQ claim is that this means that
nearly half of cops are below average (100 IQ).
So we're giving a couple hundred thousand below average
intelligence people a gun & a license to kill to civilians.
And this after training that's less than what's required
to be a mechanic, real estate agent, or cosmetologist.

I see your link is from 2013. The original is from 2000.

Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops

My point... I wonder if he was still working as a prison guard 13 years later.


Well-Known Member
By this claim, are you arguing that they are all above average?
It's a major problem that they can exclude anyone slightly above
average, eg, the 125 IQ case ruled upon.
Since when did 125 IQ become slightly above average? Which police departments exclude such people? And how do you know that alone was the reason for their exclusion?
They aren't aware of enuf.
Many are unaware of (or flout with impunity) even the basic ones...
- We have the right to record in public, including them.
- We have the right to insult them.
- We have the right to speak in their presence, even if they order otherwise.
- They must not search a home or vehicle without a warrant or exigent circumstances.
- They must not use excessive force.
- They must be honest on their reports.
- They've no authority to demand ID unless reasonable suspicion of a crime, or driving a vehicle.
- They've no authority to demand ID from passengers in a vehicle.
- Traffic stops can legally last no longer than required for the citation/warning.

It's simply inexcusable that so many cops are too dumb to do their job properly.
What percentage of cops are unaware of these things? And how do you know the ones that appear to not know, do know but are just being jerks and breaking the rules?


Well-Known Member
Here's an example of the "above average" cops you're defending.
These dumb lying cops acting incompetently, illegally
(breaking multiple laws) & excessive violence.
And now their department is investigating itself.
Excessive violence does not equal ignorance of the law. Consider for a moment that the cop is just a jerk. The smartest people in the world can be jerks ya know!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What if all the top intelligent people are weaklings and scrawny?
That's just not the case. At all.
Amd try actually reading. Rev has not put forth an idea that all cops should be of a high intelligence but rather its bogus they exclude those of a high intelligence.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I recall the IQ issue from a while ago, but recently ran across this article....

Jordan sued for discrimination but to no avail. Here's what a federal court ruled:

Too smart for police work, "Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test."

@Wu Wei might find it fascinating that even a lowly engineer
would be rejected as too smart to be a cop. An interesting
aspect of the average 104 IQ claim is that this means that
nearly half of cops are below average (100 IQ).
So we're giving a couple hundred thousand below average
intelligence people a gun & a license to kill to civilians.
And this after training that's less than what's required
to be a mechanic, real estate agent, or cosmetologist.

One problem I see is those with a lower IQ are more likely to be integrated into the cop culture.
Also you watch some of these Youtube videos and the police often don't seem to understand the law too well.

The first year they get assigned a training officer so the department culture just gets passed down.

Basically the path of least hassle for those running the show. And who cares about being sued, it is just tax payer money.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Excessive violence does not equal ignorance of the law. Consider for a moment that the cop is just a jerk. The smartest people in the world can be jerks ya know!
Here's the difference. My IQ is 148, amd, yes, I can be a *****. But I lack the power that a cop has and can't totally ruin a life like a cop can.