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Why do muslims hate democracy


Most women wear sexy clothes because that's the fashion -- not because they're inviting sex. And to assume the latter is sexism at its worst.

Response: And since such fashion leads to sexual advances and exploitation, then any women who wore it for fashion and continues to wear it does so to invite sex.


"Community support" and "control of the masses" are a far cry from each other. I'm who I am precisely because I had the freedom of self-determination to become who I think God wants me to be. Under your system, however, people become who others think God wants them to be -- whether they like it or not.

Response: to the contrary, since Allah is the originator of all creation, then Allah knows what is best for humanity, rather than you. So under the Islamic system, humanity is guided with perfect principles as Allah intended. Whereas your system is subjective and sole intent is to please yourself first and reject others.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Response: And since such fashion leads to sexual advances and exploitation, then any women who wore it for fashion and continues to wear it does so to invite sex.
It's not the fashion that leads to exploitation. It's the exercise of poor boundaries that leads to exploitation.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Response: to the contrary, since Allah is the originator of all creation, then Allah knows what is best for humanity, rather than you. So under the Islamic system, humanity is guided with perfect principles as Allah intended. Whereas your system is subjective and sole intent is to please yourself first and reject others.
Nope. God may know best, but the best humans cannot accurately translate that to others.

BTW: What do you know about "my system?" Do you know what my religion is? I don't think so. You're making an assumption here -- just as you are about everything else you've posted.


Response: to the contrary, since Allah is the originator of all creation, then Allah knows what is best for humanity.

:slap: so your ancient mythology from a pedophile warrior who plagiarized previous religions, is magically real because? :facepalm:


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Response: In other words, you have no evidence on the subject, thus making my point. Thanks.
How about this for starters:

"The Centre Party's Heinrich Brüning was Chancellor from 1930 to 1932. Brüning and Hitler were unable to reach terms of co-operation, but Brüning himself increasingly governed with the support of the President and Army over that of the parliament.[40] The 84-year-old President von Hindenburg, a conservative monarchist, was reluctant to take action to suppress the Nazis, while the ambitious Major-General Kurt von Schleicher, as Minister handling Army and Navy matters hoped to harness their support.[41] With Schleicher's backing, and Hitler's stated approval, Hindenburg appointed the Catholic monarchist Franz von Papen to replace Brüning as Chancellor in June 1932.[42][43] Papen had been active in the resurgence of the Harzburg Front.[44] He had fallen out with the Centre Party.[45] He hoped ultimately to outmaneuver Hitler.[46]

At the July 1932 Elections, the Nazis became the largest party in the Reichstag and Hitler withdrew support for Papen, and demanded the Chancellorship. He was refused by Hindenburg.[47] Papen dissolved Parliament, and the Nazi vote declined at the November Election.[48] In the aftermath of the election, Papen proposed ruling by decree while drafting a new electoral system, with an upper house. Schleicher convinced Hindenburg to sack Papen, and Schleicher himself became Chancellor, promising to form a workable coalition.[49]

The aggrieved Papen opened negotiations with Hitler, proposing a Nazi-Nationalist Coalition. Having nearly outmaneuvered Hitler, only to be trounced by Schleicher, Papen turned his attentions on defeating Schleicher, and concluded an agreement with Hitler.[50]

Seizure of control (1931–1933)[edit]
On 10 March 1931, with street violence between the Rotfront and SA spiraling out of control, breaking all previous barriers and expectations, Prussia re-enacted its ban on brown shirts. Days after the ban SA-men shot dead two communists in a street fight, which led to a ban being placed on the public speaking of Goebbels, who sidestepped the prohibition by recording speeches and playing them to an audience in his absence.

