And God is not confusing - MAN IS !..... but God isn't supposed to be confusing.
I could also say that God changing everyones language during the Tower Of Babel incident made life extremely confusing. Whats more confusing than someone speaking jibberish at you? According to the Bible God did this, very confusing, act, but also doesn't do things that are confusing in that very, same Bible.
Our religious knowledge is the biggest negative/drawback we can possibly have ....because it is built on a false premise , an assumption to be true. And yes - GOD has caused our confusion. (Not that God himself is confused for His Word says He is not). So let us go back to the Tower of Babel incident.(To learn anything we should always start at the beginning and human confusion started there !) WHY did God confuse man's language so they could not understand each other Gen.11 ? To curb human IMAGINATION ! To stop man building on human ,fallible,imperfect ideas (that would break and crumble in time) v3-8. Men were all set to reach heaven (eternity) by their own effort and imagination WITHOUT GOD. God knew this could never happen because He had ordained that no sinning Being would ever get into His Kingdom whichever way they tried Gen.3v24.
Today people still think that their own intellect will get them there, that God can be side-lined or they can fathom God by their own knowledge and understanding of scripture. All a waste of time and continual confusion - there is only one way and only God opens it.:bow: