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Why aren’t we learning?


Veteran Member
Interesting. Wars. Hmm. I agree. Not just wars with guns, but wars with ideas. When, do you think that people will stop trying to attack each other's religions? What are the qualities, ingredients ( like a recipe ), which will produce a sort of lasting peace where ideas can co-exist harmoniously without being hostile to one another.
I vote: compromise. That's the most important ingredient which is missing from the World Community, imo. If so, the question I'm asking is, what are the steps which lead to compromise?
Compromise with Russia in Cuba, Russia in North Korea - ( Lots of luck with that ! )


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Compromise with Russia in Cuba, Russia in North Korea - ( Lots of luck with that ! )

The first step of compromise: establish common ground. What common ground, common interests, do we have with Russians, Cubans, and North Koreans?

This is peace making, friend. Do you know how to make peace? Lasting peace?

Are you married?


Veteran Member
The first step of compromise: establish common ground. What common ground, common interests, do we have with Russians, Cubans, and North Koreans
This is peace making, friend. Do you know how to make peace? Lasting peace?
Are you married?
Yes, married, Yes make peace by using Godly Wisdom
No political atheists are going to establish common ground


Veteran Member
Remember: there is No death in Heaven. No one goes to Heaven to die in Heaven. Death is an earthly problem
So, " Death is swallowed up in victory " is when 'enemy death' is No more on Earth - 1st. Cor. 15:24-26; Isaiah 25:8

1 Corinthians 15

King James Version

24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

What does 1 Corinthians 15:26 mean?

In describing the events of the end times, Paul has written that after Christ returns to earth and all those who belong to Him are resurrected, He will set about defeating every rule, power, and authority until every enemy is defeated. Only then will He turn the conquered kingdom over to the Father.

The final enemy Christ will defeat is death itself. In a sense, Christ's defeat of death began with His own resurrection from the grave. It will continue with the resurrection of all who have believed in Him. It will be final when death is no more (Revelation 21:1–5). At that moment, the victory over death and sin will be complete, and those who have believed in Christ will be free from it for all eternity (1 John 3:2; 1 Corinthians 15:51).

I believe this refers to spiritual death, not physical death. Spiritual death DOES exist on Earth, but spiritual death will be no more after Christ returns.​

Physical death is not our enemy. Spiritual death is our enemy.​

"O SON OF THE SUPREME! I have made death a messenger of joy to thee. Wherefore dost thou grieve? I made the light to shed on thee its splendor.

Hidden Words - Bahá'í Library Online

Death is your enemy because you don't want to die. You want to live on Earth forever, but the physical body was never designed by God to live on Earth forever. The physical body was designed to live on Earth until we die and are transformed into a spiritual body which is suited to live in heaven forever:

47 The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. 48 As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven.

The Resurrection Body​

35 But someone will ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?” 36 How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 37 When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. 38 But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body. 39 Not all flesh is the same: People have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another. 40 There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. 41 The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.

42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”[a]; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. 46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. 48 As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven. 49 And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we[b] bear the image of the heavenly man.


Isaiah 25

King James Version

8 He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it.

I believe this refers to spiritual death, not physical death. Spiritual death DOES exist on Earth.

Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible

He will swallow up - This image is probably taken from a whirlpool or maelstrom in the ocean that absorbs all that comes near it. It is, therefore, equivalent to saying he will destroy or remove Isaiah 25:7. In this place it means that be will abolish death; that is, he will cause it to cease from its ravages and triumphs. This passage is quoted by Paul in his argument respecting the resurrection of the dead 1 Corinthians 15:54. He does not, however, quote directly from the Hebrew, or from the Septuagint, but gives the substance of the passage. His quoting it is sufficient proof that it refers to the resurrection, and float its primary design is to set forth the achievements of the gospel - achievements that will be fully realized only when death shall cease its dominion, and when its reign shall be forever at an end.

