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Why Do Gods Need To Be Worshipped


Active Member
Gods seem to be in competition with other Gods and other beings and their own creations. Seems like ungodlike behavior to me.

not nom

Well-Known Member
Gods seem to be in competition with other Gods and other beings and their own creations. Seems like ungodlike behavior to me.

The teacher Nansen found two groups of monks, from the East hall
and the West hall, squabbling over the ownership of a pet cat. He
picked up the cat, waved it in the air over his head, and said to
the quarrelers:

"Say a good word if you want to save the cat!"

No one said a word.

Nansen went to the kitchen, brought back a big cleaver, and
chopped the cat in half. He gave one-half to each group.

That night when Joshu returned to the monastery, Nansen told him
the story. Joshu said nothing; but he took off his sandals,
balanced them on his head, and walked away.

Nansen said aloud, "Joshu could have saved the cat."

-- Zen Koan
Hi! The need to worship is a reflection of our spiritual needs, which we all have. Now, there is Only true God, which requires exclusive devotion in our worshipping him.
In my scripture it stands clear as daylight, that if the believers are not willing to change what is within themselves, then Allah (SWT) will not remove the veils from their eyes. You must be willing to change yourself first else you will be of the losers. Allah (SWT) is well aware of what's in your heart and what you conceal.

Me Myself

Back to my username
The teacher Nansen found two groups of monks, from the East hall
and the West hall, squabbling over the ownership of a pet cat. He
picked up the cat, waved it in the air over his head, and said to
the quarrelers:

"Say a good word if you want to save the cat!"

No one said a word.

Nansen went to the kitchen, brought back a big cleaver, and
chopped the cat in half. He gave one-half to each group.

That night when Joshu returned to the monastery, Nansen told him
the story. Joshu said nothing; but he took off his sandals,
balanced them on his head, and walked away.

Nansen said aloud, "Joshu could have saved the cat."

-- Zen Koan

I need to know the answer! D:
He doesn't need to be worshipped, but He wants to be worshipped. God doesn't need anything...He is Self-Sufficient. God wants you to worship him. If you don't worship Him, then you will lose out cause He will throw the disbelievers into the fires. So you NEED to worship Him cause He wants you to, but He doesn't NEED your worship. Without your worship, He doesn't lose anything, but you will lose everything.

Me Myself

Back to my username
He doesn't need to be worshipped, but He wants to be worshipped. God doesn't need anything...He is Self-Sufficient. God wants you to worship him. If you don't worship Him, then you will lose out cause He will throw the disbelievers into the fires. So you NEED to worship Him cause He wants you to, but He doesn't NEED your worship. Without your worship, He doesn't lose anything, but you will lose everything.

When one doesn´t get what one wants, one suffers. If god trully wants out worship when he cannot obtain it, then he suffers about it.

Besides, it is not wise to want something that you know it is imposible to obtain. As God, and allegedly all knowing, he should know what worshippp he will obtain and what worship he wont, so if he still wants worshipp he wont obtain, he is being puerile, and unwise. If he doesn´t, then God doesn´t want the worship of those who won´t worship him.
Allah (SWT) is never unwise. He is the Mighty and the Wise. You will never understand cause you are not merely as mighty or as wise as He. Allah (SWT) knows who will and who won't worship Him. He knows all things. The fate of everything was written by Himself before the creation of the Heavens and the Earth. He knows who will be going to Heaven and who will be going to Hell. He knows who will believe and who will disbelieve. He wants you to worship Him, but knows who will and who won't before they were even given the option. He knows who is destined for the fires of Hell and who is destined for Heaven already. The fate of everyone has already been decided. You just gotta hope and pray that Allah (SWT) has favoured you and made you a Muslim (believer), or else you are destined for the fires of Hell. :)

