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Why do Christians accuse other religions of believing in false prophets?


Veteran Member
So which translation do you think is correct?

I suppose any translation without that addition is more accurate but each translation still has their individual characteristics. Some are more literal and some try to give the meaning more than the literal translation, so it is hard to say which is correct.
I presume the following site is fairly accurate in what they say about the various translations.

Literal translations can be hard to understand at times and at the other end, the translation might be more of an interpretation of the translators in places and wrong for that reason.
Each has benefits and downfalls.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I never made that claim. Trinitarianism is one God, three persons. Again, it is not rational to say something is one and three at the same time.
Maybe I can say something here -- Psalm 82:1 has the word elohim at least twice if I am correct. I am sure you know Hebrew better than I do -- but apparently elohim can be translated as judges or gods. May I ask how you feel about that?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I don't imagine that all trinitarians see the trinity the same way and I doubt that it matters too much to God.
Trinitarianism is pretty strictly defined. What you see is not different versions of Trinitarianism, but Christians who think they are Trinitarian and are not.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Maybe I can say something here -- Psalm 82:1 has the word elohim at least twice if I am correct. I am sure you know Hebrew better than I do -- but apparently elohim can be translated as judges or gods. May I ask how you feel about that?
It doesn't really matter what I "feel" about it. Words have their definitions, and some words have a LOT of different definition. Yes, elohim can mean the One True God, it can mean many gods as in pagan gods, it can refer to angels, and can even mean judges.

The Jewish translation I use renders Psalm 82:1 as follows:
A song of Asaph. God stands in the congregation of God; in the midst of the judges He will judge.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
It doesn't really matter what I "feel" about it. Words have their definitions, and some words have a LOT of different definition. Yes, elohim can mean the One True God, it can mean many gods as in pagan gods, it can refer to angels, and can even mean judges.

The Jewish translation I use renders Psalm 82:1 as follows:
A song of Asaph. God stands in the congregation of God; in the midst of the judges He will judge.
Yes, I checked the chabad biblical rendition, and then I checked the Hebrew. Elohim is used both as God and judges. It is used in the Hebrew to translate as judges and God. Rather than say how you feel about that, how about what you think about the fact that elohim can be translated as judges or gods. Or God. So again -- are you aware that elohim can be translated as judges or gods? Or God.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
@IndigoChild5559 therefore, I conclude that the term elohim can properly be applied to more than the one true God. There is only one true God. He is not three, or three in one. Or one in three.


Veteran Member
I can take a hint.
That was not a hint for you, it was for others who ramble on and on, and I have no idea what they are talking about, because they ramble on and on. That was on another thread, and I think you can figure out who the ramblers are. ;)



Veteran Member
Trinitarianism is pretty strictly defined. What you see is not different versions of Trinitarianism, but Christians who think they are Trinitarian and are not.

Trinitarianism is pretty strictly defined in theology yes, but theology is probably not as important in God's eyes as in the eyes of some theologians.
Full understanding of theology is not necessary.
And theology may not be 100% correct anyway.
Having a picture of God in our head can be seen as a form of idolatry to some people.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Yes, I checked the chabad biblical rendition, and then I checked the Hebrew. Elohim is used both as God and judges. It is used in the Hebrew to translate as judges and God. Rather than say how you feel about that, how about what you think about the fact that elohim can be translated as judges or gods. Or God. So again -- are you aware that elohim can be translated as judges or gods? Or God.
Not that my feelings matter, but it doesn't bother me. Elohim basically means powers, and is used for various powers, if you can remember the list I gave.

You think Elohim is bad, try the word love in English. We use the word love for so many different things its not funny LOL.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
@IndigoChild5559 therefore, I conclude that the term elohim can properly be applied to more than the one true God. There is only one true God. He is not three, or three in one. Or one in three.
There isn't more than one True God, so it is impossible that Elohim can refer to more than one true God. Sh'ma Yisrael, HaShem Eloheinu, HaShem echad. Hear O Israel, the LORD is God, the LORD is ONE.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Having a picture of God in our head can be seen as a form of idolatry to some people.
II just don't understand the need. I don't get any visual picture in my head when I think of God. Certainly not the old man with the long white beard.


Well-Known Member
I don't imagine that all trinitarians see the trinity the same way and I doubt that it matters too much to God.
I see the Father as the only true God (as in John 17:3) but that in the Father is the Son and the Spirit of God.
They act together as one God but the Word or the Spirit or the Father might be in the fore, depending on what is being done.
God created all things through the Word, His Son.
The Holy Spirit went with Israel in the wilderness.
Jesus came to earth as a man and died.
In each of these it is God who is acting and God is present each time and both the Son and Spirit are God.
But that God is used as in John 1:1. The Word was with The God and the Word was God.
It is not Modalism where God has 3 ways to express Himself but is the same person. There are 3 persons and each is God as much as the others because the 3 are there present in each one, acting as one God through that one.
The more I say, the more complicated it might sound, even if I am trying to make it less complicated.
Words get in the way sometimes.
But it is not Modalism.
The Gnostic idea sounds somewhere between Modalism and the Trinity. It gets hard to pin point it exactly and I don't know that God ever wanted humans to put out a human dogmatic definition like the Trinity but it was just one of those things that the Church was forced to do by heresies, Arianism etc.

