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Why did God send Satan to us instead of hell.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Who told you there were children and babies in the flood?

When God chose to punish people collectively, i mean this type of punishment(flood)...the victims are precisely determined, God is fully aware of every single soul that was taken.

And if you believe is God's mercy, you should know that even if a baby was killed in a flood, he will instantly go to heaven...i.e. a much better life.
So when God decides a child is killed, he makes sure the child does not suffer.

Early death+ heaven is much better than Tough life+ hell.

Scripture says that all were evil in that day. All evil souls are said to go to hell. You are adding to scripture. Thought people were not to do such.

God gave us life to learn. Not to be interrupted on any of hIs maniacal floods. God does not break His own laws of killing man. Jesus would flip.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
The Flood is on a Wrong perspective, think of water as Just the color Blue and the babys or whatever as Stars.

Its night and the Star(people) are in the sky, think the ark as the (Sun)

The Stars Drowned because the blue sky (light overpoweres the Star and you cant see them anymore, ( the stars have drowned )

Stars do not have perfect God given souls and natures.

Better to think of all the drowning people. Much easier to discard that foolishness that way. There was no flood.God does not kill humans.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
This is not right sir.:no:

A sinner can sin for 120 years, and then repent with honesty...in a second...God forgives....how about that?


39-53 ''Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.''

Trangressed against their souls means committ too much sins.

This verse is one of several revealing God's mercy and forgiveness.

Moreover, prophet Mohamed explained in several speaches how will God forgive people on judgement day no matter how far their sins exceeded their good deeds...AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT ASSOCIATE PARTNERS TO GOD.

Thats the only sin in Islam that can send man to hell forever.

It is right fool.

Do all repent. No.

Do some enjoy God's unjust punishment. Yes.

It is good that I do not believe in hell. This would make God unjust.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
If you look at the Story of Noah.

Everything was Flooded except the Ark.

The Earth was not flooded the people in the constalation weres.

Because as the Sun Rises the Stars disapear and BLUE Appears.

The Sun(the boat/Ark) travels along the Waters(blue sky) and at the end of its travel releases its animals(Stars) "from the Suns Light") as the Blue Goes away(night Time)

If all beasts landed somewhere in the middle east then how did all marsupials decide to go down under. Did the Ark make different house calls before landing?



Active Member
A sinner can sin for 120 yrs.

The Moon can Move for 120 yrs (120 is a Circuler repressenting the 12 yearly moon cycles)

Sin is the Metopotamian moon god

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Noah should have asked God to save the evil children and evil innocent babies.

They must deserve such a poor consequence.
Babies are such a nuisance.


You are a little mistaken about the way God works. You mean Noah should have asked God as if God were another man but powerful one to provide something to
save the children and babies? God is not that anthropomorphic.

There is a joke that once it rained so much that the water raised so high up to the roofs of the houses. A very religious faithful guy climbed up to the roof of his house and kept on praying for rescue. Someone approached in his small boat and offered help. The faithfull refused on the account that God Himself would save him. Two more passed by and wanted to save him and he refused under the same reason. Eventually the water caught him and he drowned. In Heaven he complained to God why He disappointed him. God said He had sent three boats and the guy had refused to be saved.

To illustrate our case here with the Flood, everybody saw Noah building the boat
and mocked the old man, instead of believing that it was God's invitation for them to do the same. In other words, they refused to be saved and perished in the Flood.
That's how God works: By using men as the His tools to save men.

Ben :clap


Active Member
You are a little mistaken about the way God works. You mean Noah should have asked God as if God were another man but powerful one to provide something to
save the children and babies? God is not that anthropomorphic.

There is a joke that once it rained so much that the water raised so high up to the roofs of the houses. A very religious faithful guy climbed up to the roof of his house and kept on praying for rescue. Someone approached in his small boat and offered help. The faithfull refused on the account that God Himself would save him. Two more passed by and wanted to save him and he refused under the same reason. Eventually the water caught him and he drowned. In Heaven he complained to God why He disappointed him. God said He had sent three boats and the guy had refused to be saved.

To illustrate our case here with the Flood, everybody saw Noah building the boat
and mocked the old man, instead of believing that it was God's invitation for them to do the same. In other words, they refused to be saved and perished in the Flood.
That's how God works: By using men as the His tools to save men.

Ben :clap

When bible mentiones the killing of babies its an alagory for the killing of the stars (suns light overpowers the Stars light) same goes for king herod
You mean that God talks to all before death. HMM.

Ofcourse no...God only talks to his messengers, and so messengers deliver the message to us.

Who else speaks for our absentee God.

He is not absent, you just can't see him...he is too great to be seen in this world by us.

-He created us.
-Subjected everything to our service...sun, moon, air, water..etc..
-Provided us with essentials of life.
-Sent messengers to show us the way to good and warn against wrong-doing.

and you cannot deny any of the latter

This is enough

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
You are a little mistaken about the way God works. You mean Noah should have asked God as if God were another man but powerful one to provide something to
save the children and babies? God is not that anthropomorphic.

There is a joke that once it rained so much that the water raised so high up to the roofs of the houses. A very religious faithful guy climbed up to the roof of his house and kept on praying for rescue. Someone approached in his small boat and offered help. The faithfull refused on the account that God Himself would save him. Two more passed by and wanted to save him and he refused under the same reason. Eventually the water caught him and he drowned. In Heaven he complained to God why He disappointed him. God said He had sent three boats and the guy had refused to be saved.