Death - Vitringa supposes that by ‘death’ here is meant the wars and calamities with which the nation had been visited, and which would cease under the Messiah. In this interpretation Rosenmuller concurs. It is possible that the word may have this meaning in some instances; and it is possible that the calamities of the Jews may have suggested this to the prophet, but the primary sense of the word here, I think, is death in its proper signification, and the reference is to the triumphs of God through the Messiah in completely abolishing its reign, and introducing eternal life. This was designed, doubtless, to comfort the hearts of the Jews, by presenting in a single graphic description the gospel as adapted to overcome all evils, and even to remove the greatest calamity under which the race groans - death.

In victory - Hebrew, לנצח lānetsach. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15:54, has translated this, Εἰς νῖκος Eis nikos - ‘Unto victory.’ The word νῖκος nikos (victory) is often the translation of the word (see 2 Samuel 2:26; Job 36:7; Lam: Lamentations 3:18; Amos 1:2; Amos 8:7); though here the Septuagint has rendered it ‘strong (or prevailing) death shall be swallowed up.’ The word may be derived from the Chaldee verb נצח netsach, to conquer, surpass; and then may denote victory. It often, however, has the sense of permanency, duration, completness, eternity; and may mean for ever, and then entirely or completely. This sense is not materially different from that of Paul, ‘unto victory.’ Death shall be completely, permanently, destroyed; that is, a complete victory shall be gained over it. The Syriac unites the two ideas of victory and perpetuity. ‘Death shall be swallowed up in victory forever.’ This will take place under the reign of the Messiah, and shall be completed only in the morning of the resurrection, when the power of death over the people of God shall be completely and forever subdued.
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Be your own guru
It's My Birthday!
I vote: compromise. That's the most important ingredient which is missing from the World Community, imo. If so, the question I'm asking is, what are the steps which lead to compromise?
More than one God: Not negotiable.
Latest manifestation: Bahaollah, not negotiable.
Jesus: Son of God, born to virgin Mary, resurrection, not acceptable.
Muhammad: The last message, not acceptable.
Krishna: God himself, not acceptable.
Buddha: Hardly cared about God, Manifestation of God, does not matter what he said.
Women, LGBTQ: Second rate citizens.
Abortion: Toubah, toubah.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You present some very interesting points ^above^ but that does Not change today's spiritual and moral concerns.
Bible focus is on spiritual and moral concerns besides any advancing progress in the world to eliminate war, crime, poverty, sickness......
The world's facade is like a business going bankrupt with a going out of business sale meaning what appears to be progress is really now holding on hanging on by a thread
I have little to no use for Bible-focused spirituality or morality. The items I listed seem to trump Biblical morality, which allowed for slaves and called on “God’s people” to destroy other civilizations.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
More than one God: Not negotiable.
Latest manifestation: Bahaollah, not negotiable.
Jesus: Son of God, born to virgin Mary, resurrection, not acceptable.
Muhammad: The last message, not acceptable.
Krishna: God himself, not acceptable.
Buddha: Hardly cared about God, Manifestation of God, does not matter what he said.
Women, LGBTQ: Second rate citizens.
Abortion: Toubah, toubah.


Too true. I started writing my perscription, a remedy for this conflict, and I realized towards the end... this is one of those situations where it's not only "easier said than done" ... this "perscription" is nearly impossible to "fill", if you know what I mean?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
More than one God: Not negotiable.
Latest manifestation: Bahaollah, not negotiable.
Jesus: Son of God, born to virgin Mary, resurrection, not acceptable.
Muhammad: The last message, not acceptable.
Krishna: God himself, not acceptable.
Buddha: Hardly cared about God, Manifestation of God, does not matter what he said.
Women, LGBTQ: Second rate citizens.
Abortion: Toubah, toubah.
To me this is not an issue. The issue is the evidence shows their Prophet is false and they lack proof of him being true. The sacred texts of theirs are anything but miraculous. I believe Quran is provable on the other hand.

Truth doesn't have to accept falsehood, it just has to teach to forbear it. But Bahai Faith is based on completely proven to be false notions for example Angels being chosen humans, is simply not true. Nuh (a) and Mohammad (s) both are quoted to say "I do not say I am an Angel" and other verses about Angels show that Angels are not authorities on earth, but God could've made it that, just he opted not to out of wise reasons, and that if Angels were walking about the earth, he would've sent an Angel as a Messenger.


