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Why aren’t we learning?


Christian Evolutionist
It’s apparent that the religious traditions have not prepared people to evolve socially, and in many ways cause social retardation and conflict. Look at Christian nationalism and creationism in the USA, they are not only inhibiting progress but causing intolerance.

No religion has really been able to prepare people living in technologically advancing societies to manage the challenges. What we need are experts in the social sciences to help guide young people and societies to understand and manage how we live.

The affects of social media on young people is having serious consequences and experts are identifying the causes and proposing solutions. We see religious people and right wing politicians saying that science can’t be trusted and to fall back on obsolete and failed traditions.

If you want progress you need to be progressive.

Social evolution, as always involves migration and accepted cultural practices. Toxicity of environments can limit progress, so to be progressive I will assume the position of being willing to migrate to areas better suited for my happiness and well being. Social media, no doubt has its pitfalls as does a less accommodating environment, where people have too much difficulty seeing eye to eye. Science, on the other hand is useful but is no less dangerous than any other human efforted structure. People like me, well ... we aim for inclusion but when inclusion negates our participation in our societies, we are compelled to meet the challenge of exclusion, which leads us to assembly and addressing the issues that negate our active roles in society.

Technical advances are increasing in rapid pace and most of us couldn't hope to stay in step. We're limited in ability to test and learn and to become part of the beta teams. But, this limitation only affects us in as much as we are aware of the advances themselves...until they are offered to the general public. So, the tech we have far surpasses the tech we know about and have access to. With this stated, progress isn't isolated to the secular world.


Veteran Member
Social evolution, as always involves migration and accepted cultural practices. Toxicity of environments can limit progress, so to be progressive I will assume the position of being willing to migrate to areas better suited for my happiness and well being.
Sure. Look at the Christians who migrated to the Americas for religious freedom. Of course the indigenous people were eventually eliminated, both from disease and war. And Jews have migrated to most all areas of the planet, and have faced discrimination in most places. Jews were prejudiced against in the USA in the 1930's, as well as most of Europe. The new german government went farther than anyone else and runded up Jews to move them elsewhere. Eventually the good Lutherans and Catholics decided to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Quite toxic indeed, and progress from a humanism perspective was non-existent.
Social media, no doubt has its pitfalls as does a less accommodating environment, where people have too much difficulty seeing eye to eye. Science, on the other hand is useful but is no less dangerous than any other human efforted structure. People like me, well ... we aim for inclusion but when inclusion negates our participation in our societies, we are compelled to meet the challenge of exclusion, which leads us to assembly and addressing the issues that negate our active roles in society.
What inclusion negates our participation in sociaty? Your comment is vague.

Technical advances are increasing in rapid pace and most of us couldn't hope to stay in step. We're limited in ability to test and learn and to become part of the beta teams. But, this limitation only affects us in as much as we are aware of the advances themselves...until they are offered to the general public. So, the tech we have far surpasses the tech we know about and have access to. With this stated, progress isn't isolated to the secular world.
Give examples.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Jews were prejudiced against in the USA in the 1930's, as well as most of Europe.
Excuse me? Jews in the 1930s were almost completely assimilated. They thought of themselves as citizen of the countries they lived in. Anne Frank saw herself as German. Indeed the only conversation regarding Judaism in her diary happened the day her family was celebrating Christmas.

SMH. It is a sad state of affairs that the antisemites that used to hide their hatred of Jews now openly speak their lies on social media without batting an eye. And its awful that very few people even seem to care about it. Your post is deeply offensive.


Christian Evolutionist
Sure. Look at the Christians who migrated to the Americas for religious freedom. Of course the indigenous people were eventually eliminated, both from disease and war. And Jews have migrated to most all areas of the planet, and have faced discrimination in most places. Jews were prejudiced against in the USA in the 1930's, as well as most of Europe. The new german government went farther than anyone else and runded up Jews to move them elsewhere. Eventually the good Lutherans and Catholics decided to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Quite toxic indeed, and progress from a humanism perspective was non-existent.

