the way I am thinking has not changed at all in the course of this conversation, I remain convinced that you can have a sceptical AND open mind.
now, if I may accuse you for what you accused me, I believe that people who believe in a holy book are more close minded than sceptics because most of them ( see how I acnowledge that there could be exceptions) cannot accept or even consider anything that would even remotly contredict their scripture.
Good you say most, because for all I know the Bible's been tampered with throughout the hundreds of thousands of translations it's undergone. But there are a few facts that are being proven right now, like the fact that people actually were having visions that revealed amazing things to them, and these visions were induced by ayahuasca(DMT). Youtube or google DMT yourself and be blown away, simple as that. And then if you still don't believe me or proof done by others, do it yourself. Induce DMT and watch what happens. They've got a movie based on it coming out next year called Limitless, about a drug that stimulates that other 80% of our minds we "can't" use(we can now). Remember also, DMT is the ONLY "drug" to become a Federal Offense, and it's not even a drug. It's in you, me, plants, and animals.