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Why does God care about Homosexuality?


i stated fact based on the ideas of christianity and the Bible in reagrds to doctrine. and ya'll get butthurt over it. i answered the question of the OP and that's IT. you guys go off on tangents and try to change words and compair it to different subjects that make no sense.


Veteran Member
Homosexuality = Selfishness, carnality, laziness, rebellion, disrepsect, crimes against nature, and sins of Omission. according to.

That's disgusting.

You mean to tell me all homosexual people are selfish and lazy? :areyoucra Prove it.


Well-Known Member
i stated fact based on the ideas of christianity and the Bible in reagrds to doctrine. and ya'll get butthurt over it. i answered the question of the OP and that's IT. you guys go off on tangents and try to change words and compair it to different subjects that make no sense.

Presenting one theological opinion and backing it up with a generalization hardly constitutes facts of anything.

There is also a difference between tangents and analogous reasoning.

I'll note here that on many threads, on many forums, when the issue of human sexuality is discussed in a religious context the fact that intersex people exist seems to be ignored. I assure you they are not tangential to the discussion.

If someone's theology cannot logically include those people than your theology fails. So rather than slander and whine here is an opportunity to learn. It won't hurt your butt that much.


i stated fact based on the ideas of christianity and the Bible in reagrds to doctrine. and ya'll get butthurt over it. i answered the question of the OP and that's IT. you guys go off on tangents and try to change words and compair it to different subjects that make no sense.
That doesn't change the fact that you set about answering the question in a way you knew would cause people to protest it. You made that decision.

And I want to see the Bible passage that says I'm all of those things. You posted it, stand up and show us these facts. Do not act all aloof and as if you are a victim now that people got offended, when you knew they would when you posted what you posted (you are no victim there, buddy). Well, I mean, unless you're acting this way because you have no proof, and you know it? Thus, why address the issue, and instead just chastise us for being "butthurt" over something you knowingly said in an inciting way, but I digress.


Admiral Obvious
i stated fact based on the ideas of christianity and the Bible in reagrds to doctrine.
No you didn't.
You presented your opinions as fact in such a manner as to elicit an emotional response.

and ya'll get butthurt over it. i answered the question of the OP and that's IT. you guys go off on tangents and try to change words and compair it to different subjects that make no sense.
Now you are whining that you got an emotional reaction.
Seems to me that you have perpetual buttburn and feel the need to spread it around.

now, are you going to present the information that THREE people have flat out asked you for or are you going to continue to whine about getting the reaction you solicited?


Flaming Queer
If we're going to start drawing inferences from opinions on anatomy, what can we conclude about God's intent by things like the appendix, which, as far as I can tell, has no function except to unpredictably rupture? That He really wants surgeons to drive fancy cars?

Or do we only get to play the "what was God thinking" game when it comes to the anus?

i'm afraid i don't know enough about the history of human biology to know if the appendix has ever served a useful purpose in the body or if it has just been a lump of useless meat. if it has never served a useful purpose, then you certainly have a good point there.

You have absolutely no idea what youa re talking about and this nonsense is particulalry disgusting.

If you want to go there you could also say that for your Nose, your ear, and your belly button, even empty Eye sockets.... but you don't see that happening except in extremely perverse and disgusting places. stop with your crap and try a real aproach rather than somethign you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

If every person were to turn Gay today, the entire world's population would die off in a single generation.

saying "well not everyone is gay" or that there is enough people having children that people can afford to be gay" is like saying that there's enough people to push a cart, so i'm going to be lazy sit back and watch everyone else work.

So why does the God of the Bible care about homosexuality? because Homosexuality = Selfishness, carnality, laziness, rebellion, disrepsect, crimes against nature, and sins of Omission. according to the Laws set forth in manstream Christian doctrine. It's that simple, question answered.

let's stop this before another "Gay Thread" goes nowhere like all the others that got locked before it, because homosexual community gets offended at anything.

you use some very harsh words to MoonWater in your reply, and rather unjustly i think.

MoonWater's post was refuting the specific argument that anal sex is wrong because it damages the anus. all of the things she mentioned are accurate - so she does know what she is talking about... of course if you want to refute what she said feel free to post an actual refute to it.

Standing_Alone right said that although they probably wouldn't enjoy it, gay people, by the single fact that they are gay, does not mean they can't or wont reproduce. so your argument that humans will die out in a generation if the total population was gay is mute.

on the issue of gay people not reproducing out of laziness, there are many heterosexual couples that don't reproduce. i don't know what you think about them and i don't want to make assumptions... if you think the same about them as you do about gays then at least you are not being hypocritical, no matter how cruel i think that belief is. and of course, if you think differently about them, your discrimination is clear.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
i'm afraid i don't know enough about the history of human biology to know if the appendix has ever served a useful purpose in the body or if it has just been a lump of useless meat. if it has never served a useful purpose, then you certainly have a good point there.
It seems to be a vestigal organ from our herbivorous ancestors:

Organs - Appendix

System: Unknown
Location: Attached to the first part of your large intestine
Physical description: A narrow, muscular, worm-like pouch, usually around nine centimetres long
Function: Unknown

No known function in humans

The appendix has no known function in humans. Evidence suggests that our evolutionary ancestors used their appendixes to digest tough food like tree bark, but we don't use ours in digestion now. Some scientists believe that the appendix will disappear from the human body.

Source - BBC Science & Nature

Its vestigal nature is a perfectly reasonable explanation for the existence of the appendix in the context of evolution, but as madhatter has pointed out, at this point in the discussion, we are assuming a literal interpretation of Genesis and the direct creation of Adam and Eve by God... i.e. no evolution of humans, which implies no vestigality of the appendix could be possible.


Brother Rock
Let's suppose a Creator God exists -- or, at the least, existed long enough to create the universe. Assuming that, why would such a god create homosexuals if that god were opposed to homosexuality?

he did not " create" homosexuals.

Well since homosexuality isn't a choice that's something you should be asking yourself

and you know this as FACT? You may not choose who or what you are attracted to , but you choose to act on it or not.

I may like ice cream- too much will make me fat.
i may like to hurt someone- I will go to jail
I may like to cheat on my wife- its not right in gods eyes.
I may be sexually attracted to men - its not right in gods eyes.

see, we all have attractions, we choose to act or not to act on them. ( see adam and eve)

so the " i just feel like it" excuse will not fly in Gods eyes.


Admiral Obvious
see, we all have attractions, we choose to act or not to act on them. ( see adam and eve)
I do not understand why people continuously refer to Adam and Eve in discussions about homosexuality.

With there being no one but Adam and Eve, how can anyone say that they were not Bisexual?
Fact is, you have no idea.
Because there were no other choices available to them.


Veteran Member
I suspect intolerance originates in repressed desires, projecting these desires onto God is an attempt to validate the repression. I think that this desire to validate repression is the source of the notion that God has any interest good bad or indifferent in human sexuality. If the entire English speaking world decided freely to engage in a homosexual romp I think there are still many bigger issues that should be and are more important to God and us. As long as it's consenting adults let it all hang out I say.


Done here.
I may like to cheat on my wife- its not right in gods eyes.
I may be sexually attracted to men - its not right in gods eyes.

see, we all have attractions, we choose to act or not to act on them. ( see adam and eve)

so the " i just feel like it" excuse will not fly in Gods eyes.
The thing is, nobody has any objective knowledge of "God," so when you say that something is "not right in gods eyes," all you're really saying is that it's wrong is your eyes. Your certainty about what god thinks is just an opinion -- an unsubstantiated and ultimately nonsensical opinion, at that -- even if it's backed up by some holy writings that (in your opinion) convey the thoughts of god. Ultimately, you might as well claim that something is forbidden by your imaginary friend Snuffles.


Brother Rock
I do not understand why people continuously refer to Adam and Eve in discussions about homosexuality.

With there being no one but Adam and Eve, how can anyone say that they were not Bisexual?
Fact is, you have no idea.
Because there were no other choices available to them.

sorry, i should have been more specific, i was referring to them eating the forbiden fruit. yes, they were attracted to it , but they did not have to eat it.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
man and woman were created.
That's fine, but it doesn't answer the question.

Where do you think homosexuality comes from? You've said that you don't think God created homosexuals, but homosexuals do exist; where do you think they came from?

Madhatter's position has been that by considering two individual people, we can discern God's will. What can we discern of God's will by considering all of humanity in its entire variation?


Brother Rock
The thing is, nobody has any objective knowledge of "God," so when you say that something is "not right in gods eyes," all you're really saying is that it's wrong is your eyes. Your certainty about what god thinks is just an opinion -- an unsubstantiated and ultimately nonsensical opinion, at that -- even if it's backed up by some holy writings that (in your opinion) convey the thoughts of god. Ultimately, you might as well claim that something is forbidden by your imaginary friend Snuffles.

true, but alot of societys beliefs stem from the bible and there interpertation of it.

which brings to something i have been thinking about.

thou i believe homosexuallity is wrong, ( in my eyes), in America , you should have the freedom to practice it. ( just like the freedom to pratice the religion you choose).

I still think america is one nation under God, and the laws of the land will continue to try to corolate with gods laws. Again, this is a big debate in this country.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
true, but alot of societys beliefs stem from the bible and there interpertation of it.
Of which there are many.

which brings to something i have been thinking about.

thou i believe homosexuallity is wrong, ( in my eyes), in America , you should have the freedom to practice it. ( just like the freedom to pratice the religion you choose).

I still think america is one nation under God, and the laws of the land will continue to try to corolate with gods laws. Again, this is a big debate in this country.
What do you consider "god's laws" to be, and do you think they are truly compatible with ideas like freedom of religion and freedom to practice homosexuality?


Brother Rock
That's fine, but it doesn't answer the question.

Where do you think homosexuality comes from? You've said that you don't think God created homosexuals, but homosexuals do exist; where do you think they came from?

Madhatter's position has been that by considering two individual people, we can discern God's will. What can we discern of God's will by considering all of humanity in its entire variation?

where dose murder, rape, stealing, cussing, alcoholics, drug addicts, you name it, come from?:shrug:

all these things are something a person DOES , not something a person is.

Many people have an " attraction " to certan things. I do belive homosexuals DO exist ( as far as there are people that have an attraction to the same sex).

my personal belief is that it is an iniquity. an inherited weekness. If you are born with an attraction to stealing, you don't act on it and resist it because it is wrong. If you were born with an attraction to the same sex, you don't act on it because it is wrong. ( in Gods eyes, according to my view of the bible:p) had to add that disclamer!