Ernst Röhm, in charge of the SA, put Count Micah von Helldorff, a convicted murderer and vehement anti-Semite, in charge of the Berlin SA. The deaths mounted up, with many more on the Rotfront side, and by the end of 1931 the SA suffered 47 deaths, and the Rotfront recorded losses of approximately 80. Street fights and beer hall battles resulting in deaths occurred throughout February and April 1932, all against the backdrop of Adolf Hitler's competition in the presidential election which pitted him against the monumentally popular Hindenburg. In the first round on 13 March, Hitler had polled over 11 million votes but was still behind Hindenburg. The second and final round took place on 10 April: Hitler (36.8% 13,418,547) lost out to Paul von Hindenburg (53.0% 19,359,983) whilst KPD candidate Thälmann gained a meagre percentage of the vote (10.2% 3,706,759). At this time, the Nazi Party had just over 800,000 card-carrying members.

Three days after the presidential elections, the German government banned the NSDAP paramilitaries, the SA and the SS, on the basis of the Emergency Decree for the Preservation of State Authority.[51] [52] This action was largely prompted by details which emerged at a trial of SA men for assaulting unarmed Jews in Berlin. After less than a month the law was repealed by Franz von Papen, Chancellor of Germany, on 30 May. Such ambivalence about the fate of Jews was supported by the culture of anti-Semitism that pervaded the German public at the time.

Dwarfed by Hitler's electoral gains, the KPD turned away from legal means and increasingly towards violence. One resulting battle in Silesia resulted in the army being dispatched, each shot sending Germany further into a potential all-out civil war. By this time both sides marched into each other's strongholds hoping to spark rivalry. Hermann Göring, as speaker of the Reichstag, asked the Papen government to prosecute shooters. Laws were then passed which made political violence a capital crime.

The attacks continued, and reached fever pitch when SA storm leader Axel Schaffeld was assassinated. At the end of July, the Nazi Party gained almost 14,000,000 votes, securing 230 seats in the Reichstag. Energised by the incredible results, Hitler asked to be made Chancellor. Papen offered the position of Vice Chancellor, but Hitler refused.

Hermann Göring, in his position of Reichstag president, asked that decisive measures be taken by the government over the spate in murders of national socialists. On 9 August, amendments were made to the Reichstrafgesetzbuch statute on 'acts of political violence', increasing the penalty to 'lifetime imprisonment, 20 years hard labour or death'. Special courts were announced to try such offences. When in power less than half a year later, Hitler would use this legislation against his opponents with devastating effect.

The law was applied almost immediately, but did not bring the perpetrators behind the recent massacres to trial as expected. Instead, five SA men who were alleged to have murdered a KPD member in Potempa (Upper Silesia) were tried. Adolf Hitler appeared at the trial as a defence witness, but on 22 August the five were convicted and sentenced to death. On appeal, this sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in early September. They would serve just over four months before Hitler freed all imprisoned Nazis in a 1933 amnesty.

The Nazi party lost 35 seats in the November 1932 election, but remained the Reichstag's largest party. The most shocking move of the early election campaign was to send the SA to support a Rotfront action against the transport agency and in support of a strike.

After Chancellor Papen left office, he secretly told Hitler that he still held considerable sway with president Hindenburg and that he would make Hitler chancellor as long as he, Papen, could be the vice chancellor.

Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor on January 30, 1933, in a coalition arrangement between the Nazis and the Nationalist-Conservatives. Papen was to serve as Vice-Chancellor in a majority conservative Cabinet – still falsely believing that he could "tame" Hitler.[43] Initially, Papen did speak out against some Nazi excesses, and only narrowly escaped death in the night of the long knives, whereafter he ceased to openly criticize the regime.

On 30 January 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of a coalition government of the NSDAP-DNVP Party. The SA and SS led torchlight parades throughout Berlin. In the coalition government, three members of the cabinet were Nazis: Hitler, Wilhelm Frick (Minister of the Interior) and Hermann Göring (Minister Without Portfolio).

With Germans who opposed Nazism failing to unite against it, Hitler soon moved to consolidate absolute power."

