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Why Do Gods Need To Be Worshipped


slow walker
The same god who demands that two people who love each other are not allowed to be married?

The same god that punishes children for the sins of the parents?

And the same god that flooded the world, drowning all life apart from a handful of animals?
Hi! I will answer your question by quoting from Bible:"“You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.”"(Revelation 4:11). Almighty God is worthy of our worship, it is not under compulsion we should praise him.


Active Member
Why do gods need to be worshipped? (I apologise if this topic has already been discussed i did search for one)

And im talking about all gods, not just yours in particular so please don't get uppity?

I mean most gods are considered 'omnipotent' all powerful. That means they shouldn't need us in any way shape or form. But yet they still require worship from their followers.

So i've been pondering this and i've come up with some theories:

A. The gods are not all powerful but get their power from our worship.
B. The gods are narcissistic egotistical beings who require the ego strokes they get from worship.

Any other possibilities?


God doesn't need to be worshiped, God must be worshiped rather. It's an association not a cause as everything created by God must worship Him. However, God created Humans to worship Him by their choice so He gave choice to choose Him for loving Him and respecting Him not because He is in need of them. In this way, there will be a different and special kind of creatures who chose Him unlike other creatures who worship Him because they don't have a choice to do sth except this. Consequently, the relation between God and humans is based on love and choice which is a subtle kind of relation.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I believe that "god" wouldn´t be so if s/he "needed" worship.

Idealy, we gain benefit for worshipping.

If the God "needs" wortship, I would deem it as not so much of a powerful god anyways, and probably ont that worthy of worship neither.


Unrepentant goofer duster
The worship of gods began as a reciprocal technology with useful spirits and developed into an epidemic parasitic symbiosis within the noosphere.

work in progress

Well-Known Member
The worship of gods began as a reciprocal technology with useful spirits and developed into an epidemic parasitic symbiosis within the noosphere.
Not exactly sure what all that means, but if it's that our ancestors believed that they lived in an enchanted world controlled by powerful supernatural entities, and started praying and offering sacrifices to either appease or win favour of the gods, then I agree.


Active Member
Of course, I'm not going to refer to all "gods" because I only believe in One God. However, not all gods (mine especially) requires or needs worship. In Orthodox Judaism, God gave us the Torah and its 613 commandments as a BENEFIT to us. He wants to benefit us by keeping his creations close to Him (as a father - son/daughter relationship) and by fulfilling His commandments, which are really there to benefit us, not to restrict us. When we pray to Him, it's for US. When we perform His commandments, it's for US. God didn't need to create this world at all. He is omnipotent, as you mentioned, and doesn't rely on anything at all. His existence is unique in the universe and He was the First and is the Last and all else is dependent on Him. That fact that we're all breathing now is because He wills it so. Every single breath and heartbeat is a reminder of this love; if He didn't love you, you wouldn't exist. The ultimate purpose of our creation and existence is because God wants to reward us with the ultimate pleasure imaginable in the Afterlife; but God wants us to reap the fruits of our labor (most will agree that the reward is greater, in almost every area of life, if we work for it). God knows this too. Therefore, He bids us to do His Will (which is the ultimate Truth and reality) and thereby reap the benefits of our efforts in the World to Come.

I also worship the same God as yours- I believe so- and Im convincesd by what you say. I think the same way but I also see that God wanted people to choose following his orders with their free will and to love Him. Choosing to love God and follow His orders is a very important reason for humans' creation.


Active Member
Not exactly sure what all that means, but if it's that our ancestors believed that they lived in an enchanted world controlled by powerful supernatural entities, and started praying and offering sacrifices to either appease or win favour of the gods, then I agree.

Our ancestors saw there's a very delicate, intricate and well designed world so they found that this great well-ordered design must have a creator that should be respected.


Active Member
Our ancestors saw there's a very delicate, intricate and well designed world so they found that this great well-ordered design must have a creator that should be respected.

