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Why did God create evil?


Rogue Theologian
He created the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Logically, that means he created evil.

Good point.

But the tree is obviously a metaphor for something else.

You don't really think a fruit bearing plant can bestow evil, into those who partake?

Evil would then exist before the tree.
At what point do you think that happened?
(the bible doesn't say)


Well-Known Member
Evil would then exist before the tree.
At what point do you think that happened?
(the bible doesn't say)
I believe at some point in time, iniquity was found in Lucifer, the highest and most glorious angel, when through pride, he tried to exalt himself above God. A third of the angels followed him. I think this was just like humans. God wanted to give us free will to choose good or evil. I believe pride is one of Satan's greatest weapons even today. I personally know how black and evil my heart is and I am thankful for God's mercy in paying the penalty of all my sins. There is no hope outside of that for any of us, is my belief.


The above comment is a pretty good example of the untruth and total fantasy that has been taught to children via the medium of hysterical virgin old men and corrupt texts.

Such obsession to fantasy... I wouldn't care if it wasn't still being taught. You could live in your own dream world.

Wake up. There isn't a shred of evidence.


I personally know how black and evil my heart is and I am thankful for God's mercy in paying the penalty of all my sins

As psychologically ill as it sounds, God could go to prison for your sins, if he were really nice. He could even be executed for your sins, just as any human can be.

He cannot take away your responsibility though. You live with the things you've done. To pass them off as 'paid' by the man upstairs is relieving yourself of your responsibilities.

Not very grown up IMO.


Just old
Premium Member
This thread approaches 350 posts now, mainly discussing "good vs. evil"
It seems to incorparate the power of an unknown fruit, growing from a single tree.
If one eats the fruit, it must have been awfully tastey, one is cursed with the promise of eventual death.
So by not partaking of this temptation, tempting death, one is granted with promised life for eternity.
One must summarize that the evil was contained within the one partaking of said fruit.
It was said by the creator that the one eating the fruit would face death, eventually,
and the act of disobeying the act of the laws of the creator would exhibit evil traits towards the creator.
These traits would then be passed unto another being with much the same properties as the first.
That property would be contained in both in the ways of temptation, one to another.
Why would the creator want to install unto these two creations, of it's own designed powers, the curse of death ?
So......it gets back to the first synopsis of: "Why did the creator install the property of evil into it's creation".
I know, I know.....hiss..hiss..the serpent enured them with the evil property within the both of them.
OK....if the serpent installed the evil into them, and the lie of an entity of death for them,
why would the creator create the serpent, and also....why would the creator create the fruit in the first place !
Why would the creator create temptation, what where Adam and Eve designed to tempt, other than the creator !
Oh well...I still don't get it.....from where'd the evil come ? Who created Satan ?...From where did the angels come ?
Oh well...I'll have to believe that the creator did it, and (Satan, or Lucifer, or the Devil) screwed it up.
And that leaves "hell" doesn't it, and all the "bad" angels, dancing on a pin, carrying pitchforks, lighting fires.
Fairytales abound, and answers never do.
I'll apologize for this charade of a post, but I had to say it, take it as nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Sorry , don't know what you mean by god is relative. Every culture constructed a deity because we are all humans with the same need to find some explanation of the world we live in. In the absence of scientific knowledge man turned to religion , superstition, whatever you want to call it. It's really very simple.

Both valid points. Is there no other similarity beyond the need to explain things we don't understand? Buddhism and Native American spirituality, at least from what I've seen of them, have more than just passing similarities. Maybe there is a deeper reason for religion than just explanation. I certainly don't use mine to explain how the world came to be. I don't think that was religion's main purpose, even when it was created.

If you take it to the next step, religion can be used to get people to do what you want by convincing them that god is displeased with what they do. After the need for an explanation to the meaning of existence, some desire power over others.
This is true of all humans in all cultures.
If you are speaking of the crusade-like zealotry of the Catholic Church and the like, I would have to disagree. Religious institutions and governments have found this use for fear. But equally afraid were citizens in totalitarian governments (Stalin's USSR, Mao's China, Hitler's Germany), on a non-religious basis. That some governments chose to use religion to create this fear is not the reason religion exists, just the reason it was spread.
I'm thinking way way back when (thinking)humans formed their first groups for mutual protection and companionship. A shaman held alot of sway in such groups. Hitler and Stalin didn't use religion to control people but they did use coersion and force. Not much different from religion IMO.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking way way back when (thinking)humans formed their first groups for mutual protection and companionship. A shaman held a lot of sway in such groups. Hitler and Stalin didn't use religion to control people but they did use coersion and force. Not much different from religion IMO.

Very different from religion. A shaman held sway not because he/she was the leader of the group, but because he/she was wise. Coersion had nothing to do with it. Force had nothing to do with it. In fact most cultures did not have religions leading the group, merely advising. Having religions lead causes problems, as we have seen.
Very different from religion. A shaman held sway not because he/she was the leader of the group, but because he/she was wise. Coersion had nothing to do with it. Force had nothing to do with it. In fact most cultures did not have religions leading the group, merely advising. Having religions lead causes problems, as we have seen.

Never said shaman ran the group, but held great sway in influencing those that did.
I misused the word coersion (and spelled it wrong) sorry. What I meant was preying on the weak or easilly manipulated with promises of milk and honey if you just follow me without question. Don't have my thesaurus handy.