(From Wikipedia: Adolf Hitler's rise to power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


Nope. God may know best, but the best humans cannot accurately translate that to others.

BTW: What do you know about "my system?" Do you know what my religion is? I don't think so. You're making an assumption here -- just as you are about everything else you've posted.

Response: No. The common person can translate it. And you reject Islam, which is the bets system. So there is no assumption.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
It is very weird...because I think that covering women's body is degrading them, not the opposite.
If you prevent a woman from expressing her sex-appeal, which is her feminine identity, it's like you killed her.
It is the most devilish thing I have ever heard of.

I have a great respect for your religion. But allowing women to wear sexy clothes wouldn't diminish the greatness of this religion. So I don't understand why it cannot be contextualized.
I don't know any greatness in this religion
When the taxi and the price for enjoying sex
The Qur'anic verse from the Koran saying
And having heard of the women escaped the annual wages
The price for enjoying sex
Please say no greatness in Islam
When he says that sex with women has a price
Read verse well
So you know that your words of initiating a
Women in Islam they creatored sex only
This is Islam
The price for enjoying sex


:slap: so your ancient mythology from a pedophile warrior who plagiarized previous religions, is magically real because? :facepalm:

Response: In other words, you failed to answer the Qur'an challenge, thus your own failure supports the fact the Qur'an is true. Thanks.


How about this for starters:

"The Centre Party's Heinrich Brüning was Chancellor from 1930 to 1932. Brüning and Hitler were unable to reach terms of co-operation, but Brüning himself increasingly governed with the support of the President and Army over that of the parliament.[40] The 84-year-old President von Hindenburg, a conservative monarchist, was reluctant to take action to suppress the Nazis, while the ambitious Major-General Kurt von Schleicher, as Minister handling Army and Navy matters hoped to harness their support.[41] With Schleicher's backing, and Hitler's stated approval, Hindenburg appointed the Catholic monarchist Franz von Papen to replace Brüning as Chancellor in June 1932.[42][43] Papen had been active in the resurgence of the Harzburg Front.[44] He had fallen out with the Centre Party.[45] He hoped ultimately to outmaneuver Hitler.[46]

At the July 1932 Elections, the Nazis became the largest party in the Reichstag and Hitler withdrew support for Papen, and demanded the Chancellorship. He was refused by Hindenburg.[47] Papen dissolved Parliament, and the Nazi vote declined at the November Election.[48] In the aftermath of the election, Papen proposed ruling by decree while drafting a new electoral system, with an upper house. Schleicher convinced Hindenburg to sack Papen, and Schleicher himself became Chancellor, promising to form a workable coalition.[49]

The aggrieved Papen opened negotiations with Hitler, proposing a Nazi-Nationalist Coalition. Having nearly outmaneuvered Hitler, only to be trounced by Schleicher, Papen turned his attentions on defeating Schleicher, and concluded an agreement with Hitler.[50]

Seizure of control (1931–1933)[edit]
On 10 March 1931, with street violence between the Rotfront and SA spiraling out of control, breaking all previous barriers and expectations, Prussia re-enacted its ban on brown shirts. Days after the ban SA-men shot dead two communists in a street fight, which led to a ban being placed on the public speaking of Goebbels, who sidestepped the prohibition by recording speeches and playing them to an audience in his absence.

Ernst Röhm, in charge of the SA, put Count Micah von Helldorff, a convicted murderer and vehement anti-Semite, in charge of the Berlin SA. The deaths mounted up, with many more on the Rotfront side, and by the end of 1931 the SA suffered 47 deaths, and the Rotfront recorded losses of approximately 80. Street fights and beer hall battles resulting in deaths occurred throughout February and April 1932, all against the backdrop of Adolf Hitler's competition in the presidential election which pitted him against the monumentally popular Hindenburg. In the first round on 13 March, Hitler had polled over 11 million votes but was still behind Hindenburg. The second and final round took place on 10 April: Hitler (36.8% 13,418,547) lost out to Paul von Hindenburg (53.0% 19,359,983) whilst KPD candidate Thälmann gained a meagre percentage of the vote (10.2% 3,706,759). At this time, the Nazi Party had just over 800,000 card-carrying members.

