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Why does God care about Homosexuality?

Mybe god doesent care at all? In hinduism, its better if your not, but if your gay, be happy and love god no matter what, i think that should be the universal view, but then again, it can't be.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
Yeah, we call those ones "flamers". ;)

I do personally disagree with his statement -to the extent that I don't believe they're dead one way or another. The Bible still calls sodomy an abomination to the Lord. -And don't get mad at me: that's what it says.

God will love them if the accept Him, gay or not. God will hate them the same as any (hetros included) who reject Him.

The thing is if you study the etimology of the word "Abomination" you find that at the time it simply meant "Taboo". Or in other words meant that it wasn't really wrong just something that one who is a member of the biblical religions should not partake in. only in the past few hundred years has the word slowly come to mean what it means today. For that matter, back then the word "sin" simply meant "mistake". So neither abomination nor sin had the same connotation back then as they do now. And the same can be said for numerous other words in the bible. The best known example of this definition change is the word "knew". In the bible it means to have sex. But these days it is rarely used in a sexual conotation. If the word "knew" can have it's definition changed so drastically from biblical times to present then it logically follows that other words could have done the same. Which is exactly what happened. In order to understand what the bible is saying you should really look at it in the context of the time when it was written. It helps to avoid such confusion.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
Look it up. It was called GRIDS (Gay-related immune deficiency) because only the gays were originally affected by it

You made the claim which means you need to provide the support. Besides if having a disease makes homosexuality wrong then heterosexuality is very wrong as they have many more diseases.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Look it up. It was called GRIDS (Gay-related immune deficiency) because only the gays were originally affected by it
Mostly gays* in the US, mostly heterosexuals in Haiti.

Does God hate all Hatians, or does His preferred sexual orientation vary by country?

*and not "only" gays, but when the disease was first recognized, it was seen that the incidence rate was higher among homosexuals than heterosexuals, but it's not like the incidence rate in heterosexuals was zero.


Intentionally Blank
Well, most Bible-believing, God-fearing, evangelical Christians find homosexuality disgusting.

And it's also dangerous: GRIDS -better known as HIV/AIDS
So is heterosexuality. The safest form of sexuality is lesbianism. Therefore all women should be lesbians? I find rutabagas disgusting; what's your point? If it disgusts, you, then I suggest you refrain from doing it. Should I be bound by your tastes? In any case, I think the question was, why should God concern Himself with it?


Intentionally Blank
The difference is that we'll get the last laugh. :p

And that's because they're as bigoted as they purport we are. Just listen to yourself, "sticking a penis in another man's rectum is okay, but disagreeing with it is bigotry, and disgusting." Give me a break...

No, it's not the disagreeing that bothers me, it's the insistence of forcing your personal prejudices and tastes on the rest of us. That's just gross.


Intentionally Blank
I agree 100%. I wouldn't ban homosexuality, liberalism, Islam, or anything else: I reserve the right to abhor them, and make it clear that I do. It's not for a Christian to tell others how to live: it's to win souls for the Lord.

Exactly. That's why I defend your right to be an intolerant, prejudiced, intolerant bigot. In America, that's your right. I do however, reserve the right to abhor it.


Intentionally Blank
Last I looked there were about 2 hetros to every 100 homos. So, no.

And the only reason hetros get it is because the homos deliberately let it spread into the hetro population. And then of course the politicians turned AIDS into a political issue rather than a public health issue -because it was predominant in the gay community.
Right. When gay people get AIDS, it's what they deserve, and their own fault. When straight people get it, it's something that gay people did to them, and someone else's fault. Think really hard, Luke. How did the so-called heterosexual men get AIDS, watching Will and Grace?


Intentionally Blank
You're not the first atheist who's said that. And like all the others you'll have no idea what you're talking about...

Stand on technicalities...

They preached openly and ferverently the teachings of Jesus, on whic CHRISTianity is based. Stephen died preaching to the Sanhedrin, and Peter preached in the already obsolete Jewish temple.
That's interesting. What did Jesus teach us about homosexuality? Lesbianism?


Intentionally Blank
The Bible still calls sodomy an abomination to the Lord. -And don't get mad at me: that's what it says.
Well yeah, but so is eating oysters. Wait, bad example, oysters are disgusting. O.K., a B.L.T. then. Big time abomination. Do you have a problem with that?
true, but alot of societys beliefs stem from the bible and there interpertation of it.

Oh? Really? Hindusim, Jainism, Paganism(and the others), Buddhism, Confuciasm(sorry if spelt wrong), Luciferianism, Voodoo, Shinto, Zoroastrian, Native Indians.Not many is it really? :sarcastic Oh and there is plenty more, i just dont know of them.