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Why do Christians accuse other religions of believing in false prophets?


Non-debating member when I can help myself
Still waiting for you to respond to this. Is the Quran version of the birth of Jesus the true story and the Gospel story fictional? And then the clay birds? Is the Quran putting out "symbolic" stories also or did that really happen?
I don't know. Prophets sometimes tell stories as if they are true to put across a spiritual message.

“Certain matters are in reality just stories, but the Divine Manifestations bring them out as though it were truth and discourse upon them.” (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Amr va Khalq Volume 2, p. 211, provisional translation from the Persian)

This will confuse you further, I would guess. But I'm just saying how I see it.


Well-Known Member
From Muhammad to Krishna to Buddha and Baha’u’llah, it has been a norm amongst Christians of many denominations to accuse religionists of other religions of believing in satan himself and that all of these Teachers are ‘false Prophets’. Many times I have heard this said to me and others. Yet nowhere in the Bible does it categorically state by name that any of These Teachers are false. It is an interpretation by priests and clergy. All of Them taught love just as Christ did.

To be fair, I know of excellent Christians and priests who respect other religions and Prophets and they, I believe, are true Christians who practice love and tolerance towards all.

As a Christian, what do you believe about Muhammad or Buddha or Krishna and Baha’u’llah? Do you believe the different religions should mix with one another or shun each other? I once invited some Christians who knocked on my door to say some prayers together for humanity but they told me that their elders forbid them to do that because they could get ‘spiritually infected’! If Christ taught to love even ones enemy then this attitude towards other religions doesn’t sound right. What do you think?

Imho, Christians are more under the spell of Churchianity than Christianity or Christ. When there is the domination of privileged priesthood, dualistic perceptions are bound to rise and I would say Churchanity is not an exception . Many other religions are also guilty of the same.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I don't know. Prophets sometimes tell stories as if they are true to put across a spiritual message.

“Certain matters are in reality just stories, but the Divine Manifestations bring them out as though it were truth and discourse upon them.” (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Amr va Khalq Volume 2, p. 211, provisional translation from the Persian)

This will confuse you further, I would guess. But I'm just saying how I see it.
Thanks for responding. It's not like I'm confused about the storys. It's just confusing how Baha'is take the virgin birth as having really happened but have no definitely answer to where it happened... under a date palm, like the Quran says, or in Bethlehem in a barn, like the gospel writers say.

For me, I'm still okay with both stories being myth and legend. But I do believe the gospel stories were written to be believed and to show how Jesus was special and different.

The problem is, if that supernatural birth and miracles and the resurrection didn't happen, then just how special was Jesus? The stories are what makes him special. Everything we know about Jesus is based on what the gospel writers tell us, including the things he said and taught. If the things he did were fictional, how can we trust the gospels in being accurate about what he said?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
It is not a matter of ignoring them..
It is a matter of exploiting inaccuracies, in order to ridicule faith.
What do you call it when Muslims say that it was Ishmael, not Isaac, taken to be sacrificed? What do you call it when you tell trinitarian Christians that Jesus is not God and didn't die on the cross? Aren't you telling Jews that their Scriptures are wrong? And telling Christians that their interpretation of their own Scriptures are wrong? So, why is it wrong for me to point out things that I see as being wrong or inconsistent?


Veteran Member
What do you call it when Muslims say that it was Ishmael, not Isaac, taken to be sacrificed? What do you call it when you tell trinitarian Christians that Jesus is not God and didn't die on the cross? Aren't you telling Jews that their Scriptures are wrong? And telling Christians that their interpretation of their own Scriptures are wrong? So, why is it wrong for me to point out things that I see as being wrong or inconsistent?
Nothing wrong with that .. but why sit on the fence?
It is as if you are claiming that it is all wrong, because there are inconsistencies.

The claim of Bahai's, as I understand it, is that most former religions were once
"true" religions revealed by G-d. It doesn't mean that they are all correct and accurate today.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Nothing wrong with that .. but why sit on the fence?
It is as if you are claiming that it is all wrong, because there are inconsistencies.

The claim of Bahai's, as I understand it, is that most former religions were once
"true" religions revealed by G-d. It doesn't mean that they are all correct and accurate today.
If the Baha'i claim is true, then people in all religions should turn to them and join them. Their old beliefs are either incorrect or have been replaced by a new message from God. However... if that's not true... then what is the Baha'i Faith? If their claims are not true, if Baha'u'llah is not a true manifestation/messenger from God, then the Baha'i Faith is a false religion. But how would we know that unless we look at the inconsistencies and try and find what is the truth.

The sad thing about all religions is that they all have inconsistencies. Almost as if people, not God, is the one that created them. All might have good things in them with their beliefs and practices, but they might also have things that are just guesses at who or what is God or Gods or whatever some mysterious unseen spiritual world must be like. Since the different religions are inconsistent about that, then that's why I think it's very possible that people were just making guesses on what is the truth about God or the Gods.

