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Why do muslims hate democracy

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Christian mbdaa has announced a new
Is the separation of religion and State
And he wants to go back to the Gospel when Christ said
I what to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God to God
This is the essence of the separation of powers in a democracy algdithh
This is the essence of the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
When he announced the separation of powers
And this talk new
But I hope that they read the words of Christ
Well, you know that the error between
Caesar and God
Caesar has rights to his sons, and God has rights to all
There is a separation between alrogi and the secular
So when I say that Islam did not know I could prove that democracy also texts of the Qur'an

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
الإسبانيةالروسيةالليتوانيةالإستونيةالرومانيةالمالطيةالألمانيةالسلوفاكيةالماليزيةالإندونيسيةالسلوفينيةالمجريةالإنكليزيةالسويديةالنرويجيةالأورديةالصينية التقليديةالهنديةالأوكرانيةالصينية المبسطةالهولنديةالإيطاليةالعبريةالويلزيةالبرتغاليةالعربيةاليابانيةالبلغاريةالفرنسيةاليونانيةالبولنديةالفنلنديةفارسيالتايلنديةالفيتناميةكلينجونالتركيةالكتالانيةمونج داوالتشيكيةالكوريةهايتيالدانماركيةاللاتفية

And when I speak of the Israelis
I know that the children of Israel were in Palestine since 4000 years ago
I know that Abraham left ur of the Chaldeans
Announced a new idea
Is that the universe has one creator
This idea is the core of Christianity and Judaism
And part ways with Islam in the qualities of this machine
Because the attributes of Allah in Islam differs from his in the Torah and the Gospel
This is another topic
The important thing is that I am able to prove that Islam does not know democracy
This is the substance of this


Sure, but that only applies to the initial establishment of Islam if it were replacing ordered societies based on Christian, or even coherent pagan principles.

In fact it established a foothold prior to the documentation of the Qur'an at all, largely due to Muhammad's ability to promote order in regions where peace and order were lacking.

This has nothing to do with the Qur'an's position on the Trinity, nor on whether the Jews accept Muhammad as a prophet.

You'd run a better argument if you claimed Muhammad's ability to play peacemaker (initially) was divinely inspired than your current line about people accepting that which they do not like. People like peace, and are commonly willing to trade a level of liberty for it.

You understand that you don't get to be proscriptive, right? Trying to box a debate into a single line of questioning, with you setting the terms is not only of little value, it's informative.

Do you think that Muslims are inspired by the Qur'an now? I'll bet that some are and some aren't. Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that 90% of Muslims are inspired by the Qur'an. Such a thing is impossible, given the percentage of illiteracy, but let's run with 90%, since it doesn't really matter.

Why do the others follow Islam?

Response: You were issued a challenge to disprove the Qur'an, and nothing above was an answer to the challenge. So your own response supports the fact that the Qur'an challenge proves the Qur'an is true. For the Qur'an challenge provides a hands on-eyewitness account that inspiring enough followers to help him/her conquer and rule a nation, or just the street you live on, by using human-made speech/literature that goes against what the people want is humanly impossible, because anyone who takes the challenge will fail and not come close to answering it. And since it is clearly humanly impossible to use human-made speech/literature to achieve the act, then that means that the Qur'an that Muhammad used to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation was not the invention of any human/s, but from one who has greater power and authority than humans, and that is Allah.


Then how do you explain the amount of sexual assaults in places like the U.E.A. or Iran?

Nudity in the Western world is not that simple. In America, where there is a very high rate of sex crimes, everyone will know of an exposed nipple on TV even if you didn't see it yourself because so many people are making such a big fuss over it. So how do you account for this? Societies were women are completely covered up have to have male witnesses to prove she was raped or she is condemned as an adulterer, and a Western society were it's believed any sort of nudity will destroy a child's cognitive development, and there is a high rate of sexual assualts.

