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Why do Christians accuse other religions of believing in false prophets?


Veteran Member
..so John the Baptist did not "save" souls?
His only purpose was to "point out Jesus"?
..makes no sense.

Prophets come with messages and John had a message and a Baptism of repentance and that certainly is helpful for someone's salvation but Jesus came to pay the price of redemption for sinners, those in slavery to the law of sin and death, so that people could receive eternal life through faith in Jesus.
Nobody is the savior but God. Someone who is just a messenger from God cannot be their savior.

Why did G-d send ANY prophet?
Jesus was not the only prophet to be "killed", or in danger of their life.
For a prophet to be condemned by "G-d's people" is bad .. VERY bad.

Jesus is reported to have said he would return .. that is what G-d has ordained.
He also knew that Christianity would be a major religion.
He is aware of all things.

Christianity is not just a club for people who believe in Jesus, it is the body of Christ where the Spirit of God dwells in God's people.
Jesus needed to go to heaven and rule and build God's Temple (the Church) and then return as the King and resurrect everyone and judge everyone.


Veteran Member
Yes, I know that 'Christians believe' that only Jesus was sinless, but I don't know where that is stated in the Bible.

You said it, that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
But Jesus is the spotless lamb who died for our sins, and other so called "Manifestations of God" in the Bible are said to have sinned.


Veteran Member
Are you a Hebrew student?
The Hebrews disagree with you.

People don't have to be Hebrew students to interpret passages differently.
The first Christians were Jews and knew Hebrew.
If I was a Jewish Hebrew student I would not see Isa 7:14 as Messianic and about a virgin and I would not see the child as being the same child as in Isa 9, the one who will reign on David's throne forever. The Jews don't see this child as the Messiah strangely enough and their translations of Isa 9 vary with each other and eliminate any possibility that the child is divine.
But their understanding of Christian Messianic prophecies usually don't fit exactly with what the prophecies say.
And of course they disagree with Islam and a virgin birth of the Jesus.


Veteran Member
The Jews don't see this child as the Messiah strangely enough and their translations of Isa 9 vary with each other and eliminate any possibility that the child is divine..
It is a contradiction to claim that a person be G-d.
G-d created the universe, and all it contains.

G-d is not a creature .. not a person .. He is infinite in nature.
Nobody can be "fully human" and "fully God" .. it is illogical.

God does not die, eat food or urinate.


Veteran Member
It is a contradiction to claim that a person be G-d.
G-d created the universe, and all it contains.

G-d is not a creature .. not a person .. He is infinite in nature.
Nobody can be "fully human" and "fully God" .. it is illogical.

God does not die, eat food or urinate.

Jesus did not die, eat food (presumably) or urinate before He stepped into the creation by becoming a man. The pre human Jesus was spirit.


Question Everything
There are many harmful things we can follow. Religious fanaticism is one of the worst. Unfettered science - think Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the arms race. Humanity armed to the teeth to destroy itself a hundred times over all created by the logic and reason of science. This is why we need and God sends a new Prophet for each age because otherwise we would destroy ourselves - think WW1 & 2 - wasn’t God’s fault. Actually if we all obeyed the law of Christ to love one another there would have been world peace long ago.

Many Japanese believed their emporer was half God which was large contribution to ww2. "Prophets" are insane fanatics.

No borrowed light, no one is supposed to follow prophets or have faith in prophets. Have faith in God if you must, not in crazy people. Following "prophets" always ends badly

An incomplete list of "prophets"
























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Veteran Member
Many Japanese believed their emperor was half God which was large contribution to ww2. "Prophets" are insane fanatics.

No borrowed light, no one is supposed to follow prophets or have faith in prophets. Have faith in God if you must, not in crazy people. Following "prophets" always ends badly
The fact that many people who claim to be Prophets are insane fanatics does not prove that all people who claim to be Prophets are insane fanatics, logically speaking.

It is the Fallacy of Hasty Generalization to assume that because most people who claim to be Prophets are insane fanatics, that means all people who claim to be Prophets are insane fanatics.

Hasty generalization is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a hasty conclusion without considering all of the variables.
Faulty generalization - Wikipedia

If you assume, without any evidence (not having researched the claim of a Prophet) that he is an insane fanatic, you have based your conclusion on “insufficient evidence,” essentially making a hasty conclusion without considering all of the variables.

Hasty generalization usually shows this pattern:
  1. prophet a was a false prophet
  2. prophet b was a false prophet
  3. prophet c was a false prophet
  4. prophet d was a false prophet
  • Therefore, there are no true Prophets of God


Question Everything
The fact that many people who claim to be Prophets are insane fanatics does not prove that all people who claim to be Prophets are insane fanatics, logically speaking.

