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Why do Christians accuse other religions of believing in false prophets?


Veteran Member
I think JWs also view him as son but not god. I think anyway.

Yes JWs see Jesus as the first of God's creations, the only thing created directly by God, the Father.
There are scriptures which look as if that is what they are saying too, but to read them like that contradicts other scriptures.
Trinitarians see Jesus as the Son whose source of life is His Father but who has been with the Father always.


Veteran Member
Trinitarians see Jesus as the Son whose source of life is His Father but who has been with the Father always.
..but what does it mean that they "see Jesus as the Son"?
I think you'll find that most Trinitarians believe Jesus is G-d..

..so which is it??


Veteran Member
..when he worships "the Father" and teaches us to pray to "our Father", is that also a clue? :D

That is showing us that Jesus became a man. His Father became His God when He became a man. (Psalm 22:10)
You and Islam say that Jesus is not just like God, that Jesus is not good.
But that is to be expected from a religion that straight out denies what the Bible says.


Veteran Member
Are you unaware of it?

The term "son of God" is used in the Hebrew Bible as another way to refer to humans who have a special relationship with God. In Exodus, the nation of Israel is called God's firstborn son. Solomon is also called "son of God". Angels, just and pious men, and the kings of Israel are all called "sons of God."
Son_of_God - Wikipedia

IMO those sons of God are types of Jesus, The Son of God.
The angels are messengers of God and The Angel of the LORD is Jesus.
Israel is God's firstborn and so is Jesus who is also called God's firstborn (Ps 89:27) and is also from the nation of Israel.
The Kings of Israel are a type of Jesus who is The ultimate King of Israel forever.
It's certain in YOUR view/interpretation..

And was also the view of the leading Jews of Jesus day.
John 5:17But Jesus answered them, “To this very day My Father is at His work, and I too am working.” 18 Because of this, the Jews tried all the harder to kill Him. Not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.

Jesus did not have an earthly Father .. it was a miracle.
Did Adam have an earthly Father, and is he also G-d?

Adam (and Eve) were creations of God.
Jesus was not created at His conception, He came from heaven, from God.
But I guess Islam does not believe that part of the Bible.


Veteran Member
Jesus was a Manifestation of God in the flesh, a perfect mirrror image of what we can know about God, but Jesus was not God in the flesh, since God is Spirit.

'Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone (Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19).

In those verses Jesus is comparing Himself to God and differentiating Himself from God, so that alone tells us that Jesus is not God.
Do you understand the point I am making?

"No one is good but God alone" means that nobody is as good as God. It does not mean that nobody is good. Lots of people are good.

Sure we might call someone a good person, knowing full well that compared to God they are not good.
But Jesus, compared to God, is exactly the same, is as good as God.


Veteran Member
Jesus is not as good as God according to the following verses.

'Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone (Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19).

That does not say that Jesus is not as good as God.
That's the start of the circle again.
Baha'is also, like Muslims, do not believe all the Bible, just those bits that suite their religion.
In this case you do not believe Jesus is the image of His Father and therefore as good as His Father.


Veteran Member
That does not say that Jesus is not as good as God.
No, it does not say that Jesus is not as good as God. It says that is what Jesus thought when He said that.
That's the start of the circle again.
Baha'is also, like Muslims, do not believe all the Bible, just those bits that suite their religion.
In this case you do not believe Jesus is the image of His Father and therefore as good as His Father.
We believe the Bible. We just don't believe all the the bits and pieces that suit your religion.
I believe Jesus is the image of His Father and therefore as good as His Father.
It was Jesus who said He was not as good as His Father because Jesus was being humble.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I'm in my sixties and I've spent most of my life studying the religions of the world. I have studied the New Testament and church history, so I have certainly done my due diligence. It is probably not a good idea for you to assume someone is uneducated in a subject simply because they disagree with you.

The problem with examining what Jesus said about himself is that we don't really know what Jesus said. Jesus never wrote anything, nor are there any eyewitness accounts. All we have are collections of various legends about him -- far from reliable. I don't think Jesus said half of the things attributed to him.

Informative frubal. Well said.


Veteran Member
You and Islam say that Jesus is not just like God, that Jesus is not good..
That is not true..
We do not differentiate between any of the prophets .. they are ALL "good".

We just do not worship the messengers.. :)

..that does not mean that we do not respect them. We are taught to love them more than
we love ourselves. Sons of G-d are special human beings .. just not G-d.


Veteran Member
No, it does not say that Jesus is not as good as God. It says that is what Jesus thought when He said that.