What inclusion negates our participation in sociaty? Your comment is vague.
In North America, the indigenous are believed to have migrated from Asia across the Bering strait. Before this, North America was believed to have not been occupied. They also migrated all the way to South America ... That's been presented as a possible route, rather. Native tribes migrated from area to area also, following food sources and looking for places of safety. This is typically how migration operates. A need becomes apparent, and efforts made to secure the species. Conquest has likewise been part of this paradigm, but very likely due to similar ambitions. I'll pass on your last challenge. I'm just as ignorant to beta tech as most everyone else.


Veteran Member
Excuse me? Jews in the 1930s were almost completely assimilated. They thought of themselves as citizen of the countries they lived in. Anne Frank saw herself as German. Indeed the only conversation regarding Judaism in her diary happened the day her family was celebrating Christmas.

SMH. It is a sad state of affairs that the antisemites that used to hide their hatred of Jews now openly speak their lies on social media without batting an eye. And its awful that very few people even seem to care about it. Your post is deeply offensive.
How is it offensive? There has been anti-semitism in all nations, including the USA.

Different opinions exist among historians regarding the extent of antisemitism in American history and how American antisemitism contrasted with its European counterpart. In contrast to the horrors of European history, John Higham states that in the United States "no decisive event, no deep crisis, no powerful social movement, no great individual is associated primarily with, or significant chiefly because of anti-Semitism."[1] Accordingly, David A. Gerber concludes that antisemitism "has been a distinctly minor feature of the nation's historical development."[2] Historian Britt Tevis argue that, "Handlin and Higham’s ideas (especially Higham’s) remain influential, and many American Jewish historians continue to present antisemitism as largely insignificant, momentary, primarily social."[3]
The first governmental incident of anti-Jewish action came during the American Civil War, when General Ulysses S. Grant issued General Order No. 11 (1862) to expel Jews from the portions of Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi then under his control. The order was quickly rescinded by President Lincoln, but not before some Jews were forcibly removed from their homes.​
From the 1870s to the 1940s, Jews were routinely discriminated against and barred from working in some fields of employment, barred from residing certain properties, not accepted as members by elite social clubs, barred from resort areas and limited by quotas in enrolling in elite colleges. Antisemitism reached its peak with the rise of the second Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, antisemitic publications by Henry Ford, and incendiary radio speeches by Father Coughlin in the late 1930s.​



Veteran Member
In North America, the indigenous are believed to have migrated from Asia across the Bering strait. Before this, North America was believed to have not been occupied.
Humans evolved in Africa, and migrated everywhere else. Neanderthals were prevalent in the area we call Europe. They went extinct about 25,000 years ago but did breed with homo sapiens.
They also migrated all the way to South America ... That's been presented as a possible route, rather. Native tribes migrated from area to area also, following food sources and looking for places of safety. This is typically how migration operates. A need becomes apparent, and efforts made to secure the species. Conquest has likewise been part of this paradigm, but very likely due to similar ambitions. I'll pass on your last challenge. I'm just as ignorant to beta tech as most everyone else.
I'm not sure how this is relevant. Humans have migrated over time, and genetics has allowed us a way to track the progress. There a difference between migration, to colonization, to invasion.


Christian Evolutionist
Humans evolved in Africa, and migrated everywhere else. Neanderthals were prevalent in the area we call Europe. They went extinct about 25,000 years ago but did breed with homo sapiens.

I'm not sure how this is relevant. Humans have migrated over time, and genetics has allowed us a way to track the progress. There a difference between migration, to colonization, to invasion.
The exact implication was that it was a bad thing to migrate. I suggested otherwise, and alluded to the fact that this what we do, and migration isn't isolated the human race. You brought up the pitfalls of migration and how it can affect other cultures, which I agree. You failed until you mentioned Africa as origin to assume a position of understanding, all while you discard my input. Interesting. I'll be back in a few days.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Well... I had an opportunity, so, I'm testing my "prescription".

@Aupmanyav ,

The test failed. They do not want peace that comes from cooperation and compromise. The only option left is ... peace via isolation. Which is, honestly, the first step pf peace making. I suppose, worst case scenario, we never get past step one, and simply avoid people who won't cooperate and/or compromise? Right? If they become violent or are harassing people, that would be a different situation.

Why aren’t we learning lessons from our past?