A number of good comments -- most not seeing trinity the same way -- most not knowing what it is nevermind :) but for those that do take the time .. tis where things start to get interesting -- and the religion starts to come alive.

To sum up your position -- God created all things - everything comes from God - Jesus is just an extension of God - acting in concert with The Father .. not an individual as such --- but then .. you say Jesus came to earth as a Man .. and further -- he died -- then later claim there are 3 individuals -- 3 wills this is contradiction.

Further .. you state that while God created the two others .. these two others are equal to God .. which makes no sense .. but is something that was a hard battle .. ending with the Son proceeds from the Father .. yet co-equal .. "So you have support" but makes no sense. God creating two things that are equal to himself ..

but IF that is the Case .. and Jesus WAS GOD --- The Father and/or some co-equal vestage of the FAther .. hanging there on that Cross .. then Jesus wasn't a man and nor did he die - as was the claim.

To sum up -- Your not quite a trinitarian but --- but you want to be a trinitarian .. and have tried to fit some of the lingo into your perspective .. adopted most of the ideals.

Now without agree - disagree - neither , I ask the question -- is this doctrine of yours scriptural - and by that I don't mean all of scripture .. only what Jesus has to say will be given creedence.. Sorry to the Pauline Crowd .. sans the rare exception .. to be determined by the other.

To be honest -- I hesitate to include John .. and certainly not the authors opinion.. must go on what Jesus say -- and keep in mind that the Synoptics have a different Jesus than John --- perhaps a different memory . no one has any ideas of pre-existence prior to the author of John .. who comes along round 100-120 AD .. but let us not dwell on that for now .. let us start in the very beginning .. the first page of the NT ..

Mark 1 -- John the Baptist -- messianic Tradition introduced linked to Isaiah -- as are all messianic prophets of the day .. and there are quite a number in the first century.

Jesus is then introduced .. at his baptism ... voice from heaven .. "You are my son" . Jesus is deified as a man of 30 .. in keeping with tradition. He then must go through the testing . in keeping with ritual .. 40 days in the desert .. where-upon he meets with another of Son of God .. a character we have met previously in Job .. one of many divinities with some serious power.. and as we find out .. dominion over the earth.

As was the case in Job -- The Tester is Sent By God .. "Ha Satan" is not a name .. it is a title . The adversary - The Accuser .. the prosecuter of man if you will.

Unlike the "Son of Man" - the Tester is not half man.. or fully man as you wish to claim of Jesus --- the tester is fully divine .. as per scripture.

How does our divine friend fit into your Trinity ? as he must be fit in .. and must be fully God -- by your account ... but that won't work .. will it.. so how are you going to fit our good friend .. the other Son of God into the Godhead equation. .. and don't forget to same room for the others either .. and angels .. the lesser divinities .. and no .. sorry .. the Sons of God are not Angels .. as hard as they tried to whitewash that out during the time of the composition of the Masoretic Text (MT)

Now ponder this .. Why is God sending himself through testing .. ? and what is the point of Sending Ha-Satan... who would never think to act outside the will of his Father .. being sent to do this task .. on God .. By God .. just makes no sense . .. because forget what you wish to take out of the story .. the question is what did the early Jewish Christian take out of the story ... what did it mean to them .. What did they think Jesus was .. upon reading this story thus far ?

Sargon -Abram - Moses - David - Men called by God .. adopted by a Patron diety .. Jesus is depicted as a man .. who God calls his Son. Keep in mind there is no immaculate conception at this point .. There is no Virgin Birth in the original story ..and no conformation of the resurrection - that comes in Matt -- no pre-existence with God that does not come till much later in John

but you don't know of Matt .. or John. You just know of Mark .. and being a Jewish Christian .. know little about Paul other than he .. stirring up the Gentiles ..similar apocalyptic message .. the Temple is still standing.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I can say something here -- Psalm 82:1 has the word elohim at least twice if I am correct. I am sure you know Hebrew better than I do -- but apparently elohim can be translated as judges or gods. May I ask how you feel about that?

Here is a direct Hebrew to English Translation -- with the KJV on the side for comparison.

Please notice the word Elohim is used twice in line 1 .. but also the word "EL" is used .. and used as a proper name.

