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Why did God send Satan to us instead of hell.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
The Notion of Free Will is an Illusion

Have you read my original thread on "Freewill and Volition?" It could help you understand that freewill is no illusion. Tell me about yourself how you have come
up with the conclusion that freewill is an illusion. If there is something solidly real
in life, that's freewill. I am of the opinion that even God does not interfere with man's freewill.



Active Member
Have you read my original thread on "Freewill and Volition?" It could help you understand that freewill is no illusion. Tell me about yourself how you have come
up with the conclusion that freewill is an illusion. If there is something solidly real
in life, that's freewill. I am of the opinion that even God does not interfere with man's freewill.


Because Freewill only makes sense when its written, like Star wars it makes sense in a book/film but not on a real world point of view

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Because Freewill only makes sense when its written, like Star wars it makes sense in a book/film but not on a real world point of view

I did not ask for an example from star wars or movies. Give me something from real life, when are we not free to do what we please? That's freewill.

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Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Have a Leek
Drink Water

But these are not freewill they are Natural

All right. Freewill is natural. It's part of man. So, we are getting somewhere here.
Now, please, take a look at "Freewill and Volition" and you will have more to tell
me about it.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
The "almost perfect" is not a reference to God but to man. And the "almost" is mine to account for freewill which if it had not been granted to man, than man would have been as perfect. Then, comes death as another imperfection, because everything that is created must come to an end.


Who has been to the end to see what is left?

We both believe in a God. My God never used a genocidal flood. Yours?
My God does not hurt any of His perfect living souls.

God does not do oops in creating anything. Right?

You seem so fearful of losing earthly things as if reality ended here for you. It does not.

Are these true
God+lady God=Goodgod



Active Member
Who has been to the end to see what is left?

We both believe in a God. My God never used a genocidal flood. Yours?
My God does not hurt any of His perfect living souls.

God does not do oops in creating anything. Right?

You seem so fearful of losing earthly things as if reality ended here for you. It does not.

Are these true
God+lady God=Goodgod


Genocide Flood was probaly a tsunmami or a Natural occurence that flooded a Large area in metopotamia "proofed aswell" The Ancient had no knowledge on the size of earth and if water is everywere to the ancients eyes then they would ultimatly jump to conclusion and think the entire earth is flooded.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Genocide Flood was probaly a tsunmami or a Natural occurence that flooded a Large area in metopotamia "proofed aswell" The Ancient had no knowledge on the size of earth and if water is everywere to the ancients eyes then they would ultimatly jump to conclusion and think the entire earth is flooded.

It is good that you do not take scripture literally.

The first God was a man and we need to follow His example of using logic.

Are these true
God+lady God=Goodgod



Active Member
It is good that you do not take scripture literally.

The first God was a man and we need to follow His example of using logic.

Are these true
God+lady God=Goodgod


Man+woman=son (yes without cloning techniques)

God+lady God=Goodgod (no) but in many religions it can lead to another god,

God+woman=abomination (no

Angel+woman=flood (no)


Active Member
God+lady God=Goodgod

I can conclude that the above is Sexist mumbo jumbo and meaningless
I have a problem perceiving God, you have a problem perceiving a Mrs God or lady God.

Lady God is of Gods species.

It means:
God does His own species, not our species. No bestiality for God thanks.

Jesus is a man, not a chimera or hybrid Man/God.

Here's my perception

There is NO ''lady god''
Jesus was a man...not God, nor God's son.
There is only one God, no male..no female...Almighty
God has no son...he is perfect...i.e. does not reproduce.

Can you tell me whats wrong with that for you

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Here's my perception

There is NO ''lady god''
Jesus was a man...not God, nor God's son.
There is only one God, no male..no female...Almighty
God has no son...he is perfect...i.e. does not reproduce.

Can you tell me whats wrong with that for you

Can I join you? I was about to write the above, when I happened to glance at
your interpretation of that silly riddle. I agree 101 percent. Cheers unto you!



OK DL maybe I can help you.....

God doesn't send the devil (for the exception of Job from what we know) what he does do is allow the devil in once in a while to test your faith....God wants to see if you are really didicated...God could do those things himself but he made a promise to the New Covenant Church (the New Testament Church) that he wouldn't do us like he did the people of Old....Jesus dying on the cross was the key that sealed God's wrath on us and the Devil has been after us even harder ever since... The devil is after power and power is in the holy spirit in which God inparts in us as well as in his annointing so the devil works to get that annointed and a lot of the time god has nothing to do with tyhe devils work in us or rather on us

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
OK DL maybe I can help you.....

God doesn't send the devil (for the exception of Job from what we know) what he does do is allow the devil in once in a while to test your faith....God wants to see if you are really didicated...God could do those things himself but he made a promise to the New Covenant Church (the New Testament Church) that he wouldn't do us like he did the people of Old....Jesus dying on the cross was the key that sealed God's wrath on us and the Devil has been after us even harder ever since... The devil is after power and power is in the holy spirit in which God inparts in us as well as in his annointing so the devil works to get that annointed and a lot of the time god has nothing to do with tyhe devils work in us or rather on us

The book of Job is a Jewish novel with the lesson about the role of Israel in the Counsel of God. In reality, Job, the man, never existed. Therefore, there was no such a thing as God sending the Devil.

God does not need to test the faith of anyone. Since he granted us freewill, He never interferes in the affairs of man.

And this "New Covenant" you are talking about was made between Paul and Christianity. It has nothing to do with the New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. (Jer. 31:31)

Jesus was not the only Jew to die on the cross. The Romans crucified thousands of Jews just like Jesus. Their sacrifice does not count? Why? Because Paul said so? Who was Paul to have that power?

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