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Why did god create homosexuality?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Once again... do you guys honestly think we "choose" what does and does not give us an erection?

If your mind is on other things, yes! But if not, then an erection is the alternative.....that is, if you choose to focus on it.

Have you tried giving of your time helping at the local nursing home?
Have you tried writing a book?
Are you happy with your job, why not step out and be adventurous and try a new thing.

There are so many things in life that can occupy our minds for the better.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
According to my understanding, God definitely created homosexuals and wants them to have plenty of sex.

So I disagree with you.

Key words in your posts are: "According to my understanding".

Explore "understanding" to a greater degree. Could it be that understanding is limited?

My understanding is open to yours....so ones choosing is what one wants.

I can understand yours, but you are limited to understanding mine.

I understand that it is something that our creator warned us about. That's it, just a warning.

Did He not know what He was talking to us about?

And we claim we do?

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Key words in your posts are: "According to my understanding".

Yeah, the forum has a rule about preaching, so that makes it hard on us actual Prophets of God. I'm always having to say stuff like 'my opinon of God's Message' or 'according to my understanding.' It's bothersome, but I like to follow the rules.

Anyway -- my opinion aside -- God has said that he approves of homosexuality and wants everyone, including homosexuals, to have as much sex as possible. Do you think that God doesn't know what He's talking about?

Explore "understanding" to a greater degree. Could it be that understanding is limited?

Your understanding certainly seems to be limited. Why would God declare his approval of homosexuality if he didn't really approve of it??

I can understand yours, but you are limited to understanding mine.

I understand your view perfectly. It's just incorrect. I'm sorry.

I understand that it is something that our creator warned us about. That's it, just a warning.

Our creator never warned us against homosexuality. Where did you hear that?

Did He not know what He was talking to us about?

God always knows what He's talking about. Some people just get confused about what God says and what mere men try to convince us that God has said.

It's important to discern God's actual words from the words of men, you know.


Libertarian Egalitarian
If your mind is on other things, yes! But if not, then an erection is the alternative.....that is, if you choose to focus on it.

Have you tried giving of your time helping at the local nursing home?
Have you tried writing a book?
Are you happy with your job, why not step out and be adventurous and try a new thing.

There are so many things in life that can occupy our minds for the better.

Blessings, AJ

I'm a full time college student...so yes my mind is on other things most of the time anyway. We certainly don't constantly focus on sex, like the Church wants you to believe. Do you suggest I also never sleep again at the risk of having a wet dream?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'm a full time college student...so yes my mind is on other things most of the time anyway. We certainly don't constantly focus on sex, like the Church wants you to believe. Do you suggest I also never sleep again at the risk of having a wet dream?

Wet dreams we have no control, not even erections in our sleep. But being fully awake, in full control of our thoughts, yes, we can choose our thoughts.

What you do based on your thoughts is your choice, not Gods. (Upper case G)

God gave us a warnings against what He knew what our limitations were not.
Only we can venture into those areas at our own pearl.

Because God gave us the ability to choose from all the vanity there is in the world of the flesh does not mean we have to indulge willingly.

If there were no rules in a society, the society would eventually run amuck.

The attitude "do what we want, what we please" answers to nobody, not even to self.

So, why should any rules matter?

The meaning of life is made worthy by being victorious over vanities that would work to destroy us.

What is vanity if not defined?

If the bible defines a vanity in humanity, then we have a choice.

Be it as it may.

Blessings, AJ

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Wet dreams we have no control, not even erections in our sleep. But being fully awake, in full control of our thoughts, yes, we can choose our thoughts.

What you do based on your thoughts is your choice, not Gods. (Upper case G)

God gave us a warnings against what He knew what our limitations were not.
Only we can venture into those areas at our own pearl.

Because God gave us the ability to choose from all the vanity there is in the world of the flesh does not mean we have to indulge willingly.

If there were no rules in a society, the society would eventually run amuck.

The attitude "do what we want, what we please" answers to nobody, not even to self.

So, why should any rules matter?

The meaning of life is made worthy by being victorious over vanities that would work to destroy us.

What is vanity if not defined?

If the bible defines a vanity in humanity, then we have a choice.

Be it as it may.

Blessings, AJ

We cannot choose what or who we're attracted to. You can ignore it all you want, but that will cause it to fester and turn into a neurosis that will manifest itself malignantly. Repression is not healthy.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Anyway -- my opinion aside -- God has said that he approves of homosexuality and wants everyone, including homosexuals, to have as much sex as possible. Do you think that God doesn't know what He's talking about?>>>AmbiguousGuy

Phrased the way you did is putting words in His mouth. He did not approve....show me where.

And yes, if He created man, wouldn't He know the limitations?

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Your understanding certainly seems to be limited. Why would God declare his approval of homosexuality if he didn't really approve of it??>>>AmbiguousGuy

Show me where.

Blessings, AJ


Libertarian Egalitarian
Wet dreams we have no control, not even erections in our sleep. But being fully awake, in full control of our thoughts, yes, we can choose our thoughts.

