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Why do you come here? (To atheists)


Um, wouldn't it be more correct to replace the word "no" in this sentence with "any?"

God is not a meaningless word, just as ice cream is not, to somebody that has never seen either one. They have definitions. If I had never had ice cream and I read the definition of the word, I could believe that sounds possible to be made, and of course I'd probably want some.

God can mean a lot of different things, but when somebody puts forward their description you either believe that such a thing exists or you don't. So what is the god you believe exists and how does that not make you a theist?

Not having any image,
is the same as having
no image.

(not having any money,
is the same as having
no money)


Um, wouldn't it be more correct to replace the word "no" in this sentence with "any?"

God is not a meaningless word, just as ice cream is not, to somebody that has never seen either one. They have definitions. If I had never had ice cream and I read the definition of the word, I could believe that sounds possible to be made, and of course I'd probably want some.

God can mean a lot of different things, but when somebody puts forward their description you either believe that such a thing exists or you don't. So what is the god you believe exists and how does that not make you a theist?

I am God.
I design. I create.
I bring things into Being,
with purpose, meaning and intent.

This is one of the "lot of different things"
that God means/can mean.

So, do I exist?

(Bonus-- and am I a theist?)
HINT: I believe in mySelf.
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Atheists are skeptics, and skeptics are those who like to encourage closeminded ignorance. At least agnostic people have a bit more of an open mind toward their learnings. Sometimes I've looked at Christians closing their eyes, bowing their heads, singing and dancing, lifting their hands and screaming at the ceiling, speaking jibberish and calling it "tongues", and I think to myself, "Are they trying to convince me, or themselves?" Christianity is the biggest group of hungry souls not even sure what it is they're starving for. Church has now become a how-to on living your life, rather than a place to get in tune with spirituality and its affect(or lack thereof) on the world today. These key factors have been replaced by hymnals, worship bands, and of course the ultimate cliche on believing in something without reason, faith. For years now I've looked at Christians like people who use a god figure as a crutch, a feeling of stability in this oh-so-hectic life of ours. You know, the whole "invisible friend for grown-ups" concept.
Then I found gold. My curiosity got the best of me and led me down a bunny trail I couldn't trace to save my own life. I ended up in Exodus 30, reading about God commanding Moses to build an alter of incense out of acacia(known throughout the Bible as "incorruptable wood"). I suprisingly found that acacia contains DMT(dimethyltryptamine), which today is a contraversial "drug" holding the line as the only "narcotic" to be named a federal offense. Interesting. Even more of a slap in the face was when I found that the incenses were made of ayahuasca which contains a percentage of DMT much higher than that of acacia. This alter would burn in the tabernacle as men worshipping would inhale the fumes and become euphoric. The Holy of Holies was a small boxed-in area where the high priest would sit with the growing thickness of smoke(some would call this "hotboxing"). He had to have a bell and rope tied to his leg just incase he got too overwhelmed by the spiritual realm and had to be drug out by the others outside.
Then I heard about that church in New Mexico that fought the Supreme Court for their right to use Hoasca Tea(made of ayahuasca) during their worship ceremonies. The church won. They are now allowed use of a substance that would be a federal offense anywhere else.
Then I started hearing the testimonials from those who have extracted DMT and smoked it 100% pure. This is notorious for launching the user's consciousness and causing an "out-of-body-experience" that can never seem to be explained in human wording. Obviously there is a huge gap between where this religion really started and where it is now. This needs to get out because it will change everything. This fake "presence of God" people push themselves to feel while singing hymns or eating crackers & grapejuice for communion, is nothing compared to the spiritual awakenings happening to people right now.
GOOGLE Joe Rogan DMT testimonial or Jim Carey DMT testimonial, this is some weird stuff happening.
Atheists are skeptics, and skeptics are those who like to encourage closeminded ignorance.

this is the first time that i have heard some one calling a skeptic closed minded. if you believe that anything you believe can be disproven by anyone and that everything has a possibility to be true, aslong as there is a logical explanation for it, how can you be close minded?
this is the first time that i have heard some one calling a skeptic closed minded. if you believe that anything you believe can be disproven by anyone and that everything has a possibility to be true, aslong as there is a logical explanation for it, how can you be close minded?

Your "logical explanations" are limited to what you percieve through your beloved Five Senses, you cut yourself off from feeling anything else. You approach everything with a sense of doubt which sums up your experiences before you even have them(or better yet don't have them).


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Do you actually believe that skeptics are so caricatural, Sniffer? I don't think I have ever met such a character.
Your "logical explanations" are limited to what you percieve through your beloved Five Senses, you cut yourself off from feeling anything else. You approach everything with a sense of doubt which sums up your experiences before you even have them(or better yet don't have them).

I believe in much more than what i can detect with my 5 sences, i believe in the magnetic field of the earth, i believe in the usefulness of math.

and it is perfictly sound to presume that anything spiritualy (this was where we ware going isn't it?) would be detectable in some way, because if it cannot be detected in any way, it cannot influence this world in any way. because anything that influences this would should be detectable by the influence that it makes.


I believe in much more than what i can detect with my 5 sences, i believe in the magnetic field of the earth, i believe in the usefulness of math.

and it is perfictly sound to presume that anything spiritualy (this was where we ware going isn't it?) would be detectable in some way, because if it cannot be detected in any way, it cannot influence this world in any way. because anything that influences this would should be detectable by the influence that it makes.