Veteran Member
In the U.S., compromise with those people in the other political party... Yeah, good luck with that.
Rather, every element of Satan's world (Rev. 12:12,9) is now hanging on by a thread (Russia with Cuba / N. Korea) even if things look calm and tranquil (1st Thess. 5:2-3) Satan's business is bankrupt and soon to be going out of business - Daniel 2:44; 7:13-14


Veteran Member
Revelation 21:3 lets us know that God is with MEN or mankind, so God is addressing 'humankind' on Earth in that verse
In verse 4 then God Not only wipes away men's tears, but also wipes away death from mankind.- Isaiah 25:8
There is No death in Heaven ( literal or spiritual death ) Death is an earthly problem, No one goes to Heaven to die in Heaven
If everyone was going to Heaven there would have been No need for Jesus to resurrect any people to life on Earth.
Jesus was giving us a small-scale preview, a coming attraction of what he will be doing on a GRAND-GLOBAL earth-wide scale
There would be No need for a 1000 year reign over Earth if everyone is going to Heaven.
We are all invited to pray to God asking Him for Jesus to come ! - Rev. 22:20
Come and bring ' healing' (Not to Heaven) but bring 'healing' to earth's nations - Rev. 22:2 - here on Earth
No one needs 'healing' in Heaven. There is No sickness nor death is Heaven. There are earthly problems that will end on Earth


Well-Known Member
Humanity has come a long way scientifically. We are able to reach for the stars and communicate instantly over thousands of miles.

Yet mankind has not advanced in the social or spiritual realms. Wars have plagued us for centuries and religions continue to conflict.

Why aren’t we learning lessons from our past? We have billions of religious people but no peace.

Why has humanity failed to progress socially and spiritually but only materially?

Humans can hardly be more intelligent than Satan. The snake kept you around the Tree of Knowledge for you to be obssessed with the word "science". You don't actually advance that much.

It's doomed, and prophesied as well. That's how Adam chose "knowledge" over the words of God, and how humans choose to trust "science" much more than the Word of God.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Rather, every element of Satan's world (Rev. 12:12,9) is now hanging on by a thread (Russia with Cuba / N. Korea) even if things look calm and tranquil (1st Thess. 5:2-3) Satan's business is bankrupt and soon to be going out of business - Daniel 2:44; 7:13-14
It sure seems like things have got to be getting close to the tribulations. But what's weird is the Baha'i claim that the "Christ", meaning their prophet, Baha'u'llah, has already come and gone. I ask them all the time to show me the prophecies from any religion that have the Promised One come and not fix things.

Their explanation is that if the world had accepted him, we could have had peace right then and there. But the world rejected him. And he said now the world will have to go through the trials and tribulations. At some point the people of the world will have no other hope but to turn to the Baha'i Faith.

Anyway, that's their story. And also, just in case you didn't know, they don't believe in a literal evil spirit being named, Satan. Satan, to them, is our lower, animal nature.


Be your own guru
It's My Birthday!
To me this is not an issue. The issue is the evidence shows their Prophet is false and they lack proof of him being true. The sacred texts of theirs are anything but miraculous.
As if you have proof of existence of Allah, Muhammad being instructed by him and of the al-Ghayba.
Compromise with Russia in Cuba, Russia in North Korea - ( Lots of luck with that ! )
Yeah, with them too. Do not try to erase them. You will be at a loss.
Lasting peace?
One of my elders (deceased) used to get snappy at the word peace. He said let peace be with my enemy. Life will have problems. Peace is only at the funeral ground (or you can say, cemetery). Yeah, I am married, two children, three grandkids.
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Veteran Member
Humans can hardly be more intelligent than Satan. The snake kept you around the Tree of Knowledge for you to be obssessed with the word "science". You don't actually advance that much.

