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Why did god create homosexuality?


Big Queer Chesticles!
That is not at all what I did. I was not comparing, I was stating that the argument about being born with something making it alright is invalid.

In doing so it is likening sexuality to inclination to murder.

I am not saying that homosexuality is anything like murder. Or that being homosexual is a bad thing, as murder would be. I am saying that using the "I'm born with it" to try and convince people that it is alright is wrong.

But a lot of people are born with it...that is the point.

If you are born with the uncontrollable attraction to people of the same sex, at the end of the day, it is still a choice for you whether or not you act on it.

Who said anything about uncontrollable urges? We are homos, not sex fiends or rapists.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
But the breath of God is not of this earth but heavenly or spiritual.
Oh? The text says that God breathed into the nostrils of the man. When I breathe, it's "of this earth." Breath is "of the earth." It involves wind. Which is of the earth.
What it is then is a marriage between Eve representing the clay, as in mother earth, and Adam as the spirit breath of God.
Adam -- humanity -- isn't the "breath of God," though. You're taking this from Genesis 2. Adam is made from the dirt. A clay pot. Ishah is taken from ish -- woman from man. The sexes can't theologically be separated into "earth and spirit" in such a way, based upon Genesis 2.
The offspring being, a living soul. Be it male or female called them both Adam.
Gen_5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
There is no offspring at this point. There is only Adam -- humanity -- available in two sexes, ish (male) and ishah (female). Humanity is a living being because humanity breathes.
Adam was unconcerned while Eve = flesh was desiring what was good for the flesh.
Because of that, both (Adams) shared in the consequences.

It is all a carnal exercise except when the spirit intervenes.
That theology doesn't follow from a strict exegesis of the text, though, because the text doesn't bisect humanity into carnal/spiritual. Only into male/female -- both of which are of the earth.


New Member
I suspect some answers you'll get will be that God didn't create homosexuality

As I believe in creative evolution I'd say neither homosexuality nor heterosexuality were created persay

Well then I guess I took your words out of context because they seemed highly negative.

WRONG! Asexuals do not what to worry about AIDS, HIV, gonococcus, romantic affairs, sexual frustration, genitalia inadequacy, sexual distractions, passionate murders, spousicide, spousal nagging, spousal stupidity, infidelity, adultery, wedlock children, premarital union, extramarital socializing, jealousy, spousal aging, sexual attraction, mammary unit appeal, sexual performance nor giving a damn about how fat a woman looks in a shirt to small for her.

Asexuals also have more free time, better attentiveness, less social issues, improved health and future health, better social skills and more fun plus we eat cake.

Must I really continue? :sarcastic

hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! i had to do that. i believe it is biological and if if you know tht you can never be happy with the opposite sex, be with who makes you happy. It is a sin to force someone into doing something that they are not comfortable with and that's from a Biblical point of view. And i agree 100% with this asexual person!! Thats sum deep medz right there

:rainbow1: proud lesbian
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Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Gay and straight alike still have a hard time understanding that 'free will' is an illusion. We are all born in the same ways.

God is not a sexual being. Both heterosexuality and homosexualilty resulted from God. How? Science knows.


Veteran Member
It has always brought about great confusion as to why Yahweh/Allah created homosexuality. He permitted all of the world to exist and designed each aspect about it but why would he create a sin which cannot be avoided even on the biological level.
This is easily equated to god punishing people for being of a certain ethnicity. It seems illogical that a god would punish his own creation for his own design

I don't see a difference between this and any other inclination we have. Everyone is tested in the tests that are suitable for them. There is no sin to be attracted to men, only to act on that attraction. The same way that there is no sin to be attracted to a woman (that one can't marry), only acting on that attraction.


Well-Known Member
I don't see a difference between this and any other inclination we have. Everyone is tested in the tests that are suitable for them. There is no sin to be attracted to men, only to act on that attraction. The same way that there is no sin to be attracted to a woman (that one can't marry), only acting on that attraction.

There is no sin in acting on those attractions. God likes us to have sex as much as possible.


Active Member
God also says dont get tempted because of the bad things that happen to you. But unless you are a parent who lost a child you cant totally test it. Some scrutinies and resulting experience related are for specific people only.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
With the proper knowledge meaning, what the gender differences were designed to be for, one is given the opportunity to exercise, at one's own discretion, just what we choose to do with our bodies.

There are guidelines to enable us to make wise decisions concerning things about our bodies.

In the areas of foods, exercise,work, rest, entertainment, hording, spending, giving, taking, loving, hating, taking care of our bodies, homosexual tendencies, heterosexual tendencies etc. are all part of the freedom of our own makings.

As gods, we all have the right to choose from all of those to our whim.

The consequences of unwise choices based upon opposition to those guidelines will be evident now or later.

In other words,a transgression of a guideline is considered a sin, a trespass and is due and payable in this life time. Be it now or later.

God is not at fault for our choices......we are.

When we are able to understand the implications of that, we will find God more a friend then an enemy.

Blessings, AJ


New Member
I don't think jesus was interested in Discussing Gays and Lesbians because it was already Pretty Clear.

They used to Stone these people to death, Because it was a BLOOD CRIME . Like Incest or adultery

I hope that anyone who is Gay will feel Loved and Welcome here in this Forum. But God Did not Create Homosexuality but allowed His Creation the Free Will to Decide,

What Do You think /> ?


Libertarian Egalitarian
Short answer God created Satan to temp mankind to Sin so that he could show you what Love is to fulfill his righteousness.

If God really "desires for everyone to be saved," (as the Bible says) then why does he allow Satan to continually tempt people and drag them to hell? If he really wanted everyone to go to heaven... Wouldn't it have made more sense to just destroy Satan to begin with. I have never had a Christian actually explain that one to me... they just kind of tip-toe around that one.


Libertarian Egalitarian
I don't think jesus was interested in Discussing Gays and Lesbians because it was already Pretty Clear.

They used to Stone these people to death, Because it was a BLOOD CRIME . Like Incest or adultery

I hope that anyone who is Gay will feel Loved and Welcome here in this Forum. But God Did not Create Homosexuality but allowed His Creation the Free Will to Decide,

What Do You think /> ?

Yeah...because I definitely choose what gives me an erection. :sarcastic :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If God really "desires for everyone to be saved," (as the Bible says) then why does he allow Satan to continually tempt people and drag them to hell? If he really wanted everyone to go to heaven... Wouldn't it have made more sense to just destroy Satan to begin with. I have never had a Christian actually explain that one to me... they just kind of tip-toe around that one.

Your quote above would not have been possible to freely express it unless, first you were born of the flesh.

Meaning, that being born of the flesh came with it the ability to reason, to think and make choices.

Therefore, the playing field was set. The earth and all its vanity.

Being made so, (of the flesh) a gap (separation)was created between God and gods.

That (our) separation resulted in death. All.....and not a few.

We are thus allowed to experience our separation via our own freedoms of choice.

God knew all that.....after all He is the Creator.

He made plans to redeem and implemented those plans in a work of one man....Jesus.

And you questions His desires?

Blessings, AJ