It does not even say that.

We believe the Bible. We just don't believe all the the bits and pieces that suit your religion.
I believe Jesus is the image of His Father and therefore as good as His Father.
It was Jesus who said He was not as good as His Father because Jesus was being humble.

I would not call that humility and I don't think Jesus would say anything that He did not know is true, that would not be good.
If you believe Jesus is the image of His Father and therefore as good as His Father then you are suggesting that Jesus is either God or that He told an untruth.
If He told an untruth then He is not as good as His Father and not the image of God.
It sounds more complicated than it is.

We ended up adopting a cat from the 3 that my wife was fostering and then after a couple of weeks she decided to adopt another of the 3. So now we have 2 sibling kittens running around the house.


Veteran Member
That is not true..
We do not differentiate between any of the prophets .. they are ALL "good".

We just do not worship the messengers.. :)

..that does not mean that we do not respect them. We are taught to love them more than
we love ourselves. Sons of G-d are special human beings .. just not G-d.

All prophets are normal human beings and sin like the rest of us.
If they are all good then what of Jesus words that say that only God is good?
From the Bible we know that Jesus is the image of God, and so is good, and so is God.
You might be taught to love the prophets more than you love yourself, but that is unrealistic.


Veteran Member
From the Bible we know that Jesus is the image of God, and so is good, and so is God.
We learn from the Bible that we are ALL made in G-d's image..

..believing a man to be G-d, is very important to Orthodox Christianity..
It all revolves on a man "dying for our sins", and rejecting Jewish law.

..if Jesus is not G-d, it all comes tumbling down .. oh well.


Veteran Member
We learn from the Bible that we are ALL made in G-d's image..

..believing a man to be G-d, is very important to Orthodox Christianity..
It all revolves on a man "dying for our sins", and rejecting Jewish law.

..if Jesus is not G-d, it all comes tumbling down .. oh well.

If Jesus is not sinless then it comes tumbling down yes. In that case Jesus would not be able to die for the sins of anyone because His death would have been deserved and be the wages for His own sins.
Jesus did not come to do away with the Law, He came to fulfill the law, or so He said.
The law and the Covenant of Moses was a type of the New Covenant.
Jesus fulfilled the sacrificial law by being the spotless lamb sacrificed for sin (except with Jesus it only needed to happen once to cover all sin)
Jesus fulfilled the moral law by being sinless, not breaking the law.
Jesus replaced the law of Moses with the law of love and with the Holy Spirit to guide us in that. The Law of Moses was not rejected, it was replaced and upgraded in both the moral law and the sacrificial law, and the laws of feasts also relate to Jesus and what He would do.

Adam and Eve were made in the image of God and I suppose each new born is also made in the image of God, but we all sin and fall short of that image.
Jesus was the only one who did not fall short and that is because He is good and is God. He was tempted as a man but did not sin.

So Jesus being sinless is important for Christianity and that means that Jesus is YHWH, because only God is good.
The thing is that it did not all come tumbling down unless you deny what the Bible and Jesus tell us and believe what someone else might say about Jesus and the gospel story and the OT prophecies concerning the Messiah. Someone who may be anti the Messiah.
but what about all those documents that were ordered to be burnt..

In classical antiquity there is a massive difference between “authority X” ordering something and that thing actually happening anywhere at all, let alone consistently across massive geographical areas not covered by modern communication and transport technologies.

Many places would never even hear of such a command and those that did would rarely do the slightest thing to enforce such an edict.

Why spend money doing such a thing when there is basically no means of holding you to account for not doing it?

And even if they did try to enforce an edict, it would be incredibly ineffective as they lacked the logistical means to do such a thing.

People massively overestimate the power of pre-modern empires and organisations to create and enforce standardised policies. When they see imperial records that state so and so created such and such an edict they think it must correspond with an effective real life enforcement of such an edict.


Veteran Member
So Jesus being sinless is important for Christianity and that means that Jesus is YHWH..
It doesn't mean that .. lots of religions/creeds believe their prophet/guru was sinless, but not G-d.

The thing is that it did not all come tumbling down unless you deny what the Bible and Jesus tell us and believe what someone else might say about Jesus and the gospel story and the OT prophecies concerning the Messiah. Someone who may be anti the Messiah.
One does not have to be "anti-Messiah" to believe that Jesus is not G-d.
The expected messiah, in Judaism, is not G-d himself.

Islam acknowledges Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, and believes he will return to fulfill the Jewish prophecy.