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Why did God send Satan to us instead of hell.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
What did God mean when telling Moses to us the name I am. What is that to do to thinkers?

Lets see if we can dither the truth.


I thought a question would require an answer; but as I can see, you like to answer with questions. If I were of the same kind we would arrive nowhere.

God meant to tell Moses that He was the Only One Who is and really exists. All else
is just a mirage, which will pass with the wind.

Not a thing.
I too believe in only one God. He is nameless.
What God do you follow? Why does It's perfect not include reproduction?


No way you believe in God...you might believe that God does exist...but beleiving in God is another issue.

A believer MUST be adamant that God is fair and merciful...I doubt you do.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
No way you believe in God...you might believe that God does exist...but beleiving in God is another issue.

A believer MUST be adamant that God is fair and merciful...I doubt you do.

God might be fair and just. Merciful... perhaps, if you mean equally to all. Then, it won't be mercy but justice. One must suffer the consequences of his or her actions.
There is no mercy within the Law of Cause and Effect. Nature is implacable.

Ben :sorry1:

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I thought a question would require an answer; but as I can see, you like to answer with questions. If I were of the same kind we would arrive nowhere.

God meant to tell Moses that He was the Only One Who is and really exists. All else
is just a mirage, which will pass with the wind.


No. I think He was telling Moses what He would tell us all. Humans are the ones man must deal with not God. Humans have power. God does not. Have the courage to stand and say I am that I am. Have enough faith to say I am has sent me. I am the one to deal with.

The only question I saw was on truth. Which truth? There are many.
be specific and I will be happy to deal with any question I can.



Active Member
God meant to tell Moses that He was the Only One Who is and really exists
Moses(the Sun) that He was the Only Sun Who is and really exists

Moses = Sun God

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
No way you believe in God...you might believe that God does exist...but beleiving in God is another issue.

A believer MUST be adamant that God is fair and merciful...I doubt you do.

I aggre that God must be fair.

Is this fair. A sinner can sin for 120 yrs. He then must suffer hell for 120000000000000+ yrs. God's usual justice shows that the penalty must fit the crime. An eye for an eye.

How then can hell for so many be just?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
God might be fair and just. Merciful... perhaps, if you mean equally to all. Then, it won't be mercy but justice. One must suffer the consequences of his or her actions.
There is no mercy within the Law of Cause and Effect. Nature is implacable.

Ben :sorry1:

What was God's consequence for the flood?


Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
What was God's consequence for the flood?


None. God did not cause the Flood. It means that the consequences were not of God, but of those who got killed, who instead of building many boats to get saved,
they all chose to mock at Noah throughout the many days that took him and his sons
to build theirs.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
None. God did not cause the Flood. It means that the consequences were not of God, but of those who got killed, who instead of building many boats to get saved,
they all chose to mock at Noah throughout the many days that took him and his sons
to build theirs.


Noah should have asked God to save the evil children and evil innocent babies.

They must deserve such a poor consequence.
Babies are such a nuisance.



Well-Known Member
Why did God send Satan to us instead of hell.

Some believe that God and Satan disagreed on thing and the Satan was evil and out of control.
Why send him and his third of angels to pester us.
Would God’s job not be easier if He had sent them elsewhere.
They would not have fornicated with humans and the reason for the flood would have been avoided. No giants to drown.

In this way God would not look like a genocidal maniac.
Instead of killing millions including innocent children and babies in a flood, why not just create a new earth for the eight that He thought were worthy and let the old earth just be? It could not look any worse than hell.
Two blemishes on His record is just as telling as two. You would think that a new earth would be better than Him breaking His own laws.

Why pit these supernatural beings against weak humans.


There is a metaphorical interpretation I was pondering but like most of the stories in the bible it just seems made up and as something that would be interesting and would move the story a long.

It also is probably a reinterpretation of older stories. People do that occasionally. One famous american rewrote the entire bible and removed all the crazy supernatural references... any idea who that was? hehe

I was thinking earlier about many of the references in the bible to years and days and thinking how any unit of measurement was probably period specific but then more generally all units of measurement are based on mans intepretation of his surroundings...

So a day ends up being based on how fast the earth turns and year how fast we go around the sun.... different planet different measurements... same planet could even give different measurements...

But of all the ways we could have described how long a day and a year is... look what we picked...

There is a theological argument I heard last night that says the universe is so finely tuned it could only exist if there was an intelligence tuning it.... Which is pretty bad argument in its own right but it illustrates just how much bias we bring into our interpretation.

There was an argument that even your everyday common rock is mostly air. We dont interpret or understand it as such. We say its heavy, solid and classify it and understand it as such. Why? Well the best argument is that is what is most useful to us.

In a similiar vein we interpret our origins on the same biased level.

So I think you are just reading a book that is based on older stories that were finally written down. It was what made the most sense at the time and how they figured out their origins. Why you believe it to be true now or a factual account of real events the author could not possible know is another argument... (Second had stories.)