Because there are spiritual beliefs and practices that do work for people, the religion works... somewhat. And people get locked in to believing that their beliefs must not only be true but are The Truth. But then for many, that makes the beliefs of others not true. Baha'is have found a way around that. They can claim to have The Truth, while still saying that the old religion had The Truth but that The Truth keeps getting updated. Sounds great... except for the inconsistencies.


Veteran Member
..Since the different religions are inconsistent about that, then that's why I think it's very possible that people were just making guesses on what is the truth about God or the Gods.
The question is this..
Would G-d leave His creation in total darkness? No.

Faith is a personal thing. G-d is Almighty, and He guides whomsoever
He wills.

..so rather than being negative, and finding fault, perhaps look at what believers have in common?
That would be a start..

..people get locked in to believing that their beliefs must not only be true but are The Truth.
I'm sure they do .. but you are too smart for that. :)
..except that you have ended up with no faith at all?


Non-debating member when I can help myself
The problem is, if that supernatural birth and miracles and the resurrection didn't happen, then just how special was Jesus? The stories are what makes him special. Everything we know about Jesus is based on what the gospel writers tell us, including the things he said and taught. If the things he did were fictional, how can we trust the gospels in being accurate about what he said?
We don't see these accounts as what makes Him special. None of us were there to verify that these miracles occurred.

I will not mention the miracles of Bahá’u’lláh, for the hearer might say that these are merely traditions which may or may not be true. Such, too, is the case with the Gospel, where the accounts of the miracles of Christ come down to us from the Apostles and not from other observers, and are denied by the Jews.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, "Some Answered Questions", 10.3

Say: The first and foremost testimony establishing His truth is His own Self. Next to this testimony is His Revelation. For whoso faileth to recognize either the one or the other He hath established the words He hath revealed as proof of His reality and truth.
(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 105)

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
We don't see these accounts as what makes Him special.
It's just if you take away the virgin birth, him walking on water and resurrecting. Then I don't see why he'd be thought of as special. What is left? And how do we know that those stories about him and what he said is accurate.

However, if the writer of Matthew took one verse out of Isaiah and made it a prophecy of a virgin birth that didn't happen, then that's being a fraud. Then all four gospel writers say that people saw Jesus and touched and verified that it was Jesus. If that didn't happen, then all four gospels are a fraud. If those things are true, then that makes Jesus beyond special to extra-special. And the next step beyond that is to make him into a God.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The question is this..
Would G-d leave His creation in total darkness? No.

Faith is a personal thing. G-d is Almighty, and He guides whomsoever
He wills.

..so rather than being negative, and finding fault, perhaps look at what believers have in common?
That would be a start..

I'm sure they do .. but you are too smart for that. :)
..except that you have ended up with no faith at all?
Sorry, but I have to side with the Atheists on this. I can't put my faith in, my trust, and be absolute assured that God and his prophets/manifestations are for real. Like just between the Ahmadiyya and Baha'is, one or both are a fraud. They both can't be right.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
My understanding of Christ’s divinity comes from His own Words in the Bible not the Quran.
Jesus never claimed to be divine, or God. He would have been stoned on the spot for blasphemy. He hinted at it publicly, but even that I'm iffy about. When he asked his disciples who the thought he was, Peter said "You are the Christ, the son of the living God". Jesus even skirted that with his answer. When Caiaphas said to Jesus at his trial “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God” Jesus only said "You have said it". Caiaphas considered that blasphemy and tore his robes, as required when hearing blasphemy. But he never came right out and declared himself to even to be the son of God, much less God himself.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I do .. in spirit.. G-d bless the peacemakers. :)
Well good for you. What are you and other Muslims, that believe like that, think should be done to reconcile with the Christians and Jews that also stand for peace? Or... are there things you and other Muslims are already doing to be the peacemakers between the different religions?

Which is important. Since I think that is one of the big turn-offs some people have with religious people. Their religions talk about love and peace, but they hate and fight each other... sometimes, only over their different beliefs.


Veteran Member
Their religions talk about love and peace, but they hate and fight each other... sometimes, only over their different beliefs.
There are positive things going on in the world, and there are negative things.
satan wants to divide .. humans are not perfect .. religious or otherwise.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Their religions talk about love and peace, but they hate and fight each other... sometimes, only over their different beliefs.
Is that the fault of the religions, or is it simply part of human nature, which religion helps us get a better handle on?

Religious wars are actually pretty rare. Wars are almost always fought over resources, especially land.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Is that the fault of the religions, or is it simply part of human nature, which religion helps us get a better handle on?

Religious wars are actually pretty rare. Wars are almost always fought over resources, especially land.

Religion tends to be more of an accelerant for war than a primary cause, IMO... kinda like gasoline on a fire.