What you do based on your thoughts is your choice, not Gods. (Upper case G)

God gave us a warnings against what He knew what our limitations were not.
Only we can venture into those areas at our own pearl.

Because God gave us the ability to choose from all the vanity there is in the world of the flesh does not mean we have to indulge willingly.

If there were no rules in a society, the society would eventually run amuck.

The attitude "do what we want, what we please" answers to nobody, not even to self.

So, why should any rules matter?

The meaning of life is made worthy by being victorious over vanities that would work to destroy us.

What is vanity if not defined?

If the bible defines a vanity in humanity, then we have a choice.

Be it as it may.

Blessings, AJ

So now... Might I ask, what causes those "wet dreams?"


Libertarian Egalitarian
We cannot choose what or who we're attracted to. You can ignore it all you want, but that will cause it to fester and turn into a neurosis that will manifest itself malignantly. Repression is not healthy.

Exactly... I tried to ignore it as a kid, and it turned me into one of the biggest Homophobic, Biphobic, Transphobic, self-loathing jerks before I finally became content with the fact i'm bi.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Exactly... I tried to ignore it as a kid, and it turned me into one of the biggest Homophobic, Biphobic, Transphobic, self-loathing jerks before I finally became content with the fact i'm bi.

Exactly. I came out as bi when I was 13. But then I went through a self-loathing period in my mid-teens where I tried to strictly follow Catholicism's teachings on sexuality and I was a big homophobe and all-around bigot. When I decided to stop punishing myself, I dropped the bigotry.


Well-Known Member
Phrased the way you did is putting words in His mouth. He did not approve....show me where.

You seem confused. I don't put words into God's mouth. God puts His words into my mouth and I pass them on to you. I told you... I am an actual Prophet of God.

If you want to follow some other prophet, that's your business. I won't try to convince you to follow God. I'm just telling you what God has actually said about homosexuality. He approves of it.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You seem confused. I don't put words into God's mouth. God puts His words into my mouth and I pass them on to you. I told you... I am an actual Prophet of God.

If you want to follow some other prophet, that's your business. I won't try to convince you to follow God. I'm just telling you what God has actually said about homosexuality. He approves of it.

Lol! I would frubal you, but I'm not allowed. :p


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You seem confused. I don't put words into God's mouth. God puts His words into my mouth and I pass them on to you. I told you... I am an actual Prophet of God.

If you want to follow some other prophet, that's your business. I won't try to convince you to follow God. I'm just telling you what God has actually said about homosexuality. He approves of it.

Anybody can make claims. Looks like you have not the written word to substantiate your claims.

Here's mine, since you asked.

Rom_1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

1. For this cause (God's warnings)
2. God gave them up. (allowed but not condoned)
3. Against nature. (Natural course)

Rom_1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

1. Natural use of the women (Command to replenish the earth)
2. Receiving recompence. (Consequences)

Again, warnings from the Creator who very well knew the consequences of a soul having the same attributes as God.

Blessings, AJ


Libertarian Egalitarian
Anybody can make claims. Looks like you have not the written word to substantiate your claims.

Here's mine, since you asked.

Rom_1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

1. For this cause (God's warnings)
2. God gave them up. (allowed but not condoned)
3. Against nature. (Natural course)

Rom_1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

1. Natural use of the women (Command to replenish the earth)
2. Receiving recompence. (Consequences)

Again, warnings from the Creator who very well knew the consequences of a soul having the same attributes as God.

Blessings, AJ

Lol "against nature"... That is unless you are a dolphin, zebra, duck, ape, dog, cat, sheep, horse, deer, lion, tiger, bear, or literally every other animal in the animal kingdom. How dare those animals participate in such acts against nature... oh wait...


Well-Known Member
Anybody can make claims.

Sure. But I wish you would actually give some evidence to back up your claims, as I do.

Looks like you have not the written word to substantiate your claims.

What the heck are you talking about? You see my written words, right in front of you, and you claim that I don't have the written word? If I don't have written words, what are you replying to with your messages?

Really... you seem very much confused to me.

Here's mine, since you asked.
Rom_1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
And you think that is God speaking? Why do you think so?

(It's not. It's just some men pretending to speak for God.)

Again, warnings from the Creator who very well knew the consequences of a soul having the same attributes as God.

The Creator would never say something like that. But sometimes primitive men would try to claim that their own beliefs were actually coming from God.

As I told you earlier, it is important to distinguish the word of men from the Word of God. I will be happy to help you with that if you ask.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Lol "against nature"... That is unless you are a dolphin, zebra, duck, ape, dog, cat, sheep, horse, deer, lion, tiger, bear, or literally every other animal in the animal kingdom. How dare those animals participate in such acts against nature... oh wait...

Evidently you didn't understand the nature of nature.

Its the design, sir.

Is it possible for to men to procreate without the help of a women?

Blessings, AJ

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Evidently you didn't understand the nature of nature.

Its the design, sir.

Is it possible for to men to procreate without the help of a women?

Blessings, AJ

Sex doesn't only for procreation, and you need a sperm and an egg, not a "man" and a "woman".