People influence this world.
People's 'spiritualities' influence THEM.
This is all wholly and clearly detectable.
Clearly you don't know the definition of a skeptic. Look at yourself, you're an athiest on a religious forum. If I believed what we see here was the whole puzzle instead of just a piece, I'd definitely be out doing something more enjoyable with the time I've got.
I believe in much more than what i can detect with my 5 sences, i believe in the magnetic field of the earth, i believe in the usefulness of math.

and it is perfictly sound to presume that anything spiritualy (this was where we ware going isn't it?) would be detectable in some way, because if it cannot be detected in any way, it cannot influence this world in any way. because anything that influences this would should be detectable by the influence that it makes.

Your belief system is structured upon things you haven't even subjected yourself to enough to see anything. If you read what I talked about up there, things are happening all over the world that you don't know about. I bet you have no idea that if you and I were on DMT right now we could telepathically communicate. Ridiculous sounding, right? Just because it's not on FOX News I guess. Research it yourself, these phenomenons are happening all over the place.
Clearly you don't know the definition of a skeptic. Look at yourself, you're an athiest on a religious forum. If I believed what we see here was the whole puzzle instead of just a piece, I'd definitely be out doing something more enjoyable with the time I've got.

is that a reasonable arguement on the subject that we ware discussing?
I never said that I was an atheism, I can just as well be a nihilist,a humanist, an agnostic, some one with a liberal sence of a god, or some one with a religion that does not require a god.

maybe you do not know, but there are many religions that do not require a god, many eastern religions work perfectly without a supernatural entity but they are still religions.
this forum has A board specially designed for the discussion of siences. there is a whole board for secular beliefs, there is a whole board for non-revieled religions.

next, you do not need to be religious to be interested in religion, I can percieve this this forum as a place to dicuss peoples world views, their sence of self and others in their world views and their acts according to their world views.

Do you really think that I have les rights than you to discuss something here?

finaly, why challange an atheist into a discussion, if you do not think that this is a place for atheists to have discussions?
Your belief system is structured upon things you haven't even subjected yourself to enough to see anything. If you read what I talked about up there, things are happening all over the world that you don't know about. I bet you have no idea that if you and I were on DMT right now we could telepathically communicate. Ridiculous sounding, right? Just because it's not on FOX News I guess. Research it yourself, these phenomenons are happening all over the place.

I despise fox news,
I do not deny the excistance of any of these things, but i also would not accept them until I have a good reason to do so. If some one gives me a certain account I could study it criticly and with my mind open to any possible outcome.

BUT, if you hear certain accounts, do you think with an open mind? are you willing to accept that those occurences may not be as special as they seem?
finaly, why challange an atheist into a discussion, if you do not think that this is a place for atheists to have discussions?

I challenged no one, I answered the OP's question. And if you remember, the original question WAS about why athiests come here to speak against believers. She wondered what they believe they're getting out of such talk. She wonders this because believers actually think they are saving people by expressing their beliefs, you don't think you're saving anybody, you're just here to blurt. But no, I'm not one to tell you that you can't. Go right ahead, just don't be rattled when we do too.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Your belief system is structured upon things you haven't even subjected yourself to enough to see anything. If you read what I talked about up there, things are happening all over the world that you don't know about. I bet you have no idea that if you and I were on DMT right now we could telepathically communicate. Ridiculous sounding, right? Just because it's not on FOX News I guess. Research it yourself, these phenomenons are happening all over the place.

:facepalm: Hoo boy. I bet you didn't know that if you clapped your hands and spun in three circles you can fly, either.
I challenged no one, I answered the OP's question. And if you remember, the original question WAS about why athiests come here to speak against believers. She wondered what they believe they're getting out of such talk. She wonders this because believers actually think they are saving people by expressing their beliefs, you don't think you're saving anybody, you're just here to blurt. But no, I'm not one to tell you that you can't. Go right ahead, just don't be rattled when we do too.

Im not rattled because of that, Im rattled because you questioned my motives for engaging into this arguement. I do not like to question some one's motives like that, nor do I like to be questioned like that, I would rather have a direct conversation.
See now I like the way you're thinking.

the way I am thinking has not changed at all in the course of this conversation, I remain convinced that you can have a sceptical AND open mind.

now, if I may accuse you for what you accused me, I believe that people who believe in a holy book are more close minded than sceptics because most of them ( see how I acnowledge that there could be exceptions) cannot accept or even consider anything that would even remotly contredict their scripture.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
That's because you've done designer drugs. So have I, trust me. DMT however, is not a drug. It is produced by your pineal gland and when extra is induced your consciousness is hightened and your life is changed. Like I said, dare you to try it. You can call this tripping if you want, but it beats any **** you hear about in Fear & Loathing.

I've done natural things like mushrooms and mescaline. Is salvia natural? I've done the designer stuff too (my favorite was 2CE), but the reason any psychedelics work at all is because there are already receptors in your brain that the active substances latch on to, implying that your brain already has natural psychedelic equivalents.

Yeah, it's possible to trip balls au naturale (especially during oxygen deprivation or high stress) but that doesn't mean your "consciousness is heightened" or that you gain magic powers, sorry. Feeling like you can fly doesn't mean you can actually fly either.