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Why did god create homosexuality?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
To say the Biblical writers didn't understand what they were speaking of is to assume they are idiots.
i didn't say "they didn't understand what they were speaking of."

What I said was that the biblical writers were unaware of homosexuality as a normal and healthy sexual identity. Therefore, they did not either write about it or condemn it.
5. Don't have sexual relations with those of the same sex, this is the really controversial issue but remember that in the New Testament
Since they didn't understand homosexuality as an orientation, of course they thought the act was wrong, because the act was usually the product of rape or pedophilia! Today we know differently.

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
Sure! you said:

The story of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is an ancient, mythic story, that is obviously metaphoric. No one has ever assumed that God really meant for humanity to remain ignorant of good and evil -- to remain immature and not able to take responsibility for ourselves. It's a theological take on an anthropological issue.

Homosexuality just doesn't fit that bill. There's nothing metaphoric about the injunctions against homosexual acts. The ancients didn't have a concept for sexual orientation as a normal, healthy expression of one's identity, as we understand it today. If the bible were written today, those injunctions would be far more narrowly-defined and legalistic. "Laying with a man as with a woman" is a pretty broad and poorly-defined statement, indicative of a lack of full understanding of just what is going on.

Comparing the injunctions against homosexual acts and the injunction against eating the fruit are two different concerns that cannot be compared.

Ok, but this doesn't resolve the question one way or the other. Even if we cannot find any other examples of things God created but prohibited, the curiosity that God should apparently forbid homosexual relations (there is some question as to whether that is really the import of the several passages RE homosexuality in the Bible) despite having created homosexuality, doesn't entail that God could not have done such a thing.

Particularly since it appears that the line of reasoning suggesting that God DID create homosexuality (supposing, for the sake of argument, that God created anything at all) is eminently sound- i.e. God is reported as having created the entire cosmos and everything in it, and homosexuality appears to be a perfectly natural form of behavior, shared by humans and non-human animals alike...


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Ok, but this doesn't resolve the question one way or the other. Even if we cannot find any other examples of things God created but prohibited, the curiosity that God should apparently forbid homosexual relations (there is some question as to whether that is really the import of the several passages RE homosexuality in the Bible) despite having created homosexuality, doesn't entail that God could not have done such a thing.

Particularly since it appears that the line of reasoning suggesting that God DID create homosexuality (supposing, for the sake of argument, that God created anything at all) is eminently sound- i.e. God is reported as having created the entire cosmos and everything in it, and homosexuality appears to be a perfectly natural form of behavior, shared by humans and non-human animals alike...
Right, but you're overanalyzing. It is my contention that God did create some of us to be homosexual, and that it is perfectly OK for those of us who identify as such to enter into moral sexual love relationships. The reason why some *think* that God "prohibits" that is because there are some fairly cryptic injunctions written by people who didn't understand that sexuality is an orientation.


Well-Known Member
Right, but you're overanalyzing. It is my contention that God did create some of us to be homosexual, and that it is perfectly OK for those of us who identify as such to enter into moral sexual love relationships. The reason why some *think* that God "prohibits" that is because there are some fairly cryptic injunctions written by people who didn't understand that sexuality is an orientation.

But if the bible is divinely inspired wouldn't God have revealed it?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I'm struck by the OP question: "Why did God create homosexuality?" It appears to presume that homosexuality has no useful or redeeming purpose, thereby dismissing as "useless" all who identify as such.

Homosexuality provides precisely the same purpose as heterosexuality: A way for us to identify as whole human beings, whose nature is sexual.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily, since any revelation still has to pass through our filters of human understanding. Nothing is "pure," in that sense. We color everything we perceive.

Well wasn't that why people started saying inspired? The idea that it wasn't God acting directly but through people. Because people wanted to say that it was he way that they perceived. But that seems kinda shifty to me. Doesn't I open the door to picking and choosing?


Active Member
I'm struck by the OP question: "Why did God create homosexuality?" It appears to presume that homosexuality has no useful or redeeming purpose, thereby dismissing as "useless" all who identify as such.

Homosexuality provides precisely the same purpose as heterosexuality: A way for us to identify as whole human beings, whose nature is sexual.

To me people who chose to be Homosexual are just punishing themselves. I suppose it's not more wrong then any other sin but it is an act of selfishness and that one of sin since it has no natural purpose. Sin's meaning to me is acting in a way to benefit yourself above others, or to take what is not meant for you.

"Men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."


Veteran Member
To me people who chose to be Homosexual are just punishing themselves.
So apparently you remember looking at homosexuality and heterosexuality and then choosing the latter. I can't remember such a thing, nor does anyone else I've ever asked.

I suppose it's not more wrong then any other sin but it is an act of selfishness and that one of sin since it has no natural purpose.
Well, it is certainly more viciously condemned than some of the other sins.

