I have to say this. The chance that European nations will ever again follow your type of crap is as good as a snow ball staying cold in hell. People of the world have had with your type of foolishness. And foolish is what you deal in, nothing more or less.
There is no lie to the charges I and millions of others lay against the United States.
Your ignorance of the point here is remarkable.
The fact is Debunker necessity will dictate the course of the EU and if it is necessary to continue the path of creating a federal (centralised) european government then it will happen.
If you can't see the signs now then you are blind.
The more educated the world becomes the more it will reject the kind of hate you throw up. The recent revolts are going to prove what I say is true. The day of blaming the USA for every problem in the world is coming to an end as people like you demonstrate.
No it wont...the world will realise what a monster the US has become..there is no denying this Debunker...there is no worming out of it.
Is there anything in particular you would like to deny?
Or perhaps your definition of monster does not include warmongering ecological vandalism and racist oppresson to name but a few?
Eventually the competition of which you speak will bring Europeans, Russians, China closer together to Americans in friendship than people with your vision can anticipate. Most people are not cursed with an oppositional defiant disorder like you seem to have. Like GWB most people in the world believe that good will prevail against evil. It will be democracy's growth in the world that will become the world's best hope for peace. This is the only self fulfilling prophecy the world is willing to accept and Primordial Annihilator your type of world leadership is a dying breed. When your type are gone, the quality of life in the world will greatly improve.
Interesting theory....
I however believe oppositional defiant-ism is the fountain of liberty and basis of my religion.
I personally believe that there is a lot more going on in the world than you seem to realise...the reigns of power are no more in your president's hands than they are in your 'democratic' grip...your government is a puppet...like mine...your nation a tool.
I am blaming the tool more than the wielder...but I blame the tool for allowing itself to become the tool.
If there is going to be a one world government...then it must be run for the holistic benefit of all...not for the benefit of the apex of the economic pyramid.
You sound like you have good intent...so from me to you...good luck man...for the citizens of the USA you have my unconditional support, as I said it's your government and system I have issues with...not you..that would be illogical.
In fact in an ideal world I could see the US and EU stand to gain a lot from cementing a firm alliance with each other...with our common values beliefs and history...but alas...