Do you seek to worship a prophet, or God?

Consider the original 12. Couldn't walk on water, couldn't help everyone, didn't understand the atonement, denied Christ, couldn't stay awake even one hour, betrayed Jesus with a kiss -

Don't follow Jonah kids, he ran away.

Watch a few cult documentaries - good people get sucked into following/worshipping/believing in crazy fanatics (instead of God) all the time. I got sucked in, thought Mormons had a prophet - wow was I wrong.

Read God complex - Wikipedia

Self-reliance is the responsible route. Unhealthy codependency isn't good for anyone.

Love and follow God. Do NOT follow any 'prophet'.

No borrowed light. No middleman.


Veteran Member
Do you seek to worship a prophet, or God?
I worship only God and that is what Jesus and Baha'u'llah both told us to do. They never sought worship for themselves.
Love and follow God. Do NOT follow any 'prophet'.

No borrowed light. No middleman.
Had there never been any prophets we would not know nothing about God. That is what prophets are sent for, to reveal what we need to know about God and what God wants of us. Otherwise we are only following out egos.


Question Everything
I worship only God and that is what Jesus and Baha'u'llah both told us to do. They never sought worship for themselves.

Had there never been any prophets we would not know nothing about God. That is what prophets are sent for, to reveal what we need to know about God and what God wants of us. Otherwise we are only following out egos.

I believe God sent us each a conscience, that God personally guides each and every one of us personally. No one left out. No one better than anyone else. We follow our heart, follow our conscience. We are all directly guided by God (not just one or two people - all of us). It is illogical that a just and loving God would only directly talk to a select few children, and neglect the rest. God talks to all of us equally, anything else would be unjust and unloving.

Those who preach "God only talks to me" underestimate and belittle God.


Veteran Member
I believe God sent us each a conscience, that God personally guides each and every one of us personally. No one left out. No one better than anyone else. We follow our heart, follow our conscience. We are all directly guided by God (not just one or two people - all of us).
Maybe we were born with a conscience but the problem with that belief is that everyone does not follow their conscience.
If everyone was guided by God there would be no criminals or other people who do bad stuff.
It is illogical that a just and loving God would only directly talk to a select few children, and neglect the rest. God talks to all of us equally, anything else would be unjust and unloving.
It is not illogical that a just and loving God would only directly talk to His chosen Messengers. The rest of the people are not neglected since they can know God and what God has revealed for them through the Messengers. There is no need for God to talk to everyone directly since they can get the messages through the Messengers.
Those who preach "God only talks to me" underestimate and belittle God.
How God communicates to humans has nothing to do with what God is capable of, it is related to what God chooses to do.
Ordinary humans do not have the capacity to understand God communicating to them directly. Only God's Messengers can.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
It is illogical that a just and loving God would only directly talk to a select few children, and neglect the rest. God talks to all of us equally, anything else would be unjust and unloving.
The Baha'is act as if everyone had an opportunity to hear a message from one the people they believe were "manifestations". But they also believe that most all of the Scriptures of the older religions are accurate. So, if a person didn't hear, for example Jesus preaching, then even if they heard or read about Jesus and his message in the NT, they wouldn't be getting correct information about God. And a lot of people lived and died without hearing anything about Jesus or Moses or most of the others. Even their prophet, Baha'u'llah, isn't all that well known.


Question Everything
The Baha'is act as if everyone had an opportunity to hear a message from one the people they believe were "manifestations". But they also believe that most all of the Scriptures of the older religions are accurate. So, if a person didn't hear, for example Jesus preaching, then even if they heard or read about Jesus and his message in the NT, they wouldn't be getting correct information about God. And a lot of people lived and died without hearing anything about Jesus or Moses or most of the others. Even their prophet, Baha'u'llah, isn't all that well known.

All of the religious groups who believe they are the only true authority follow this same line of reasoning, ignoring those of different time periods and different cultures.

No prophet is known by everyone.


Question Everything
Maybe we were born with a conscience but the problem with that belief is that everyone does not follow their conscience.
If everyone was guided by God there would be no criminals or other people who do bad stuff.

It is not illogical that a just and loving God would only directly talk to His chosen Messengers. The rest of the people are not neglected since they can know God and what God has revealed for them through the Messengers. There is no need for God to talk to everyone directly since they can get the messages through the Messengers.

How God communicates to humans has nothing to do with what God is capable of, it is related to what God chooses to do.
Ordinary humans do not have the capacity to understand God communicating to them directly. Only God's Messengers can.

I used to believe the Mormon prophet was *the* prophet, and rationalized why God wouldn't talk to everyone too. Charismatic seemingly altruistic loving leaders create powerful groups to be sure.