Leviticus 20:13 (NLT)
13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.
One doesn't here of such punishment for the sin of eating shellfish.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Well wasn't that why people started saying inspired? The idea that it wasn't God acting directly but through people. Because people wanted to say that it was he way that they perceived. But that seems kinda shifty to me. Doesn't I open the door to picking and choosing?
That's why exegesis and hermeneutics exist.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
To me people who chose to be Homosexual are just punishing themselves. I suppose it's not more wrong then any other sin but it is an act of selfishness and that one of sin since it has no natural purpose. Sin's meaning to me is acting in a way to benefit yourself above others, or to take what is not meant for you.

"Men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."
People don't choose. They just "are."


Big Queer Chesticles!
Well I always wonder...if Homosexuality was not created by god then why did he....
- put the male gspot in the butt
- put the female gspot in an area that cannot be reached by a mans "tool" unless the woman is a contortionist.


Big Queer Chesticles!
To me people who chose to be Homosexual are just punishing themselves. I suppose it's not more wrong then any other sin but it is an act of selfishness and that one of sin since it has no natural purpose. Sin's meaning to me is acting in a way to benefit yourself above others, or to take what is not meant for you.

"Men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

Ugh. Can you people not find another tune to go in your song of "homosexuality is unnatural and icky."

It is not taken, it is shared.

Logically, if everything is created by god or whatever then what understanding would a human have of his design or natural purpose?


Humanist... "Animalist"?
Very interesting, thanks for this post!

You're welcome!

And I'm amazed by your last post (update: I mean the post about G-spots)! It shows how much sexuality is so much more than penis-vagina intercourse.

In fact, homosexuality is as pleasurable as any form of sex, not more or not less (not that I can testify, but my bisexuals friends told me :D). So why viewing it as soooo different or sinful, instead of just a normal variation of sexuality?
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Well-Known Member
Sculelos said:
To me people who chose to be homosexual are just punishing themselves. I suppose it's not more wrong then any other sin but it is an act of selfishness and that one of sin since it has no natural purpose. Sin's meaning to me is acting in a way to benefit yourself above others, or to take what is not meant for you.

Well, God creates all bonobo monkeys to be bi-sexual. Experts say that the monkeys derive a number of benefits from their bi-sexuality, so there is a natural purpose for bi-sexuality among bonobo monkeys.

God also creates a good deal of homosexuality in over 1500 species of animals and birds, and apparently, such behavior does not harm the animals and birds. Monogamous, safe sex among homosexuals is not harmful, and provides many benefits.

How do monogamous homosexuals benefit themselves above others?

Sex just for pleasure is certainly a natural purpose. Proverbs 5:19 says "Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love." A man touching a woman's breasts does not cause procreation, but it is very pleasing for heterosexual men. Having sex is definitely pleasing for most homosexuals.

Some homosexuals have had natural children, and many homosexuals have adopted children.

Sexual identity is not a choice. What options do you recommend for homosexuals? Reparative therapy at best is usually not successful. As my thread at http://www.religiousforums.com/foru...nence-life-all-homosexuals-good-solution.html shows, having safe sex has proven benefits, and long term abstinence has proven risks.
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To me people who chose to be Homosexual are just punishing themselves. I suppose it's not more wrong then any other sin but it is an act of selfishness and that one of sin since it has no natural purpose.
I'm sure that a gay person disowned by his/her family and friends for being who they are would agree with you wholeheartedly :sarcastic

Sin's meaning to me is acting in a way to benefit yourself above others, or to take what is not meant for you.
So you must give all your meals and money to the poor, then take it away from them and give it to another unfortunate soul when the first person enjoys it too much... Because that's what it takes not to "sin"...


Active Member
Sexual identity is not a choice. What options do you recommend for homosexuals? Reparative therapy at best is usually not successful. As my thread at http://www.religiousforums.com/foru...nence-life-all-homosexuals-good-solution.html shows, having safe sex has proven benefits, and long term abstinence has proven risks.

Abstinence for life is the proven solution to avoid many of life's problems and is actually encouraged from a biblical standpoint, indeed many of that time and day castrated themselves for that purpose so that indeed might be a good solution if you can't control yourself. However the same could be said of straight people if they can't avoid sleeping with many different people.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, God did not create homosexuality. Rather, I believe that homosexuality came about as a result of the curse that fell upon mankind due to Adam and Eve's original sin. I also believe that disease and genetic abnormalities came about because of this curse. Please do not misunderstand me though. I am not equating homosexuality with disease.


Big Queer Chesticles!
In my opinion, God did not create homosexuality. Rather, I believe that homosexuality came about as a result of the curse that fell upon mankind due to Adam and Eve's original sin. I also believe that disease and genetic abnormalities came about because of this curse. Please do not misunderstand me though. I am not equating homosexuality with disease.

I refer to my post regarding the gspots, if god created us then it makes sense he created homosexuality.