Well, I'm learning. I'm problem solving. I'm looking for creative solutions. I'm keeping track of the past mistakes and working to prevent them.

Do you and yours know the mistakes that were made in the past? It does not look that way to me.

These are the major problems that are being repeated by the Bahai community:

1) "I'm the Latest-Greatest Prophet of God" <----- doesn't work. People will not rally around this individual. It never works. Your own scripture says so.

2) "Inerrant scripture" <----- doesn't work. No one walking around with skin and bones is inerrant. Any scripture that comes from a human hand will have faults. This has been shown time after time after time after time.

So, I ask you, why are't YOU learning the lessons of the past?

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Humanity has come a long way scientifically. We are able to reach for the stars and communicate instantly over thousands of miles.

Yet mankind has not advanced in the social or spiritual realms. Wars have plagued us for centuries and religions continue to conflict.

Why aren’t we learning lessons from our past? We have billions of religious people but no peace.

Why has humanity failed to progress socially and spiritually but only materially?
Too many people are feeding the bad wolf and starving the good one. They are narcissistic.


Excuse me? Jews in the 1930s were almost completely assimilated. They thought of themselves as citizen of the countries they lived in. Anne Frank saw herself as German. Indeed the only conversation regarding Judaism in her diary happened the day her family was celebrating Christmas.

SMH. It is a sad state of affairs that the antisemites that used to hide their hatred of Jews now openly speak their lies on social media without batting an eye. And its awful that very few people even seem to care about it. Your post is deeply offensive.
From my understanding many, many European Jews migrated to the US during the thirties as the rhetoric increased popularity, especially as the Great Depression eased up in 1936 - 1939. There's a great book, a first hand account, by Erika Mann entitled _School for Barbarians, Education Under the Nazis_. Copyright 1938. The author and her father, Thomas Mann, made that decision.


Veteran Member
Remember the Renaissance is a fair play, coming from what many deem the dark ages of human social dynamics, the beginning of the humanities. Progress, I'm guessing is in the eyes of the beholders, coming from whatever age span they might represent and from the cultures that shape them. Plagues, power struggles, immigration, food shortages, and warring territories set the stage and from that stage came the humanities. Some call it progresses, others view it with the question: when "will we ever learn".
Truth is, I don't know.
The above mentioned problems back then were Not coupled with Jesus' words at Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8
World problems (2nd Timothy 3:1-5,13) would be coupled with the international proclaiming about God's kingdom government (Dan. 2:44)
Back in the Renaissance we did Not have the global or international spreading the good news as Jesus said it would be done.
Modern technology has now made possible rapid Bible translation so people even in remote areas can have access to Scripture.
Truth is, we do now know that when the powers in charge are saying, " Peace and Security...." (1st Thess. 5:2-3) coupled with the now proclaiming about God's kingdom that is the 'final signal', so to speak, before the outbreak of the coming great tribulation of Rev. 7:14
Before Jesus then takes the action of Isaiah 11:4; Rev. 19:14-15 to rid the Earth of all wickedness


Christian Evolutionist
The above mentioned problems back then were Not coupled with Jesus' words at Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8
World problems (2nd Timothy 3:1-5,13) would be coupled with the international proclaiming about God's kingdom government (Dan. 2:44)
Back in the Renaissance we did Not have the global or international spreading the good news as Jesus said it would be done.
Modern technology has now made possible rapid Bible translation so people even in remote areas can have access to Scripture.
Truth is, we do now know that when the powers in charge are saying, " Peace and Security...." (1st Thess. 5:2-3) coupled with the now proclaiming about God's kingdom that is the 'final signal', so to speak, before the outbreak of the coming great tribulation of Rev. 7:14
Before Jesus then takes the action of Isaiah 11:4; Rev. 19:14-15 to rid the Earth of all wickedness

500 to 700 years ago was nearly if not a1000 years after Jesus, so there had been some influence prior to the beginning of the humanities from his teachings. Beyond this, I'm not sure what you're referring to, nor your point.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
In North America, the indigenous are believed to have migrated from Asia across the Bering strait. Before this, North America was believed to have not been occupied.
You are correct. In all honestly, its a little more complicated than that, but you got the main idea down. This is what evidence from archeology and genetics supports.


