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Why did God create evil?


Well-Known Member
I've heard various takes on the fall of angels...
Let's consider what we should be careful of...if any of this is true.

First a brief description of what an angels are.
In comparison to Man...they are...
Bigger, faster, stronger, more intelligent and greatly experienced.
If any man could stand face to face and deny any of these five attributes,
Then scripture is incorrect...
Man was created a little less than the angelic.

There is a long standing belief that the fall of the angelic..one third of heaven...was brought on by a division....an argument.

God...having made Man...a little less than the angelic...said to the angels...
"Man is fragile...follow after him and see to it, that he dash not his toes...nor his head."

One third of the angelic said "nay".
"For that Man is less than we are... He should be made to serve us."

There is nothing wrong in that logic.
Man does so unto lesser creatures in every way.

We... chain our dogs, and expect their loyalty...keeping to one master...even though it is their nature to run free in packs, and hunt at will.
We.... saddle and bridle our horses...and expect them to take us wherever we desire...and we break their spirits that they will obey.
We.... cage little birds..that they sing for our pleasure...but the little creature sings for a mate he will never find. There will be no nest...no offspring...and he will die in his solitude.
We...readily kill anything that cannot be made to serve us...any disobedient animal.

A fight broke out. Brother angel against Brother angel.
One third of the angelic fell from grace...losing their positions in heaven.
They lost their place because of an argument...concerning something that looks like you.
They want you dead.
Two thirds of heaven lost their Brothers because of an
argument...concerning something that looks like you.

Do you not bear resemblance to the one third fallen?
Do you not perform unto lesser things...and your fellowman ...as you will?

Are you not concerned..what...or who...will be standing over you...

Angels have no memories. So which Human was there to remember any war in heaven?
Angels have no memories.
Every second of an angel's life must have serious elements of danger in it, but still is probably highly adventurous, nonetheless. I wonder if they're warehoused. Wouldn't it be wise to do this so that the gods can keep a close eye on them?


Well-Known Member
Religions do perform acts of good and compasion , but the injustice organized religion supports through it's monolithic dogma far out weighs any benefits, IMHO.

But without strict dogma, what do you learn? Yes, you can learn without it, but what?

I think of it in terms of working out or studying. The more you do, the more invested you are in the process (more workouts, more intense reps or more hours hitting the books), the better your result (usually).

I think the question we have to ask when we look at strict dogma is what are we supposed to be learning? To follow the dogma? Hardly. That's not learning anything at all, just doing what you're told. Organized religion is good a getting people to do that, I will freely admit. Religion as spirituality, as you have referred to it, has the same dogma that organized religion does. It is not the focus, but it is still there.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
So you can't choose between 2, or 128 things without one of them being evil? How about eliminating that one evil thing, leaving you with 127 things, can't these still be ranked on a "goodness scale," some being "gooder" than others? I don't see why evil is necessary to anchor any goodness scale.
Is the difference between good and evil only a matter of degree then?


Rogue Theologian
Not sure I'm following your train of thought here, my friend. Are you somehow sugesting that the third of the host of heaven that was cast out, shouldn't have been cast out to begin with?

I am only reporting a story I heard.
It's been with me all of my life.

Unlike other versions this display would explain the division of heaven, that so many believe, did happen.

Evil?....as the nature of angels, might actually be ....so?

Or evil as a perspective of reasoning?

Either way, if the story is true....one third of heaven...
lost their positions over something that looks like.....you.

Two thirds of heaven lost their brothers over a argument....
concerning something that looks like.... you.

Should the nature of evil concern Man?....yeah.


Rogue Theologian
Angels have no memories. So which Human was there to remember any war in heaven?

A sentient being without recall?...not likely.

The few humans among us who do have recall problems....
really do have problems.
They are dysfunctional.

Not wanting to digress...but I've seen some serious documentaries about such loss. It's not pretty.

Back to evil.
You really think God did it?


Active Member
why did god create evil?
because god created good...

god is a dichotomy

I see that your god is a god. Why don`t you make your god God! That would make sense to me if your god is a God who created the Good & Bad. Why call Bad, Evil? Your wasting a letter when it would be a letter saved if you call Evil, Bad.


Rogue Theologian
What`s a rhetorical question? Does it lead to the conclusion why God created evil. Of course, God created evil. period.

And you are certain of your 'period'?

Would that be a 'period' of time?
When did that particular creation occur?...where....how....


These questions are rhetorical.
I already know.
I'm attempting to lead you.

Apparently you cannot follow.


Well-Known Member
And you are certain of your 'period'?

Would that be a 'period' of time?
When did that particular creation occur?...where....how....


How about these answers:
A period of time is a nano-second.
When: 21.9 trillion years ago.
Where: 57 degrees west, 7 minutes, 8 seconds, 33 degrees north, 12 minutes, 19 seconds
How: A elementary particle met up with its opposite. They declared each other so, and thus good and evil were created.
Why: Because.

are those good enough?


Active Member
And you are certain of your 'period'?

Would that be a 'period' of time?
When did that particular creation occur?...where....how....


These questions are rhetorical.
I already know.
I'm attempting to lead you.

Apparently you cannot follow.

You already know? Then you still don`t know. He who claims he knows does not know at all.


Rogue Theologian
You already know? Then you still don`t know. He who claims he knows does not know at all.

and therefore...you have not a worthwhile thought in your head...
and you are not capable of a proper rebuttal.

good luck with that.


Rogue Theologian
How about these answers:
A period of time is a nano-second.
When: 21.9 trillion years ago.
Where: 57 degrees west, 7 minutes, 8 seconds, 33 degrees north, 12 minutes, 19 seconds
How: A elementary particle met up with its opposite. They declared each other so, and thus good and evil were created.
Why: Because.

are those good enough?

How about a quote from Genesis?....got one?