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Why did god create homosexuality?


Libertarian Egalitarian
Your quote above would not have been possible to freely express it unless, first you were born of the flesh.

Meaning, that being born of the flesh came with it the ability to reason, to think and make choices.

Therefore, the playing field was set. The earth and all its vanity.

Being made so, (of the flesh) a gap (separation)was created between God and gods.

That (our) separation resulted in death. All.....and not a few.

We are thus allowed to experience our separation via our own freedoms of choice.

God knew all that.....after all He is the Creator.

He made plans to redeem and implemented those plans in a work of one man....Jesus.

And you questions His desires?

Blessings, AJ

So...he expects everyone to bow down to him because he has given us a solution to a problem that he created to begin with.


God did not 'create' homosexuality. Homosexuality is a departure from God. Even if it is genetically conditioned, it is always a choice, for man is more than his genes. Man has the freedom to choose his soul over his body. To say that the homosexual has no choice in the matter, is to say he is a hopeless prisoner of his body, and therefore has no soul. No, the homosexual is a far greater being than his body, he has an eternal soul, and he is loved by God.
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Libertarian Egalitarian
God did not 'create' homosexuality. Homosexuality is a departure from God. Even if it is genetically conditioned, it is always a choice, for man is more than his genes. Man has the freedom to choose his soul over his body. To say that the homosexual has no choice in the matter, is to say he is a hopeless prisoner of his body, and therefore has no soul. No, the homosexual is a far greater being than his body, he has an eternal soul, and he is loved by God.

How, praytell, is homosexuallity both a "departure from God" and "genetically conditioned?"
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God did not 'create' homosexuality. Homosexuality is a departure from God. Even if it is genetically conditioned, it is always a choice, for man is more than his genes. Man has the freedom to choose his soul over his body. To say that the homosexual has no choice in the matter, is to say he is a hopeless prisoner of his body, and therefore has no soul. No, the homosexual is a far greater being than his body, he has an eternal soul, and he is loved by God.

This reads like an "Answers for Teens" church pamphlet, what is your personal opinion on the matter?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
God did not 'create' homosexuality. Homosexuality is a departure from God. Even if it is genetically conditioned, it is always a choice, for man is more than his genes. Man has the freedom to choose his soul over his body. To say that the homosexual has no choice in the matter, is to say he is a hopeless prisoner of his body, and therefore has no soul. No, the homosexual is a far greater being than his body, he has an eternal soul, and he is loved by God.

You don't make any sense. It is not a choice and there is not one iota of evidence that it is. When did you choose to be straight? Oh, please!


Libertarian Egalitarian
This reads like an "Answers for Teens" church pamphlet, what is your personal opinion on the matter?

"Now remember kids... if seeing another boy makes your peepee hard, God is going to strike you down and cast you into a firey inferno for eternity... and remember... Jesus loves you." :D :D :D


Veteran Member
Why did god create homosexuality?, well Adam and Eve didn't work, so i suppose he wanted to try Adam and Steve lol.:eek:

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
It's My Birthday!
It has always brought about great confusion as to why Yahweh/Allah created homosexuality. He permitted all of the world to exist and designed each aspect about it but why would he create a sin which cannot be avoided even on the biological level.
This is easily equated to god punishing people for being of a certain ethnicity. It seems illogical that a god would punish his own creation for his own design

Nature isn't perfect, and sometimes variations happen.


Premium Member
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Libertarian Egalitarian
God did not 'create' homosexuality. Homosexuality is a departure from God. Even if it is genetically conditioned, it is always a choice, for man is more than his genes. Man has the freedom to choose his soul over his body. To say that the homosexual has no choice in the matter, is to say he is a hopeless prisoner of his body, and therefore has no soul. No, the homosexual is a far greater being than his body, he has an eternal soul, and he is loved by God.

For some reason, you don't seem to understand that homosexuality itself is the attraction to the same gender... not the sex act itself. I have never had sexual contact with a male or female, but I'm still bisexual because I have an attraction to both genders.


According to my understanding, God definitely created homosexuals and wants them to have plenty of sex.

So I disagree with you.

This was all clarified in a post which has unfortunately been lost, along with most of my other posts, in what was thought a very civil and dispassionate exchange on a subject that too often excites strong emotions. And so I withdraw from this discussion, lest any more efforts be squandered. Hereafter only private communicatings will be anwered. Dispassionate and rational exchange of ideas only.


Well-Known Member
This was all clarified in a post which has unfortunately been lost, along with most of my other posts, in what was thought a very civil and dispassionate exchange on a subject that too often excites strong emotions. And so I withdraw from this discussion, lest any more efforts be squandered. Hereafter only private communicatings will be anwered. Dispassionate and rational exchange of ideas only.

Online forums are run by people, with opinions and biases and views. Most of the time I'm able to adjust my behavior to the zeitgeist of the forums in which I participate.

If I enter a forum where the word 'zeitgeist' is forbidden, for example, I just don't use that word. If I think I'm being polite but the forum staff disagrees, I either adjust myself to their outlook or else raise a stink and ask for the boot.

Anyway, I am happy to have a dispassionate and rational exchange of idea with you right here on the public board. Do you disagree with me about God loving homosexuality?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So...he expects everyone to bow down to him because he has given us a solution to a problem that he created to begin with.

Are we not created in His image? The problem is not His, but ours. How we deal with it is our responsibility.
So easy to place the blame on someone else when we control our own actions, is it not?
Just think, if you had never been born, you would have never existed, here or in all eternity.
But since you have, you have been blessed to be your own god.
Right choices then is your prerogative.

Blessings, AJ