Response: Nudity in the Western world is clearly very simple in compared to a Muslim society. For Western society promotes and glorifies sex, whereas Islam does not. So western society is built of people more likely to engage in sexual acts and public nudity than to report or condemn it. There are girls gone wild events, Mardi Gras, south beach, Bikers weekend, strip clubs, bachelor parties, sex shows, sex movies, pornography, soft porn, etc.. The list is non-stop. So it is quite amusing when you try to attempt to compare to Islam. Nothing like that in a Muslim society. Islam condemns it and outlaws is, so any Muslim participating in it is not following Islam.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Response: Nudity in the Western world is clearly very simple in compared to a Muslim society. For Western society promotes and glorifies sex, whereas Islam does not. So western society is built of people more likely to engage in sexual acts and public nudity than to report or condemn it. There are girls gone wild events, Mardi Gras, south beach, Bikers weekend, strip clubs, bachelor parties, sex shows, sex movies, pornography, soft porn, etc.. The list is non-stop. So it is quite amusing when you try to attempt to compare to Islam. Nothing like that in a Muslim society. Islam condemns it and outlaws is, so any Muslim participating in it is not following Islam.

Well...but the human body has nothing to do with lust.
Western Women wear sexy clothes like miniskirts, fishnet stockings and push-up bras because they want to underline the beauty of their bodies.
And God gave it to them. It's God who gave those bodies to women.
so...hiding those bodies underneath large and uncool clothes means spitting on God's creation.

one more thing: women wear those clothes to draw men's attention, and if they do, they feel gratified in their role. what's wrong with that?
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Well...but the human body has nothing to do with lust.
Western Women wear sexy clothes like miniskirts, fishnet stockings and push-up bras because they want to underline the beauty of their bodies.
And God gave it to them. It's God who gave those bodies to women.
so...hiding those bodies underneath large and uncool clothes means spitting on God's creation.

one more thing: women wear those clothes to draw men's attention, and if they do, they feel gratified in their role. what's wrong with that?

Response: Saying the human body has nothing to do with lust, and at the same time, western society says otherwise, is another example that such a claim is invalid. For western society and government has restrictions in regards to what to wear in public and exposing nudity. So trying to underplay this fact shows that your own logic condemns western society's exploitation of women, thus condoning the law restrictions set by Allah (God).

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Response: Saying the human body has nothing to do with lust, and at the same time, western society says otherwise, is another example that such a claim is invalid. For western society and government has restrictions in regards to what to wear in public and exposing nudity. So trying to underplay this fact shows that your own logic condemns western society's exploitation of women, thus condoning the law restrictions set by Allah (God).

But did you read what I said after that?
It's like you said that woman has no right to seduce men. To turn men on.

God gave us free will. So we are free to do whatever we want. And if a woman seduces a man with her body, she is not harming him
is she?
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But did you read what I said after that?
It's like you said that woman has no right to seduce men. To turn men on.

God gave us free will. So we are free to do whatever you want. And if a woman seduces a man with her body, she is not harming him
is she?

Response: As I stated to you previously, Islam promotes only what is best. So anything other than what is best is harmful since it distracts from doing what is best. Similarly, seducing someone with your body rather than using your inner beauty and character is harmful, since it is not what is best. It is better to build a relationship on loving a person for their inner beauty and character, rather than the physical. A man should want to love and care fro a woman because she is a beautiful person with great character. Physicality should not supersede it and be the reason.


Well-Known Member
Response: Nudity in the Western world is clearly very simple in compared to a Muslim society. For Western society promotes and glorifies sex, whereas Islam does not. So western society is built of people more likely to engage in sexual acts and public nudity than to report or condemn it. There are girls gone wild events, Mardi Gras, south beach, Bikers weekend, strip clubs, bachelor parties, sex shows, sex movies, pornography, soft porn, etc.. The list is non-stop. So it is quite amusing when you try to attempt to compare to Islam. Nothing like that in a Muslim society. Islam condemns it and outlaws is, so any Muslim participating in it is not following Islam.

Afghan saying: "woman are for procreation, boys are for recreation". Enough said.

In any case, the things you list are consensual. They do not lead to the perversion of people's humanity one sees in islam.

Why are you lot so uptight about sex? Afraid someone might steal your livestock (women)?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Response: As I stated to you previously, Islam promotes only what is best. So anything other than what is best is harmful since it distracts from doing what is best. Similarly, seducing someone with your body rather than using your inner beauty and character is harmful, since it is not what is best. It is better to build a relationship on loving a person for their inner beauty and character, rather than the physical. A man should want to love and care fro a woman because she is a beautiful person with great character. Physicality should not supersede it and be the reason.