Elohim one of those stationed - in the congregation of El - in the midst of the Elohim
YHWH ......................................................... (EL) ................... ............................. The Gods

The idea that these are human Judges is a desperate attempt to explain away the obvious polytheism .. these arguments coming from "Then" prior to what we know now .. meaning that idea is no longer entertained in serious theological circles .. Sans the Evangelical/ Fundamentalist -- who don't count .. unfortunately.

First off --while your Pastor and your neighbor may not know what the Divine Council of EL - is referring to - Every Soul Singing this hymn during the time of Solomon .. and every soul listening .. throughout Mesopotamia - to Egypt and Greece .. the Indus Valley and the people of India .. knew what the Divine Council of EL was. and believed in this council .. of the Most High God .. the Father .. Creator ..a Grey beard who dwells in the Mountain .. God of the Sky . the Wind .. Just like Son YHWH in many ways..

So what we have here is YHWH -- as Prosecutor in a court .. EL at the top of the Food chain .. in the midst of the congregation/assembly of the Gods .. often referred to as "Sons of God"

YHWH ends up defeatingthe other Gods who are battling to Usurp El's position as Chief on Earth. Marduk - Baal-Hadad -- are a few other contenders you may have heard of. El Still remains high in the heavens .. The Sons battle it out for Chief on Earth ..

Later on 1:6 -- as YHWH pronounces Judgement - he says "I Say you are Gods (Elohim) .. all of you "Sons of the Supreme one"

YHWH qualifies who these "Elohim" are. They are Sons of the Supreme one.

and it is no secret who that is .. obviously they are not Sons of YHWH .. There is no human alive at the time nor for 1000 years prior .. nor 500 years later .. that does not know who the "Supreme one" is referring to in this story. And that is what matters to interpretation. What did these people think .. not what You or I think. .. and we know exactly what they thought .. in quite some detail these days .. all about this Battle that is going on .. right before your eyes in the Bible to the initiated eye.


Jesus in me
It would seem that way at first, except that trinitarianism goes to great trouble to specifically say that Jesus is not the Father, the Father is not the HS, etc. Trinitarianism violates the rules of logic, but it nevertheless should not be misrepresented.
I believe it is quite logical. The Father is God outside a body; Jesus is God inside the body. The same God in two different places.


Jesus in me
Something Triggered you mate much incoherence and "thought Avoidance" going on . ... failed to address the question of how you will know that your Spirit guide is True .. contradicting yourself on the Man Made Trinity --- self deception that the man made part you believe in is in the Bible... hence why it is called "Man Made" .. talking about the "Jesus is God" part.

So you believe that your spirit Guide can outwit the Advocate -- that you be smarter than he .. so sure of the Truth you are - in zones where that is an impossibility . Already self deception is apparent.

"God is not Going to allow the Deceiver to take his Place" - this is a nonsensical thing to say --- no one is claiming otherwise .. The question is whether or not God allows the Tester to test humans.. do the Business of Which God has tasked him. Does the Bible not infer that our good friend Sataniel has dominion over the earth when he tempts our lord and Savior ?

and who are you to judge between the spirits .. You don't know what spirits inhabit yourself ... never mind know the spirits inhabiting others .. What preposterous arrogance and self deception .. coupled with made up nonsense .. speaking nonsense for the sake of opening lips...

Who are you to claim to know what God will allow and What God will not.. that sounds awfully close to usurping the position of the Logos .. "Speaking for God" .. aka "The Unforgivable Sin" blaspheming the Spirit .. Who is it beckened you to wander down that path mate ? -- and you claim is me who is "UnHoly" .. more like the angel sent to you to stop you from continuing down the dark road .. towards the abomination of desolation .. the "Awfull Horror"
I believe I am quite coherent and you will not be able to prove otherwise.

I believe that is a ghost of a statement. You think you can read my mind to know what thought I might be avoiding?

I believe that is false. I did answer the question.

I believe I did no such thing.

I believe that is false. I believe the Bible is not man made and there is no evidence that it is.

I do not believe that is evidence of being man made. It is a fulfillment of old testament prophecy.

I believe you have fantasized those zones. I am very sure that I am not self deceived.

I believe it makes perfect sense. I believe you must be thinking your fantasy is what makes sense but that is usually not the case with fantasy.

i believe you should say what your criteria for that would be. I believe a test would require me to see things that are not true but the things the Holy spirit shows me are demonstrable from the Bible.

I believe I am one who has received Jesus as Lord and Savior and capable of receiving the gift of discerning of spirits.

I believe that statement is false. I do know.

I believe it is not arrogance to speak the truth and the truth is never a deception.

I believe I have made nothing up and I have no nonsense.

I believe it is not me but God who is in me and He is quite capable of speaking through my writing.