It's doomed, and prophesied as well. That's how Adam chose "knowledge" over the words of God, and how humans choose to trust "science" much more than the Word of God.
Scientism is a well documented, well written, and a widely discussed worldview. Even atheists discredit it. Not all of course, but some highly educated Atheist philosophers discredit scientism.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
More than one God: Not negotiable.
Latest manifestation: Bahaollah, not negotiable.
Jesus: Son of God, born to virgin Mary, resurrection, not acceptable.
Muhammad: The last message, not acceptable.
Krishna: God himself, not acceptable.
Buddha: Hardly cared about God, Manifestation of God, does not matter what he said.
Women, LGBTQ: Second rate citizens.
Abortion: Toubah, toubah.

I started writing my perscription, a remedy for this conflict, and I realized towards the end... this is one of those situations where it's not only "easier said than done" ... this "perscription" is nearly impossible to "fill", if you know what I mean?

Well... I had an opportunity, so, I'm testing my "prescription".

See here:



Veteran Member
It sure seems like things have got to be getting close to the tribulations. But what's weird is the Baha'i claim that the "Christ", meaning their prophet, Baha'u'llah, has already come and gone. I ask them all the time to show me the prophecies from any religion that have the Promised One come and not fix things.
Their explanation is that if the world had accepted him, we could have had peace right then and there. But the world rejected him. And he said now the world will have to go through the trials and tribulations. At some point the people of the world will have no other hope but to turn to the Baha'i Faith.
Anyway, that's their story. And also, just in case you didn't know, they don't believe in a literal evil spirit being named, Satan. Satan, to them, is our lower, animal nature.
Thank you for the ^above^ information
Yes, a lot of people don't view Satan as being real
What a clever 'invisible disguise', and even as an ' angel of light ' as per 2nd Cor. 11:14
Yes, also the world has Not accepted Jesus or we would have peace because of having genuine self-sacrificing love - John 13:34-35
Even if reached the point of 'No other hope but to turn to who they think they should turn' the 'goats' won't repent - Matt. 25:31-34
( Perhaps even being very angry that anyone would interfere with what they want to do )
Yes, even 2nd Timothy 3:1-5,13 shows we are getting close to the Great Tribulation of Rev. 7:14
Fret not (Psalm 37) because the figurative 'sheep' will be saved/ delivered/ rescued - Isaiah 26:20


Veteran Member
Humans can hardly be more intelligent than Satan. The snake kept you around the Tree of Knowledge for you to be obssessed with the word "science". You don't actually advance that much.
It's doomed, and prophesied as well. That's how Adam chose "knowledge" over the words of God, and how humans choose to trust "science" much more than the Word of God.
Huh? Adam had knowledge/education according to Genesis 2:17
Rather, Adam chose to rebel against the knowledge from God at Genesis 2:17
Because we are created to have free-willed choices is why Adam could chose to use his will as being superior to God's Will
Adam took the Law out of God's hands and placed the Law in man's hands
Adam set up People Rule as being superior to God Rule
Only the passing of time would settle that issue of righteous rulership
Ecclesiastes 8:9 has proven true that MAN has dominated MAN to MAN's hurt, MAN's injury


Veteran Member
Humans can hardly be more intelligent than Satan. The snake kept you around the Tree of Knowledge for you to be obssessed with the word "science". You don't actually advance that much.
It's doomed, and prophesied as well. That's how Adam chose "knowledge" over the words of God, and how humans choose to trust "science" much more than the Word of God.
But Adam had knowledge of God's word at Genesis 2:17
So, to me Adam chose to ignore the knowledge/education that God gave Adam at Genesis 2:17
By Adam deliberately breaking the Law thus Adam set up MAN rule as superior to God Rule
So, what is doomed is that MAN's rule is Not working
Man's long history has proven: MAN has dominated MAN to MAN's hurt, MAN's injury - Ecclesiastes 8:9


Christian Evolutionist
Remember the Renaissance is a fair play, coming from what many deem the dark ages of human social dynamics, the beginning of the humanities. Progress, I'm guessing is in the eyes of the beholders, coming from whatever age span they might represent and from the cultures that shape them. Plagues, power struggles, immigration, food shortages, and warring territories set the stage and from that stage came the humanities. Some call it progresses, others view it with the question: when "will we ever learn".

Truth is, I don't know.