To illustrate our case here with the Flood, everybody saw Noah building the boat
and mocked the old man, instead of believing that it was God's invitation for them to do the same. In other words, they refused to be saved and perished in the Flood.
That's how God works: By using men as the His tools to save men.

Ben :clap

True. God used up those laughing children and babies and adults by the millions to save 8.

Rather wastfull and hard on those that He is supposed to lave.

Any other sower of souls would have quit after such a poor showing.
All should laugh at such a misguided farmer.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
When bible mentiones the killing of babies its an alagory for the killing of the stars (suns light overpowers the Stars light) same goes for king herod

Whatever it was, it makes God look like a genocidal maniac.
People still like Him regardless of how rediculous.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Ofcourse no...God only talks to his messengers, and so messengers deliver the message to us.

He is not absent, you just can't see him...he is too great to be seen in this world by us.

-He created us.
-Subjected everything to our service...sun, moon, air, water..etc..
-Provided us with essentials of life.
-Sent messengers to show us the way to good and warn against wrong-doing.

and you cannot deny any of the latter

This is enough

Certanly I can.

Knowing what we have is not the same as knowing how it got here.

Speculation without proof is just that speculation. Believe what you will but not in talking snakes.



The Devil's Advocate
What was God's consequence for the flood?
It is important to read the story in context. It starts off by saying that God looked upon the earth and saw how evil that men had become. It is because of the evilness that God sent the flood. Like most stories in the Jewish scripture, the flood story is about justice.

AND, as Ben point's out, God left and escape exit for those who would use it. So there is mercy there too.

Interestingly, at the end of the story, when God looks upon the destruction, God feels regret. God puts up a rainbow as a promise to never again wreak global destruction.

None. God did not cause the Flood. It means that the consequences were not of God, but of those who got killed, who instead of building many boats to get saved,
they all chose to mock at Noah throughout the many days that took him and his sons
to build theirs.
I agree with you that it was within their power to be saved if they but listened instead of mocking. But that doesn't mean that God did not cause the Flood. God opened the firmaments and caused it to rain for forty days and nights.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
It is important to read the story in context. It starts off by saying that God looked upon the earth and saw how evil that men had become. It is because of the evilness that God sent the flood. Like most stories in the Jewish scripture, the flood story is about justice.

AND, as Ben point's out, God left and escape exit for those who would use it. So there is mercy there too.

Interestingly, at the end of the story, when God looks upon the destruction, God feels regret. God puts up a rainbow as a promise to never again wreak global destruction.

I agree with you that it was within their power to be saved if they but listened instead of mocking. But that doesn't mean that God did not cause the Flood. God opened the firmaments and caused it to rain for forty days and nights.

Lillithus, for Heaven's sake, don't you understand metaphorical language? "God opened the firmaments and caused it to rain..." That's literary talking!. Allegory.
Of course, we can go back to all the steps until the Primal Mover. But immediately,
that's not how God works.

Ben :rolleyes:


The Devil's Advocate
Lillithus, for Heaven's sake, don't you understand metaphorical language? "God opened the firmaments and caused it to rain..." That's literary talking!. Allegory.
Of course, we can go back to all the steps until the Primal Mover. But immediately,
that's not how God works.

Ben :rolleyes:
Yes, it's literary. It's a STORY.

So in your mind, God did not cause it to rain because God does not intervene in nature, but somehow God did give people a way out via Noah and his arc. Somehow that part is not intervening.

Whatever, dude.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Yes, it's literary. It's a STORY.

So in your mind, God did not cause it to rain because God does not intervene in nature, but somehow God did give people a way out via Noah and his arc. Somehow that part is not intervening.

Whatever, dude.

I told you that if we go back through the pieces of the stacked domino, we will eventually reach the the "finger" that pushed the first stone. But immediately, that's not the way God intervenes with His creation. Yes, somehow, intuition, emanation,
whatever, strong feeling through a vision or lucid dream. Perhaps, which it's much more probable, that's a way to explain the Jewish version of the Flood which is claimed by a few other ancient peoples. Instead of just copying one of the Gentiles' versions, the Israelites composed one of their own. Literature therefore. Why make such a big deal about something whose lesson was not the thing itself but some kind of drastic turn of events in History?


Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
True. God used up those laughing children and babies and adults by the millions to save 8.

Rather wastfull and hard on those that He is supposed to lave.

Any other sower of souls would have quit after such a poor showing.
All should laugh at such a misguided farmer.


Again, I say, you are talking about an anthropomorphic God loaded with human attributes and feelings. God is incorporeal and pure spirit. Even if there was a Flood, God would have nothing to do with the death of children and babies. Many children and babies were buried alive when the Vesuvius exploded. Suppose you blame God for that? Not a chance! Blamed for that tragedy were all those who had chosen to live in the immediacies of the Vulcano. They just happened to be on the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ben :rolleyes:
Again, I say, you are talking about an anthropomorphic God loaded with human attributes and feelings. God is incorporeal and pure spirit. Even if there was a Flood, God would have nothing to do with the death of children and babies. Many children and babies were buried alive when the Vesuvius exploded. Suppose you blame God for that? Not a chance! Blamed for that tragedy were all those who had chosen to live in the immediacies of the Vulcano. They just happened to be on the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ben :rolleyes:
