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Why does God care about Homosexuality?


my personal belief is that it is an iniquity. an inherited weekness. If you are born with an attraction to stealing, you don't act on it and resist it because it is wrong. If you were born with an attraction to the same sex, you don't act on it because it is wrong. ( in Gods eyes, according to my view of the bible:p) had to add that disclamer!

I find this perspective disgusting and dangerous.


Brother Rock
Of which there are many.

What do you consider "god's laws" to be, and do you think they are truly compatible with ideas like freedom of religion and freedom to practice homosexuality?

therein lies the problem. "my" gods laws my be different from a methodist church, or a UU church. Its how you " interpret" the scripture.

thats why although I have the freedom to believe God does not like homosexuality, you have the right to be a homosexual in America. If you don't like what i believe, go to the Homosexual church down the street.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
therein lies the problem. "my" gods laws my be different from a methodist church, or a UU church. Its how you " interpret" the scripture.
Hmm. While there are Christian UUs, I wouldn't consider the UU church as a whole to be a Christian church.

In any case, doesn't the vast spectrum of belief of what "God's Law" actually is (and not just in terms of what code of behaviour is best, but also to what extent that code should be imposed on others) point to the futility of using "God's Law", whatever you believe it to be, as a yardstick for secular law?

thats why although I have the freedom to believe God does not like homosexuality, you have the right to be a homosexual in America. If you don't like what i believe, go to the Homosexual church down the street.
But if you think the laws of the land should match the laws of God closely as possible, wouldn't this be a bad thing?

If God's law is the ultimate law that we should all follow, then isn't valuing freedom, whether it's freedom of action or freedom of belief, really just valuing disobedience to God? The fact that you'd hold up religious belief as a virtue on the one hand and freedom as a virtue on the other tells me that there's more going on here than is being overtly addressed. Actually, I'm having trouble putting my finger on it myself.


Done here.
If you are born with an attraction to stealing, you don't act on it and resist it because it is wrong. If you were born with an attraction to the same sex, you don't act on it because it is wrong. ( in Gods eyes, according to my view of the bible:p) had to add that disclamer!
But why is stealing wrong? Because it's written in a list of forbidden activities in a book, or because it harms others?

Homosexuality isn't wrong, it's merely forbidden to members of certain religions. As long as we're all free to choose our own religion, or no religion, I don't mind religions forbidding whatever they like. They can forbid breathing, if they want to -- in fact, the world would be a better place if some of them did. But something isn't "wrong" just because it's forbidden by religious authority.


Done here.
Well, most Bible-believing, God-fearing, evangelical Christians find homosexuality disgusting.
I've noticed that, just as I've noticed that most rational and intelligent people find Bible-believing, God-fearing, evangelical Christianity disgusting.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Homosexuality isn't wrong, it's merely forbidden to members of certain religions. As long as we're all free to choose our own religion, or no religion, I don't mind religions forbidding whatever they like. They can forbid breathing, if they want to -- in fact, the world would be a better place if some of them did. But something isn't "wrong" just because it's forbidden by religious authority.
I agree. I see legal prohibitions on homosexuality and same-sex marriage in the same way I would see laws that prohibit selling of non-kosher food in supermarkets, or laws requiring every person to pray facing Mecca five times a day. All are imposition of one group's religious beliefs on people who don't believe in them.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
I've noticed that, just as I've noticed that most rational and intelligent people find Bible-believing, God-fearing, evangelical Christianity disgusting.

The difference is that we'll get the last laugh. :p

And that's because they're as bigoted as they purport we are. Just listen to yourself, "sticking a penis in another man's rectum is okay, but disagreeing with it is bigotry, and disgusting." Give me a break...


Veteran Member
I agree. I see legal prohibitions on homosexuality and same-sex marriage in the same way I would see laws that prohibit selling of non-kosher food in supermarkets, or laws requiring every person to pray facing Mecca five times a day. All are imposition of one group's religious beliefs on people who don't believe in them.
I could not agree more. Beleive whatever you want but practice tolerance


Fundamental Bible-thumper
I could not agree more. Beleive whatever you want but practice tolerance

I agree 100%. I wouldn't ban homosexuality, liberalism, Islam, or anything else: I reserve the right to abhor them, and make it clear that I do. It's not for a Christian to tell others how to live: it's to win souls for the Lord.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
he did not " create" homosexuals.

and you know this as FACT? You may not choose who or what you are attracted to , but you choose to act on it or not.

I may like ice cream- too much will make me fat.
i may like to hurt someone- I will go to jail
I may like to cheat on my wife- its not right in gods eyes.
I may be sexually attracted to men - its not right in gods eyes.

see, we all have attractions, we choose to act or not to act on them. ( see adam and eve)

so the " i just feel like it" excuse will not fly in Gods eyes.

The thing is for those other things you mentioned there are logical reasons for why they are wrong. It isn't just a matter of "cause god said so." Being fat causes health problems, hurting someone well hurts someone, cheating on your wife is breaking a promise. However homosexuality and acting on homosexual desires doesn't hurt anyone, provided everyone involved is consentual. So other than "god says so" or in this case "YOUR god says so" there's no reason for it to be wrong. "your God saying so may be enough for you but it is not enough for me or for many other people on this thread.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
Well, most Bible-believing, God-fearing, evangelical Christians find homosexuality disgusting.

And it's also dangerous: GRIDS -better known as HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS is not a gay man's disease. heteroes get it just as often if not more than gay people.


Done here.
The difference is that we'll get the last laugh. :p
If only your people really believed that, maybe they'd invest more time and energy in devoting themselves to their god, and less to browbeating other people.

The truth is, the religion of the Bible-beating fundamentalist has only been on the earth for a short time -- less than two hundred years. It will pass from the earth as all such things do, and when we're dead, each of us will be just as dead as the other. On some level, your people know that, or suspect it, and that's why they invest so much energy in wordly battles of their own making, and so little in their imaginary eternal life.


Flaming Queer
It seems to be a vestigal organ from our herbivorous ancestors:

Source - BBC Science & Nature

Its vestigal nature is a perfectly reasonable explanation for the existence of the appendix in the context of evolution, but as madhatter has pointed out, at this point in the discussion, we are assuming a literal interpretation of Genesis and the direct creation of Adam and Eve by God... i.e. no evolution of humans, which implies no vestigality of the appendix could be possible.

that would depend upon how Christians view the fall of Adam and Eve... Go made them both perfect, and with their free will, when they sinned against God's direct word they became imperfect. bodily disfunctions could very easily been taken into account by the imperfection of humanity after the fall. i guess it depends upon the Christian as to how they view it, but i don't think Christian Theology necessarily rules out evolution after the fall.

And it's also dangerous: GRIDS -better known as HIV/AIDS

yes, because HIV/AIDS is a gay person's disease. :sarcastic

article said:
The tables below (see link) show that 45% of HIV diagnoses have been among men who have sex with men. However, the number of heterosexually acquired HIV infections diagnosed in the UK has risen dramatically over the last 15 years. In 1999, for the first time, the rate of heterosexually acquired HIV diagnoses overtook the rate of diagnoses in men who have sex with men. In 2006, heterosexually acquired infections accounted for 48% of new HIV diagnoses (the peak was 63% in 2003).

AIDS & HIV Statistics for UK by exposure category

gay sex is just as dangerous as any other sex, take precautions and be careful and dangers are seriously reduced. that goes for any sex. and also why abstinence only sex education is dangerous, but let's not go into that one. :p


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The difference is that we'll get the last laugh. :p
I'm not so sure that lording salvation over non-believers is particularily charitable or Christian.

Things are only better for you than the rest of us in the afterlife if two things happen:

- there is an afterlife at all
- you got it right

If the Bible isn't the Word of God, we can completely ignore your pronouncements on what it says as irrelevant. If it is the Word of God, we have guidance on how to interpret it and the people who claim to spread its message: "by your fruits you shall know them." Now... do you think preaching hatred of homosexuals is a good fruit, or a bad fruit?


Fundamental Bible-thumper
HIV/AIDS is not a gay man's disease. heteroes get it just as often if not more than gay people.

Last I looked there were about 2 hetros to every 100 homos. So, no.

And the only reason hetros get it is because the homos deliberately let it spread into the hetro population. And then of course the politicians turned AIDS into a political issue rather than a public health issue -because it was predominant in the gay community.