To me and many other Americans, you statement sounds very much like a political opponent of the USA. It sounds like something starlit out of Iran's propaganda machine. It sounds like the rhetoric of the terrorist. Please tell us something good about the USA so we will know you are a patriot.I really do not care if GWB is a Republican or Democrat.
I find that he did more to harm this country than help it.
He ignored the Palestinians, he invaded a sovereign country without provocation, he misjudged Iran, he committed America to removing Saddam rather than focusing on those responsible for the 9/11 attacks, he alienated Muslims in the middle east, he embraced torture, he initiated the bank bailouts, he supported the breaking down of liberties guaranteed by our forefathers....
Need I go on?
As a patriotic American citizen and veteran, I regret the embarrassment to our country that was George W Bush.
The fact the Palestinians danced in streets on 9/11 may explain GWB's attitude towards the Palestinians. Love is a two way street. He did alienate the Muslim terrorist. What would you expect after 9/11? He invaded Iraq with almost 100% approval of the world. It is his idealism that is active in bring freedom to the Middle East and only the terrorist and cheap dictators disapprove. Where do you stand on these issues or need we ask?