One thing that would be cool though is if instead of writing it down they had choose to continue to pass it on orally then the story would have been VERY different today... each generation gets to reinterpret it and spin it so that it makes more sense in this day and age... as long as elders were involved to insure that the oral story wasnt so twisted as to lose its original meaning and that the authenticity was preserved and took the matter seriously it would have been cool. (The origins of killing blasphemers is a cool research project if you get bored.)

Anyways.... I would suggest you read it anew and try to see it through the bias they must have had at the time when it was authored.
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Noah should have asked God to save the evil children and evil innocent babies.

They must deserve such a poor consequence.
Babies are such a nuisance.

Who told you there were children and babies in the flood?

When God chose to punish people collectively, i mean this type of punishment(flood)...the victims are precisely determined, God is fully aware of every single soul that was taken.

And if you believe is God's mercy, you should know that even if a baby was killed in a flood, he will instantly go to heaven...i.e. a much better life.
So when God decides a child is killed, he makes sure the child does not suffer.

Early death+ heaven is much better than Tough life+ hell.


Active Member
Who told you there were children and babies in the flood?

When God chose to punish people collectively, i mean this type of punishment(flood)...the victims are precisely determined, God is fully aware of every single soul that was taken.

And if you believe is God's mercy, you should know that even if a baby was killed in a flood, he will instantly go to heaven...i.e. a much better life.
So when God decides a child is killed, he makes sure the child does not suffer.

Early death+ heaven is much better than Tough life+ hell.

The Flood is on a Wrong perspective, think of water as Just the color Blue and the babys or whatever as Stars.

Its night and the Star(people) are in the sky, think the ark as the (Sun)

The Stars Drowned because the blue sky (light overpoweres the Star and you cant see them anymore, ( the stars have drowned )
I aggre that God must be fair.

Is this fair. A sinner can sin for 120 yrs. He then must suffer hell for 120000000000000+ yrs. God's usual justice shows that the penalty must fit the crime. An eye for an eye.

How then can hell for so many be just?

This is not right sir.:no:

A sinner can sin for 120 years, and then repent with honesty...in a second...God forgives....how about that?


39-53 ''Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.''

Trangressed against their souls means committ too much sins.

This verse is one of several revealing God's mercy and forgiveness.

Moreover, prophet Mohamed explained in several speaches how will God forgive people on judgement day no matter how far their sins exceeded their good deeds...AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT ASSOCIATE PARTNERS TO GOD.

Thats the only sin in Islam that can send man to hell forever.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
There is a metaphorical interpretation I was pondering but like most of the stories in the bible it just seems made up and as something that would be interesting and would move the story a long.

It also is probably a reinterpretation of older stories. People do that occasionally. One famous american rewrote the entire bible and removed all the crazy supernatural references... any idea who that was? hehe

I was thinking earlier about many of the references in the bible to years and days and thinking how any unit of measurement was probably period specific but then more generally all units of measurement are based on mans intepretation of his surroundings...

So a day ends up being based on how fast the earth turns and year how fast we go around the sun.... different planet different measurements... same planet could even give different measurements...

But of all the ways we could have described how long a day and a year is... look what we picked...

There is a theological argument I heard last night that says the universe is so finely tuned it could only exist if there was an intelligence tuning it.... Which is pretty bad argument in its own right but it illustrates just how much bias we bring into our interpretation.

There was an argument that even your everyday common rock is mostly air. We dont interpret or understand it as such. We say its heavy, solid and classify it and understand it as such. Why? Well the best argument is that is what is most useful to us.

In a similiar vein we interpret our origins on the same biased level.

So I think you are just reading a book that is based on older stories that were finally written down. It was what made the most sense at the time and how they figured out their origins. Why you believe it to be true now or a factual account of real events the author could not possible know is another argument... (Second had stories.)

One thing that would be cool though is if instead of writing it down they had choose to continue to pass it on orally then the story would have been VERY different today... each generation gets to reinterpret it and spin it so that it makes more sense in this day and age... as long as elders were involved to insure that the oral story wasnt so twisted as to lose its original meaning and that the authenticity was preserved and took the matter seriously it would have been cool. (The origins of killing blasphemers is a cool research project if you get bored.)

Anyways.... I would suggest you read it anew and try to see it through the bias they must have had at the time when it was authored.

Exactly what I try to do. Without the talking snakes.

Can'thelp but ask,

Are these true

God+lady God=Goodgod



Active Member
If you look at the Story of Noah.

Everything was Flooded except the Ark.

The Earth was not flooded the people in the constalation weres.

Because as the Sun Rises the Stars disapear and BLUE Appears.

The Sun(the boat/Ark) travels along the Waters(blue sky) and at the end of its travel releases its animals(Stars) "from the Suns Light") as the Blue Goes away(night Time)