Three days after the presidential elections, the German government banned the NSDAP paramilitaries, the SA and the SS, on the basis of the Emergency Decree for the Preservation of State Authority.[51] [52] This action was largely prompted by details which emerged at a trial of SA men for assaulting unarmed Jews in Berlin. After less than a month the law was repealed by Franz von Papen, Chancellor of Germany, on 30 May. Such ambivalence about the fate of Jews was supported by the culture of anti-Semitism that pervaded the German public at the time.

Dwarfed by Hitler's electoral gains, the KPD turned away from legal means and increasingly towards violence. One resulting battle in Silesia resulted in the army being dispatched, each shot sending Germany further into a potential all-out civil war. By this time both sides marched into each other's strongholds hoping to spark rivalry. Hermann Göring, as speaker of the Reichstag, asked the Papen government to prosecute shooters. Laws were then passed which made political violence a capital crime.

The attacks continued, and reached fever pitch when SA storm leader Axel Schaffeld was assassinated. At the end of July, the Nazi Party gained almost 14,000,000 votes, securing 230 seats in the Reichstag. Energised by the incredible results, Hitler asked to be made Chancellor. Papen offered the position of Vice Chancellor, but Hitler refused.

Hermann Göring, in his position of Reichstag president, asked that decisive measures be taken by the government over the spate in murders of national socialists. On 9 August, amendments were made to the Reichstrafgesetzbuch statute on 'acts of political violence', increasing the penalty to 'lifetime imprisonment, 20 years hard labour or death'. Special courts were announced to try such offences. When in power less than half a year later, Hitler would use this legislation against his opponents with devastating effect.

The law was applied almost immediately, but did not bring the perpetrators behind the recent massacres to trial as expected. Instead, five SA men who were alleged to have murdered a KPD member in Potempa (Upper Silesia) were tried. Adolf Hitler appeared at the trial as a defence witness, but on 22 August the five were convicted and sentenced to death. On appeal, this sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in early September. They would serve just over four months before Hitler freed all imprisoned Nazis in a 1933 amnesty.

The Nazi party lost 35 seats in the November 1932 election, but remained the Reichstag's largest party. The most shocking move of the early election campaign was to send the SA to support a Rotfront action against the transport agency and in support of a strike.

After Chancellor Papen left office, he secretly told Hitler that he still held considerable sway with president Hindenburg and that he would make Hitler chancellor as long as he, Papen, could be the vice chancellor.

Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor on January 30, 1933, in a coalition arrangement between the Nazis and the Nationalist-Conservatives. Papen was to serve as Vice-Chancellor in a majority conservative Cabinet – still falsely believing that he could "tame" Hitler.[43] Initially, Papen did speak out against some Nazi excesses, and only narrowly escaped death in the night of the long knives, whereafter he ceased to openly criticize the regime.

On 30 January 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of a coalition government of the NSDAP-DNVP Party. The SA and SS led torchlight parades throughout Berlin. In the coalition government, three members of the cabinet were Nazis: Hitler, Wilhelm Frick (Minister of the Interior) and Hermann Göring (Minister Without Portfolio).

With Germans who opposed Nazism failing to unite against it, Hitler soon moved to consolidate absolute power."

(From Wikipedia: Adolf Hitler's rise to power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Response: And from your own evidence, we see no where that it says that Hitler was not elected by the majority of his party. Thanks for making my point.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Response: No. The common person can translate it. And you reject Islam, which is the bets system. So there is no assumption.
The Koran is patently not "What God knows is best" direct from the source. Whether Islam is the "bets [sic] system" is highly subjective. IOW, it's an assumption you're making.
BTW: what is my religion again???