Well-Known Member
Never said shaman ran the group, but held great sway in influencing those that did.
I misused the word coersion (and spelled it wrong) sorry. What I meant was preying on the weak or easily manipulated with promises of milk and honey if you just follow me without question. Don't have my thesaurus handy.

Yes, people have manipulated using religion, but that does not make it what religion is, nor what it is intended to be used for.
Yes, people have manipulated using religion, but that does not make it what religion is, nor what it is intended to be used for.

I agree that religion as spirituality ,personal belief that is not preached to or forced upon others is benificial to most people. It's organized religion and it's ability to rally masses into a force that can commit great wrongs in it's name that I dispute. Yes there are other mediums that cause suffering but religion has nothing to do with the forceful taking of resources or political ideological conflicts(or at least it shouldn't).
Religions do perform acts of good and compasion , but the injustice organized religion supports through it's monolithic dogma far out weighs any benefits, IMHO.


Rogue Theologian
I've heard various takes on the fall of angels...
Let's consider what we should be careful of...if any of this is true.

First a brief description of what an angels are.
In comparison to Man...they are...
Bigger, faster, stronger, more intelligent and greatly experienced.
If any man could stand face to face and deny any of these five attributes,
Then scripture is incorrect...
Man was created a little less than the angelic.

There is a long standing belief that the fall of the angelic..one third of heaven...was brought on by a division....an argument.

God...having made Man...a little less than the angelic...said to the angels...
"Man is fragile...follow after him and see to it, that he dash not his toes...nor his head."

One third of the angelic said "nay".
"For that Man is less than we are... He should be made to serve us."

There is nothing wrong in that logic.
Man does so unto lesser creatures in every way.

We... chain our dogs, and expect their loyalty...keeping to one master...even though it is their nature to run free in packs, and hunt at will.
We.... saddle and bridle our horses...and expect them to take us wherever we desire...and we break their spirits that they will obey.
We.... cage little birds..that they sing for our pleasure...but the little creature sings for a mate he will never find. There will be no nest...no offspring...and he will die in his solitude.
We...readily kill anything that cannot be made to serve us...any disobedient animal.

A fight broke out. Brother angel against Brother angel.
One third of the angelic fell from grace...losing their positions in heaven.
They lost their place because of an argument...concerning something that looks like you.
They want you dead.
Two thirds of heaven lost their Brothers because of an
argument...concerning something that looks like you.

Do you not bear resemblance to the one third fallen?
Do you not perform unto lesser things...and your fellowman ...as you will?

Are you not concerned..what...or who...will be standing over you...


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
He created the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Logically, that means he created evil.

How is that logical? God decides what is good and what is evil. The tree represented God's right to do so. He said that eating from the tree was bad, thus establishing his right as Sovereign to make those decisions. It doesn't say or imply he creates badness.
Today, he says such things as fornication, adultery, homosexuality, theft, and murder are evil. The fruitage of these practices shows God has both the right and the wisdom to tell us what is good or bad.
As Psalm 145:17 says: "Jehovah is righteous in all his ways And loval in all his works.
"Far be it from the [true] God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly."
(Job 34:10)


Veteran Member
How is that logical? God decides what is good and what is evil. The tree represented God's right to do so. He said that eating from the tree was bad,thus establishing his right as Sovereign to make those decisions.
well you've got a problem then...
how would they know what bad meant if they hadn't tasted the forbidden fruit yet?

It doesn't say or imply he creates badness.
so where did evil come from?
I've heard various takes on the fall of angels...
Let's consider what we should be careful of...if any of this is true.

First a brief description of what an angels are.
In comparison to Man...they are...
Bigger, faster, stronger, more intelligent and greatly experienced.
If any man could stand face to face and deny any of these five attributes,
Then scripture is incorrect...
Man was created a little less than the angelic.

There is a long standing belief that the fall of the angelic..one third of heaven...was brought on by a division....an argument.

God...having made Man...a little less than the angelic...said to the angels...
"Man is fragile...follow after him and see to it, that he dash not his toes...nor his head."

One third of the angelic said "nay".
"For that Man is less than we are... He should be made to serve us."

There is nothing wrong in that logic.
Man does so unto lesser creatures in every way.

We... chain our dogs, and expect their loyalty...keeping to one master...even though it is their nature to run free in packs, and hunt at will.
We.... saddle and bridle our horses...and expect them to take us wherever we desire...and we break their spirits that they will obey.
We.... cage little birds..that they sing for our pleasure...but the little creature sings for a mate he will never find. There will be no nest...no offspring...and he will die in his solitude.
We...readily kill anything that cannot be made to serve us...any disobedient animal.

A fight broke out. Brother angel against Brother angel.
One third of the angelic fell from grace...losing their positions in heaven.
They lost their place because of an argument...concerning something that looks like you.
They want you dead.
Two thirds of heaven lost their Brothers because of an
argument...concerning something that looks like you.

Do you not bear resemblance to the one third fallen?
Do you not perform unto lesser things...and your fellowman ...as you will?

Are you not concerned..what...or who...will be standing over you...
Not sure I'm following your train of thought here, my friend. Are you somehow sugesting that the third of the host of heaven that was cast out, shouldn't have been cast out to begin with?