Be your own guru
It's My Birthday!
Why would God make us peace-loving and without greed? He would loose all the fun in the game.


Veteran Member
500 to 700 years ago was nearly if not a1000 years after Jesus, so there had been some influence prior to the beginning of the humanities from his teachings. Beyond this, I'm not sure what you're referring to, nor your point.
Thank you for your reply.
To me the point is learning about peace is found in the teachings of Jesus
Man's history shows 'man has always dominated man' and the result is Not peace
If everyone lived by Jesus' New Commandment ' at John 13:34-35 to have self-sacrificing love for others as Jesus has there would be peace
In other words, now to love neighbor MORE than self, More than the old Golden Rule found at Leviticus 19:18
Those who choose to follow Jesus' peace-filled teachings are the ones who will inherit the Earth as Jesus promised at Matthew 5:5
So, the point is that the time is soon coming when there will be divine involvement into mankind's affairs to rid the Earth of wickedness


Veteran Member
Why would God make us peace-loving and without greed? He would loose all the fun in the game.
Fun? or rather troubles and problems starting with fallen Adam
Without greed one could feel safe and secure with one's neighbors
Without War would mean to also feel safe and secure ( War will end - Psalm 46:9 )
Right now it is Satan's game plan (Job 2:4-5) to ' touch our flesh..... ' meaning loose physical health and we would Not serve God
Sinner Satan's game plan failed because both Job and Jesus under adverse conditions proved faithful in serving God


Christian Evolutionist
Thank you for your reply.
To me the point is learning about peace is found in the teachings of Jesus
Man's history shows 'man has always dominated man' and the result is Not peace
If everyone lived by Jesus' New Commandment ' at John 13:34-35 to have self-sacrificing love for others as Jesus has there would be peace
In other words, now to love neighbor MORE than self, More than the old Golden Rule found at Leviticus 19:18
Those who choose to follow Jesus' peace-filled teachings are the ones who will inherit the Earth as Jesus promised at Matthew 5:5
So, the point is that the time is soon coming when there will be divine involvement into mankind's affairs to rid the Earth of wickedness

It's a process.


Veteran Member
It's a process.
' Is it ever a process ! ' because before there will be a good-and-healthy environment Jesus' followers are to spread his good news message throughout the whole world as a witness to the nations (Matt. 24:14; Acts 1:8)
So, we are Not speaking about each and every person (New people being born every day) but the work being done on an international scale just as it is being done today. Thus, we are nearing the end of the process that Jesus started and set in motion for us


Christian Evolutionist
' Is it ever a process ! ' because before there will be a good-and-healthy environment Jesus' followers are to spread his good news message throughout the whole world as a witness to the nations (Matt. 24:14; Acts 1:8)
So, we are Not speaking about each and every person (New people being born every day) but the work being done on an international scale just as it is being done today. Thus, we are nearing the end of the process that Jesus started and set in motion for us
Nearly 2000 years ago, many set out on that path. On that path many were martyred. On that path, much was spread of Jesus' truth and understanding. Today it has reached every corner of the earth, although every corner has not adopted the teachings. This is fine to me, and so long as the people of these many mansions live in truth, I will presume peaceful relations will be accomplished among our many tribes.


Veteran Member
Nearly 2000 years ago, many set out on that path. On that path many were martyred. On that path, much was spread of Jesus' truth and understanding. Today it has reached every corner of the earth, although every corner has not adopted the teachings. This is fine to me, and so long as the people of these many mansions live in truth, I will presume peaceful relations will be accomplished among our many tribes.
I recall hearing one person calculated out of all the people Jesus encountered only 1% became a follower
So, if Jesus was running for office and only got 1% of the votes________________
Thus, to me it is No wonder that Jesus forewarned us that his followers would be hated - Matt. 10:22; 24:9; Luke 21:17
In Scripture peaceful relations will be accomplished by ' words '
Isaiah 11:2-4 tells us about the sword-like executional words from Jesus' mouth to rid the Earth of the wicked
Revelation 19:14-15 includes angelic armies involved along with Jesus as Commander in Chief or King of God's Kingdom (Daniel 2:44)