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Why did God send Satan to us instead of hell.


Great age old question. Why didn't God send Satan elsewhere? The God of the Bible made humans and angels with freedom to love and obey Him. As you said, some of the angels rejected God. All people have rejected Him. If the serpent hadn't tempted Eve would they ever have sinned? We can't say for sure. But according to the story of the Bible people chose to reject their Creator and that's why there's an obvious big-time problem with humanity. Maybe the reason you assume God must be a genocidal maniac is because you assume people are basically good and underserving of punishment. The story of the Bible disagrees with that assessment and never blames God for the evil that exists. Someone has taught you that angels had sex with women. That's based on a very shakey interpretation of Genesis 6. The "sons of God" are more likely the sons of Seth of chapter 5.


Miss Independent
If god wipes out an entire nation, their spirits are not dead, and therefore from gods perspective they arent dead. To us they look dead.



Active Member
If god wipes out an entire nation, their spirits are not dead, and therefore from gods perspective they arent dead. To us they look dead.


If your dead, your spirit is dead, because Spirit in Hebrew = rauch meaning Breath.

Dead people cant breath so they have no spirit


Miss Independent
If your dead, your spirit is dead, because Spirit in Hebrew = rauch meaning Breath.

Dead people cant breath so they have no spirit

Wrong, jesus told his deciples let the dead bury the dead, and the dead were breathing.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Perhaps now is a good time to explain your equations to us more fully. If someone does not get your equations, they cannot debate with you about it. Instead everything people say is simply disgarded. If you wanted to make a point and have us think about it, why dont you elaborate on the equations you have used several times in your thread. That way we can have an open debate, instead of falling around between one post and the next.

You started this thread asking...why did god send satan to us instead of to hell. To me that is not an issue, because i believe earth is hell. But still im interested in your equations if you would take the time to explain them fully.


God+lady God=Goodgod

God is not an individual, It is a cosmic consciousness.
It, God, is a natural evolution to our existence. It was born with the death of the first truly sentient human mind. It evolves with the addition of all who die. All souls get there. No choice. This is why God is said to be in our image or we in it’s image. It is us.

If we are a part of a natural system, and we are, then God is a natural God. Not a supernatural entity who is omni everything. Not a miracle worker who can defy nature.

Man + woman = human son or daughter
All animals reproduce with their own kind.

God + lady God = Goodgod
I use this to demonstrate that God‘s natural tendency would be to His own kind. It also give truth to the law of marriage.

God + woman = abomination
Those who believe that God would create some kind of chimera are wrong. Such a union would not be natural. If God were to set such a precedent then this would open the door for us to do the same. To me, the idea that it is OK for men to breed with lower animals would be wrong and would create abominations.

Angel + woman = flood
Scripture shows that God placed angels on earth. An all knowing God would have known that they would breed with humans and produce what God would later need to drown. A rather stupid thing for God to do and therefore could not be what God would do.

These truths should be self evident. If they do not seem to be then think again for the first time and return with your thoughts and we can dither things out.




Miss Independent
God + lady God = Goodgod
I use this to demonstrate that God‘s natural tendency would be to His own kind. It also give truth to the law of marriage.
God + woman = abomination
Those who believe that God would create some kind of chimera are wrong. Such a union would not be natural. If God were to set such a precedent then this would open the door for us to do the same. To me, the idea that it is OK for men to breed with lower animals would be wrong and would create abominations.

Ok i think i know what you are trying to say in the other equations but these i need more info on. Would you mind elaborating more?

Thank you.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Men don't have instincts; men have intuition. Instinct is an attribute of the irrational.

You must think then that all lower animals work in an irrational way. Look again, they do quite well.

It is said that at the end of philosophy all that will be left to argue will be the definition of words. Insticts and intuition would fall into that area. In term of what we are talking about, it does not matter. They are close enough.

Regarding being absolute something that never changes, that's God alright.
There is no heaven to reach and change God. You are being too anthropomorphic about God. God is incorporeal. No one or nothing causes God to do things for us.

I agree and never stated such. God is a hands off type. no interferance except to communicate if we open the door.

A Bible reader needs some Philosophical training to be able to understand when a text in the Bible is allegorical or literal. Allegories must be interpreted metaphorically.

i need no training to know that there are no talking snakes.

My absolute God does not change, neither evolve. According to Jesus in John 4:24,
God is pure Spirit and the only way to relate to God is in spirit.

Ben :rolleyes:

I agree with the spirit part but God would be bored to tears if He never changed and we would be useless to It's systems if we were redundant and had no effect on It.

What would life be for if you were right? Why woukd a God pay any attention to us if you were right?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Friend Greatest I am,
God never send Satan.
It is us humans who gave birth to god and satan came by default.
God is a concept developed by humans and like a magnet which has two poles similarly there is another pole of god which is satan.
Like even if a magnet is cut to pieces the two poles north and south remains similarly till god IS satan too IS.
Love & rgds

Right on the mark.



Miss Independent
Ok...well im not going to flip my lid! HE HE..

From the start i guess i have to tell you that i believe that god and satan are both real, that heaven and hell is real, but if you like, you can use me as a guinea pig to test your theories on?

