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Why Do Gods Need To Be Worshipped

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
God does not need to be worshipped. If you refer to prayer as worshiping God, yes we are commanded to pray. It is how we can come to understand what God wants for us. Singing praises to God is something we do out of gratitude toward God

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if God hasn't answered your prayers in exactly the way you would like Him to.
Prayer is not there for us to try and change the will of God, it is there so we can ask questions and receive answers, and thus it is there so we can come to understand the will of God. Try and consider that the next time you say a prayer.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
At times it can help a child with cancer. For one, in some instances, the child can be miraculously cured, and in other instances, prayer can be a comfort to the child going through the difficult experiences of one having cancer and be a comfort to others concerned for that child. If we are willing to listen, God can answer our prayers and remind us that it is all in his hands, that he is in full control, and that all will be alright in the end. We have existed before we were born, we will continue to exist after we die, and God has sent us to earth, so we can learn and grow. Some of that learning involves feeling pain and going through trials. When God decides we have learned what we need to learn, and experienced what we need to experience, he brings us back. When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, everything was perfect, they felt no pain and knew no evil. They really had no idea of what happiness was because they had nothing to compare it to. After they partook of the fruit, their eyes were opened and they were able to comprehend what happiness was and experience joy.
When the savior was suffering on the cross, I am quite certain that Heavenly Father hated seeing his only begotten son suffer, but allowed it to happen because he knew that it was necessary. And when Christ suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane he prayed his heart out, and the Lord sent an Angel for his support. I can guarantee you that what Christ felt in the Garden of Gethsemane was alot worse than what one would experience in cancer.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
It isn't my place to say whether it was better for them to have cancer or not.
I'm not going to say that everyone should go out and get cancer, it is a good experience, but for certain people, they need to experience it in order to understand different things in their life. All I can say is that those individuals who have cancer were given those experiences to help them grow and be better either in this life, or the next. God would not allow it to happen, if it were not necessary. God our Heavenly Father really does care about us and want what is best for us.
I have a daughter and just yesterday my wife and I took her to the doctor, who gave her a shot. The shot was painful, and my daughter was fussy and sore from it the rest of the day, but in the end the shot made her stronger. For many of us I suppose you could say cancer is a spiritual shot that is there to help us be stronger in the future (in many instances after we die.)
A prophet once said that a muscle can not grow stronger without experiencing resistance. Our Heavenly Father wants us to grow strong, yea even as strong as he is.
This earth is a place where we his children can come, gain experience and grow up to be more like he is.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
In every place I've studied it throughout the gospel, it always points to trials are blessings, even cancer, I am sorry that is hard for you to hear.
There are worse things out there than cancer. There is a really good passage in the Book of Mormon that is really meaningful to me, where two prophets are taken prisoner by wicked men, and those wicked men gathered all of the believers together and burned them alive and forced these two prophets to watch and witness the horrible massacre. One prophet turned to the other and longed to stretch forth his hand and have God stop this evil thing from happening, but as I remember the Lord did not permit these two prophets from doing so. This horrible massacre, stood as a testimony against those who were committing the act, and as a testimony for those who were being burned alive. That they would not deny their belief in Christ even when it meant there very lives. Now back to those who were committing the massacre. God allowed them to do it, so when they stood before his judgement bar, he could say this is where you are going, and this is why. God will not punish us for something that we might of done, or were going to do, but he judges us over the things we have done.


I accept my "brand" of religion because it makes sense and it's rational, and because I KNOW, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it is true (you can only understand this "knowing" if you're Jewish and you study the Torah every day).

So many people from so many cultures and backgrounds and religions and societies
KNOW so many different things
as a result of doing, and studying, and practicing
so many different things, every day.

No one is "special" or "privilidged" in that regard.


Veteran Member
i never understood this idea...

then there are those who pride themselves because they worship the right way...

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
i never understood this idea...

then there are those who pride themselves because they worship the right way...

There is pride in oneself which can be really bad
Then there is pride in one's religion. Which is great if you have the right one, but not so great when you eventually find out your religion was wrong, but then again I can't really say that because who isn't thrilled to find something better?


Veteran Member
Why do gods need to be worshipped? (I apologise if this topic has already been discussed i did search for one)

I don't imagine god(s) need worship. But I do not presume to know the mind of God.
I on the other hand need to worship. I don't know why. But the need is real.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
I don't imagine god(s) need worship. But I do not presume to know the mind of God.
I on the other hand need to worship. I don't know why. But the need is real.

Do your scriptures/holy books command you to worship.

Does sufism have holy books, sorry i am completely ignorant on this subject.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
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This is the Theological Concepts forum. It is a discussion area, so please refrain from making debating posts.


Left Hand Path
Why do gods need to be worshipped? (I apologise if this topic has already been discussed i did search for one)

And im talking about all gods, not just yours in particular so please don't get uppity?

I mean most gods are considered 'omnipotent' all powerful. That means they shouldn't need us in any way shape or form. But yet they still require worship from their followers.

So i've been pondering this and i've come up with some theories:

A. The gods are not all powerful but get their power from our worship.
B. The gods are narcissistic egotistical beings who require the ego strokes they get from worship.

Any other possibilities?


Not all Gods need to be worshipped, we just need Gods to worship.

Man is kind of fantastical like that. We worship ourselves really ;)


Smile ^^
I don't worship gods so much as archetypes, ideas, spirits, etc.

And I do it because I want to and because they are my obsession.

But in all of my spiritual journeying, the only deity to have explicitly requested anything was the abrahamic one.


Satan wanted worship. He offered Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory" for a single act of worship. Jesus refused, saying "It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service". (Matthew 4:8-10)
Many men want to be worshipped, having the same arrogant pride as Satan. Thus, the false gods worshipped, whether men or idols, are reflections of the one who sponsors them, Satan. Satan is called in the Bible the 'god of this system of things" (2 Corinthians 4:4) That is why false gods want worship, whether demons or men, arrogant pride.

In contrast to false gods, Jehovah deserves to be worshipped. True worship involves serving. One of the Hebrew words conveying the idea of worship (‛a·vadh′) basically means “serve.” (Ge 14:4; 15:13; 29:15) Serving or worshiping Jehovah requires obedience to all of his commands, doing his will as a person exclusively devoted to him. (Ex 19:5; De 30:15-20; Jos 24:14, 15) This is only right, since Jehovah created us and gave us life. (Revelation 4:11) Prayer is a part of true worship, reverent approach to the Creator. "God is Love" and wants us to love him in return. He is spoken of as humble in the Bible. King David prayed to him: “You will give me your shield of salvation, and it is your humility that makes me great.” (2 Samuel 22:36)

However, for the peace and order of the universe, Jehovah knows his intelligent creatures need to accept his Sovereignty, recognize his authority, and submit to his will. All this is a part of true worship. So the true God's motivation to be worshipped is love. Without a relationship with God, man can never fulfill his purpose in living.

I think God and Satan are the same in this instance . Just cause something created you don't need to worship it. Do you worship your parents???


God doesn't need to be worshipped. god sent religion to us so that we can live a good life. by following God's guidance, that means we're saving ourselves and our surroundings.

that was what i thought before converting to agnosticism