It's like I create 10 people and they represent all of mankind. But because I am All-Knowing, I know that the first three created are bad people cause I can see right through them and know that they will accumulate enough sin in their lives to be thrown into Hell. But I still put them on a level plain and give them my rules to live by and test them all so as to treat them equally and not to wrong them. I am also All-Merciful and will forgive those who are willing to change their evil ways and hence change their place of residence in the Hereafter (Heaven or Hell). But even this change is known to me beforehand. I know the one who will start of bad and destined for Hellfire, but will change throughout ones life. I offer that one my Mercy cause he/she started off destined for the fires of Hell, but later changed and through my Mercy, I changed that persons destination from Hell to Heaven. This works vice-versa too. If the person was destined for Heaven, but later on changed and became destined for Hellfire. But through it all, I know everything and every outcome. Do you understand now?
Allah (SWT) doesn't suffer without our worship. It is those who do not worship Allah (SWT) who will suffer. Allah (SWT) has rules that everything in existence must follow, but if they don't follow those rules, then they wrong only themselves and will never wrong Allah (SWT).

Me Myself

Back to my username
Allah (SWT) doesn't suffer without our worship. It is those who do not worship Allah (SWT) who will suffer. Allah (SWT) has rules that everything in existence must follow, but if they don't follow those rules, then they wrong only themselves and will never wrong Allah (SWT).

Ah, then Allah does not wishes worshp of those who won´t worship him.

Wise of him.


New Member
Why do gods need to be worshipped? (I apologise if this topic has already been discussed i did search for one)

And im talking about all gods, not just yours in particular so please don't get uppity?

I mean most gods are considered 'omnipotent' all powerful. That means they shouldn't need us in any way shape or form. But yet they still require worship from their followers.

So i've been pondering this and i've come up with some theories:

A. The gods are not all powerful but get their power from our worship.
B. The gods are narcissistic egotistical beings who require the ego strokes they get from worship.

Any other possibilities?

Really very nice post dear, i m waiting your more posts...............

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Really very nice post dear, i m waiting your more posts...............


Well from what I've been able to gather I'm going to add two new choices.

C. Gods demand our worship even though they don't need it and don't get off on the attention. (and yes i'm well aware of how logically incoherent that is).

D. People need to worship god.

Ohh I just thought of another one.

E. Mandatory prayer is a FANTASTIC way of reinforcing religious control.
They are not my threats, but they are the threats of your Creator. Do what you will cause this life is but a test. I can't give you the answers to this test. Your test is your test. You are accountable for your own results.

work in progress

Well-Known Member

Well from what I've been able to gather I'm going to add two new choices.

C. Gods demand our worship even though they don't need it and don't get off on the attention. (and yes i'm well aware of how logically incoherent that is).

D. People need to worship god.

Ohh I just thought of another one.

E. Mandatory prayer is a FANTASTIC way of reinforcing religious control.
But why to people need to worship? I would say that back when it all started, the obvious reason for things like making sacrifices to God or Gods, started in ancient times when people were looking for ways to ensure that game were plentiful during the hunt, or that the rains would come to ensure a good harvest, and a costly sacrifice was a way to try to offer something to trade for to get some of that supernatural force that the Gods had under their control.

And then later, when we get to more sophisticated religions that offer the promise to cheat death -- then some people are willing to sacrifice, to pray, to give all their money to the priests, to kill others...whatever is asked by the one claiming to be speaking for God. Many people are on spiritual quests to find meaning or a purpose in life, and are not motivated by the promise of receiving a reward....but, there are a lot of people are in it just because they are afraid of an afterlife in hell, and are trying to avoid it.


Admiral Obvious
They are not my threats, but they are the threats of your Creator.
You can try all you like to assign a creator to me.
Problem is that I do not believe in your imaginary friend.
So if you want to delude yourself that you are not the one making the threats in this thread whilst hiding behind your imaginary friends dress, then by all means, feel free.

Do what you will cause this life is but a test. I can't give you the answers to this test. Your test is your test. You are accountable for your own results.

I never did understand why your all knowing imaginary friend feels the need to test people when he supposedly already knows the results.