Hows that?

First..explain to me...why would humans come up with the concept of GOD?

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Great age old question. Why didn't God send Satan elsewhere? The God of the Bible made humans and angels with freedom to love and obey Him. As you said, some of the angels rejected God.

Scripture says this not I. Does it not seem strange though that to date, all the conscious beings said to have been created by God have rebelled? Could it be that God made tem/us that way on purpose.
Remember that without eating of the tree of knowledge we cannot get closer to knowing God and that withot knowledge of good and evil we would lose our moral sense. the same moral sense that all churches and religions try to teach.

Not all people reject God. They just reject remainning ignorant of good and evil. Thank God for that.

If the serpent hadn't tempted Eve would they ever have sinned? We can't say for sure. But according to the story of the Bible people chose to reject their Creator and that's why there's an obvious big-time problem with humanity.

What problem. God told us to reproduce and learn of good and evil. We do both quite well. If God were not pleased, He would let us know. Scripture says that all of God's works are perfect. Will you stand before God and tell Him He goofed.

Maybe the reason you assume God must be a genocidal maniac is because you assume people are basically good and underserving of punishment. The story of the Bible disagrees with that assessment and never blames God for the evil that exists.

It says that God is the creator of all things. That would include evil. The God of scripture is resposible for all of the perfect works around us, including evil. He created the tree right?

Someone has taught you that angels had sex with women. That's based on a very shakey interpretation of Genesis 6. The "sons of God" are more likely the sons of Seth of chapter 5.

Regardless of who they were, it is still said that God had to drown all His souls except for 8.
If God is the sower and reaper of souls then we can judge that He is certainly a poor farmer acording to scripture. This is why I do not believe in the flood. If God's works are perfect then He does not need to adjust anything within His perfect systems. This is logic.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
If god wipes out an entire nation, their spirits are not dead, and therefore from gods perspective they arent dead. To us they look dead.


God does not create living souls just to kill them.
To think that God kills humans is like thinking that humans are fixated on killing bugs. No contest and little sense, we can do no harm to God.


Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Ok...well im not going to flip my lid! HE HE..

From the start i guess i have to tell you that i believe that god and satan are both real, that heaven and hell is real, but if you like, you can use me as a guinea pig to test your theories on?

Hows that?

First..explain to me...why would humans come up with the concept of GOD?

How did Columbus come up with the existence of a "new" world? Becaused he shipped Westward and discovered it.
But the Americas were always there.

Man did not make up the concept of God. He rather discovered God, Who was always there.
And if you allow me the chance to feel proud of my ancestors, Abraham was the Columbus of that discovery.

Ben :D


Miss Independent
God does not create living souls just to kill them.
To think that God kills humans is like thinking that humans are fixated on killing bugs. No contest and little sense, we can do no harm to God.


You answer seems to indicate that you believe there is a god. If humans came up with the idea of god then the god they created kills people right?



Miss Independent
God does not create living souls just to kill them.
To think that God kills humans is like thinking that humans are fixated on killing bugs. No contest and little sense, we can do no harm to God.


Your right, we cannot do god any harm. God can create another bug, we cant, but i agree we can do god no harm. Dont think that god 'killed' people because they were doing him any harm though. They were doing themselves wrong...but ok...we cannot do god any harm. Good point.


Miss Independent
Regardless of who they were, it is still said that God had to drown all His souls except for 8.
If God is the sower and reaper of souls then we can judge that He is certainly a poor farmer acording to scripture. This is why I do not believe in the flood. If God's works are perfect then He does not need to adjust anything within His perfect systems. This is logic.


Question: Do fish living in a fish bowl, know that there are bigger fish in rivers and the sea? Would he judge his world as perfect or not based on what he experienced in his bowl, or would he need to get out of the bowl and look at the bigger picture to make an accurate assessment regarding the existance of other fishes?. Maybe he thinks his bowl is perfect, or maybe he thinks his bowl sucks. Either way he is stuck in the bowl. Can he really know the big picture? And if he cant, can he make a judgement call on being the only fish around?

In the same way, if we cant see the big picture, stuff will look like they are not perfect, but until we can get out of our bowl, we will have to trust.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Ok i think i know what you are trying to say in the other equations but these i need more info on. Would you mind elaborating more?

Thank you.

We are part of nature. In nature, animals breed with their own kind.
God work with nature not against it.

The God of ants is an ant.
The God of lions is a lion.
The God of man is a man.

God is suposed to be a species different than man and we are to concider Him our example for a good life. If it is OK for God to produce chimeras then it follows that it is OK for man to follow His example. I would disagree with such a policy. Would'nt you?

Would you mix alien genes with ours?
Would the product be a man? No.
If we mixed an ant with a bee, would this bee/ant be better than the individual bugs? It would not have a nitch to fill. It would not be accepted by either species.
It like Jesus would die off. If Jesus was a God then death would not touch Him. He is not and death did.

If we mix a man with a goat, would we not call the produc an abomination?

If you do not see the logic of this argument then come back with a specific on what troubles you about the concept.