[FONT=&quot]A medium protein might include about 300 amino acids. The DNA gene controlling this would have about 1,000 nucleotides in its chain. Since there are four kinds of nucleotides in a DNA chain, one consisting of 1,000 links could exist in 41,000 forms. Using a little algebra (logarithms) we can see that 4 power 1000=10 power 600. Ten multiplied by itself 600 times gives the figure 1 followed by 600 zeros! This number is completely beyond our comprehension. The number 4 power 1000 is the equivalent of 10 power 600. This means 1 followed by 600 zeros. As 1 with 12 zeros after it indicates a trillion, 600 zeros represents an inconceivable number. The impossibility of the formation of RNA and DNA by a coincidental accumulation of nucleotides is expressed by the French scientist Paul Auger in this way: We have to sharply distinguish the two stages in the chance formation of such as nucleotides by chemical events. The production of nucleotides one by one - which is possible- and the combination of these with in very special sequences. The second is absolutely impossible. For many years, Francis Crick believed in the theory of molecular evolution, but eventually even he had to admit to himself that such a complex molecule could not have emerged spontaneously by coincidence, as the result of an evolutionary process: An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a
The Turkish evolutionist Professor Ali Demirsoy was forced to make the following confession on the issue: In fact, the probability of the formation of a protein and a nucleic acid (DNA RNA) is a probability way beyond estimating. Furthermore, the chance of the emergence of a certain protein chain is so slight as to be called astronomic. A very interesting paradox emerges at this point: While DNA can only replicate with the help of special proteins (enzymes), the synthesis of these proteins can only be realized by the information encoded in DNA. As they both depend on each other, either they have to exist at the same time for replication, or one of them has to be "created" before the other
Evolution deceit , Haroun Yehia

If you are going to say that the human cell evolved , I'd tell you that the same example is still applied on yeast cell , algae and plant cells which are still extremely complicated. So life can't start without an original creator.

Life can't have been without God and God is essential for the beginning of life.


Active Member
It's so simple, there must be a God for life to be in that complex and extremely well-ordered way. God is a fact not a human invention. The wide range of the extant world and delicate intricate nature of it and its rules prove that God is greater than to need any person to worship him but rather He likes to be loved and respected by his intelligent creatures, the humans.


Active Member
The same god who demands that two people who love each other are not allowed to be married?
How is that? Marry whom you love and
love anyone from the sam sex but don't have sex with him.
The same god that punishes children for the sins of the parents?

In my dogma, this totally false. The Qura'n says that everyone has his own responsibility regarding of his parents' actions.


Active Member
God is not in need of us but we are in need of Him and He likes to hear our voices calling for His help. That's what the Qura'n says.

work in progress

Well-Known Member
Our ancestors saw there's a very delicate, intricate and well designed world so they found that this great well-ordered design must have a creator that should be respected.
Our ancestors conjured up an array of gods and goddesses to explain the world and everything acting in the world that was a mystery to them. There is a saying that:"nature abhors a vacuum," and the same can be said for unanswered questions. Psychologists have long noted that our natural predisposition is towards teleology...fancy word for just making things up when we don't have fact-based answers. Anyone who has, or has had young children, is aware of how they will just make up their own answers if none are given to them. I came across this blog post o from research psychologist - Bruce M. Hood a couple of years ago: Why Are Rocks Pointy? which makes note of this capacity for children to make up their own answers, as an introduction to a research paper on "Promiscuous Teleology". On the subject of "why are rocks pointy?" Prof. Hood notes:
When we don’t give them answers, children generate their own explanations and from their perspective, everything is the way it is for some purpose. Rocks are pointy to stop animals sitting on them. Trees have leaves to provide shade. This is called teleology – giving a functional reason for things that just happen to be the way they are for non-purposeful reasons. In the natural world there are all manner of things that appear complex and designed for a purpose. But that’s not the way the natural world works. It has no purpose and that’s one reason people find it so difficult to understand evolution through natural selection. Adopting the teleological stance that things have been designed purposefully is the intuitive way to think about the world and that’s one reason why children may be so inclined to creationist stories. Most religions (I don’t know if all) have some creationist account about origins usually in the form of God.
With that natural inclination to make up answers and assume that everything that happens has a purpose, it's not hard to explain how we got religion and mythologies to being with. I picked up Bruce Hood's book: Supersense afterwards, which provides more detailed information on his theories of how assumptions of teleology and essentialism are hardwired into our intuitive thinking, and are always with us at a subconscious level, and often have to be overruled by a higher order rational consideration of evidence.


Active Member
God doesn't "need" to be worshipped.

Also relevant to your guys' discussion, I think "what does worship mean?" is also very important to discuss, to see if he "needs" it or not.

not nom

Well-Known Member
It's so simple, there must be a God for life to be in that complex and extremely well-ordered way.

sure, maybe, but at the same time he can't possibly be vengeful or a sophist... all those books men wrote just seem to piggyback on the inherent majesty of creation. just because there is a god, doesn't mean he writes books in which he goes totally nuts when people don't worship him, threatening torture and bragging about it. that's the utter non-sequitur that makes the whole circus even possible.. and jesus praised god for hiding it from the wise, by making it pointless and crude.