Beauty is important as well. Friends like each other because they have alike personalities...that's why they become friends.

But being in a relationship, or being married is another thing. It implies physical attraction
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Afghan saying: "woman are for procreation, boys are for recreation". Enough said.

In any case, the things you list are consensual. They do not lead to the perversion of people's humanity one sees in islam.

Why are you lot so uptight about sex? Afraid someone might steal your livestock (women)?

Response: Islam is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. Not Afghan. Point debunked.

And the better question is why do you condone exploiting and degrading women? Fortunately, there are enough righteous people to assist in excluding such perversion in society.


Beauty is important as well. Friends like each other because they have alike personalities...that's why they become friends.

But being in a relationship, or being married is another thing. It implies physical attraction

Response: A relationship that includes physical attraction is different from using physical attraction just to be in a relationship.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
According to Socrates, a good person who fights for justice will get themselves killed in a democracy.

Even in the US we have a representative government because the government fears the rule of the masses.

In a democracy there's no guarantee of the level of intelligence nor education of the voters.

No guarantee that what gets passed into law is sound.

Not saying sharia law is better. Just Democracy has it's own set of issues.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
You don't know Islam well
Believes that the Islamic countries and Arabic are like other countries
You are very wrong
And I invite you to know the concept of dhimmi
It is an Islamic concept
The distinction between Muslim and non-Muslim rights and duties
I am talking about thought bad and ready to be thought fair

In what way is this a rebuttal of my point? I think you have misunderstood something I have said.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
And the better question is why do you condone exploiting and degrading women? Fortunately, there are enough righteous people to assist in excluding such perversion in society.

It is very weird...because I think that covering women's body is degrading them, not the opposite.
If you prevent a woman from expressing her sex-appeal, which is her feminine identity, it's like you killed her.
It is the most devilish thing I have ever heard of.

I have a great respect for your religion. But allowing women to wear sexy clothes wouldn't diminish the greatness of this religion. So I don't understand why it cannot be contextualized.
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Well-Known Member
Response: Islam is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. Not Afghan. Point debunked.

And the better question is why do you condone exploiting and degrading women? Fortunately, there are enough righteous people to assist in excluding such perversion in society.

I suspect you think the things you listed are degrading because you don't think women should have independent sex lives.

I have seen enough reports to suppose the Afghan attitude I gave as an example is indicative of muslim thinking. It leads to atrocities like parents mutilating their daughters.


It is very weird...because I think that covering women's body is degrading them, not the opposite.
If you prevent a woman from expressing her sex-appeal, which is her feminine identity, it's like you killed her.
It is the most devilish thing I have ever heard of. This is a perversion. Not wearing sexy clothes

Response: Naturally, you would believe so. For you are against promoting what is best but rather, promote what pleases you, regardless of whether it is best for society. This is the difference between me and you, and between your ideology and Islam. So you will ignore the fact that exploiting sex creates more of a society where women are used just for sex, simply to satisfy your own personal desires. Whereas Islam teaches to better your society and uplift women to a status greater than exploitation of sex, but of women with great character.


I suspect you think the things you listed are degrading because you don't think women should have independent sex lives.

I have seen enough reports to suppose the Afghan attitude I gave as an example is indicative of muslim thinking. It leads to atrocities like parents mutilating their daughters.

Response: Yet it Islam Islam that condemns sexual exploitation and your ideology that promotes and condones it. Demonstrating the atrocity of your ideology and Western society. Not Islam.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Response: Naturally, you would believe so. For you are against promoting what is best but rather, promote what pleases you, regardless of whether it is best for society. This is the difference between me and you, and between your ideology and Islam. So you will ignore the fact that exploiting sex creates more of a society where women are used just for sex, simply to satisfy your own personal desires. Whereas Islam teaches to better your society and uplift women to a status greater than exploitation of sex, but of women with great character.

Actually women wear those clothes to seduce the handsome men they're attracted to, so they can sleep with them.
so also women use men. And vice versa, of course.
Which is not wrong. Because they are not harming each other. And they are not harming anyone else